Morgan to Depose George, Cindy & Lee

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Yesterday the transmission of the hearing kept breaking up and the Sentinel only has a partial recording of it, so we may never have the answer to my question. Did BC tell the judge that the A's have made no public appearances since Caylee's remains were found ? I thought he did. If so, did he lie to a judge, in a court of law, during a legal proceeding ? Aren't there consequences for that ?

I would love to find a link to the whole proceedings from yesterday. But, from reading the play by play, or listening to Kathi B, I believe BC did tell the judge this. Which is odd, since BC was right next to GA on Geraldo, talking about how HE thought it was the best thing for George to be out in other people's tragedy...
Does anyone see a relapse comming on with GA? Is CA going to be the next reported Anthony to have to seek intense counseling for anger frustration depression in the next couple of weeks, keeping them from a depo? Since the beginning of the case unfolding we have always given the A family the benifit of doubt each time they make a move we can't understand under their circumstances. Add all those instances up to date and I think it shows obstruction. CA, GA and now BC are trying to play a skilled game of chess with Morgan. I feel the A's moves are a strategy right now. If they haven't been recieveing counseling as BC stated one of those two is going to have to think of a mental illness ploy. From a song, "They (the A's) aren't crazy they just know too much" Maybe the judge feels these depos are going to be revealing as to what the A's know or don't know and this info could be used at KC's trial so Judge Strickland once again wants all I's dotted and T's crossed. I feel Judge Stricklands compassionate demeanor is more about, "Lets not make any mistakes before trial"

I agree with you on the bolded. However, I believe the A's have been playing this game for quite awhile. IMO
Originally Posted by songline
YES it was in that long report earlier this week.

What long report earlier THIS week?

I was looking for that report for you; could not find it but maybe this helps.

Results of several forensic tests on items taken in December have not been released yet. But one analysis released last week — that the FBI found no fingerprints on duct tape from the crime scene — was not good news for prosecutors.
I watched NG last night (as usual) and she was angry that GA and CA are trying their best to avoid being deposed by ZG's lawyer. I waited in vain for someone on the show to state the obvious: their real reason for not wanting to do these depositions NOW. (I am confident that that real reason has been brought up somewhere on here by someone, but I haven't read enough threads to find it.)

This civil lawsuit by ZG is a perfect trap for the Anthonys. If they give certain sworn testimony NOW about the ZG/imaginary nanny issue, that sworn testimony will become a wonderful tool that the prosecution can later use to nail them if/when they are called (by either side) as witnesses in Casey's murder trial.

It's my understanding that Casey's defense in the civil suit is something along the lines of 1)"yes, I meant ZFG, but not THAT ZFG" and/or 2) "everyone knows my lies are so frequent and elaborate that no one seriously thought THIS lady kidnapped my daughter... therefore, no harm, no foul... no damages due."

So if CA or GA testifies in deposition (under oath) and says things which will further either of the two defenses above, then they will be simultaneously discrediting the nanny story which needs to be plausible and strong in order to work as a defense to murder.

It goes without saying that if/when the parents testify in either the deposition or the murder trial, attorneys questioning them will be pre-armed with EVERY recorded statement, including those which were sworn under oath, that they have made throughout this period since the murder. And everything that is inconsistent about each witness' statements will be brought up. Having an inconsistent prior statement on the record will destroy GA's or CA's ability to protect their precious daughter in her murder trial, no matter how much they may want to help her beat the rap.

Incidentally, while I want Casey to get what's coming to her, I note that it is fairly usual to stay a civil proceeding against a criminal defendant, until the criminal court matter is resolved. But that hasn't been done here. BUT I do note that Morgan is apparently unable to force Casey to testify (for now) in the civil suit, due to her "taking the Fifth," which she can legitimately do at this point. A long time ago someone on here pointed out that this shield of the 5th amendment would save the other Anthonys from having to testify in the civil suit for now, and that that might be why their lawyer(s) were playing up the possibility that other members of the family (besides Casey) might be charged with a crime in this mess. Of course, now it appears that they aren't in any serious jeopardy, so there goes that chance... leaving them to use their "fragile emotional state" as another possible out.

Sorry this is so long; just trying to sound things out.
But how long can we expect to delay this? From some pundits, Casey's trial may take up to a year to get under way. Does ZFG have to wait THAT LONG? And if she does, that's not really justice.

I'm betting the Judge gives them just one chance. All will grow weary with the Anthony's thinking they are above the law. If they are only telling the truth about what they know, how can it possibly harm the trial? It can't harm the search for the truth and that is what the law is supposed to be about. Let the chips fall where they may and get this process under way.
But how long can we expect to delay this? From some pundits, Casey's trial may take up to a year to get under way. Does ZFG have to wait THAT LONG? And if she does, that's not really justice.

I'm betting the Judge gives them just one chance. All will grow weary with the Anthony's thinking they are above the law. If they are only telling the truth about what they know, how can it possibly harm the trial? It can't harm the search for the truth and that is what the law is supposed to be about. Let the chips fall where they may and get this process under way.

I so wish the the law in this country was about a search for the truth. Unfortunately, it is not. It is about what the prosecution can prove, down to the smallest inconsequential minutiae. Everyone in the courtroom, including the defense, can know in their hearts that a defendant is guilty, yet that defendant not be convicted, based upon a huge intellectual game of chess. IMO. Let the rock throwing begin.
Originally Posted by songline
YES it was in that long report earlier this week.

What long report earlier THIS week?

I was looking for that report for you; could not find it but maybe this helps.

Results of several forensic tests on items taken in December have not been released yet. But one analysis released last week — that the FBI found no fingerprints on duct tape from the crime scene — was not good news for prosecutors.

they never said Casey's prints were not on the tape, just the rest of the Azs. we don't know if Casey's are on there or not since that wasn't released, and I think you have that backwards it was not good news for the defense.
I so wish the the law in this country was about a search for the truth. Unfortunately, it is not. It is about what the prosecution can prove, down to the smallest inconsequential minutiae. Everyone in the courtroom, including the defense, can know in their hearts that a defendant is guilty, yet that defendant not be convicted, based upon a huge intellectual game of chess. IMO. Let the rock throwing begin.


and there should be charges against BC for lying in court. It is a shame that the other attorney was prepared to counter this lying.
I so wish the the law in this country was about a search for the truth. Unfortunately, it is not. It is about what the prosecution can prove, down to the smallest inconsequential minutiae. Everyone in the courtroom, including the defense, can know in their hearts that a defendant is guilty, yet that defendant not be convicted, based upon a huge intellectual game of chess. IMO. Let the rock throwing begin.

Well this is certainly true to a great extent. I am starting law school next month and there is NO way I could be a defense attorney for that very reason. I could defend someone I absolutely knew was getting the shaft, but I could not make it a career choice. Making sure a defendant gets a fair trial and presenting an unfair case to a jury are two different things imo and I will struggle with that in classes I'M SURE! It appears on both sides many times that winning is more important that what is true and what is right.

Anyway - sure let the rock throwing begin. This is why I believe the court of public opinion is very important. It brings a bit of common sense in (sometimes, depending on how fair the reporting has been) and when someone is in the like "duh, guilty" catagory - it ties the hands of the defense to spin and they get a sense that a jury "ain't gonna buy it". So Jose better grow thicker skin and defense attorneys better get used to looking like scum.

In forums such as these, the evidence discussed is 10 times of that presented on TV shows which brings a greater sense of what the trial will be like. It's also interesting what is allowed to be admitted and what is not. Can't wait to see what happens here.
I watched NG last night (as usual) and she was angry that GA and CA are trying their best to avoid being deposed by ZG's lawyer. I waited in vain for someone on the show to state the obvious: their real reason for not wanting to do these depositions NOW. (I am confident that that real reason has been brought up somewhere on here by someone, but I haven't read enough threads to find it.)

This civil lawsuit by ZG is a perfect trap for the Anthonys. If they give certain sworn testimony NOW about the ZG/imaginary nanny issue, that sworn testimony will become a wonderful tool that the prosecution can later use to nail them if/when they are called (by either side) as witnesses in Casey's murder trial.

It's my understanding that Casey's defense in the civil suit is something along the lines of 1)"yes, I meant ZFG, but not THAT ZFG" and/or 2) "everyone knows my lies are so frequent and elaborate that no one seriously thought THIS lady kidnapped my daughter... therefore, no harm, no foul... no damages due."

So if CA or GA testifies in deposition (under oath) and says things which will further either of the two defenses above, then they will be simultaneously discrediting the nanny story which needs to be plausible and strong in order to work as a defense to murder.

It goes without saying that if/when the parents testify in either the deposition or the murder trial, attorneys questioning them will be pre-armed with EVERY recorded statement, including those which were sworn under oath, that they have made throughout this period since the murder. And everything that is inconsistent about each witness' statements will be brought up. Having an inconsistent prior statement on the record will destroy GA's or CA's ability to protect their precious daughter in her murder trial, no matter how much they may want to help her beat the rap.

Incidentally, while I want Casey to get what's coming to her, I note that it is fairly usual to stay a civil proceeding against a criminal defendant, until the criminal court matter is resolved. But that hasn't been done here. BUT I do note that Morgan is apparently unable to force Casey to testify (for now) in the civil suit, due to her "taking the Fifth," which she can legitimately do at this point. A long time ago someone on here pointed out that this shield of the 5th amendment would save the other Anthonys from having to testify in the civil suit for now, and that that might be why their lawyer(s) were playing up the possibility that other members of the family (besides Casey) might be charged with a crime in this mess. Of course, now it appears that they aren't in any serious jeopardy, so there goes that chance... leaving them to use their "fragile emotional state" as another possible out.

Sorry this is so long; just trying to sound things out.

Actually, my understanding of the law was that she cannot take the Fifth in an action which includes a counter-suit. She is essentially saying she has been harmed by the plaintiff, zfg-she has to answer interrogatories and have a deposition if she is going to take this stand. The judge should have forced Baez to drop the counter-suit in order to allow her to take the Fifth against self incrimination.

Everyone gets that she and the Anthony's are being forced into a tough place-to me it would be far more "fair" if they were forced to give up the ZFG defense in order to avoid the lawsuit. They have other options-they have thrown Jesse G and Annie under the bus to name two other possible defenses, not to mention her former boyfriend. Or they can simply attempt to poke holes in the prosecution's case to create doubt. Why use the real ZG as collateral damage in order to prevent their daughter from serving time for killing their grandchild? It is pieces like this that add to the belief that the A's are only in it for themselves or their family...jmo.
I have a hard time believing that they are trying to preserve the ZFG did it defense. Maybe they are, but they are so out of touch if so. True, that's the only defense KC has and she is married to it now after the initial interrogations and her lies. I think with LKB on the defense, they will simply be shackled to attacking the evidence. The defense doesn't have to throw anyone else under the bus and the prosecution will only be able to infer a motive and won't have a cause of death - that's always good news for the defense.

It's going to be a messy forensics trial. Liars for hire will come slithering out of the woodwork (all with famous names).

The Anthonys motives are confusing to me and I can only assume that they are hiding something and trying to protect their daughter. They are not interested in finding out who killed their grandaughter.
Poor Zenaida G. was dragged into this mess and I hope and pray that her name is cleared real soon -- she doesn't deserve this.
they never said Casey's prints were not on the tape, just the rest of the Azs. we don't know if Casey's are on there or not since that wasn't released, and I think you have that backwards it was not good news for the defense.

No report as to a tongue print on the tape either. Never know!
Before they found Caylee's body KC said the family could be in danger, her daughter is in danger and she could say no more. She told LE the picture they showed her of ZG was not the same person. BUT, KC has not said anything since Caylee's body was found. JM wants her to put it in writing that this is not the ZG she was referring to. Could JM want this documented because he is afraid that at the last minute in court KC will turn around and say this is the ZG I dropped my child off with at Sawgrass and I was too afraid she would hurt the rest of my family to say anything before today??? Once she gives her answers in the deposition that would no longer be an option.
I have a hard time believing that they are trying to preserve the ZFG did it defense. Maybe they are, but they are so out of touch if so. True, that's the only defense KC has and she is married to it now after the initial interrogations and her lies. I think with LKB on the defense, they will simply be shackled to attacking the evidence. The defense doesn't have to throw anyone else under the bus and the prosecution will only be able to infer a motive and won't have a cause of death - that's always good news for the defense.

It's going to be a messy forensics trial. Liars for hire will come slithering out of the woodwork (all with famous names).

The Anthonys motives are confusing to me and I can only assume that they are hiding something and trying to protect their daughter. They are not interested in finding out who killed their grandaughter.

Here's the part of JVM related to this topic, hat tip PattyG. At 3:17 BC says ZFG involved but not this ZFG. That was from December 2008, iirc. So it appears yes, they want to keep the imaginanny option open and if folks want to think this is the one, well, they're clearly saying she isn't... right? Isn't it clear?
I watched NG last night (as usual) and she was angry that GA and CA are trying their best to avoid being deposed by ZG's lawyer. I waited in vain for someone on the show to state the obvious: their real reason for not wanting to do these depositions NOW. (I am confident that that real reason has been brought up somewhere on here by someone, but I haven't read enough threads to find it.)

This civil lawsuit by ZG is a perfect trap for the Anthony's. If they give certain sworn testimony NOW about the ZG/imaginary nanny issue, that sworn testimony will become a wonderful tool that the prosecution can later use to nail them if/when they are called (by either side) as witnesses in Casey's murder trial.

It's my understanding that Casey's defense in the civil suit is something along the lines of 1)"yes, I meant ZFG, but not THAT ZFG" and/or 2) "everyone knows my lies are so frequent and elaborate that no one seriously thought THIS lady kidnapped my daughter... therefore, no harm, no foul... no damages due."

So if CA or GA testifies in deposition (under oath) and says things which will further either of the two defenses above, then they will be simultaneously discrediting the nanny story which needs to be plausible and strong in order to work as a defense to murder.

It goes without saying that if/when the parents testify in either the deposition or the murder trial, attorneys questioning them will be pre-armed with EVERY recorded statement, including those which were sworn under oath, that they have made throughout this period since the murder. And everything that is inconsistent about each witness' statements will be brought up. Having an inconsistent prior statement on the record will destroy GA's or CA's ability to protect their precious daughter in her murder trial, no matter how much they may want to help her beat the rap.

Incidentally, while I want Casey to get what's coming to her, I note that it is fairly usual to stay a civil proceeding against a criminal defendant, until the criminal court matter is resolved. But that hasn't been done here. BUT I do note that Morgan is apparently unable to force Casey to testify (for now) in the civil suit, due to her "taking the Fifth," which she can legitimately do at this point. A long time ago someone on here pointed out that this shield of the 5th amendment would save the other Anthonys from having to testify in the civil suit for now, and that that might be why their lawyer(s) were playing up the possibility that other members of the family (besides Casey) might be charged with a crime in this mess. Of course, now it appears that they aren't in any serious jeopardy, so there goes that chance... leaving them to use their "fragile emotional state" as another possible out.

Sorry this is so long; just trying to sound things out.

We do have several attorneys on our threads and I would like to hear from one of them regarding your post which is a good synopsis of many other posts.
IF the A's never saw a Nanny; Can't they just say they can not identify any nanny and that they never seen a nanny, and that they know nothing regarding a nanny. I do not think this can harm the criminal case.
I do not know what else they can say now or later.
SUPPOSEDLY Caylee had no nanny and C & G never knew a Nanny.
they never said Casey's prints were not on the tape, just the rest of the Azs. we don't know if Casey's are on there or not since that wasn't released, and I think you have that backwards it was not good news for the defense.
The FBI report did say there were NO prints on the Tape.
with the heat of Summer and the floods to wash away whatever, they have no prints.
There was an FBI report early this week. I wish there were prints.
Poor Zenaida G. was dragged into this mess and I hope and pray that her name is cleared real soon -- she doesn't deserve this.
YES Poor Zenaida; I hope she does get to sell her story and get rich off it.
She did nothing to deserve this mess, I hope it pays off for her.
I read somewhere she is talking book, and movie deal.
(not clear on the source, I could have read a tabloid)
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