Mr and Mrs. George Anthony / How do they cope with living in the same home ?

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Jovi Girl

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Feb 24, 2010
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This is my first time starting a thread. I don't remember this really being discussed, perhaps it was awhile ago. Anyway, with Halloween having just passed, school having started about 8 weeks ago, more or less and Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up,I can't help but wonder about how they stay sane living in the home Caylee lived in for her short life. She would have probably started kindergarten this year. Did their hearts break when they watched buses going by ? Did they open the door to trick-or -treaters and think of what could have been ? I realize that many of the websleuths community have lost a child and go through this grief process continually. I 10000% apologize if this bothers anyone else. I just wonder how they can deny what happened to Caylee and WHO caused that to happen , and at the same time, watch other children who would be around Caylee's age, doing the things little ones do everyday. And the support of the person accused of this tragedy is ridiculous. I am wondering if they play little mind games, pretending that KC is somewhere else, not jail. Maybe telling thmselves that Caylee died of natural causes so they can deal with seeing other children and not agonize. Again, my apologies to those who have lost a child and deal with these same feelings every day. I cannot imagine the pain. I am not saying that a child who dies of natural causes is not agonizing. It must be horrible pain. I just think they may think this way so they can continue to support "mother of the year. " I need to take some tums now. Or a stiff drink !!
Remember the phone call where Cindy called 911, and said that the car that Casey had borrowed smelled like a dead body? And remember during George's deposition, when he told the detectives that the smell coming from the trunk of the car had the unmistakable smell of a decomposing body, and how once you have smelled it, you never forget it, and would never mistake it for the smell of anything else?

And do you remember when they both changed their stories, and blamed it all on the smell of rotting pizza? That was the turning point, where anyone could see that they had decided to lie, to protect their daughter.

I suppose it's theoretically possible that they are in such denial about all this that they really actually believe that their granddaughter is still missing. But rather than trying to analyze their madness, I'm just waiting for the trial, and am in the meantime enjoying watching the Anthonys and Jose Baez blundering along, making fools of themselves.

This doesn't completely address your main question though, of how George and Cindy can get along in the same house. Simple answer: George digs dominant women. Especially since he *knows* he's been naughty.
I'm sure their hearts break. They loved Caylee. Cindy has coped by going mentally insane and I hope she can snap out of it. She needs to stand up and admit to herself, 'I'm the mother of a daughter who killed her child. I will continue to love my daughter but she broke the law and now must take the punishment. We will always have our grand-daughter Caylee in our heart and her memories. Now, we must move on and look to the future. We have a son Lee. He will be getting married and having children. We will share the love we had for Caylee with his children. These children will grow up knowing they had a cousin. We will not hide Caylee's story but will share it in the family as ages get old enough to want to know the details. We will look to the future and blessings from God. We will not dwell on the past and what we lost or what could have been. We will emerge stronger with God's spirit in our hearts because of the ultimate test that we were given. We were chosen and we accepted and now we move on with great honor and love for God and our family. "
How do they get along in the same house? They do what they apparently do about everything else. They lie. They lie to themselves that they don't know what happened or where they went wrong. They lie to each other, saying everything will work out and they will all be one big happy family again one day. CA tells herself that there is nothing she could have done. GA tells himself that KC just has "issues". But, I can't help but think that at some point in time, perhaps when they are lost in a deep sleep, the truth haunts their dreams. It's at these times that the truth pokes it head through the veil of lies that surrounds this family and makes itself be known. Then the morning approaches and they awaken to their home that is now empty of the sunshine that was Caylee, and instead is filled with the ghosts of what could have been and what should have been done. They will sip their coffee, feigning smiles at each other, and start another day of lies. JMO, of course.
I doubt they get along vey well after all the pulling and tugging they have done to each others emotions a few distractions with other potential partners perhaps and the thought of what could have happened to Caylee right in that very house and it being done by their very own daughter while they were at work!!!! No, I don't think they stand by each other on the home front. I believe it is very cold and lonely in that house about now. That is what I think. They don't look very close in court. They each have their own agenda. Not good.
I've said it before, along with others - I predict they will (finally) divorce after the trial is over with & done. Lee already seems to be separated from the family and I think George will have had it up to his bushy black eyebrows with Cindy...

But then again, who would have either of them?? They may be stuck with each other!
Remember the phone call where Cindy called 911, and said that the car that Casey had borrowed smelled like a dead body? And remember during George's deposition, when he told the detectives that the smell coming from the trunk of the car had the unmistakable smell of a decomposing body, and how once you have smelled it, you never forget it, and would never mistake it for the smell of anything else?

And do you remember when they both changed their stories, and blamed it all on the smell of rotting pizza? That was the turning point, where anyone could see that they had decided to lie, to protect their daughter.

I suppose it's theoretically possible that they are in such denial about all this that they really actually believe that their granddaughter is still missing. But rather than trying to analyze their madness, I'm just waiting for the trial, and am in the meantime enjoying watching the Anthonys and Jose Baez blundering along, making fools of themselves.

This doesn't completely address your main question though, of how George and Cindy can get along in the same house. Simple answer: George digs dominant women. Especially since he *knows* he's been naughty.


hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I've had a stressful eve at home and in RL. Your post is the first i've read since I got on and your take on their relationship made me laugh my butt off! Thank YOU!
How do they get along in the same house? They do what they apparently do about everything else. They lie. They lie to themselves that they don't know what happened or where they went wrong. They lie to each other, saying everything will work out and they will all be one big happy family again one day. CA tells herself that there is nothing she could have done. GA tells himself that KC just has "issues". But, I can't help but think that at some point in time, perhaps when they are lost in a deep sleep, the truth haunts their dreams. It's at these times that the truth pokes it head through the veil of lies that surrounds this family and makes itself be known. Then the morning approaches and they awaken to their home that is now empty of the sunshine that was Caylee, and instead is filled with the ghosts of what could have been and what should have been done. They will sip their coffee, feigning smiles at each other, and start another day of lies. JMO, of course.
I read in Cindy's latest letters that she did finally move Caylee's potty chair out of her bathroom, why would she do that if she really thought Caylee was still alive???

Itsy said:
I've said it before, along with others - I predict they will (finally) divorce after the trial is over with & done. Lee already seems to be separated from the family and I think George will have had it up to his bushy black eyebrows with Cindy...

But then again, who would have either of them?? They may be stuck with each other!
I also read in Shirley's letters that Cindy won't divorce him because he'd get half the house and she'd have to pay him alimony...:snooty:
Maybe I should have reworded that title . How Do The Anthony's Live In The House Where Their Granddaughter May Have Been Murdered. !!!?????
I asked that question from day 1.
I for one would see Caylee's ghost everywhere!
I would have to leave because of the BAD memories.
On the other hand, my relative kept the car his son died in.
He needed to feel his son was arround.............
Different things for diffent people.

as for the 2 living together............
well before my divorse (many moons ago), we lived in the same house but separately.
Separate bedrooms, separate bath, separate phones......passed in the kitchen and let me tell you it was a hard 6 months til I got enough money to move out!
Many woman die because they hang on and share the house while divorcing.
But these 2 were made for each other..........LOL
I read in Cindy's latest letters that she did finally move Caylee's potty chair out of her bathroom, why would she do that if she really thought Caylee was still alive???

I also read in Shirley's letters that Cindy won't divorce him because he'd get half the house and she'd have to pay him alimony...:snooty:

I wondered the same thing. Then I figured she thinks that since Caylee is 5 years old and living it up in NYC, Zanny must have potty trained her by now.
Well, people can say "I would have to leave the house" where something like a death or other tragedy happened, but the reality of life in terms of finances, mortgages, finding another house one can afford to live in, packing, paying to move, etc. often factor into staying where one is.

And, on the other side of things, there can be a sense of comfort in remembering how much a lost loved one enjoyed a certain place.

In my own family we have a family "second home" that my late beloved father built many years ago with his own father. My dad loved this place and over the years we have had - and continue to have - some of our best times as a family there. And to this day I always feel very close to my dad when I'm there. Other family members have made similar comments. And it is not a disturbing feeling, it is a good, almost comforting feeling.

One evening my adult nephew said to me "When we're here I keep having the feeling that grandpap is going to walk in through that door any minute!" and I looked at him and smiled and said "Me too. Nice, isn't it?"
Good job starting your first thread!
Your question reminded me of someone writing to me once and asking me to lay off mom and pop and explain why this grieving Grandmother and Grandfather can't get any respect around here. My first smart Alec response would have been, I am offended that you asked. Then I started thinking about the Anthonys and how they are perceived and largely it is not by inference, but rather their actions that they are judged. I think the pair of them living together in the house where Caylee lived, they compartmentalize and do as they do everything else. Here is a blog I wrote about it some time ago.

They don't think like we do. If you don't believe me, just ask Mr. Miller!
Also, how does it feel to them to drive around Orlando, where signs for Universal are EVERYWHERE, and not feel sick,with all the lies KC told about working there ?? I'd get out of the entire state of Fla if I were in their shoes. Seriously, the neighbors , ex co-workers, etc. What do they say when they see these people. "oh, hi, how's it going ?' "Yeah, Lee is doing fne, and well, we're doing okay. Oh, I love the begonias , they look great this year".
I wondered the same thing. Then I figured she thinks that since Caylee is 5 years old and living it up in NYC, Zanny must have potty trained her by now.

oh strawberry ! You are too,too funny !!!
Letters to Casey

The document release includes letters from Cindy Anthony. In a note to her daughter from June 2009, she explained her frustration with the State Attorney’s Office. Cindy wrote, “I really don't know how they can get away with sharing all of your private mail with the public. I don't care that the Sheriff's Office reads them, but where in the constitution does it state that the public has a right to read letters sent through the U.S. Postal Service."

Several of the letters released by the Attorney’s Office came from people with no relation to the case. Their names and addresses were made public. Cindy wrote, "I certainly hope enough people will contact an attorney and file a class action lawsuit against the prosecutor's office."

Cindy also wrote about her granddaughter’s room and how she is moving on. “I am so proud of myself. I finally took Cay's potty chair out of my bathroom. Sounds crazy that it was in there for 2 years. It is just so hard to let go of some things. We spent all of that time together in the mornings while I was getting ready for work. I can still see her.”

In the second letter written only a month later, in July 2009, Cindy tells her daughter, "I have not given up on you. My faith in you and God has continued to grow everyday.”

Cindy writes optimistically about her daughter being acquitted and talks about the pair looking for Caylee, “When Spring comes and your trial is over we will find her together. I continue to seek her and continue to have hope that we will all be reunited soon."

Cindy goes on to offer her daughter advice about the upcoming trial. She wrote, "I need you to continue to stay focus and strong. Don't let all of the games that the State [Attorney’s] Office and Mark Nejame or anyone else is playing get to you. In the end they will all have to face up to what they are doing. All their twisting of the truth and purposely leaving out statements or evidence will eventually bite them in the rear. I know that when the trial comes your team will blow all of their theories and lack of evidence up in their faces."

Seems to me, they are out of touch with reality, on certain days...depends on how they wake up!!! Private mail? Why can't this family get and understand, there is no privacy in JAIL....JMHO

CA has been contray from the beginning. She says one thing then automatically states it again, in different form. This woman and her accused child killing daughter are much alike with one exception. The hatred and rage ICA carries is more physical and CA's is verbal/emotional!

CA was the one who came out to the media with all those false Caylee sightings. We now see it all was generated from the alleged psychic, GL..CA just can't control herself. She writes to ICA in spring when you are acquitted we will both look for Caylee together. If this isn't trying to taint the jury pool, as her false Caylee sightings were, I truly think someone should get this woman Baker acted..for her own good.

How she projects.

All their twisting of the truth and purposely leaving out statements or evidence will eventually bite them in the rear. I know that when the trial comes your team will blow all of their theories and lack of evidence up in their faces."

Seems to me, it's the Anthony family who continually "twist the truth". What evidence was purposely left out? Lack of evidence? Truly dreaming, CA...she must need to do this for her own sanity. I'm waiting for a letter from ICA stateing...Ma...are you serious. You know what happened to Caylee! How can you sit there and continue to verbally/emotionally abuse me when you know YOU had Caylee cremated...what is wrong with you???

Or this is all for mitigation show the jurors what ICA had to live with...JMHO

Fantasy seems to get her through certain days. Getting rid of Caylee's potty, yet she feels she's still out there away Caylee's shoes, in theory but she actually bought new shoes for that charity. CA is flaky, she swings like the top of trees in a tornado..JMHO

I can't imagine what she would truly do if ICA walks free. Does she think they could pick up where they left off? I think CA is setting herself up for a huge letdown, as if she hadn't been let down enough. I think she loves the negativity, she thrives on it...I just can't wait for this trial. I think we will see lots of hands over faces when all the facts/evidence are presented and CA might just come under fire for her rearing of ICA, her control..she seems to be just as diabolical as her twin...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
IMO the A's have compartmentalized Caylee's death and KC's incarceration. They probably don't have the financial ability to move to a home as nice as the one they are in. As we have learned in this case the A's were only able to purchase the Hopespring residence from another couple in financial stress by assuming their loan. Their credit would not have allowed them to purchase such a nice home at the time. It would seem they are in even worse financial straights now. They don't strike me as the type to "downgrade" their living environment into an affordable apartment or smaller home. After the trial it would surprise me if they stayed in the area. Regardless of the outcome I truly believe they are barely holding it together right now, telling themselves whatever it takes to wake up every day and put one foot in front of the other. Once the trial is over they will have to face the truth. It truly would be a break from reality to not face the truth at that point. In the event that their is an acquittal, well, I doubt we'll never hear the end of them.

Right now we may be surprised what their home life is like. Was it Bullwinkle that said GA likes dominant women? I totally agree with that. I was struck by something I saw following one of the status conferences. It seems like it was the hearing where GA showed up late? In the courtroom I don't believe they even sat next to one another and their was speculation that they had separated then. Anyhow, following the hearing, when it didn't appear they knew the cameras were on them, they were holding hands and walking together. It was actually very touching. Then they realized the cameras were there and GA and CA "appeared" again. So my point is......we really don't know how well they are doing in that house. They may be each others rock. I doubt it, but it could be true. I have seen stranger things occur between couples in such trying times. Do they argue and blame? I bet they did, for years. Maybe they still do, something tells me they have found some formula of denial/hope to get through each day. More than likely there is a book/movie/video game/IPhone App in the works.......there has to be. I believe that also keeps them together in that house. They are re-writing their history and just waiting for the final chapter.

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