Most detailed interview with local media

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I just watched this video again, it's very intersting how the details of the night keep changing. Now none of the phone work because they were shut off (yes I realize you can still dial 911), the boys heard clicking noises, the mother was drinking, the timeline was shot to heck. 7:30 bedtime to 10:30 check in time to now not knowing if she even looked in on Lisa after 6:40.

This video is important for a lot of reasons. My main reason is that if you are telling the truth there is nothing to remember, so why now all of the story changes? It just doesn't add up for me and tipped me off the fence head first.


MOO ~ I don't think this video can or should be picked apart per what happened or exactly what they did or said during any specific time. They were distraught, anxious, worried, scared, confused, sad etc.

I see raw emotion, even in Jeremy. To me it seems like he is trying to hold it together and not break down more than avoiding eye contact or being evasive.
I believe Megyn Kelly, iirc


Megyn Kelly mentions it at around the 5 minute mark but it isn't the actual clip of DB.

this link appears to be most/all of the videos of the MK interview. it isn't mentioned in any of those. i don't recall ever watching the clip of DB saying it, but that isn't to say it didn't happen. perhaps it was in another interview.

eta#2: i recall hearing somewhere that Ashey Irwin said the phones were on restricted access, but i have never seen a link for that and can't seem to find it after some light searching.

THANK YOU!! I'm watching it right now. Hopefully it has what I'm looking for, but even if not I really appreciate the help! I'll use MK in my search adn see if it brings any more hits.

I know I've heard that she herself said it, and I'd really like to see that too. I'd like to see what she actually said before I label it lying.
I agree. Another example is when she says "she likes to sleep with her Barney." And when asked what she would say to who has her, she utters the most awkward statement. She doesn't say "please we need her back, please bring her back." Other than the perfunctory opening script, there is no plea, no bargaining, no offer of appeasement, no play on the sympathy of the abductor. Instead, she rambles on about "she's everything, the boys want her back". WTH kind of response is that to the question "what do you say to the abductor?" This interview is SO AWKWARD and disingenuous, IMO.

But this is the one place where I initially thought Jeremy was being duped by her. I don't believe that now, but at the time, I thought he seemed genuinely naive.

bbm #1= She does say please drop her off at a hospital etc...
bbm #2= She does say she is everything, I can't be without her...
I think it's interesting she mentions she waved the police down after the 911 call was made. For some reason that just sounds hinky. Why throw that in there?

And yet if she left it out and someone mentioned it she would be accused of not providing exact details - it's obvious that these parents can't win either way. Too much info, not enough info..too much emotion, not enough emotion
THANK YOU!! I'm watching it right now. Hopefully it has what I'm looking for, but even if not I really appreciate the help! I'll use MK in my search adn see if it brings any more hits.

I know I've heard that she herself said it, and I'd really like to see that too. I'd like to see what she actually said before I label it lying.

you're welcome, i'm making it my mission to post links whenever possible in this case. there is so much rumor and misinformation, it is very important to nail down exactly what was reported/said/whatever. i'm trying to find the clip too and this cell phone talk is o/t but i just have one question: does anyone recall hearing "restricted access" come out of DB's mouth? just trying to figure out if that clip was actually released or if everyone just got the info from MK.
And yet if she left it out and someone mentioned it she would be accused of not providing exact details - it's obvious that these parents can't win either way. Too much info, not enough info..too much emotion, not enough emotion

That happens after the fact when you are watching a video and you know the one person was so drunk she can not remember seeing her baby for 9 hours and the other person is the dad who left the mother in charge knowing her drinking habits. The interview will be picked apart.
Thanks for reposting this video - after watching this again - I really don't feel DB had anything to do with this - I don't see guilt I see fear, sadness and dis-belief that this could be happening and I see a mom begging for her daughter. With JI - I just don't know - he doesn't react the way I think my ex would react if this had happened to our daughter - but I don't know him - that may be his way of dealing with all of this.
That happens after the fact when you are watching a video and you know the one person was so drunk she can not remember seeing her baby for 9 hours and the other person is the dad who left the mother in charge knowing her drinking habits. The interview will be picked apart.

Most people in the world actually sleep up to 9 hours a night -- and they don't get themselves up to check on their children. If the child woke and cried and was ignored, different story. But not checking physically on her, but POSSIBLY listening for her, doesn't strike me as odd if the baby was put to bed at a regular time, happy and comfy and content.
Thanks for reposting this video - after watching this again - I really don't feel DB had anything to do with this - I don't see guilt I see fear, sadness and dis-belief that this could be happening and I see a mom begging for her daughter. With JI - I just don't know - he doesn't react the way I think my ex would react if this had happened to our daughter - but I don't know him - that may be his way of dealing with all of this.
This is kind of what I have been saying all along. This family started out doing everything right - voluntarily stayed with LE being interviewed, let boys be interviewed, consented to searches of property, submitted to lie detector, pleaded for her, etc. It wasn't until their legal "help" was involved, that they changed.
The very first impression I had of this couple, the first time I saw them on the news, and IIRC, this was the interview. My gut told me that there was a whole lot more to the story. I had a definite feeling that this couple was hiding something significant.

Having researched, studied and followed closely maybe five other cases since 2005, I was certain, from the moment I first saw them, that this was a case that was going to be full of questions and holes. There was something about this interview. I just didn't trust either one of them. Within three days, that would become an understatement.

From their own lips, on video, their story has changed significantly and changed in every on air interview. Details have been added, subtracted, and timelines continue to be modified by them and their reps.

There was this interview, then the press conference where DB interrupts JI, next the one at the hotel/motel when they informed everyone that they would no longer speak with local media, followed by the MK interview which was said to have taken place over a few hours and finally the last time they spoke directly to the media with Judge JP. I have seen parts of the People Magazine interview, where some of the most significant details have been added, subtracted, or changed entirely, but I am not including that in this summary. Here, I am thinking mainly of the video statements made by both DB & JI.

IMO, they have much to hide and they have hunkered down and shut down. JI is an enigma, stoic, stiff, mostly unemotional. Under that closed exterior, I absolutely believe that he has layers and layers upon layers of hidden personality traits.

Some folks want to say that they can't see him snapping while he was left with the three kids, between pulling a double shift, while Mom went on a wine run. IMO, it is possible. We have not heard what was going on for him that day or the days and weeks leading up to that day. Think about it, you are behind in your bills, you now have to maintain an income to support five people as opposed to just yourself and your son or yourself, your son, your GF and her son. You have to do a double shift all while your SAHM/GF plans to hang out with her bud and have "adult time"...which she says she does two or three days a week. But then, you can't even get a few hours rest because she takes off and leaves you with the sniffling/cranky baby. You wonder why she didn't run out earlier in the day, when the boys were at school. Maybe catch a ride with one of the neighbor friends while a bud watched the baby. Nope, you have to support everyone and can't even get a friggin' nap. Sometimes it's the last little thing that just makes a person calmly walk in, maybe shove someone or something just a little harder than intended while in exasperation they mutter or yell, STFU!

It happens all the time. There is an old saying...he didn't know his own strength.

Someone is covering for someone...I don't know if it is him for her, her for him, the two of them for the boys or DB, JI & SB for all of the kids...but surely someone seems to be covering for someone. JMHO, always.
The boys were with her (latest info), the boys were in their own beds (husband checking on them from this interview and also implied from the statement about how far away the window was from their room ... wait, they weren't even there ... ?). OK, so we don't even know where the children were when we woke up and found one of them gone, but we sure as heck remember putting the binky in Lisa's mouth.

Sorry, but I have had many, many years of bedtime routines. Some things become so automatic after many repititions that we tend to forget the specifics of doing them any one particular time. That is a fault of human memory, and I am not criticizing Lisa's mom for that, but to insist upon that memory as true, of all others that are infinitely more important in this case, is incredibly suspicious to me. And I really, really wanted to believe these parents, but now I just cannot. One confirmed lie, and everything else said becomes suspect.

Also, just from my own experience, none of my children slept through the night before the age of 1 year. Or even 2 years. I also let the kids sleep in bed with me when they woke in the middle of the night, so they ALWAYS woke in the middle of the night.

I still don't get motive though. I really really don't get the motive in this case.
They seem genuine, but it sort of taints it for me that pretty much everything said in this interview later changed. Everyone keeps on saying "they were too upset to tell the truth" or "the evil media is deliberately lying about them" but...I don't know. Does being upset really make you literally tell everything incorrectly? We aren't talking about one detail being slightly off or one instance of ambiguous terminology.
This is kind of what I have been saying all along. This family started out doing everything right - voluntarily stayed with LE being interviewed, let boys be interviewed, consented to searches of property, submitted to lie detector, pleaded for her, etc. It wasn't until their legal "help" was involved, that they changed.


recently i had started to doubt my own gut instincts on this bc even the posters i usually find to be open-minded and fair are vilifying DB as if she's the devil incarnate. then i went and re-watched all the video. my conclusion? the media is whoring this case out in every possible way, turning a missing child into nothing more than snippets and sound bites taken out of context, all in the name of boosting ratings and lining their silk pockets. that's sick, but this is sicker: the public is spurring them on.

personally, i believe that the reason every mother in america seems ready to hang DB has a lot more to do with mothers in america, and their own bad habits and shameful secrets, than it does DB.

every time i read up on this case i hear don henley singing "dirty laundry" in my head and i feel like a complete sucker. it's disturbing.
Most people in the world actually sleep up to 9 hours a night -- and they don't get themselves up to check on their children. If the child woke and cried and was ignored, different story. But not checking physically on her, but POSSIBLY listening for her, doesn't strike me as odd if the baby was put to bed at a regular time, happy and comfy and content.

But if you drink close to 10 glasses of cheap wine, you cannot possibly listen for your crying child. Even if this baby did cry out, mom would have been too drunk and too passed out to hear her. She did not even close the window and possibly left the front door unlocked as well. Nor did she check on her sick baby before she passed out for the night. I am not going to cut her much slack because that is cruelly negligent, imo, to drink that much when you are the sole caretaker of 3 little kids.

She knew and admitted that her infant had been sick with a cold for a few days already. And she puts her in her crib at 4:30, and she was likely in there until she was put down for the night at 6:40. An then she began power drinking and never looked in on her again. That concerns me. A cold in a young baby can turn for the worse very quickly.
Most people in the world actually sleep up to 9 hours a night -- and they don't get themselves up to check on their children. If the child woke and cried and was ignored, different story. But not checking physically on her, but POSSIBLY listening for her, doesn't strike me as odd if the baby was put to bed at a regular time, happy and comfy and content.

The baby did not disappear in a vacuum. The caretaker drank enough to pass out while on a strong mind altering drug called Effexor.

personally, i believe that the reason every mother in america seems ready to hang DB has a lot more to do with mothers in america, and their own bad habits and shameful secrets, than it does DB.

I can just as easily believe they'd support her for the reason you state.
But if you drink close to 10 glasses of cheap wine, you cannot possibly listen for your crying child. Even if this baby did cry out, mom would have been too drunk and too passed out to hear her. She did not even close the window and possibly left the front door unlocked as well. Nor did she check on her sick baby before she passed out for the night. I am not going to cut her much slack because that is cruelly negligent, imo, to drink that much when you are the sole caretaker of 3 little kids.

She knew and admitted that her infant had been sick with a cold for a few days already. And she puts her in her crib at 4:30, and she was likely in there until she was put down for the night at 6:40. An then she began power drinking and never looked in on her again. That concerns me. A cold in a young baby can turn for the worse very quickly.
Thank you. :hug: Not this post in particular...but very many of your posts that I've read.

You are speaking for Lisa, and thank you for that. Few in front of the cameras seem to be doing that, not even her own parents. (!) They've apparently done everything they could to NOT speak for Lisa on camera since Day 3 (of 32). (!)
The baby did not disappear in a vacuum. The caretaker drank enough to pass out while on a strong mind altering drug called Effexor.
........and xanax.

I hope LE soon releases info on the other items that were also "abducted" from the Irwin's home. They might be pill bottles.
JI is an enigma, stoic, stiff, mostly unemotional. Under that closed exterior, I absolutely believe that he has layers and layers upon layers of hidden personality traits.

:seeya: I hear ya K... I don't know. I feel like this is too much "credit" bestowed upon JI. When I think of "engima" I think of an attractive and alluring mystery. Is JI a mystery? Perhaps. Attractive and alluring? Nope!

My feeling is.. deep down he knows his wife is responsible. But just like so many other cases where family defends family, he's standing by her. IMO, it's because he can't plunge himself into the nightmare of the truth, because he lost his child and he NEEDS his family. I really think he came home and believed DB for a while... but by this point, he knows.
personally, i believe that the reason every mother in america seems ready to hang DB has a lot more to do with mothers in america, and their own bad habits and shameful secrets, than it does DB.

Is that why law enforcement is on her trail too? Because of their bad habits and shameful secrets?

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