CONVICTION OVERTURNED MO - Kent Heitholt, 48, found murdered, Columbia, 1 Nov 2001

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I'm hoping a decision in Ryan's favor comes down by Friday.

I've been following this case for years. The more I learn about it, the more shocked and outraged I become. It's astonishing how the justice system could have failed this young man so badly at every turn. Even more astonishing is how some people remain convinced of his guilt despite the fact that there is no credible evidence suggesting he did it, and a lot of evidence suggesting he didn't.

How any rational person with two brain cells to rub together could look at the record and conclude that Ryan Ferguson killed Kent Heitholt is simply beyond me.

The officers in charge of this "investigation" should be investigated themselves, the jurors who found him guilty should be ashamed of themselves, and Kevin Crane should be in prison.
I'm hoping a decision in Ryan's favor comes down by Friday.

I've been following this case for years. The more I learn about it, the more shocked and outraged I become. It's astonishing how the justice system could have failed this young man so badly at every turn. Even more astonishing is how some people remain convinced of his guilt despite the fact that there is no credible evidence suggesting he did it, and a lot of evidence suggesting he didn't.

How any rational person with two brain cells to rub together could look at the record and conclude that Ryan Ferguson killed Kent Heitholt is simply beyond me.

The officers in charge of this "investigation" should be investigated themselves, the jurors who found him guilty should be ashamed of themselves, and Kevin Crane should be in prison.

Wow still nothing.

Wonders if the now Judge Crane understands the idea of brain cells. Sorry that was catty but dang this is getting ridiculous.

Shakes head at the conduct of the officers as well. Ok make that the entire investigation.
I can't believe Judge Green is still sitting on this, particularly in light of his promise to rule "swiftly".
Ferguson's co-defendant, Chuck Erickson, recanted his testimony at an evidentiary hearing in April. The court did not find Erickson's recantation to be credible.

The ruling also states that the recantation of witness Jerry Trump did not undermine the court's confidence in the original jury's verdict.

Note: Link above has 40-page decision attached.
Ferguson's co-defendant, Chuck Erickson, recanted his testimony at an evidentiary hearing in April. The court did not find Erickson's recantation to be credible.

The ruling also states that the recantation of witness Jerry Trump did not undermine the court's confidence in the original jury's verdict.

Note: Link above has 40-page decision attached.

Thanks for posting this. My week is crazy.

I figured when it was taking so long that this may be the outcome.

I am going to have to go through the judges ruling and see where his issues where at.

I will bet it was with the ever changing stories of Erickson for one.

Kathleen Zellner I am sure will appeal this. As well I need to do a quick search and see if this judge is elected or appointed. That is usually one of my first clues.

ETA Just read Udb's main points. I want to look up what case laws he cited as well.
Read the judge's ruling. It's full of holes, I have no doubt it will get reversed on appeal and this poor kid will finally be let out.

But the question about this case that has nagged me more than any other remains: who killed Kent Heitholt?
Read the judge's ruling. It's full of holes, I have no doubt it will get reversed on appeal and this poor kid will finally be let out.

But the question about this case that has nagged me more than any other remains: who killed Kent Heitholt?

I guess when a prosecutor can get a judge to set a 20 million dollar bail amount as he did in Ryan's case, one realizes there is more involved. One would think Ryan was a terrorist, major player in a drug cartel et al.

From a quick glance over his ruling, it does appear to me that the "good ole boys club" was working overtime.

How terribly disheartening. I have alot of faith in Kathleen Zellner.

We are talking a very small window of opportunity here especially if we take into consideration Boyd's timeline. Take your pick of which one.

KH was what 6' 4" thus not a small man and was murdered in I will state an approximate time span of 6 minutes. Could be a few more.

One thing that has always perplexed me is that this was halloween, yet neither were described as being in costume. That I don't believe has ever been stated in the transcripts. Will have to look them over again.
Read the judge's ruling. It's full of holes, I have no doubt it will get reversed on appeal and this poor kid will finally be let out.

But the question about this case that has nagged me more than any other remains: who killed Kent Heitholt?

Maybe Kent Heitholt was killed because he owed money to the wrong people. Was KH's financial situation ever investigated ? I believe I read somewhere that KH had filed for bankruptcy a few years before the murder. He wouldn't have been the first sports editor to be heavily involved with sports betting if that was indeed the case.
Maybe Kent Heitholt was killed because he owed money to the wrong people. Was KH's financial situation ever investigated ? I believe I read somewhere that KH had filed for bankruptcy a few years before the murder. He wouldn't have been the first sports editor to be heavily involved with sports betting if that was indeed the case.

---No, they did not look into his background much at all. So we don't know whether there's any information to support the gambling debt theory, but it strikes me as infinitely more plausible than 2 drunk high school kids looking for more money to buy drinks from a bar that had closed an hour earlier.

The Columbia Police Department came to 2 conclusions very early on in the investigation that I think were either unsupported by or contrary to the evidence: 1) the 2 kids that the cleaning staff saw were the killers and 2) the killing was random.
Just now learning about this case through the The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander Murder Trial Facebook page. I still have much reading to do (and will do so after the Jodi Arias trial is complete) but my preliminary feeling on this is that an innocent man is sitting behind bars and politics is keeping him there. Nothing incenses me more than that. We are supposed to have the greatest judicial system in the world but that premise gets knocked down when you introduce cases like this, the WM3, and when people like Casey Anthony are walking around free.

Good luck to Ryan and his family.
This case really baffles me. How on earth could this have happened to Ryan? I hope that he is free soon. He should never have been arrested. How have we become a society that imprisons people with NO evidence? It's a very scary world.
The Accuser
February 23, 2013 6:45 PM

Ryan Ferguson is serving 40 years for murder. Now his accuser says it was all a lie. Can "48 Hours" help him get his life back? Erin Moriarty reports.

The Accuser - 48 Hours - CBS News

Extra: Chuck Erickson interrogation
March 26, 2011 7:22 PM
Watch excerpts of Columbia, Mo. police interviews with Charles "Chuck" Erickson, who dreamed that he killed Columbia Daily Tribune sports editor Ken Heitholt.
Extra: Chuck Erickson interrogation - 48 Hours - CBS News

Extra: Ryan Ferguson interrogation
March 26, 2011 7:41 PM
Watch excerpts of Columbia, Mo., police interviews with Ryan Ferguson. Ferguson was implicated by his friend, Chuck Erickson, who dreamed that Erickson killed Columbia Daily Tribune sports editor Ken Heitholt.
Extra: Ryan Ferguson interrogation - 48 Hours - CBS News
Does anybody know about the hair evidence? Does it come from a white person? Or from a black person.

The killing does look personal. I suppose that whoever killed Kent, could have use the keys to get into the newspaper building....and even get into personal files.
Maybe Kent Heitholt was killed because he owed money to the wrong people. Was KH's financial situation ever investigated ? I believe I read somewhere that KH had filed for bankruptcy a few years before the murder. He wouldn't have been the first sports editor to be heavily involved with sports betting if that was indeed the case.

This is a good point and one which should be explored.

This was a very sloppy investigation.
Does anybody know about the hair evidence? Does it come from a white person? Or from a black person.

The killing does look personal. I suppose that whoever killed Kent, could have use the keys to get into the newspaper building....and even get into personal files.

I don't recall seeing this information.

I am trying to think back if this was even disclosed during trial. I would think the defense would or should of been privy to it. It should of been part of the discovery.

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