GUILTY MO - Tyler Dasher, 1, Affton, 15 Nov 2011 - #2

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I don't know exactly.. he seems to be trying really hard to "sell himself" and in turn, her. I wish I could get a better look at his shirt.. the letter design looked like an SRH (Stoners reeking havoc) shirt.

lol I just had to look that up! Kottonmouth Kings definately sounds like a stoner band.
I suppose it could be South Park but everything I see from them is usually brighter colors.
Looks like a south pole tee shirt to me OLG.

Interesting interview, seems like a good enough kid. He's articulate. This poor kid (he's a kid to me at my age) bless his heart, this is going to be with him for the rest of his life.

She texted him at around 10:30 (between 10 and 11 AM). Saying good morning what are you guys doing. He says she texted him from the computer. He called her once he got up and they chit chatted it seems. She told him that Tyler was still sleeping and he knew that was unusual because he was up by 6:30 AM. And Tyler takes his first early morning nap by 10 or 11. She invited him over for breakfast.

Him and his roommate walked over to her house because she said yes the roommate could come and she was going to cook breakfast for the three of them.

He gets tears in his eyes and says he took a shortcut through the cemetery to go to her house.

Man that is hard to watch him he is really torn up about this. :(

She was downstairs when he and his roommate got there and she said she wanted to go outside and smoke a cig and she said then I'll go inside and wake up Tyler.

She finished her cig and then went inside to wake up Tyler and then came outside screaming "where's my baby, where's my baby"?

he ran into check, ran back outside and she was in driveway calling her Mom. To see if she had Tyler.

Mom came and fell on the ground in the driveway crying.

That's when he picked up the phone and dailed 911 himself.

Later one he says the Grandmother was in the house. That Tyler got up every morning at 6:30. That she didn't have to be at work until 7:30. He wants to know where she was in that small house while Tyler was being beat to death. Why she didn't wake up?

JMHO but I believe this kid.

______okay I rarely do this but I have been known to do it once or twice_____

Edgar, from listening to you talk I know there is a good chance you've read here when you were looking for info on what happened to Tyler.

I know I'm just a faceless anonymous person posting on a website but I want you to know I"m so sorry.

I can tell you are a good person. It shows in the way you express yourself.

Edgar, you will never understand this, it's beyond your comprehension because those of us that aren't capable of doing this just can't fathom the mindset of those that can.

You may think now that you know Shelby or that you knew her well. Here is the hardest thing you will have to accept other than the beating death of Tyler. You didn't know Shelby, you only knew what she wanted you to know.

I'm sorry. I will probably not forget you for a long time. I follow a lot of the cases and you touched my heart with your kindness and compassion for Tyler just in the way you've spoken about him in this video.

Take care and God bless you.

~kat~ (my real name)
It is just a gut feeling,unfortunately a momster type mom is he mother of my grandson,her boyfriend or baby daddy#3 of 3 children looks the same way when he talks to me about my grandson baby #2,I and many other s including school principal reported him to DYFS for child abuse within 1 month of her meeting him and moving 2 kids in with him,same old story she gets pregnant with his kid 1 month after abuse comes out.DYFS does nothing as usual kids get labeled liars.Every time we pick up Grandson every other week boyfriend acts just like this guy.Concerned and buddy buddy with him.All BS.......Same tone of voice ,mannerism.
My kids wore south pole about 5 years ago. They aren't thugs. Just saying.
It is just a gut feeling,unfortunately a momster type mom is he mother of my grandson,her boyfriend or baby daddy#3 of 3 children looks the same way when he talks to me about my grandson baby #2,I and many other s including school principal reported him to DYFS for child abuse within 1 month of her meeting him and moving 2 kids in with him,same old story she gets pregnant with his kid 1 month after abuse comes out.DYFS does nothing as usual kids get labeled liars.Every time we pick up Grandson every other week boyfriend acts just like this guy.Concerned and buddy buddy with him.All BS.......Same tone of voice ,mannerism.

I'm sorry, that must be horrible! I hope your little one and his siblings will be ok. :hug:
My kids wore south pole about 5 years ago. They aren't thugs. Just saying.

Oh sorry! I was talking from personal experience about kids in MY area! And mostly I do see South Pole on younger teens. No offense intended.
It is just a gut feeling,unfortunately a momster type mom is he mother of my grandson,her boyfriend or baby daddy#3 of 3 children looks the same way when he talks to me about my grandson baby #2,I and many other s including school principal reported him to DYFS for child abuse within 1 month of her meeting him and moving 2 kids in with him,same old story she gets pregnant with his kid 1 month after abuse comes out.DYFS does nothing as usual kids get labeled liars.Every time we pick up Grandson every other week boyfriend acts just like this guy.Concerned and buddy buddy with him.All BS.......Same tone of voice ,mannerism.

Yeah, I don't know the guy but I don't get a good vibe. :hug: hope your grandbaby is safe
It's okay flutter! I reread what I wrote and that was pretty snippy. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to be snippy, I should have used a smiley icon. :)
I'm sorry, that must be horrible! I hope your little one and his siblings will be ok. :hug:
Thank you,it is a nightmare but he is my world,LOL I swear that boy is worth the fight ...........
Believe me when I say I am watching like a hawk,I smile in his face and act like I believe him.Grandson clams up and won't say boo but he (abuser)and DYFS have been told by me if I get 100% proof he can kiss his A@@ goodbye.Not a threat but a promise.They closed out case said unfounded but over 1 yr later they still make weekly visits to check on kids.I have been trying to get a group together to change DYFS in NJ. I will never stop going after them EVER!
I am curious though. He confirms that Grandma was in the house. Is it possible that she didn't hear him or Shelby assaulting him? What do you all think? I'm pondering this hard.
It is a TOS violation to sleuth anyone that isn't a suspect or POI in an investigation (you know post it on the boards). It can result in a TO or worst case scenario a ban from the website but a ban takes a few offenses.
You all think that the interview shortens the timeline?

Grandma had to be at work at 7:30.

Shelby texted this guy at or around 10:30.

If Shelby didn't assault Tyler until after Grandma left the house that means that Tyler was assaulted, died and she carried him to the cemetery and dumped him prior to 10:30 AM and then what?

ETA: wonder what Shelby would have done if boyfriend didn't wake up in time to come to call 911? This has got me pondering hard!
I am curious though. He confirms that Grandma was in the house. Is it possible that she didn't hear him or Shelby assaulting him? What do you all think? I'm pondering this hard.

I have a feeling she put a pillow over his face and then beat him to death, she might have taken him out of the house during the early morning before her mom got up.She might have left a doll under covers in his crib in case her mom checked on him before she left for work.Just typing this is making me ill.
I am curious though. He confirms that Grandma was in the house. Is it possible that she didn't hear him or Shelby assaulting him? What do you all think? I'm pondering this hard.

I think it is possible he doesn't know what he's talking about.

I think it would be very unlikely that Shelby could kill Tyler in such a violent manner without grandma hearing if she was in the house...unless Shelby did it between the time she came home and when grandma woke up. If grandma didn't peek in and check on Tyler, and her bedroom was on another floor of the house, I guess it's possible.

I do not believe for one second that grandma left that house knowing that Tyler was dead. How do we know that grandma, Tyler and Shelby weren't all awake before grandma went to work? We don't know that. Or maybe Tyler woke up and grandma spent a little time with him, but put him into bed with Shelby when she left for work thinking Shelby would get her sorry butt up and take care of him.

There is so much we just don't know yet.
It is possible that the first blow from Shelby killed Tyler or knocked him unconscious. In which case grandma would have heard the baby cry, then silence. She would think that 'mommy' picked him up, gave him a bottle or whatever. But I'm betting that Grandma left for work, Tyler woke up, Shelby killed him and disposed him and then went home to wait for the next act of her 'play' to begin.
If she was not drunk or high...............then she planned this out IMO.
I have a feeling she put a pillow over his face and then beat him to death, she might have taken him out of the house during the early morning before her mom got up.She might have left a doll under covers in his crib in case her mom checked on him before she left for work.Just typing this is making me ill.

Yikes! That made my eyes go very wide (sorry I'm a little punch drunk, been up for 14 hours now, waiting for a football game to be over here so I can pick up kids).ETA: Not 14, it's been 17 hours. Sorry. LOL

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