MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #12

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Craig Cheatham @CheathamKMOV · 40m

Interviewed .@ChiefSLMPD today about city police role in #Ferguson, and latest on deadly police shooting in city. Story on @KMOV at 6.

Craig Cheatham @CheathamKMOV · 7m

.@ChiefSLMPD admits STL City police fired tear gas in #Ferguson on first night crowd was gassed, and did it again state police command.

Craig Cheatham @CheathamKMOV · 1m

.@ChiefSLMPD had criticized police response in #Ferguson saying he did not support "tactics" used in crowd control.

Craig Cheatham ‏@CheathamKMOV 2m
.@ChiefSLMPD admits he wasn't in #Ferguson first 2 nights. He was there later, and was there when STL police fired tear gas on crowd.

Craig Cheatham ‏@CheathamKMOV 2m
.@ChiefSLMPD admits STL city police officers used tear gas on crowd before and after change of command in #Ferguson. Story on @KMOV at 6.
(snipped by me)

I agree-- intimidation is the goal. However, I have to wonder the avg 'type' of person who qualifies/is chosen to serve on a GJ. I would hope they at least are registered to vote (isn't that how you're called?) and have gone thru some sort of vetting process. My addtl hope is that these aren't people who would be rioting/looting in the streets-- probably relatively sane people and can't reason thru facts.

And as sure as I say that, juries have been stupid-- acquitting OJ and Casey Anthony and not putting Jodi Arias to death. I guess anything is possible.

Although I have to say - I recall many cases where I thought the guilty went free...which can be attributed to "reasonable doubt." But I don't recall any cases with THIS TYPE OF COVERAGE convicting someone that I felt was innocent.
Wonderfully stated all the way through. Can you just imagine what would happen if "white leaders" were to come on national television stating that a black officer shot a white suspect and needs to be arrested immediately or there would be no peace??? WOW!!!

There would be no need to do that he will automatically be arrested tried and sentenced to life in record time jmo
I think all the LE involved in Ferguson right now?

Any ideas of what this could be about? I haven't seen a whole lot of pressers in this case. Anyone find this odd, or could this possibly have to do with the GJ? Or would a presser related to the GJ be called by the prosecutor?
Yes it did. I remember how we all eagerly awaited the doc dumps. Then our own Muzikman would upload them for us. :)

And then we neglected our family, house and job for days :giggle:
There would be no need to do that he will automatically be arrested tried and sentenced to life in record time jmo

I know you stated that it was just your opinion, but based upon what? Are there any cases known to you that this has happened? Where a black officer was arrested for the shooting death of a white unarmed suspect and they were just arrested, tried and sentenced to life in record time?
For me they are non-issues, as I do not believe OW would have ever tried to pull someone the size of MB into his vehicle. Honestly, the mental picture of it is just ridiculous - no offense. (Your point about the height of the vehicle only further makes the situation unbelievable.)

Here is the thing - in order for you to believe this....just HOW UNFORTUNATE that MB just so happens to happen upon the most out-of-his-mind, hysterical, trigger-happy racist cop that is hell-bent on murdering an unarmed black teenager just 15 MINUTES after he strong arm robbed a convenience store???

I mean...seriously....what do you think the odds of that are?

Just how tiny was OW? No one seems to have that info. And what about the "get the f off the street"? LE chief has vacillated between OW have no knowledge of the robbery and having knowledge.........seriously, why didn't he say from the get go that MB matched the description of the robbery suspects?

..out-of-his-mind, hysterical, trigger-happy racist cop that is hell-bent on murdering an unarmed black teenager..
I don't believe that.

MB is 6'4, +/- 300 pounds and he's going to dive into LE's SUV for OW's gun. I don't even think he could squeeze his shoulders in through the opening of the window, let alone lift his weight to do it. And I don't believe OW tried to "pull MB into the vehicle". NEVER said that.

I believe it's more of a question of physics. Waiting for the re-enactment.
Originally Posted by TheDuchess
Wonderfully stated all the way through. Can you just imagine what would happen if "white leaders" were to come on national television stating that a black officer shot a white suspect and needs to be arrested immediately or there would be no peace??? WOW!!!

But, you know, it was be reasonable for these opportunists (aka black leaders) to make thse same demands for ALL black killings. It shouldn't matter if it's white/black, brown/black or black/black, etc. If they demanded the same 'justice' for all black crime, I could consider getting behind it. Especially since the largest majority of crime against blacks are from other blacks-- 93% of of AAs killed are at the hands of other AAs (see source below).

So for this 'pick n choose' mentality of Trayvon, MB and a few others, but to ignore the countless deaths in Chicago which are almost all black/black, for example, makes these 'leaders' a joke.

(link above cites DOJ)
Craig Cheatham @CheathamKMOV · 40m

Interviewed .@ChiefSLMPD today about city police role in #Ferguson, and latest on deadly police shooting in city. Story on @KMOV at 6.

Craig Cheatham @CheathamKMOV · 7m

.@ChiefSLMPD admits STL City police fired tear gas in #Ferguson on first night crowd was gassed, and did it again state police command.

Craig Cheatham @CheathamKMOV · 1m

.@ChiefSLMPD had criticized police response in #Ferguson saying he did not support "tactics" used in crowd control.

Craig Cheatham ‏@CheathamKMOV 2m
.@ChiefSLMPD admits he wasn't in #Ferguson first 2 nights. He was there later, and was there when STL police fired tear gas on crowd.

Craig Cheatham ‏@CheathamKMOV 2m
.@ChiefSLMPD admits STL city police officers used tear gas on crowd before and after change of command in #Ferguson. Story on @KMOV at 6.

This is from an interview right?

No one is talking about a press conference on CNN or FOX :dunno:
Wonderfully stated all the way through. Can you just imagine what would happen if "white leaders" were to come on national television stating that a black officer shot a white suspect and needs to be arrested immediately or there would be no peace??? WOW!!!

Thank you, Duchess.

That is one of the reasons this entire case has been so puzzling to me. I don't understand why it is seen as acceptable for one race to make terroristic threats. And it is acceptable since none of the ones who have threatened violence over and over again have been arrested. They seem to be able to say what they want without one bit of personal accountability.

Yet if another race came out and said the exact same things ...I cant even begin to imagine the outrage and uproar it would cause. OMG! It would be an all out war. IMO It would also be wrong wrong as the ones who are doing it now.

Imo, wrong is wrong. It is absolutely wrong for ANYONE to threaten an entire town if they don't get the indictment. It is absolutely wrong on all levels for anyone of any color to try and intimidate a GJ and I believe that is exactly what they are trying to do. They know this GJ is not sequestered. They know someone is going to tell them that threats have been made against them. And it is so easy to find out who is on a GJ panel. They arrive and leave court everyday. I am sure the media knows all of their names by now. The threats which have been made throughout are no less egregious than one who is trying to tamper with a witness in a case.

The color of one's skin should never give any race a right to lob terrorist threats against anyone or an entire town. The race should be irrelevant and when terroristic threats are made by anyone of any race.......they should be held fully accountable in a court of law.

All of it is done in order to incite more violence against Ferguson. By their threats they are holding the entire town of Ferguson hostage. It is like they don't really care about all of the innocent citizens who lives in Ferguson who will be caught up in the violent firestorm should the GJ decide the shooting was justifiable. Those who threaten to do harm must see all of the many other innocent citizens and business owners who provide people with jobs..... as expendable or collateral damage.

I would be terrified if I lived in Ferguson. I did see a AA lady at one of the PCs and she was already voicing her concern about not feeling safe in her own home.:( She said innocent people had already been beaten/robbed and their homes invaded.

How anyone can justify that in the name of MB, I don't have a clue. Well now they have been told that if there isn't an indictment Ferguson hasn't seen anything yet! That has to put fear in every person living there including those on the GJ.

This has been one of the strangest cases I have kept up with in over thirty years.:(

If the people speaking with the media are truth tellers then what they say will remain the same. If they are not, and are interviewed multiple times by the media, and tell different stories, then I think that can turnout to be a good thing because those interviews can be entered at trial if they were conflicting statements. It can help to weed out those who aren't credible. And honesty is a must in any criminal trial no matter which side they testify for.

They will be picked apart even if they are otherwise truthtellers. Anybody and everybody is going to have some minor inconsistencies if they tell the same story more than once. Take an auto accident case. Statement in the police report. Statement to insurance company. Statement in deposition. Testimony at trial. Every single witness that testifies at trial will have at least one of those prior statements brought up due to some inconsistency. The question becomes how many of them and do they go to main points. All JMHO.

I do wish we had OWs statement but we aren't going to be privy to that until the GJ is over with. I think if we had his statement it would make things so much clearer. It is sure a disadvantage for him with only one side being told over and over again ad nauseaum.

In the long run, it will work to his advantage. In the short term, I hear ya, but it will pay off in the long run to remain quiet.

Some seem to think that any statement he makes will be self serving but I don't believe that way at all. I believe OW has much more to gain by telling the truth and the truth is never self serving but simply is the truth. OW is no dummy, this is his field of expertise, and he knows his statements to all law enforcement agencies must line up with the AR and all of the other evidence that will be collected.

It will be self-serving and well it should be. If MB had his hands up, I would fall over in my chair if DW came out and said as much.

What has been ridiculous in this particular case is the many talking heads including political talking heads/AA leaders have already deemed OW guilty and some of them have even made terroristic threats on what is going to happen to the town of Ferguson if OW is not indicted. That has made me wonder if I truly live in America or some third world country. We pride ourselves on the concept of UIPG except in this case and so many totally disregard OWs constitutional rights as an America citizen. Since when have we become a nation that holds people "hostage" if they do not indict someone? That is nothing more than trying to strong arm someone by duress and intimidation into voting one way only even if the evidence doesn't support it. It is worse than yelling 'Fire!" in a theater because all of the threats made by many are serious ones and they mean what they say. I actually think anyone who incites violence of any kind should be arrested and charged. I also believe that some of the politicians who have espoused such threats should be charged with 'abuse of power.' If that happened so many through all of this drama would be doing jail time. Yet nothing is being done about it just like nothing was done at first to the criminal thugs and looters who were stealing businesses blind and burning them down.

This I agree with 100%. On both sides. They have to take a position that it was justified or unjustified and they run with it. How about just reporting the facts and holding back on judgment until everything comes out. All the other stuff does is inflame both sides and makes matters worse. I have learned to despise the nation outlets. I haven't seen terroristic threats but I haven't watched much lately. I have seen people predict what will happen, but that's come from both sides of the fence.
I'm surprised there is such little attention given to the the detail that both the witness Paige or whatever her name is (sorry) and DJ said that MB was falling to his knees as he was raising his hands and getting shot again.

So how can he be falling to his knees and "charging" at the same time?

Someone who is about to charge is going to be standing up. How can you feel threat from someone who is slumping to his knees?

Two witnesses said that same thing and they said it right after the killing.

We are still waiting to hear what OW says, and at this point, frankly, he's had weeks to come up with a story that takes into account what the other witnesses say as well as what videos show and what the new audio tape shows. So talk about being able to tailor your story to the evidence. I'm not saying that's what will happen, I'm sayiing the other witnesses spoke up right after the murder, so they didn't have time to change their stories or tailor their stories.

Having said that, we the general public don't matter. What matters to OW is going to be just the 12 people sitting on his jury, if it gets there. So I think it's actually smart of him NOT to talk.


OW told his story to investigators awhile ago. Just because 'we' are not hearing his story, that does not mean it hasn't been told on videotape already.

As for falling to his knees, that could have happened AFTER he turned and charged. He may have turned and been coming towards the officer, and then eventually fell to his knees as he went down.
This is from an interview right?

No one is talking about a press conference on CNN or FOX :dunno:

Yes, those tweets are from an interview the reporter did and is airing on their news tonight. I posted 2 tweets from 2 different media about the 4pm PC. Give Fox/Cnn another 20 minutes.
Any ideas of what this could be about? I haven't seen a whole lot of pressers in this case. Anyone find this odd, or could this possibly have to do with the GJ? Or would a presser related to the GJ be called by the prosecutor?

I find it very odd too. I agree with you that I would think anything GJ related would come from the prosecutor. Have no idea what this could be about and my kid has his first high school game at 4. Heading out now so once again will rely on you good folk to pass on the nitty gritty. Thanks once again.
In any case like this there will be a lot of speculation about what happened. We need to remember that when speculation is passed on by the rumor mill, "what if" tends to become "I heard".
Maybe tox reports came back? Speculating on what presser is for.
There would be no need to do that he will automatically be arrested tried and sentenced to life in record time jmo


Since you are saying this would automatically happen would you please support your post with an actual link showing that is factual.. where everyone can read it? To have this position you surely must have read where it has happened. Are you saying all black cops get life in prison when they are involved in a shooting?

I haven't seen too many cops sent to prison for life unless it as for corruption or they murdered someone while off duty etc. I have seen them convicted of manslaughter both voluntary and involuntary so I am very interested in reading your supported link when you provide it.

hi there ree!

Actually i wish more would be revealed but that is for my own selfish reasons.:d

i don't think speaking out really hurts an investigation. It is what it is and will be.

If the people speaking with the media are truth tellers then what they say will remain the same. If they are not, and are interviewed multiple times by the media, and tell different stories, then i think that can turnout to be a good thing because those interviews can be entered at trial if they were conflicting statements. It can help to weed out those who aren't credible. And honesty is a must in any criminal trial no matter which side they testify for.

I do wish we had ows statement but we aren't going to be privy to that until the gj is over with. I think if we had his statement it would make things so much clearer. It is sure a disadvantage for him with only one side being told over and over again ad nauseaum.

Some seem to think that any statement he makes will be self serving but i don't believe that way at all. I believe ow has much more to gain by telling the truth and the truth is never self serving but simply is the truth. Ow is no dummy, this is his field of expertise, and he knows his statements to all law enforcement agencies must line up with the ar and all of the other evidence that will be collected.

What has been ridiculous in this particular case is the many talking heads including political talking heads/aa leaders have already deemed ow guilty and some of them have even made terroristic threats on what is going to happen to the town of ferguson if ow is not indicted. That has made me wonder if i truly live in america or some third world country. We pride ourselves on the concept of uipg except in this case and so many totally disregard ows constitutional rights as an america citizen. Since when have we become a nation that holds people "hostage" if they do not indict someone? That is nothing more than trying to strong arm someone by duress and intimidation into voting one way only even if the evidence doesn't support it. It is worse than yelling 'fire!" in a theater because all of the threats made by many are serious ones and they mean what they say. I actually think anyone who incites violence of any kind should be arrested and charged. I also believe that some of the politicians who have espoused such threats should be charged with 'abuse of power.' if that happened so many through all of this drama would be doing jail time. Yet nothing is being done about it just like nothing was done at first to the criminal thugs and looters who were stealing businesses blind and burning them down.

It has been a very bizarre set of events. I have never seen anything quite like it...especially concerning all the terroristic threats that have been made throughout this case.

Great post!!
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