Motive For Murder

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I'm trying not to cross-post here, but I posted this in the "Raymond Clark" thread, too: "Roid Rage" is a real possibility. If he's taking steroids, that would explain the difference in his demeanor now and what acquaintances knew of him before.

Will they do any kinds of tests to see whether or not he's taking steroids?
I don't like LE's use of that term, "workplace violence"... yeah it was violent... and yeah it was in the workplace... but it was murder plain and simple. Perhaps they said it in that way to stress the fact that there was no romantic relationship and it was not a sexual crime?

Still... workplace violence is putting too pretty of a bow on it for me!

I kind of disagree with you, nurse. A quick Google search shows numerous instances of murder by a co-worker this year. I think it's very important to stress that something like this can happen at work and that people should be vigilant against unstable co-workers. Maybe there were signs that Clark could erupt in violence, if not murder, but even if there weren't I think emphasizing it as an incident of workplace violence is important.
To put his hands around her neck would be so intimate. Suggesting to me complete rage in that moment.

Has it been released that he strangled her? No.

COD is traumatic asphyxiation. The murderer could have used anything to asphyxiate her, e.g., the laundry cart that had the blood splatter on it.
Suffice to say, I think we all kind of missed our mark here even though some can't let go of a sexual motive.

In hindsight, I think we have a guy who was miserable in his own life. He worked around people with very bright futures while he cleaned up their messes. He probably could be hard to deal with at times and ultimately realized he was more of a janitor than a Technician.

Annie was probably more concerned about her experiments than following some of the rules of clean up. RC probably deemed it as an insult that she was not considerate of Lab rules or his rules. He deemed it personal and a blow up ensued. He probably had issues with her for a while and it got personal to him. Ultimately he snapped.

I agree with you 100%. I think it was a case of him not liking Le. This could be because of envy, or simply because he didn't like the way she treated the animals. Whatever the reason, I think he had been boiling for a while. He asked her to come to the lab to discuss things and things got out of hand. I'm thinking he probably said something that made her mad, she slapped him (or something along those lines) and he snapped. He then went into "cover-up" mode.
I'm trying not to cross-post here, but I posted this in the "Raymond Clark" thread, too: "Roid Rage" is a real possibility. If he's taking steroids, that would explain the difference in his demeanor now and what acquaintances knew of him before.

Will they do any kinds of tests to see whether or not he's taking steroids?

The only reason that I would say this is probably not the case is because it seems he had prior problems with her.
I am really liking the theory of him calling her out on protocols and her arguing with the protocol book in hand, proving she was right and he was wrong. That really makes the most sense to me. She was a smart spunky girl. Her absolute belief that she was right and he was wrong making him snap makes the most sense given the few facts we are actually getting confirmed by police.
I'm trying not to cross-post here, but I posted this in the "Raymond Clark" thread, too: "Roid Rage" is a real possibility. If he's taking steroids, that would explain the difference in his demeanor now and what acquaintances knew of him before.

Will they do any kinds of tests to see whether or not he's taking steroids?

The reason I don't think he was using steroids is because usually if a guy is going to use them just to look's going to be very noticeable. That's why he is using them, to stand out physically. Obviously Clark could have just started using them but from what I've seen I think it's probably not roid rage.

There's also no indication that Clark was still involved in sports, which is an arena you could use steroids for a reason other than making yourself look big and muscular.
has it been released that it was him questioning protocol? yes, he texted her about the cleanliness of the cage. cleaning the cages was his job. maybe she was the one who was concerned with how he was doing his job. maybe her questioning him made him snapped.
Workplace violence
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The definition of work related violence that has received pan-European acceptance is as follows:
“incidents where people are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being or health”.
This can involve violence resulting from industrial disputes, although this is not a major factor in most incidents.
This definition establishes violence as a behaviour with the potential to cause harm. Broadly speaking there are three forms:
• Non-physical violence (intimidation, abuse, threats etc)
• Physical violence (punching, kicking, pushing etc)
• Aggravated physical violence (use of weapons, e.g. guns, knives, syringes, pieces of furniture, bottles, glasses, etc)
Violence in all its forms is a concern for staff and management alike. For employers, violence can lead to poor morale and a poor image for the organisation, making it difficult to recruit and keep staff. It can also mean extra costs, such as those associated with absenteeism, higher insurance premiums and legal fees, fines and compensation payments where negligence is proven.
For employees, violence can cause pain, distress and even disability or death. Physical attacks are obviously dangerous but serious or persistent verbal abuse or threats can also damage employees’ health through anxiety or stress. Peter Vajda identifies workplace gossip as a form of workplace violence, noting that it is "essentially a form of attack."
[edit] Why do people actually resort to violence?
Violence is an example of what is termed ‘functional’ behaviour. That which can be used by an individual to get what they want, or to provide them with some tangible benefit. They may want faster or better service, they may desire attention or alternatively to be left alone or scare people off. They may wish to acquire cash, drugs or other goods that don’t belong to them. They may crave the excitement or notoriety, or it may be the only way they can express themselves or influence others.
[edit] Types of Workplace Violence
By understanding the cause of the violence we will be better able to eliminate, reduce or manage the risk of it occurring. There are four main types of work related violence:
[edit] Criminal violence
Violence perpetrated by individuals who have no relationship with the organisation or victim. Normally their aim is to access cash, stock, drugs, or perform some other criminal or unlawful act.
[edit] Service user violence
Violence perpetrated by individuals who are recipients of a service provided in the workplace or by the victim. This often arises through frustration with service delivery or some other by-product of the organisations core business activities.
[edit] Worker–on-worker violence
Violence perpetrated by individuals working within the organisation; colleagues, supervisors, managers etc. This is often linked to protests against enforced redundancies, grudges against specific members of staff, or in response to disciplinary action that the individual perceives as being unjust.
[edit] Domestic violence
Violence perpetrated by individuals, outside of the organisation, but who have a relationship with an employee e.g. partner, spouses or acquaintances. This is often perpetrated within the work setting, simply because the offender knows where a given individual is during the course of a working day.
[edit] Workplace Violence and Aggression
Buss (1961) identified eight types of aggression:
• Verbal-passive-indirect (failure to deny false rumors about target, failure to provide information needed by target)
• Verbal-passive-direct ("silent treatment", failure to return communication, i.e. phone calls, e-mails)
• Verbal-active-indirect (spreading false rumors, belittling ideas or work)
• Verbal-active-direct (insulting, acting condescendingly, yelling)
• Physical-passive-indirect (causing others to create a delay for the target)
• Physical-passive-direct (reducing target's ability to contribute, i.e. scheduling them to present at the end of the day where less people will be attending)
• Physical-active-indirect (theft, destruction of property, unnecessary consumption of resources needed by the target)
• Physical-active-direct (physical attack, nonverbal, vulgar gestures directed at the target)
In a study performed by Baron and Neuman (1996), researchers found pay cuts and pay freezes, use of part time employees, change in management, increased diversity, computer monitoring of employee performance, reengineering, and budget cuts were all significantly linked to increased workplace aggression. The study also showed a substantial amount of evidence linking unpleasant physical conditions (high temperature, poor lighting) and high negative affect, which facilitates workplace aggression. Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence and Their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes.,, retrieved February 24, 2009.

My guess still, they were in affair, she tried to stop it
Police become very tight lipped when asked about this

Possibly the domestic type:waitasec:

I hope justice is served on this for Annie, no matter what their relationship was, it was horrible
has it been released that it was him questioning protocol? yes, he texted her about the cleanliness of the cage. cleaning the cages was his job. maybe she was the one who was concerned with how he was doing his job. maybe her questioning him made him snapped.

Annie was probably more concerned about her experiments than following some of the rules of clean up. RC probably deemed it as an insult that she was not considerate of Lab rules or his rules. He deemed it personal and a blow up ensued. He probably had issues with her for a while and it got personal to him. Ultimately he snapped.

I think he had issues with everyone. He was known as incredibly anal. He just took all his rage out on her because she was so little and wouldn't be able to defend herself against him. Think: animal abusers.

These losers think, in that moment, how oh so powerful they are. They also see themselves as "victims."
Has it been released that he strangled her? No.

COD is traumatic asphyxiation. The murderer could have used anything to asphyxiate her, e.g., the laundry cart that had the blood splatter on it.

Point taken, non the less she was suffocated and to me however he achieved this with her suggest uncontrollable rage and a violent encounter. She put up a good fight I'm sure and regardless if he used his bare hands, he no doubt watched her slip away, IMO.
I agree with you 100%. I think it was a case of him not liking Le. This could be because of envy, or simply because he didn't like the way she treated the animals. Whatever the reason, I think he had been boiling for a while. He asked her to come to the lab to discuss things and things got out of hand. I'm thinking he probably said something that made her mad, she slapped him (or something along those lines) and he snapped. He then went into "cover-up" mode.

Yeah. The defensive wounds also don't seem to indicate that he was very prepared if he had planned on killing her that day.
I am really liking the theory of him calling her out on protocols and her arguing with the protocol book in hand, proving she was right and he was wrong. That really makes the most sense to me. She was a smart spunky girl. Her absolute belief that she was right and he was wrong making him snap makes the most sense given the few facts we are actually getting confirmed by police.

Yeah, that's a good theory. He seems hyper-sensitive about feeling "humiliated" and that could do the trick. Poor Annie was probably just sticking up for herself against this bullying jerk and he went apesh**.
The reason I don't think he was using steroids is because usually if a guy is going to use them just to look's going to be very noticeable. That's why he is using them, to stand out physically. Obviously Clark could have just started using them but from what I've seen I think it's probably not roid rage.

There's also no indication that Clark was still involved in sports, which is an arena you could use steroids for a reason other than making yourself look big and muscular.

Personally, I think he looks like a bit of a couch potato.
I think he had issues with everyone. He was known as incredibly anal. He just took all his rage out on her because she was so little and wouldn't be able to defend herself against him. Think: animal abusers.

These losers think, in that moment, how oh so powerful they are. They also see themselves as "victims."

I don't doubt he was anal. But we don't see reports of him texting other students and we would have by now. She was the main one he had a problem with. She didn't pay enough attention to his rules.
Yeah, that's a good theory. He seems hyper-sensitive about feeling "humiliated" and that could do the trick. Poor Annie was probably just sticking up for herself against this bullying jerk and he went apesh**.

i think it would be more humiliating to have someone question me about how i was doing my job. not me questioning them and having the show me the protcols.
i keep thinking she was the one with the issue and that made him mad.
i think it would be more humiliating to have someone question me about how i was doing my job. not me questioning them and having the show me the protcols.
i keep thinking she was the one with the issue and that made him mad.

That makes a lot of sense. When you think about it, why would he be mad if the cages were dirty when it was his job to clean them.

It makes sense that she would call him on not doing a good job and that's why he would lose it.
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