Motion to Delay Judge's ruling on the Video

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The SA has stated that they did not intend to use the Video as evidence (I am thinking it was just a ploy though, they sat back and let the defence argue this one out) and did not seem to make much of Casey's reaction on the tape. The Defence on the other hand has made a commotion out of the potential release of this tape, Now that the Judge has sealed the tape I am wondering if the SA will decide to use it as evidence in trial?

I think that it works in the favor of the prosecution for the video to remain unseen. The public/potential jurors know all about the video and the description of KC's reaction. If it were released to the media or even used at trial ... JB et al would have an opportunity to at least try and explain it away. If the video remains unseen ... then we are all left to speculate. "That wasn't as bad as I'd imagined!" How many times have you said that in your life? Lots I bet ... because we tend to prepare ourselves for the worst ... even as we hope for the best.
I think that it works in the favor of the prosecution for the video to remain unseen. The public/potential jurors know all about the video and the description of KC's reaction. If it were released to the media or even used at trial ... JB et al would have an opportunity to at least try and explain it away. If the video remains unseen ... then we are all left to speculate. "That wasn't as bad as I'd imagined!" How many times have you said that in your life? Lots I bet ... because we tend to prepare ourselves for the worst ... even as we hope for the best.

Personally, I just canNOT imagine that the defense can think that anything will hurt KC's case more than she has already hurt it herself. Do they honestly believe she has a chance at acquittal?

BC will be sitting there much like Kardashian in the OJ trial with his mouth wide open if she wins an acquittal. :eek:

I know, I know, I could never serve on this jury.
I think that it works in the favor of the prosecution for the video to remain unseen. The public/potential jurors know all about the video and the description of KC's reaction. If it were released to the media or even used at trial ... JB et al would have an opportunity to at least try and explain it away. If the video remains unseen ... then we are all left to speculate. "That wasn't as bad as I'd imagined!" How many times have you said that in your life? Lots I bet ... because we tend to prepare ourselves for the worst ... even as we hope for the best.

Personally, I just canNOT imagine that the defense can think that anything will hurt KC's case more than she has already hurt it herself. Do they honestly believe she has a chance at acquittal?

BC will be sitting there much like Kardashian in the OJ trial with his mouth wide open if she wins an acquittal. :eek:

I know, I know, I could never serve on this jury.

I think it is as bad as we imagine and it must include more than what we've heard about KC's reaction.

The judge has seen everything related to this case and in making a comparison of this video to all we have seen, his opinion is this:

"It is at least a possibility that the video in question will never be shown to the jury that decides this matter. While that can be said of other items disclosed as well, no other item comes to mind that would carry a similar inflammmatory impact." Judge Strickland

That's a bold statement to make considering the inflammatory nature of all we've seen so far. He's saying that this video is worse than anything released to date. :eek:
"It is at least a possibility that the video in question will never be shown to the jury that decides this matter. While that can be said of other items disclosed as well, no other item comes to mind that would carry a similar inflammmatory impact." Judge Strickland

That's a bold statement to make considering the inflammatory nature of all we've seen so far. He's saying that this video is worse than anything released to date. :eek:

I read his statement a little bit differently. The wording JS used "similar inflammatory impact" to me means that there is no other evidence where KC is so immediately and directly "implicated." I guess we have photos of KC and video of her in jail and in family videos...but this is her "reacting" to the news of the death of a small child not yet id'd as her own. Coupled with her later reaction with JB (one of anger and calousness if the descriptions we've heard are correct)...I can't imagine any other piece of evidence having precisely that impact. The autopsy is said to be inflammatory as well by JS...but the autopsy is not a live video tape of a is a recorded video of KC on that day and I don't think there is any evidence at all that comes close to that.

But I could be wrong. You made good points though.
Respectfully snipped:
O/T a little, does anyone remember one of the first motion hearings when JS brought up JB's verbal motion for a change of venue and the SA said, "I think its premature and may not be necessary? Anyone? That made me think that SA has irrefutable evidence of guilt. Thanks for reading and if I did anything wrong please let me know. GB gogranny
I remember that but I've never been able to find it again. It was JB's first mention of a COV and not in context of the motion/hearing at hand. JS said that could be addressed later but in his experience, they rarely have any trouble finding a suitable jury. (paraphrased)
I think it is as bad as we imagine and it must include more than what we've heard about KC's reaction.

The judge has seen everything related to this case and in making a comparison of this video to all we have seen, his opinion is this:

"It is at least a possibility that the video in question will never be shown to the jury that decides this matter. While that can be said of other items disclosed as well, no other item comes to mind that would carry a similar inflammmatory impact." Judge Strickland

That's a bold statement to make considering the inflammatory nature of all we've seen so far. He's saying that this video is worse than anything released to date. :eek:

I didnt even think of that. Wow, between all players, is it just me or has basically every single one involved all but come out and said "d@mn, this girl is guilty"?

even JB re: the DP "It's not as if she is a serial killer"
I read his statement a little bit differently. The wording JS used "similar inflammatory impact" to me means that there is no other evidence where KC is so immediately and directly "implicated." I guess we have photos of KC and video of her in jail and in family videos...but this is her "reacting" to the news of the death of a small child not yet id'd as her own. Coupled with her later reaction with JB (one of anger and calousness if the descriptions we've heard are correct)...I can't imagine any other piece of evidence having precisely that impact. The autopsy is said to be inflammatory as well by JS...but the autopsy is not a live video tape of a is a recorded video of KC on that day and I don't think there is any evidence at all that comes close to that.

But I could be wrong. You made good points though.

I agree and think we see it the same. We've seen some very strong circumstantial evidence to date that immediately and directly implicates KC and the judge states nothing would have a similar impact as this video. It must be very telling and I can see why JB wanted it sealed.
what I think is the radio reports said it was a body found, but she kept up hope until she saw the reports on tv which showed where. then, she knew the game was up.

Hmmmm, 2goldfish, that's an interesting point you make. So you suspect when she was faced with the full story (the location shown on television) that sparked her reaction.
I find it hard to believe her reaction was one of sorrow that it was possibly her daughter who was found. Take a look at her past behavior, we have never seen any evidence of a mother upset because her daughter was kidnapped or missing. She went along her merry way and never seemed to react in any way that she was searching for Caylee or she was worried about where her two and a half year old child might be. My god, that was a little girl, a toddler who was gone. How could she ignore that!
I think the most shocking for me is the video of her facing the cops when she is about to be locked up. In no way does she appear to be the mother of a missing child or a woman about to be charged with the child's death. Watching her fussing with her hair and clothes, counting ceiling tiles and out and out acting like she's at a lunch date absolutely gives me a chilll when I watch her.
The unanswered 31 days and her lack of concern enough to physically search for her child when she was between jail times is a good part ofwhat will convict her, not a video of her reaction to news of a body being found. I say, forget the video there's a lot more on the table that's going to put Casey away for the rest of her life.
I agree and think we see it the same. We've seen some very strong circumstantial evidence to date that immediately and directly implicates KC and the judge states nothing would have a similar impact as this video. It must be very telling and I can see why JB wanted it sealed.

I know, right? That court jester, JB, fights against the gag order...and one of the few pieces he objects to anyone seeing (granted there are definitely concerns of Attorney/Client privilege...which I respect) is her reacting to the announcement of the remains not yet identified. If only we had her video reaction when LP was in JBlanchard Park...if only...for comparison. Alas, the lass is guilty...but unfortunately, her attorney seems to want her to go straight to the DP...I want an even playing field. You know? If KC gets convicted on the strength of the evidence...I don't want it to be because her attorney is such an asshat.
I know, right? That court jester, JB, fights against the gag order...and one of the few pieces he objects to anyone seeing (granted there are definitely concerns of Attorney/Client privilege...which I respect) is her reacting to the announcement of the remains not yet identified. If only we had her video reaction when LP was in JBlanchard Park...if only...for comparison. Alas, the lass is guilty...but unfortunately, her attorney seems to want her to go straight to the DP...I want an even playing field. You know? If KC gets convicted on the strength of the evidence...I don't want it to be because her attorney is such an asshat.
I'm convinced that defending KC is a side issue for JB. He is woefully inadequate for her defense and needs to step down. I think she's guilty but, my God, she's facing the death penalty and needs the best defense she can get. I have a lot of names for JB, none of which can be repeated here.
I'm convinced that defending KC is a side issue for JB. He is woefully inadequate for her defense and needs to step down. I think she's guilty but, my God, she's facing the death penalty and needs the best defense she can get. I have a lot of names for JB, none of which can be repeated here.

I can't thank you enough for that statement. I can only thank once...otherwise it is remove the

This should be an even playing field. We are looking at someone, given the demographics and all of that...and the state...she is going to be found guilty...and he has done nothing not one thing to advance the case in her favor. I just...uggh...I don't like her. She is guilty. I wish Caylee were alive. But I will be damned if the sole reason why KC deservedly goes down in flames is because her lead counsel is such an egomaniac and a doofus to boot.
Hi, don't post too often but here goes. I think that the video is inflammatory for what KC does when the guards aren't looking. When you know that someone is watching you can "act" one way but when they stop watching you revert to who you are. I think her facial expressions and body language tell a far different story than the one observed by the guards. Also, if she was angry with JB for not "taking care of the problem" as she believed, then he might have done "anything" to calm her and that, too, might not have been seen by the guards. Alternatively, if SA thinks this is fruit of the poisoned tree then they won't want to bring it to the court's attention during trial.

O/T a little, does anyone remember one of the first motion hearings when JS brought up JB's verbal motion for a change of venue and the SA said, "I think its premature and may not be necessary? Anyone? That made me think that SA has irrefutable evidence of guilt. Thanks for reading and if I did anything wrong please let me know. GB gogranny

I think you make an extremely interesting point. What if what you said is true? What if the whole hyperventilating, rubbing hands thing was an act and when they guards weren't looking KC went back to adjusting her hair a thousand times and looking blase. That would be a sociopathic reaction. Hmmm...boy do I want to see that tape!
Until today, these have been exactly my thoughts too, but Judge Strickland's statement that "many persons in the potential jury pool might view this video and develop a 'hardened' attitude in reference to the defendant's guilt" made me start thinking outside the box....

I kept wondering what could possibly "harden" us--or any juror--to any mother who collapses into a chair, doubles over, and hyperventillates while watching news that a little child's remains were found right down the street from her house. Even if the mother were innocent, of course she'd assume it must be her child--I would!

THEREFORE, there has to be something else about KC's emotional reaction that would harden a jury instead of soften it. We already know what her physical reaction was, and no one has given us reason to think she said anything wrong. Hmmmmmm. I wonder what her facial expression conveyed... Do you remember our negative ("hardened") reaction to the jail video with KC and CA, when KC's face turned angry.

Sleuths, is it possible that KC's expression conveyed outrage, not anguish, when she looked at the television set? Is it possible it looked as if she crying because she was angry (perhaps she was so angry she couldn't even swallow, as in the CA jail tape)? As we know from that jail tape, KC is extremely unappealing when she's angry.

Absolutely. Whatever her reaction was, it wasn't what a potential juror would consider to be "normal." She's a sociopath and is capable of of feigning emotion without really feeling it. As gogranny pointed out earlier, perhaps when she thought she wasn't being watched she reverted back to her usual self. We know how ice cold she really is.
Kudos, LittleBitty, for seeing the strategy of the subtle chess play the SA and JS have very deftly accomplished. The state almost never has to make a overt move - they can quietly take the high road every single time the defense makes histrionic noises and rest assured that JB the Rodeo Clown will make an unnecessary spectacle of himself in the ring.

It's so much fun to sit back and see the contrast of experienced people who can act classy and professional under pressure versus those who make a burlesque out of not only their jobs but themselves.

As we discussed, I'm sure that the word "Baez" will in the future become an accepted part of vernacular (either as a verb, noun or adjective). Such as: "Boy, that guy is baezing his career right into the ground", or "Gosh, if he wasn't such a Baez, maybe that guy would have half a chance at appearing competent", or "Could he BE any more of a Baez?". I'm thinking the Wikipedia page is being mapped out as we speak...

:laugh: ROFLMAO!! That was brilliant! In fact, I've already begun to use "Baez" in my language since I read your post earlier today. I mishandled something at work and realized I totally baezed the situation. Maybe I should call a press conference...
I think you make an extremely interesting point. What if what you said is true? What if the whole hyperventilating, rubbing hands thing was an act and when they guards weren't looking KC went back to adjusting her hair a thousand times and looking blase. That would be a sociopathic reaction. Hmmm...boy do I want to see that tape!
I was thinking along the same lines...she may have had a quick recovery.
Where did I hear that Casey was yelling "I'm pi$$ed, I'm pi$$ed" on her way into the area where she saw the news reports?
That was said by another inmate. NG keeps showing that gal.
I read his statement a little bit differently. The wording JS used "similar inflammatory impact" to me means that there is no other evidence where KC is so immediately and directly "implicated." I guess we have photos of KC and video of her in jail and in family videos...but this is her "reacting" to the news of the death of a small child not yet id'd as her own. Coupled with her later reaction with JB (one of anger and calousness if the descriptions we've heard are correct)...I can't imagine any other piece of evidence having precisely that impact. The autopsy is said to be inflammatory as well by JS...but the autopsy is not a live video tape of a is a recorded video of KC on that day and I don't think there is any evidence at all that comes close to that.

But I could be wrong. You made good points though.

You are right.

What I don't understand is why a tape of a mother being distraught because a child's body had been found would be inflammatory?

Doubling up and hyperventilating over such news sounds more motherly than asking for Tony's phone number, saying "I'm the victim" or asking Cindy why she was crying.

You'd think Casey's defense would be flaunting over the only evidence I know of that might show Casey acting concerned about Caylee. Considering I've seen and heard of Casey on audio and video so far, I can't imagine what she could have done that would make her look worse.

You are right.

What I don't understand is why a tape of a mother being distraught because a child's body had been found would be inflammatory?

Doubling up and hyperventilating over such news sounds more motherly than asking for Tony's phone number, saying "I'm the victim" or asking Cindy why she was crying.

You'd think Casey's defense would be flaunting over the only evidence I know of that might show Casey acting concerned about Caylee. Considering I've seen and heard of Casey on audio and video so far, I can't imagine what she could have done that would make her look worse.


Probably because she reacted this way BEFORE the body was ID'd as Caylee. Yet, when LP thought he found her body at an earlier date, Casey did not react at all. Both of those facts say a lot.
Probably because she reacted this way BEFORE the body was ID'd as Caylee. Yet, when LP thought he found her body at an earlier date, Casey did not react at all. Both of those facts say a lot.

You are right.

What I don't understand is why a tape of a mother being distraught because a child's body had been found would be inflammatory?

Doubling up and hyperventilating over such news sounds more motherly than asking for Tony's phone number, saying "I'm the victim" or asking Cindy why she was crying.

You'd think Casey's defense would be flaunting over the only evidence I know of that might show Casey acting concerned about Caylee. Considering I've seen and heard of Casey on audio and video so far, I can't imagine what she could have done that would make her look worse.


This has me wondering what the expression on her face is! I agree that hearing about someone doubling over and hyperventilating would sound like a normal reaction. The thing is, does she look grief-stricken and worried like a normal mother would, or does she look like someone who just got caught doing something wrong with an "Oh, carp! The jig is up!" look on her face? :waitasec:

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