Morgan to Depose George, Cindy & Lee

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Well this is certainly true to a great extent. I am starting law school next month and there is NO way I could be a defense attorney for that very reason. I could defend someone I absolutely knew was getting the shaft, but I could not make it a career choice. Making sure a defendant gets a fair trial and presenting an unfair case to a jury are two different things imo and I will struggle with that in classes I'M SURE! It appears on both sides many times that winning is more important that what is true and what is right.

Anyway - sure let the rock throwing begin. This is why I believe the court of public opinion is very important. It brings a bit of common sense in (sometimes, depending on how fair the reporting has been) and when someone is in the like "duh, guilty" catagory - it ties the hands of the defense to spin and they get a sense that a jury "ain't gonna buy it". So Jose better grow thicker skin and defense attorneys better get used to looking like scum.

In forums such as these, the evidence discussed is 10 times of that presented on TV shows which brings a greater sense of what the trial will be like. It's also interesting what is allowed to be admitted and what is not. Can't wait to see what happens here.

You need to remember, the job of a defense attny is to make sure the system actually tries the guilty. It use to be that folks were not even given a chance at a trail. People would get strung up by the locals on a rampage. Only to find out later, when tempers cooled and the facts were checked, that the person was innocent.

Nothing wrong with being a defense attny. The issue comes to how the person plays the game.
Before they found Caylee's body KC said the family could be in danger, her daughter is in danger and she could say no more. She told LE the picture they showed her of ZG was not the same person. BUT, KC has not said anything since Caylee's body was found. JM wants her to put it in writing that this is not the ZG she was referring to. Could JM want this documented because he is afraid that at the last minute in court KC will turn around and say this is the ZG I dropped my child off with at Sawgrass and I was too afraid she would hurt the rest of my family to say anything before today??? Once she gives her answers in the deposition that would no longer be an option.

from your post LambChop = i made bold
Before they found Caylee's body KC said the family could be in danger, her daughter is in danger and she could say no more.
I remember this too.....Which lead me to search other sites, and at that time I read a lot about Bordellos, which made me think maybe Casey is involved with dark energy.

BUT IN BEHALF of ZG she needs to clear her name, she need to get work, and go on with her life NOW she wants this out of her way now. I can understand that.
If she is not the ZG that Casey made reference to, she needs to clarify this ladys position now; Let them manufacture a real Zenida, and set this poor woman free.If she is not the one WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
I have three questions about Lee's deposition tomorrow.

1. Does anyone know if any of the stations will be covering it ?

2. What are the legal repercussions if he walks off in a huff ? Isn't that contempt ? :waitasec: Can he be arrested ? (Please, please, please let him be arrested !!)

3. Shouldn't his attorney have filed a motion to prevent the media from appearing BEFORE the deposition ? :bang:

TIA I'm disheartened at what the As are getting away with... :mad:
Normally answering questions in a depo wouldn't be embarrassing, but when the plaintiffs attorney releases a statement weeks in advance to the press saying that he's planning to ask some surprise questions and invite the media to attend, how is a witness supposed to react? Why was it necessary for Morgan to turn this into a circus rather than just quietly going about his business as usual? What is his real agenda here?

I don't agree with Mr. Morgan announcing to the public that their depositions were open to the media/public... but, this case has already been made in to a circus by no one but the ANTHONY'S!!! They have done nothing but make this into a circus. The only time they are not willing to participate is when they are not the RING LEADERS.

The only time when they get angry is when no one is willing to believe their twisted version of events. They have no problem making their business public when it is all about them... they only have a problem when they have to answer to the many lies they have told.

I'm sorry but I DO NOT believe that they are unable to answer questions when they can go and assist in the case of a REAL abduction case. If they are that fragile they have NO BUSINESS giving advice or assistance to a family that is dealing with the abduction of a little girl.

If they are so mentally unable to answer questions then they need to deal with their own issues and not those of other families. They have a lot of unfinished business to deal with in the case of their MURDERED grandbaby and that is where their focus should be. NOT on another family that is SERIOUSLY dealing with an abducted child. This family (Haleigh's) immediately gave polygraph tests... they wanted to clear themselves!! They didn't wait 31 days!!

These cases are so different it is sad!

The main reason SO MANY people have given their all to this case is because Caylee seems to have no one in her corner! People want justice for this innocent 2-year-old baby... even though it seems like the very people who are supposed to be wanting justice for her death don't.

People are drawn to this case because of the many LIES not only by Casey but by the rest of her family. From the moment of the original 911 call by Cindy (that was her ONE AND ONLY true emotion towards this baby) they went into PROTECT CASEY MODE.

They have NEVER made a PUBLIC appeal to the "kidnapper" for the safe return of CAYLEE!! WHY?? Because they KNEW!!

Why did Cindy send TWO people (assuming Dominic and Jim) out to the area of the remains??

Does that not bother you?? It bothers me!!

I lost all trust in this family (and I did have sympathy for them early on) when they stated PUBLICLY that not only did they KNOW who had Caylee... but they KNEW where she was and they had their own investigation?? WHY?? LE could have easily went into the place where Caylee was and gotten her back. They said they FEARED for Caylee's life?? Caylee was already DEAD! They, like I said, went into PROTECT CASEY MODE... At all costs... even if that mean't not seeking justice for innocent Caylee.
I know this will NOT be the case but what if no media sources show up tomorrow News vans, no cameras, no microphones, no reporters, etc....I know it's a pipedream but can you imagine the look on Lee's face. "Wha wha what ??? You mean I really gotta go in....craaaap !!!"
Shaymus at The Rock

Whew !

Doesn't the Protective Order come from a court ? You know, like before you and your client actually show up at the deposition ?

Per Lee's attorney:

"My first step is to ask plaintiff council to ask the media to leave the deposition room,” Luka said. “If plaintiff council refuses to do so, I will immediately file with him a copy of a protective order then file that with the Clerk of Courts and Judge Rodriguez.”
I know this will NOT be the case but what if no media sources show up tomorrow News vans, no cameras, no microphones, no reporters, etc....I know it's a pipedream but can you imagine the look on Lee's face. "Wha wha what ??? You mean I really gotta go in....craaaap !!!"
That WOULD be great, I would love to see the look on Lee's face to discover there is no media present at his "cameo". Yes, we can hope ! :)
Whew !

Doesn't the Protective Order come from a court ? You know, like before you and your client actually show up at the deposition ?

Per Lee's attorney:

"My first step is to ask plaintiff council to ask the media to leave the deposition room,” Luka said. “If plaintiff council refuses to do so, I will immediately file with him a copy of a protective order then file that with the Clerk of Courts and Judge Rodriguez.”
Yes, that's a good question, I am not sure how that's going to work either. I know the depo will be taped and released as public record, so what's the differance ?
Yes, that's a good question, I am not sure how that's going to work either. I know the depo will be taped and released as public record, so what's the differance ?

Timing, I guess, but who really knows ? Looking for logic with Lee is probably futile.

Selfishly, I was really looking forward to hear what the As would say, and not say, at the depositions. Guess that's going on the back burner now.
Timing, I guess, but who really knows ? Looking for logic with Lee is probably futile.

Selfishly, I was really looking forward to hear what the As would say, and not say, at the depositions. Guess that's going on the back burner now.
It seems, to me, like answering these questions would be easy, no I don't know her, no I have never seen her, etc...They know that if they are honest the state will use that info, as they should, at trial to show that not even her family knew this "nanny". I guess they don't want to ruin it for her. Even BC is playing the game by saying, "this is not THE ZG that KC left Caylee with". It's as if he is saying, there is a ZG that took Caylee, but this is not her. With that statement and the Anthony's not saying there was no ZG, it makes me wonder if they are keeping the story available to use at trial, if needed. How easy it would be to make this go away, they should have tried the truth from "day one". :confused:
I have three questions about Lee's deposition tomorrow.

1. Does anyone know if any of the stations will be covering it ?

2. What are the legal repercussions if he walks off in a huff ? Isn't that contempt ? :waitasec: Can he be arrested ? (Please, please, please let him be arrested !!)

3. Shouldn't his attorney have filed a motion to prevent the media from appearing BEFORE the deposition ? :bang:

TIA I'm disheartened at what the As are getting away with... :mad:

Lee's lawyer said if the press was there the depo was off. :rolleyes:
GA is well enough, psychiatric/psychological care or not, to help in the search for Haleigh and give statements about that search to the media. If he is well enough to participate in something that hits way too close to home, a missing little girl IMO he can answer a few questions about KC's ZFG Nanny.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I know this will NOT be the case but what if no media sources show up tomorrow News vans, no cameras, no microphones, no reporters, etc....I know it's a pipedream but can you imagine the look on Lee's face. "Wha wha what ??? You mean I really gotta go in....craaaap !!!"

LOL! Lee will say " what do I do?" :crazy:
I can't wait to view Lee's depo...Luka will be there and he will say, "I object.... don't I?.... wait...should I object?.... yes, I do object". :crazy:
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