Movie Line Contest--Boulder

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I'm not saying they never watched them---just that they don't remember much about them let alone specific lines. JR did say he thought they showed Speed on a flight, but he didn't have head phones on.

True...but Patsy did.
I can't say they never saw any of the movies---I just don't think they would have the recall of the movie themes/lines. And if they hadn't planned the murder, and it was an accident as some think---they had a lot of staging to do in a small window. And they wouldn't have had to stage if it was accidental. Just call 911--accidents happen. And you have two parents that would have had to immediately decided to work together to do this elaborate coverup. BTW: I don't know if you've been to Boulder or not. There is a mystery bookstore that was call "Rue Morgue" that has been there since at least the 70's. They feature local writers on a table. Possibly at Christmas they featured Christmas mysteries. It is located kitty corner from where the new Pasta Jay's is--think it was being remodelled at the time, and JR had an interest in it. The name is changed, because they finally got on the internet, and another business had that named---a *advertiser censored* site. In any event, I always wondered if the perp may have visted that store.

ty Maikai, new info to me. Wondering if JR frequented this store.
Wasn't it Linda Wilcox who said bought books "by the numbers."...meaning whatever was on the bestseller list.

Why not movies by the numbers?

Speed...The Usual Suspects...popular movies in 1996.
ty Maikai, new info to me. Wondering if JR frequented this store.

Hard to say.....they featured mysteries. Murder at Christmas is a popular theme for mystery writers. I found several used books with the theme....including murderous Santa Clauses. When I went there it was summer several years later....and they had a table featuring local writers set up. It's really a nice store for those into mysteries....but the owner was saying the internet and chain stores were compeition, and they were planning on getting on the internet. Funny that the name was already taken by a *advertiser censored* site.
Wasn't it Linda Wilcox who said bought books "by the numbers."...meaning whatever was on the bestseller list.

Why not movies by the numbers?

Speed...The Usual Suspects...popular movies in 1996.

I'm not sure about Linda Wilcox's quote. I think I read that before...that John would read best sellers.

Yes....I think the movie theme ransom note is relevant. There have been lots of discussions on that. We know "Speed" and "Dirty Harry" are in the note. Possibly "Ricochet" if the perp left the marked up picture---and that was a movie about revenge. "The Usual Suspects" possibly---there was a quote at the end about "proper burial." There was also beheading---when Gwenth Paltrow's head was delivered in a box at the end. I remember Kevin Spacey saying they will wonder for a long time why he did it.

There was another movie out around that time---one on copycat murders--can't remember the name.
Guess I just learned something new. It seems that Gwyneth Paltrow had her head delivered in a box in two movies! Didn't that happen in "Seven" with Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, and Morgan Freeman?
Guess I just learned something new. It seems that Gwyneth Paltrow had her head delivered in a box in two movies! Didn't that happen in "Seven" with Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, and Morgan Freeman?

You're correct! I got the movies mixed up. The quote about proper burial was from "Seven" and Gwyeth Paltrow's head was delivered in a box. I also remember at the end Kevin Spacey saying he envied the detectives life---envy being a one of the deadly sins.

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