Motion to Delay Judge's ruling on the Video

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Well, in the short term it's probably a victory for Baez. The video is sealed. We can speculate, but we can't KNOW and that's where he has the upper hand.

However, I do think Strickland sent a strong message despite the order and that speculation might help the prosecution when it comes to jury selection. People will know, but they won't know.

It's all moot in the long-term, really, because if this is indeed seen at trial (and why wouldn't it? Would it fall under self-incrimination?) then we just have to wait for it. I'm seriously considering taking a leave of absence from my job for the trial. I might go live with my sister in Orlando for the duration. The daily commute from Tampa would be a bear. :D
MomofBoys - LB35 and JSR are correct in their opinion that this is an advantage for SA--have you read their last few posts?? Yes, we can all speculate - however, Judge S's wording is significant--please read the Order - it may change your mind.
I don't see how anyone but JB and crew can consider this a victory. As most other posters have written, we have loads of depos that JB conducted that specifically state and describe in great details what happened with KC Dec 11, 08.

I don't need or really want to see it. A picture/video may be worth a thousand words but 10 thousand words in depos works for me to understand KC knew Caylee had finally be found murdered by the hands of the A clan. :furious:
I think I have it in my brain now---Thanks to all ya'll. How do you think JB is taking this? Is he sittin there thinking he won something? In the past he hasn't seemed to fully understand what is goin on. Say like when he ask KB what law school she went to. He thought he was so smart---but looked like a dum___s. Then he really didn't grab what he looked like that time he pissed off Ashton. Does he look at stuff the way others do?

IMO I actually think JB will be disappointed by this order, albeit for all the wrong reasons. Although, JB and team got what they said they wanted publicly. What I think JB really wanted was a opportunity or venue to lambast the SA and jail on this huge alleged "conspiracy" :rolleyes:

IMO JB is consumed with all the things he shouldn't be. Right now his main priority should be prepping for trial. For those not in the legal field I can't stress enough how much work is entailed in trial prep. It's no walk in a park and it's a LOT of work. It's mentally and physically draining. And all JB can focus on is the alleged improprieties that the SA has made. This is NOT where his head should be. He's wasting valuable time and resources in a fruitless battle. IMO JB is as inexperienced as you can get and he's way over his head. Then again perhaps JB is focusing on what he shouldn't because he doesn't know how to focus on what he should.

In short, it's one hot mess.
IMO I actually think JB will be disappointed by this order, albeit for all the wrong reasons. Although, JB and team got what they said they wanted publicly. What I think JB really wanted was a opportunity or venue to lambast the SA and jail on this huge alleged "conspiracy" :rolleyes:

IMO JB is consumed with all the things he shouldn't be. Right now his main priority should be prepping for trial. For those not in the legal field I can't stress enough how much work is entailed in trial prep. It's no walk in a park and it's a LOT of work. It's mentally and physically draining. And all JB can focus on is the alleged improprieties that the SA has made. This is NOT where his head should be. He's wasting valuable time and resources in a fruitless battle. IMO JB is as inexperienced as you can get and he's way over his head. Then again perhaps JB is focusing on what he shouldn't because he doesn't know how to focus on what he should.

In short, it's one hot mess.

:clap::clap::clap: Absolutely JSR!!!! Why doesn't AL reign him in????
:clap::clap::clap: Absolutely JSR!!!! Why doesn't AL reign him in????

Oh I think she'll try. And if she doesn't succeed she'll walk. Frankly I'm amazed LKB is still on board. Remember trial is still a LONG away down the road. Who knows who will be the attorney of record for Casey. JB seems to be a leech that just won't let go of Casey so my money is on JB still being one of her attorneys (providing he still has his license to practice).
:clap::clap::clap: Absolutely JSR!!!! Why doesn't AL reign him in????

I would imagine she showed up at the office today with a bull
If I were AL, I would be seething right now. But then that is me. The state and the judge pulled off a mini-coup de tat on the defense (namely JB). I am awaiting his next motion with baited breath that KC can't get a fair trial anywhere and requests the trial be held at the International Space Station.

He got played. I am loving it.
I would imagine she showed up at the office today with a bull
If I were AL, I would be seething right now. But then that is me. The state and the judge pulled off a mini-coup de tat on the defense (namely JB). I am awaiting his next motion with baited breath that KC can't get a fair trial anywhere and requests the trial be held at the International Space Station.

He got played. I am loving it.

I'm waiting too, in fact, I think his next move might be recuse Judge S. I could be wrong but JB has pulled some whoppers in this case.
I'm waiting too, in fact, I think his next move might be recuse Judge S. I could be wrong but JB has pulled some whoppers in this case.

And what would happen then?
I'm waiting too, in fact, I think his next move might be recuse Judge S. I could be wrong but JB has pulled some whoppers in this case.

True. JB could do that. It would be just effective to file for a change of venue. But then as you and I have noticed...he has fought the gag order (which would have kept all of this evidence from damaging the potential jury pool). He did not file for a speedy trial. He told the public that they would present clear and convincing evidence at trial that KC was innocent. He yacked about a video that we would never have known about. Gave us in his own words her reaction. Tried to turn this into the whole jailhouse/SA/LE conspiracy against KC to "trick" her into reacting to news reports of an as-yet unidentified toddler's remains. He...defies logic.

I guess the only thing to do here for him is to file for a change of venue. Having said that we now all know about this tape. JS all but put the cherry on top of the video by saying in words what we can only imagine and not see...that KC reacted like a guilty person in the tape. Now it is all out there. And whether they move the trial to Tampa...he has effectively cut off his own legs...the smart thing to have done would have been to request that the video be sealed until the trial. And said nothing more about it. Then he could have brought in the two deputies, if the SA decided to use it at trial, to show that they saw the whole event as unfair and cruel.

Now he has nada. He reminds me of a drunk magician at a children's birthday party. "Hey, kids watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat!" Kids watch with rapt attention as JB holds up the hat and taps a wand on it. He turns the hat upside down and the only thing to fall out are cheat sheet notes about magic. I...just...there are no words. :bang:
MomofBoys - LB35 and JSR are correct in their opinion that this is an advantage for SA--have you read their last few posts?? Yes, we can all speculate - however, Judge S's wording is significant--please read the Order - it may change your mind.

I wasn't disagreeing...?

I was concurring with them. I just think it's a long-term gain as opposed to a short-term one, which may simply be a matter of semantics. Perhaps it's both. I just don't know why one would think I didn't read someone's posts in order to disagree with them. But I didn't disagree. :)
And what would happen then?

JB would be sealing his professional suicide should he even ponder the thought of bringing a motion before the courts to do that.

Then again, he could be thinking he will get plenty of income from KC that he can give up his "successful :waitasec: not" law practice and go boating with KFN in his new found retirement.
And what would happen then?

IMO Judge S would review JB's motion (and more than likely a poorly written motion to boot) and summarily deny it. Motion for Recusals must be filed with GREAT care and SHOULD NOT be filed frivolously. And if your motion is denied that judge is going to be just a tad upset you brought forth the motion in the first place. In addition to being upset during the current proceeding the next time you come before this judge he or she WILL NOT forgot. And trust me attys go before the same judge multiple times.
I hear North Korea is nice this time of year. They don't have outside media there, so it sounds like Baez's kind of place.
Talkin heads on NG are saying the guards will be called as witnesses. But ya'll been saying not unless State calls em.
Do ya'll think he will get to go to another county?

No, I don't. For one very big and very important reason- he objected to the gag order (Protective Order).

You know the old saying ... you make your own bed .....
I hear North Korea is nice this time of year. They don't have outside media there, so it sounds like Baez's kind of place.

I don't think there are beaches there for KC to go to when she's acquited!
what REALLY gets me about this, is that if she WAS innocent, she would have flipped out TOO.

Why did JB fight this, and why did Strickland agree that it may contaminate the jury pool? Shouldnt anyone wondering if she was innocent seeing her panic at remains of a child (yes, caylee was not positively identified but there were no other missing children of that description in the area which the news was saying repeatedly) feel that it was ...reasonable?

Personally I was afraid it would convince fence sitters she was innocent.

Until today, these have been exactly my thoughts too, but Judge Strickland's statement that "many persons in the potential jury pool might view this video and develop a 'hardened' attitude in reference to the defendant's guilt" made me start thinking outside the box....

I kept wondering what could possibly "harden" us--or any juror--to any mother who collapses into a chair, doubles over, and hyperventillates while watching news that a little child's remains were found right down the street from her house. Even if the mother were innocent, of course she'd assume it must be her child--I would!

THEREFORE, there has to be something else about KC's emotional reaction that would harden a jury instead of soften it. We already know what her physical reaction was, and no one has given us reason to think she said anything wrong. Hmmmmmm. I wonder what her facial expression conveyed... Do you remember our negative ("hardened") reaction to the jail video with KC and CA, when KC's face turned angry.

Sleuths, is it possible that KC's expression conveyed outrage, not anguish, when she looked at the television set? Is it possible it looked as if she crying because she was angry (perhaps she was so angry she couldn't even swallow, as in the CA jail tape)? As we know from that jail tape, KC is extremely unappealing when she's angry.
Talkin heads on NG are saying the guards will be called as witnesses. But ya'll been saying not unless State calls em.

If the state calls the guards as witnesses and the SA conducts direct examination in a very skillful and careful manner then JB can't cross them on info not brought up in direct. However, JB can call the guards on direct during the defense phase of trial and then it's all fair game. But even then JB can only elicit RELEVANT information on direct examination.

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