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DNA Solves
Angels_Not_Forgotten said:
do you think his "finding God" may just be a ploy to get the public to feel less harsh about him?

I think it's a ploy to get major attention and sympathy from those around him ... sitting their teary-eyed with scriptures.
golfmom said:
I think it's a ploy to get major attention and sympathy from those around him ... sitting their teary-eyed with scriptures.
I agree, GM.

Although I believe his tears may be real. I do not believe he is crying for Janet.

I believe he is crying because he has made a shambles of his life, and he doesn't know how to fix it.

I also believe that he knows he will never again find such a wonderful girl as Janet.

He is treating the kind, Godly people in his ward, including his bishop, with incredible disrespect. He is a fraud and they will see through him soon enough.
Moxie said:
Although I believe his tears may be real. I do not believe he is crying for Janet.

I believe he is crying because he has made a shambles of his life, and he doesn't know how to fix it.
"Torment of the damned" comes to mind...
Oh man, to see that bald chubby puke cry would make my day, how lucky can those around him get!
terminatrixator said:
Oh man, to see that bald chubby puke cry would make my day, how lucky can those around him get!
Believe me, it ain't that great.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Well any prospective employers, should definitely check this out, since he lives in Utah now.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Pursuant to Utah Law, Utah is a "closed record" state. This means that individuals can obtain a copy of their own Utah criminal history, but may not obtain a copy of another individuals' Utah criminal history.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I'm an employer. Is there any way I can get criminal backgrounds of my present and future employees? - There are several options available to employers, depending upon their qualifications.[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Working with children and vulnerable adults - Utah Law 53-10-108 allows qualifying entities to request Utah criminal history information. Public law 105-251, the Volunteers for Children Act which amended the National Child Protection Act of 1993, was enacted October 9, 1998 to allow these same qualifying entities to request fingerprint-based national criminal history record checks of their volunteers and employees. For more information, download the Application Form.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fiduciary Funds, National Security, Statutory Authority - Utah Code Annotated 53-10-108 allows the release of Utah Criminal History information to qualifying entities. Determination of your agency's eligibility may be made by referring to this code. If your agency qualifies, download the application.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Other Employers - If your agency does not fall under one of the two categories mentioned above, your only option is to request that your employees apply directly to BCI for a copy of their own criminal history. (Find out more about obtaining a copy of your own Utah criminal history record.)[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For more information, please contact BCI at 801-965-4445.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Return to Criminal Records Home Page[/font]
Isn't working in a bike shop considered working with children and vulnerable ADULTS?????
Hello, I am new to this site. I used to work with Raven at MarketStar. I can understand why he did not post this on his resume but he was fired from that job under suspension of embezzlement. Market Star never prosecuted him because they were concerned Hewlett Packard would find out. Please keep this story alive until justice is served.

HPUtah, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this and Welcome you sincerely.

Thank you so much!

Justice will be served for Janet.
One more thing, hopefully you don't have to run into him again.

It is my full belief he murdered once, and should be considered extremely dangerous and twisted and sick.
Thanks HPUtah for the piece of info. And welcome to the site! (See I do welcome people in who share something useful!) Oh, and HPUtah, do you have any idea about how much money he could have embezzled?

Isn't there a saying or something about dogs returning somewhere? He did it before with Market Star and he did it again at Eurosport. Just got caught that time. He'll foul up again.
Seems like Raven believes in getting rich quick schemes, why work for it when you can just take it. Isn't his Momma into Get Rich Quick Schemes too?
HPUtah said:
Hello, I am new to this site. I used to work with Raven at MarketStar. I can understand why he did not post this on his resume but he was fired from that job under suspension of embezzlement. Market Star never prosecuted him because they were concerned Hewlett Packard would find out. Please keep this story alive until justice is served.

Good to have new names in here HP..thanks for posting. What would have happened if HP found out that raven was embezzling from Market Star? I wonder if Janet knew raven was stealing from MS...probably not since he didn't get arrested.

So let's see....he got fired from Market Star, got fired from Eurosport, got fired from some unknown job days before Janet was murdered, got fired from Cingular.....wonder what else we will find out about raven's successful career??:loser:
I think the bike store owner needs to keep an eye on all merchandise tightly and monitor The Raven's every move myself.

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