Motion to Delay Judge's ruling on the Video

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I didnt even think of that. Wow, between all players, is it just me or has basically every single one involved all but come out and said "d@mn, this girl is guilty"?

even JB re: the DP "It's not as if she is a serial killer"

I have had an issue with Jose's statement that she is not a serial killer from the moment it fell so ungraciously from his lips. How does he know she is not a serial killer? How does he know what the future of Casey MAY have been if she had not been discovered and stopped dead in her tracks? Has he not read the discovery where she was planning to move in a friend into the house that her PARENTS were occupying and even went so far as to allow the gal to change her address to THAT address? Nobody knows what evil was/is still lurking in the mind and heart of Casey-not even the great Jose Baez can make that statement and back it up. She may have been a serial killer in the making. She may have killed others that nobody ever knew about or discovered. Joseph Smith certainly was a serial killer LONG before anyone knew about it. Edwin Hall was likely working his way up to being a serial killer, or perhaps he also had other victims that did not come to light. Jose should be more cautious about his statements-especially when he does not possess the full knowledge to back them up.

Also-one does not NEED to be a serial killer to be worthy of the death penalty. One murder of one innocent done in cold and calculated blood is more than enough to deserve the same just punishment-DEATH! If they begin to go into the murky waters of Caylee's life was not worthy of Casey's then they are making a huge mistake! Caylee's life, to me and probably millions of others, was worth a dozen of Casey's miserable lives!:behindbar:furious::mad::behindbar
Where did I hear that Casey was yelling "I'm pi$$ed, I'm pi$$ed" on her way into the area where she saw the news reports?

This was, allegedly, KC's reaction to the news that the SA was seeking the DP,not when Caylee's body was found.
Judge also Denied Baez's last minute effort for a stay, because the Defence may want to file a motion to seal the autopsy.
Judge also Denied Baez's last minute effort for a stay, because the Defence may want to file a motion to seal the autopsy.

This whole thing smells fishy to me. Why didn't JB file a motion earlier to stop the release? Why let GA and CA file when he knew they had no grounds? Then he throws out there at the end that he thinks the release will hurt his client's chance at a fair trial? Well if he were so worried, shouldn't he have filed a motion himself or is this all a set up that poor KC won't get a fair trial?
This whole thing smells fishy to me. Why didn't JB file a motion earlier to stop the release? Why let GA and CA file when he knew they had no grounds? Then he throws out there at the end that he thinks the release will hurt his client's chance at a fair trial? Well if he were so worried, shouldn't he have filed a motion himself or is this all a set up that poor KC won't get a fair trial?

JB wanted BC to file it so the defense didn't look like they were worried about the release of the autopsy report. Well, obviously they were/are worried! Can't wait to see it!!:clap:
JB isn't happy.

He took it out on Ms. Belich

Kathi Belich is one of the most aggressive reporters in town. So she's bound to come in for some needling. And Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez did the honors today.
When Belich joined a group of reporters, Baez told her, "You're screwing up everybody's sound bites."
Later, he asked Belich if her name is really Gallagher.
JB isn't happy.

He took it out on Ms. Belich

Kathi Belich is one of the most aggressive reporters in town. So she's bound to come in for some needling. And Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez did the honors today.
When Belich joined a group of reporters, Baez told her, "You're screwing up everybody's sound bites."
Later, he asked Belich if her name is really Gallagher.

Oh tater...I don't know what reason JB would have to be snippy today. I mean the defense has the "really really real truth truth" on their side. :Banane45:
I can only imagine (sarcastically) that even though she didn't react to LP's search on the river...she was just reacting like any other super mom would on finding out the remains of any child were found.
Now JB, as your link (TY for providing it) shows, can only yell at the press. It is really all one big ole giant conspiracy and we are all asshats for forcing the A's to see that their is NOTHING exculpatory for KC. Translation: she is guilty. It is not our responsibility to spare JB, the defense nor the A's from that. She should have pled out.
Probably because she reacted this way BEFORE the body was ID'd as Caylee. Yet, when LP thought he found her body at an earlier date, Casey did not react at all. Both of those facts say a lot.

Neither KC nor the Anthony's reacted to the JBP findings, but all of them reacted on 12-11-08...which also says a lot. If you listen to where the A's were headed with all the Caylee sightings and the reiteration the ZFG could be in New York or Puerto Rico, they should not have reacted simply because this body was found close to home....
This has me wondering what the expression on her face is! I agree that hearing about someone doubling over and hyperventilating would sound like a normal reaction. The thing is, does she look grief-stricken and worried like a normal mother would, or does she look like someone who just got caught doing something wrong with an "Oh, carp! The jig is up!" look on her face? :waitasec:
EXACTLY!!!! Which is why I think it is "Inflammatory", nothing less than the personality we see in the jailhouse videos when angry at know defense would want it out there if it did in fact portray KC as a grieving mother.

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