MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #8

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sigrun, thread #4, post 850 by Lotus:

This is rather frightening. A known pedophile placing himself at the scene of Jacob's abduction just before it happened:
Matthew Feeney (re Jacob Wetterling)
Topics: Jacob Wetterling, Matthew Feeney
The night Jacob was taken I was returning from a Youth Group event and dropping off XXXXXX (who lived across from the Wetterlings) so we were by the 7-11 and drove down the Wetterling road within an hour (if not minutes) of the actual abduction. – Matthew Feeney (October 26, 2010)

Thanks, this is good. Can we find out who he dropped off? If that person can corroborate, yes, we have 3 prime suspects in my mind (and opinion). I would think it wouldn't be hard to verify because the person (a youth?) he dropped off attended the local parish, correct?

~ svh
There is no indication that Kevin's car pulled over or stopped. There was a continuous path of tracks going up, around and back down the driveway and no indication of stopping or starting again. Check with TrackerGd...I believe he covered this already about those tracks in an earlier thread.

Well, I was just going off of what the picture showed. You can see JEW's impression next to a tire track in the middle of the road. The packed section where tires normally run was outside that. This indicates a car either running to one side over pulling over, no?

~ svh
what details about Feeney do you want? He is in jail for child molestation, he was youth group coordinator for the St Joseph church at the time of the abduction. He drove a former police car. He was only 21 at the time of the abduction. He owned a black pistol.

I hate to say this, but a lot of weirdos will claim weird things. I think we need corroboration? If the passenger can validate we would have a good statement. This would explain the K+K anomaly (possibly) and possibly indicate how DR might have known something but not participated.

~ svh
well, sigrun, if anyone lived in the town in 1989 and knew who had a mid to young boy who lived across the street from JW, you could find out who he was.
Well, I was just going off of what the picture showed. You can see JEW's impression next to a tire track in the middle of the road. The packed section where tires normally run was outside that. This indicates a car either running to one side over pulling over, no?

~ svh

No. Those tire tracks are continuously on that side of the driveway. Jacob's print is right next to it. The tracks show no sign of stopping & starting again. I believe that trackergd said you would be able to tell if the car had stopped and started again.
I hate to say this, but a lot of weirdos will claim weird things. I think we need corroboration? If the passenger can validate we would have a good statement. This would explain the K+K anomaly (possibly) and possibly indicate how DR might have known something but not participated.

~ svh

Most crimes of this nature are done by 1 person. You are in the early stages of this and should go back to the 1st thread and ready every single post, news article, see the interviews and pictures and then come back. Lots to absorb, I still can't remember everything even though I've been over all of it...
No. Those tire tracks are continuously on that side of the driveway. Jacob's print is right next to it. The tracks show no sign of stopping & starting again. I believe that trackergd said you would be able to tell if the car had stopped and started again.

Right, but again, all I can do on WS is go by what is available to me. I have a picture that doesn't show the tracks running the full length of the road like that, which would be very odd in any case. Second, we discussed that and I'm not convinced a car stopping and starting would be noticeable from those pictures. In fact, I've seen this dozens of times and no, you can't tell the car stopped. It looks like a continuous, uninterrupted track.

This kind of argumentation is, imo, a kind of special pleading argument where you are actually arguing the less likely in order to avoid the more likely.

~ svh
an article from local news about trying to connect Feeney to JW abduction (ah, silver beat me to it)

Try this link for the Feeney gun pic

Feeney was ruled out because he was with 2 people who verified his presence with them. Airtight alibi, that's why he wasn't looked at. Good link, thank you!
hey you, have you read every single thread, article, post, etc for this case? You only have 84 posts on websleuths. I have been on this case since 2010 and I don't remember every post, every article. We may need to bring old info back up to look through it again if nothing came of it the first time.
It does help to have a good background before posting on a case though.
Also, DR reported that he saw a blue/black 4 door car turn around in his driveway. He made this claim just days after the abduction. Jared also was abducted by someone driving a blue 4 door.

Remember, Dan was hypnotized just weeks after the abduction and noted the blue 4 door with a woman or child in the car. He WOULD NOT have had knowledge of Jared's report of a blue 4 door.

And the Paynesville attempted abductions also reported a blue 4 door.

"On March 9, 1986, the police department received a report of a possible attempted child abduction. While walking near G&T Foods, a 12-year-old boy was asked if he wanted a ride, then asked if he wanted to go to “toyland”. The boy said “no” to both questions and continued walking. The suspect’s car was described as and old blue four-door, square in size."

It amazes me how people can still think DR or Kevin had anything to do with this. The facts remain that 3 reports indicate that a blue 4 door was present in and around the time of 3 separate abductions. None of the individuals who reported the blue 4 door knew of the other two reporting the same thing.

The fact remains that the same vein that runs true amongst all these abductions is the presence of a blue 4 door and a person noting they will shoot someone.

It's time to find out if the Huber's had a blue 4 door during this time period.

I would argue that DR very well could have known about the blue car in Jareds case. It was described in two newspaper articles in February 1989. Additionally, Cold Spring poly indicated they would be talking to the school so staff was aware and could keep an eye out for other information.

DR taught at Ricori in Cold Spring, surely Jared's assault was the talk of the town when it occurred.

Bottom line, I think it's more likely that DR did know about the car, than it is that he didn't.
Right, but again, all I can do on WS is go by what is available to me. I have a picture that doesn't show the tracks running the full length of the road like that, which would be very odd in any case. Second, we discussed that and I'm not convinced a car stopping and starting would be noticeable from those pictures. In fact, I've seen this dozens of times and no, you can't tell the car stopped. It looks like a continuous, uninterrupted track.

This kind of argumentation is, imo, a kind of special pleading argument where you are actually arguing the less likely in order to avoid the more likely.

~ svh

So it's more likely that Kevin, his girlfriend and the 2 other people who were playing cards at the time decided to randomly kidnap a boy (at the last minute) out of a pack of 3 and take him somewhere? For what reason? This is not likely at all, an abduction is generally and almost always done by a single person who prefers to molest and kill in private.
With all due respect, Sigrun why do you keep trying to group all of these suspects together? Most crimes of this nature are done by 1 person. You would know that if you had done your research. Sorry, but you are in the early stages of this and REALLY should go back to the 1st thread and ready every single post, news article, see the interviews and pictures and then come back.

Well, likewise with all due respect, I think the pattern here is that I am looking at all directions without bias while your thinking seems fixated on a specific conclusion. If you have something that justifies that, then that's one thing, but I haven't heard it. I'm totally open to any conclusion at this point. As for the appeal to authority, if there are specific facts that are wrong, please point them out and I'll correct. I just haven't heard any yet. We might disagree on logic and how we reach conclusions, but that is not the same as being "factually" wrong.

~ svh
So it's more likely that Kevin, his girlfriend and the 2 other people who were playing cards at the time decided to randomly kidnap a boy (at the last minute) out of a pack of 3 and take him somewhere? For what reason? This is not likely at all, an abduction is generally and almost always done by a single person who prefers to molest and kill in private.

No, it is unlikely that a car drove up the edge of the driveway all the way to the house. It is unlikely that a car is guaranteed to show starting and stopping action on pictures of limited quality in the first place. As for the back story you're talking about, I do not know yet.

~ svh
The police believed the witnesses who said Feeney was with them. And yes, I have read from page 1, thread 1 until here. I was a long time lurker before I signed up. Jacob's case has always hit close to home. It's a parent's worst nightmare. You finally give your child some extra freedom and on that very day, the absolute worst thing happens and he is abducted in front of his brother and best friend right around the corner from your home. It's chilling.
The police believed the witnesses who said Feeney was with them. And yes, I have read from page 1, thread 1 until here. I was a long time lurker before I singed up. Jacob's case has always hit close to home. It's a parent's worst nightmare. You finally give your child some extra freedom and on that very day, the absolute worst thing happens and he is abducted in front of his brother and best friend right around the corner from your home. It's chilling.

I agree that if we can't independently corroborate his presence there he is not a first choice for inquiry. If anyone has a source on that passenger it would help. Meanwhile I'll look myself.

~ svh
Lets try to get facts right:

JW taken from the ditch and led into DR's driveway. Tire tracks and shoe prints visible. Nike shoes believed to be the same size and style of Jacob's.
Perp was same height as Merle according to Trevor (child), the 911 caller, 5 foot 10, 195 with a "stocking-type" thing on his head (unsure if it was a ski mask or nylons, but there was something bunched up in the back like the remaining part of nylons) with a "shiny thing" believe to be a gun.

Known people at the scene:
Jacob's brother and friend
DR, has no alibi (no arrest record)
Kevin, who was with his gf (unknown of prior record)
Feeney (priors for molesting boys) who claims to have an alibi that was possibly checked out by LE
Bahner brothers (priors for molesting boys) who claim to be in the ditch with Lou in a car, Ben Bina (lengthy arrest record) claims to have seen the brothers that night.
After seeing the location with my own two eyes I did get a feeling about the place. Has anyone else seen DR's massive wood pile as of lately? One word sums it up Shrine. It's immaculate to the minute detail. Along with two other smaller woodpiles. A smaller one is visible from the road. First thing I thought was shrine. The person I was with used to work with sex offenders. First thing thought was look how much pride he takes in that masterpiece. Hand by hand, hours and hours of devotion. It is a work of art. A masterpiece as big as a building. Perfectionist in need of control. I couldn't breath it was off the charts. We didn't go any farther. So I checked and I couldn't find any research of actually removing the wood pile in 2010. Initially they looked to the side of it but back then it would've been smaller in comparison. Imo it represents accomplishment. But what lies beneath it? Another thing it stands right in the center of it all! It symbolizes something and he can visit the site any time he chooses. Words do not do it justice and he has more wood than anyone needs. Could it be that obvious? Imo some piece of evidence is in there! The person didn't believe me that it was a driveway.. but now I'm glad I witnessed that!

Thanks for this, Silverngold.

Didn't DR make some mention of his woodpile the night of the abduction? He was shining a flashlight on it since he heard a disturbance, maybe?

All I remember is, I do remember DR specifically mentioning his woodpile.

Could this have been a "Tell?"
Wrong. I was in Jared's grade and a friend. This was kept very quiet. In our grade we had 186 students, so everyone knew everyone. It was my friends dad who offered Jared a ride (which he declined) back to his house.

With that said, and I'll restate this, if you believe Jared and Jacob were abducted by the same individual than you are of the belief that DR is innocent.

DR taught at Ricori in Cold Spring, surely Jared's assault was the talk of the town when it occurred.
Camille, do you know the brothers in real life? They look so much alike

No, I do not know the Rassiers in real life. Several years ago, I saw these marathon photos online and immediately assumed that the names were switched, because the one labeled Kevin looks exactly like DR, and the one labeled DR looks less like him, IMO. I have read that DR has brothers, so I figured Kevin Rassier must be one of those brothers. If I could figure out how to post the two marathon photos side by side, next to a photo of DR from one of his interview tapes, I would do it! Or maybe someone else could do it?
The only known people at the scene during the abduction are Jacob, Trevor, Aaron and the perp. The others are just speculation and can't be placed at the scene during the abduction.

Lets try to get facts right:

Known people at the scene:
Jacob's brother and friend
DR, has no alibi (no arrest record)
Kevin, who was with his gf (unknown of prior record)
Feeney (priors for molesting boys) who claims to have an alibi that was possibly checked out by LE
Bahner brothers (priors for molesting boys) who claim to be in the ditch with Lou in a car, Ben Bina (lengthy arrest record) claims to have seen the brothers that night.
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