MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #15

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All of the witness who came forward and willing to speak publicly. My mistake for not making that clear. :)

Yeppirs, all the witnesses who came forward and wanted to be all over tv. How about those witnesses that didn't want to come forward to the media because after all, snitches get stitches.
Link please to this "sent immediately as a bad shoot"

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You are just gonna double dog dare me! :) Give me a few. "bad shoot" was my term, I'll regret it. (blush)
I think the only thing we might all be able to agree on is that if you have to lie about the truth ~ it makes even the truth look dirty.

I agree, but I don't think he was outright lying. We saw the reports. Even the huff post guy said he submitted a request for info, though he is sketchy about whether or not he specifically asked for the surveillance video.

I can easily see people asking him for the info about the robbery, and his expecting a flood of official ones (in the form of FOIAs).

If he were a great speaker, he would have qualified it better, no doubt. But from all I've seen of him, he goes deer in the headlights when you put a camera in front of him.

So, like I said, in a police chief, I don't look for polished performances. If the reports even from his opponents are true that he's a good guy who's been trying to fix the department, and this "lie" is the worst anyone can dig up on him, I'm pleasantly surprised.

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This may have been linked already, but interesting RE Ferguson and a past use of force complaint.

Wow, what a ridiculous system - the accused officer writing up the report on himself? And no one following up or tracking it?
No wonder it was so easy for them to say OW had a clean record, INHO! The whole force must have a clean record if this report is true.
We need more heonesty and less pro-active PR BS. ALL MOO.
From Aug. 18/AP article about the "Key Players":

"Thomas Jackson was a police veteran long before he came to Ferguson. He spent more than 30 years with the St. Louis County Police Department, at one point serving as commander of the Drug Task Force. Before that he was a SWAT team supervisor, undercover detective and hostage negotiator."
So what. He was playing a chess game with Crump, who was saying a choir boy was executed on the way to Grandma's house. The chief needed to change the game up. And he did. I appreciated the information.

I would have trusted other information if he hadn't felt the need to lie. Coupled with his revised story about what precipitated the incident, it't troubling to no tbe able to trust LE. He lied to all of us- not just Crump. Inexusable, IMHO.
Can you pm me the link on youtube? I am not sure which video I am looking for?

***** I'll give you the narrative because I can not handle the cursing in the background and it's really hard to hear because of it. TIFWIW

#1 How’d he get from there to there?

#2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck


#2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him


#2 Then the next thing I know he coming back toward him cus - the police had his gun drawn already on him –

#1. Oh, the police got his gun

#2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like – but he kept coming toward him


#2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing

#1 The Police?

#2 The Police shot him

#1 Police?

#2 The next thing I know … I’m thinking … the dude started running … (garbled something about “he took it from him”)
No we have only a piece of Wilson's story from Belmar who refuses to say more. When I said all witnesses I should have been clearer. All witness that are willing to speak publicly. Facts are facts. I love facts. So far we have few. I see many who have decided that boy needed killing. No one will talk about the fact that this was sent to STL County LE immediately as a "bad shoot" No one thinks Chief Jackson's actions were CYA or suspect because of politics.... Hell no.... it was because some "lies" are better than others. (Littlewhitelies are better) SMH

RBBM, octobermoon. I don't see anyone at all who had decided MB "needed killing." I am one who is leaning toward thinking it was unavoidable but am still waiting for facts ~ but I find it hard to believe anyone thought what you said. Is this just an exaggeration for drama?
Yeppirs, all the witnesses who came forward and wanted to be all over tv. How about those witnesses that didn't want to come forward to the media because after all, snitches get stitches.

Yep. That and the fact that the responsible PDs keep witness and other evidence under the belt, because a) they don't want to give people information they could use to tailor make their testimony to fit, and b) they know that the appropriate time and place for the hearing of it is in the courthouse. Not a soapbox.

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How about all those who don't wan't WSluethers to rummage thru their social media accounts? hmmm?

I have a fake FB account.

I'm very private...for a very good reason! Too many whackos in the world!

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Wow, what a ridiculous system - the accused officer writing up the report on himself? And no one following up or tracking it?
No wonder it was so easy for them to say OW had a clean record, INHO! The whole force must have a clean record if this report is true.
We need more heonesty and less pro-active PR BS. ALL MOO.

We have been warned not to discuss the internal investigations until the mods give us a thread for it.

But before anyone takes that one-sided story (and the others repeating it) at face value, keep in mind that, one, it was before chief Jackson came in to fix things.

And two, everyone should read the judge's actual ruling, here:

It's an easy read, and these scandalous reports are shown to be non-credible within the first few pages, under "undisputed facts".

And BTW, the lawyer for this very man complimented Chief Jackson.

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But didn't he say he had media requests for the details of the theft? And he sat on it as long as he could, and then he had to release it and didn't want to release OW's name without the requested info on the robbery because that would look like he was withholding info. That's what I thought he said, anyway.

Yes, the Chief lied in great detail, in order to justify sliming the young man. I think people realized that and the revised story about OW being aware of the "robbery" (called in as shoplifting, btw) were PR BS, and it inflamed things. It was a very poor choice. MOO.
From Aug. 18/AP article about the "Key Players":

"Thomas Jackson was a police veteran long before he came to Ferguson. He spent more than 30 years with the St. Louis County Police Department, at one point serving as commander of the Drug Task Force. Before that he was a SWAT team supervisor, undercover detective and hostage negotiator."

He also graduated from the FBI Academy and has won merit awards.

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Yes, the Chief lied in great detail, in order to justify sliming the boy. I think people realized that and the revised story about OW being aware of the "robbery" (called in as shoplifting, btw) were PR BS, and it inflamed things. It was a very poor choice. MOO.

Brown was a grown man almost 300 pounds,6'4" and 18 years old.


If the young MAN was "slimed" he alone was responsible for his behavior. IMO
it's relevant. It demonstrates his state of mind 10 short minutes before his death.


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RBBM, octobermoon. I don't see anyone at all who had decided MB "needed killing." I am one who is leaning toward thinking it was unavoidable but am still waiting for facts ~ but I find it hard to believe anyone thought what you said. Is this just an exaggeration for drama?

Just my interpretation of what has been posted. I was probably oversensitive. :(
For those that think Chief Jackson should not have released the convenience store robbery and assault videos, or that this truth somehow "smears" the reputation of MB, consider this thought experiment.

Assume for a minute MB and DJ entered the same liquor/ convenience store. Instead of robbing the store of cigarillos, and assaulting the clerk, pretend MB selected some snacks and a soft drink. Pretend MB brought the items to the register, and paid for them. And pretend that during that process, the clerk, the same small man, came around the counter (to where we could see him clearly on video) felt ill, grabbed his own chest, and collapsed to the floor. Picture MB concerned, and immediately dropping to his knees to render aid, to see if the man needed help, and if he was breathing. Then picture Big Mike pulling out his cell phone to call 911 to get an ambulance for the collapsed shopkeeper. The ambulance arrives, takes the clerk off in a stretcher, and MB and DJ exit the store thru the front door. And assume that all that was recorded on about 4 different video surveillance cameras.

Now continue the thought experiment to include all of what happened during their stroll down the middle of the street, and the encounter with OW, that resulted in MB assaulting the officer in his patrol vehicle, and struggling to take his weapon, and the officer shooting MB and killing him.

Would that hypothetical convenience store video surveillance video have been relevant to what happened 10 min later? Should it be suppressed, since no crime was committed? Should it be released, because it shows exactly what a Gentle Giant and a kind man MB was 10 min before his death? Should it be suppressed because the hypothetical video shows MB in a positive light? Would THAT kind of a video be relevant, or irrelevant?

The truth is the truth. And the truth always shows what kind of a person someone really is. In this case, the truth is that MB was committing strong arm robbery and assault 10 min before the encounter where he died. Hugely relevant.

The video shows us exactly what kind of mindset MB was in 10 min before the encounter that directly lead to his death. It wasn't a shoplifting video from years ago-- it was 10 minutes before the encounter with OW. Ten minutes. Highly, highly relevant. And it would be beyond irresponsible to not release it, IMO.

And I would feel exactly the same if the video was the "hypothetical" in my thought experiment. It was released, as it should have been. And IMO, it should have been released before all the riots, burning, and looting occurred. Earlier release may have squelched the riots, saved store property, and prevented the police overtime for the riots, had it been released and handled more promptly, and more transparently from the very beginning.
Brown was a grown man almost 300 pounds,6'4" and 18 years old.


If the young MAN was "slimed" he alone was responsible for his behavior. IMO
it's relevant. It demonstrates his state of mind 10 short minutes before his death.


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And the Chief is being slimed now because of HIS deceptive statements, pretending he was under sooo much pressure from so many sources, what a crock. He was responsible for reassuring people that the investigation was impartial and honest, and he blew it big time, IMHO.

Really foolish time for him to be screwing with the trust of the public! I hope for his own sake they actually started taking reports of police abuse seriously, instead of allowing them to file their own reports, and then burying them. That might change my mind about him.
I think if MB had been involved in a strong-armed robbery 10 months or even 10 days before the shooting, it would be a lot less pertinent information about MB's state of mind at noon on August 9. I think that what he did 10 minutes prior to the shooting is very relevant to help determine his mood/ mindset ten minutes later.
If we had video showing that Michael Brown had flu symptoms at 11:50 that day, I think that would paint a different picture for us too.
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