MO - Lindsay, 8, & Samuel Porter, 7, Independence, 6 June 2004

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Bumping for these two sweet little children.

I think about them and their mother a mother myself I can't even begin to imagine what this woman is going through...............everyday must be a constant struggle to just get through and be strong and keep the hope alive that your children are a live and safe somewhere....................that SOB that calls himself their "father" is sick sad terribl human he coudl do this to his own children and torture their mother wiht the not know where her babies are and if they are alive and safe is just horrible.

I pray every day that these two sweet children will be returned safely to their mother.
A probation revocation hearing for Daniel Porter today was rescheduled for Nov. 23 — just over two weeks after his scheduled trial for kidnapping his children.

Jackson County prosecutors allege Porter, of Independence, violated a June 2004 protection order when he visited his former wife. He later pleaded guilty and was placed on probation.
Within hours of his arrest last year, Dan Porter told authorities on several occasions that he killed his children.

Sam and Lindsey Porter have not been seen since their father picked them up June 5, 2004, in Independence for a weekend visit, and many family and friends have always feared the worst— despite Porter’s conflicting accounts of what he did with the children.

Yet today Porter, 42, is sitting in jail and awaiting trial only on kidnapping charges. Prosecutors say that is because it takes more than a confession to make a murder charge stick.

After he was arrested, Porter told the Grundy County sheriff, a deputy and Independence police that he killed the children. One time Porter said he strangled them. Another time he said he cut them up. Or that he threw them in a river. Porter also has said the children are alive, but he refuses to disclose their location.

Independence police have Porter’s incriminating statements on video and audio tapes that were made during nearly 40 hours of interrogations.

Nonetheless, Sanders says he does not consider the statements Porter has made to be an actual confession.

But interviews with Porter’s friends, family members and co-workers reveal a pattern of suspicious behavior exhibited by him in the days before the children disappeared:

An area prosecutor who won convictions in two high-profile murder cases with missing bodies said Porter’s statements, and other circumstantial evidence uncovered by The Kansas City Star, could be significant.

“That’s certainly powerful stuff,” Johnson County District Attorney Paul Morrison said. “I don’t know the facts of the case, but certainly, you’ve got motive, you’ve got disappearance for a long period of time, and you’ve got statements.”

But Morrison acknowledged that murder cases without bodies are difficult.
As the search for Sam and Lindsey Porter moves into its second year, some questions remain and new ones have been uncovered by The Kansas City Star that raise further concerns about the investigation.

Why hasn’t the FBI been involved?

Why wasn’t Porter’s pickup truck searched more thoroughly after his arrest?

Why didn’t police keep a possible clue?

Why didn’t police search more of the areas where Dan Porter used to hunt?

Why didn’t police search a farm in northern Missouri?
It sounds like county attorneys across the nation have been told there isn't enough money to prosecute any but the most obvious cases. There are so many cases that seem obvious to all of us but yet nothing is done. jmo

Also, it makes me wonder just how and what made these woman attracted and committed to such evil men. I'm not judging them...just wondering how these men could pretend to be a caring reasonable person and turn out to be so opposite. also jmo
I am wondering about their LE. I looks like has uncovered a lot of their mistakes. And why wasn't the FBI brought in way earlier? That info about the sandal is a shocker. Why didn't the LE get more of that info?
mysteriew said:
I am wondering about their LE. I looks like has uncovered a lot of their mistakes. And why wasn't the FBI brought in way earlier? That info about the sandal is a shocker. Why didn't the LE get more of that info?
I'm not subscribed to so I don't know about the sandal! What's up with that? thx
richandfamous said:
I'm not subscribed to so I don't know about the sandal! What's up with that? thx has been doing their own investigation in this case and they have uncovered some evidence and are asking some really really interesting questions.
The mother found the sandal in the trunk of her car, it had some imbedded gravel in the shoe, there was also gravel in the bottom of the trunk. It was her son's shoe. She took that and some drugs she found in the truck to the LE. They kept the drugs and gave the sandal back to her.
To read the articles go to and enter the url. They will give you a user name and password for use on the site.

Is this case in Kansas City MO or KS??? Can't seem to find the answer to that. Maybe "someone" should put some pressure on the Chief of Police!
richandfamous said:
Is this case in Kansas City MO or KS??? Can't seem to find the answer to that. Maybe "someone" should put some pressure on the Chief of Police!

I think that was the purpose of the articles. The paper is pushing the police- we can find out this info, why haven't you? Why aren't you getting the FBI involved? Why isn't more of an investigation being done? Now there will be public pressure on LE to answer the questions.
They are re running the Dr Phil show about the woman friend of the father tonight. It makes me furious all over again! That woman knows something and she should be in jail. omg...she is horrible!
OMG, I haven't really been following this case but I caught the Dr. Phil rerun today and I have to say that the friend of the father, Lisa, is pathetic. She absolutely knows more than she is saying, as evidenced by her own words on the show. The childrens mother showed more class and restraint than I ever would have. To quote Jennifer Aniston, this lady "is missing a sensitivity chip"!!! For petes sake, this woman is a mother herself and loyalty in a friendship can only go so far. She exudes a personality disorder. I am willing to bet that Lisa is a sicko who has always been in love with Mr. Porter, heck she even named her daughter after him, and is so jealous of the wife and kids that she is enjoying this situation. Mr. Porter is a sicko as well, which makes them perfect for eachother. No wonder there is so much loyalty there.

I am heartbroken for the mother and cannot even begin to imagine the pain and frustration that she is going through. I honestly do not know how she makes it through every single day. My thoughts and prayers are with her.
Nothing new on this case? I want to kill that father. That poor mom knowing the father knows where those kids are or what happened to them and he won't say. How can she stand it.

If the cops can't beat the truth out of this pig then put him in a cell with someone who will. If other prisoners find out that this guy may have murdered his children or has hidden them from the mom they will go after him.

This creep should have no rights. He has taken away the rights of his ex and his children. Maybe they should just cut his tongue out if he doesn't want to use it to say where those kids are. I feel so frustrated so I can't even imagine how that mom is feeling.

Does this creep think that he can't be tried for murder x 2? Maybe they should charge him and tell him they are going to ask for the death penalty. After all this time they have to assume that he murdered his children...he threw their clothing away, etc, etc, so they have enough circumstancial evidence. Maybe the creep isn't ready to go so far as to be put to death if the kids are still alive. This guy is playing a game with his ex and the his bluff for pity sake.

The darn system is so screwed up. If I was that ex and I could get a gun into the jail or prison I would blow that smug azzholes brains all over the room. Then I would pled insanity because this situation would make anyone crazy.
Sounds like LE is really on the ball :mad: :furious:
Bobbisangel said:
Nothing new on this case? I want to kill that father. That poor mom knowing the father knows where those kids are or what happened to them and he won't say. How can she stand it.

If the cops can't beat the truth out of this pig then put him in a cell with someone who will. If other prisoners find out that this guy may have murdered his children or has hidden them from the mom they will go after him.

This creep should have no rights. He has taken away the rights of his ex and his children. Maybe they should just cut his tongue out if he doesn't want to use it to say where those kids are. I feel so frustrated so I can't even imagine how that mom is feeling.

Does this creep think that he can't be tried for murder x 2? Maybe they should charge him and tell him they are going to ask for the death penalty. After all this time they have to assume that he murdered his children...he threw their clothing away, etc, etc, so they have enough circumstancial evidence. Maybe the creep isn't ready to go so far as to be put to death if the kids are still alive. This guy is playing a game with his ex and the his bluff for pity sake.

The darn system is so screwed up. If I was that ex and I could get a gun into the jail or prison I would blow that smug azzholes brains all over the room. Then I would pled insanity because this situation would make anyone crazy.
Sounds like LE is really on the ball :mad: :furious:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
I could nto have said it better myself!!
I felt the same way about the fathers friend. What is wrong with that woman?

KT Can said:
OMG, I haven't really been following this case but I caught the Dr. Phil rerun today and I have to say that the friend of the father, Lisa, is pathetic. She absolutely knows more than she is saying, as evidenced by her own words on the show. The childrens mother showed more class and restraint than I ever would have. To quote Jennifer Aniston, this lady "is missing a sensitivity chip"!!! For petes sake, this woman is a mother herself and loyalty in a friendship can only go so far. She exudes a personality disorder. I am willing to bet that Lisa is a sicko who has always been in love with Mr. Porter, heck she even named her daughter after him, and is so jealous of the wife and kids that she is enjoying this situation. Mr. Porter is a sicko as well, which makes them perfect for eachother. No wonder there is so much loyalty there.

I am heartbroken for the mother and cannot even begin to imagine the pain and frustration that she is going through. I honestly do not know how she makes it through every single day. My thoughts and prayers are with her.
‘I can’t wait to get to prison’
Father of missing children defiant

The Kansas City Star

"Let ’em think that they’re dead,” said Daniel Porter, in a recent telephone call from jail. “That way they don’t have to worry so much about finding them. … I’d rather die than give them the satisfaction.”
On the eve of Porter’s kidnapping trial, The Kansas City Star obtained more than eight hours of recordings of his jailhouse conversations through a Missouri Sunshine Law records request. The calls were made to a friend and to some of Porter’s relatives from early 2005 through mid-January.

In the calls from the Jackson County Detention Center, Porter said the more he’s pressured to talk, the deeper he’ll dig in his heels.

“I can play the game, too,” he said. “I’ll be happy in jail.”

In the recordings, Porter talked very little about his children, spending most of the time ridiculing authorities and bad-mouthing his ex-wife, Tina Porter, the children’s mother. He revealed that he enjoyed being a jailhouse celebrity and that he had planned for at least a month to take the children.

And, he said, he expects to be found guilty.

There is audio here from Dan Porter. He sounds so cocky and so immature! How is it possible that a person could hate their spouse more than they love their children?

He thinks he is going to enjoy prison. Maybe he could be put in a cell where he would be intimidated into talking? This may sound sick, but I wonder if he'd rather be raped by a male inmate or disclose the whereabouts of his children. He did say he'd be happy in jail. Do you think you would be after being raped?
This guy is so proud of himself. He makes me sick.

A man who has refused to reveal the whereabouts of his children for nearly two years was found guilty Thursday of kidnapping the youngsters to terrorize his ex-wife.
The jury took about four hours to convict Daniel Porter, 42.

Porter has given various accounts of what happened to his children -- that he killed them, that he sold them, that they are now a part of a *advertiser censored* ring....

Prosecutors had hoped the sentence would persuade him to reveal his children's whereabouts.

A man who has refused to reveal the whereabouts of his children for nearly two years was found guilty Thursday of kidnapping the youngsters to terrorize his ex-wife.
The jury took about four hours to convict Daniel Porter, 42.

Porter has given various accounts of what happened to his children -- that he killed them, that he sold them, that they are now a part of a *advertiser censored* ring....

Prosecutors had hoped the sentence would persuade him to reveal his children's whereabouts.

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