Mr. Juan Martinez is my next guest on True Crime Radio Thursday March 24th

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Tricia: Summary of Vinnie Politan's Legal Insanity podcast with JM:

VP thanks JM, you’re a career prosecutor-what’s your story, why dedicate your career to prosecuting? JM- was a defense atty for 2 years, in civil practice for 3 yrs, was asked to join Maricopa Co. Atty office. Applied to the Maricopa public defender’s office but was rejected because “I wasn’t aggressive enough.”

Did you ever enter plea negotiations with JA? Can’t talk about it. All her pre-trial interviews: “I was happy when she was speaking” before trial (gave JM insight how she’d be on stand and a whole lot to use against her as well). Her turns at pro per only time the exchanged words with her---10 15 words. Not otherwise.

Feb 4. She took stand. First thought? JM- That his strategy would bear fruit---she needed to be on stand to get to 3rd gas can. Waited as long as possible. That confrontation was the only moment in trial when she seemed “a bit down,”it took her a minute, but she came up with an answer (never in SLC). But he had the receipt to prove it. That was the only real “Perry Mason momen”t in his career.

What of her story was new to him? A lot of it, including all the minute detail about sex. His way to handle that- yah, OK, and to tease out from her that she enjoyed it just as much as he did.

VP- what was your day to day like in trial? Such long days—process? Prepared day by day after each day of direct. So much was new. The first alleged sex was new..the paper swirling pedo detail new,

VP- How long do you think it took for her to develop her stories? JM- 2 years after the ninjas she was telling (Dr. Karp) the “real” story. As to the rest…JM thinks she developed “as she went along.”

VP- Most ridiculous thing she said? JM- the pedo stuff…a bit over the top. TA’s so so over-sexed, right, that’s what she wants to relate, and so so into her, and yet….now we’re expected to believe he has pedo tendencie. That story “strained the whole case for her.”

VP- Never seen such a relentless cross as yours….the intensity. Where does that come from? JM- Taught not to be, but it works for me. And asking her open ended questions would mean she’d regurgitate what she said direct. So, quick pace, letting her know word games wouldn’t be tolerated. YES or NO only. Of course, that’s when the “everloving’ fog would roll on in.

The length of her time on stand (for cross) was largely a product of word smith games she played, and her “memory lapses.”

Can you turn it off at end of day? Sure.

JM: Most of everything of importance came out in trial, nothing of any great importance excluded. Only thing JM mentions is what she packed in her get-away car, but he didn’t think that info was relevant to trial.

Did she stalk anyone else? Depends on view of stalking. With Bobby …her behavior a little bit of that. Matt M broke off with her, he stopped having sex with her. TA-tried to stop having sex with her but wasn’t successful. From TA’s perspective—a 30 year old young man, he wasn’t strong enough to say no when she presented herself to him, and no, she didn’t actually crawl through the doogy door, just opened the sliding door that had the doggie flap.

No personal relationship with Nurmi. DT has their job to do, I let them do it and leave them alone.

TA’s family…how much contact with? Lots throughout and after. “Can’t see how anyone can get past this kind of a loss of a loved one.”
Had an idea the trial was getting bigger, but didn’t pay a lot of attention to it, his whole focus was on his job, doesn’t even think about the jury when he’s in court.

VP- Can you tell us about something happening we didn’t know about during trial? JM- Everyone knew everything. I was surprised about what was out there and how accurate it was. I did all this get out?

When trial is over, he’s done. Doesn’t wonder. Shorter career if he did. Can go to bed at night because he’s done what he could. Takes the John Wooten approach.

Writing the book was more difficult than trial, deciding what to put in leave out. Audience for book-anyone can pick it up. Why’s answered for trial watchers, an interesting read (he hopes) for everyone else.

The one thing people might be surprised to know about him? JM: I’m shy. I think.
Will the digital camera pics and all EXIF data ever be released to the public?
Tricia: General: the most frequently asked Q/A’s , from multiple interviews

1. The gas cans. Why the gas can evidence was so important, and his strategy for when and how he revealed it at trial.

2. How he approached his cross of JA on the stand (non-linear, keep her off balance), and whether or not she irritated/frustrated/angered him (no, he enjoyed it when she argued back, etc., because then the jury saw her real self). To get angry is to be emotional, not logic.

3. What he thought about the DT’s strategy: (JM’s chief point is that he believes the DT erred in focusing immediately and too much on sex, because it meant JA was presented almost entirely in that single dimension, not as a whole person the jury might find sympathetic, and because the constant repetition of sex themes and words (texts, etc.) desensitized the jury).

4. Most difficult aspect of handling her on stand? Her changing stories. But that also “presented an opportunity” because so many different stories meant lots of openings to exploit, and she revealed herself as a liar.

5. Was he disappointed in the LWOP verdict? (No. His job was done when he turned the case over to the jury (juries). He believes he did everything he could possibly do (as he does with every case), he believes in the jury system (strongly!), and when the verdict is read, it’s time to move on. No looking back, no second guessing…there’s no point, no purpose served.

6. Why he chooses to go solo on cases. (Gives him complete control over strategy and presentation, allows him to respond to twists and turns at trial with greater agility, since he knows everything there is to know about the case).
May I impose upon one or two kind WSers to do a verbatim (or close to verbatim) transcript of the radio show? Please know that it will be greatly appreciated by those who care about what JM has to say as well as what fellow WSers want to know, but do not have the most dependable internet connection that would allow for uninterrupted listening.

(Potentially making matters worse, we are expecting 11 inches of snow here overnight; ew!)
Tricia- Questions JM has declined to answer.

1. His opinion about Nurmi.

2. Whether or not the State ever considered a plea bargain.

3. What her chances are on appeal.

4. Anything about his private life.

Trial prep—watching videos of 48 did it shape, and cross. The most conversant person he’d ever heard-she’s calm cool faced with difficult questions, she always had an answ
During the guilt phase, one of the rebuttal witnesses you were planning to call was a Fraud Investigator at JP Morgan, Susie Dittman. Why didn't she testify?

Ooooh, good one, and I hope he can answer it. I think we all have a suspicion what it was about, but we want answers. LOL.
Is there any evidence that Jodi stole money from Travis?

Does Jodi have any charges pending against her or any that were dropped after her conviction?
Going down the snake hole!!! ICKY ICKY.

Other than nude photos, was there any evidence that Ms. Arias and Travis did in fact have sex on June 4th? Were there pics we didn't see, as neither appeared happy in the pics.
Thank you Hope4More. This is extremely helpful

Tricia- I’m posting summaries of questions/answers from interviews JM has already done, in case you missed any and would like to know what ground he has already covered in interviews. :) 

Q/A from online Reddit forum

He didn’t get x-ray of finger because didn’t know about it ahead of time; only other money she ever earned other than waitressing was from PPL; no opinion on her appeal chances; no qualms about timing of book; LE attempted to test rental car for blood-none found, well cleaned; only she knows what happened to weapons & journals, etc. ; knows about mean things said about him, isn’t concerned for his safety; trial was so high profile probably because of sex; every case is new to him and he always feels some apprehension; thinks trials are a very fair process; “still surprising to me that anyone would think Snow White was a battered woman (about wow, that testimony!); media coverage didn’t affect the trial because jurors weren’t exposed to it; I like to keep my private life private to keep the focus on my professional life; her post -conviction interviews didn’t surprise him because she always wanted to be the center of attention; he didn’t call Matt McCartney or Bobby for strategic reasons, doesn’t know why DT didn’t; doesn’t know why JA didn’t take the camera- accidental or on purpose, just glad she didn’t; says TA knew she was taking pics in shower because he is looking at her in SOME of them; his book took 5 months to write; Nurmi said you should have brought in pedo letters--no, they were forged, but highly inflammatory, didn’t know how jurors would respond; part of what makes our legal system great is how open it is, including graphic evidence, even if it makes the v’s family uncomfortable; the only thing he thought about when he looked over at JA was how violently she had ended TA’s life.
For JM....(I hope he knows about the WS audience he'll have tomorrow night--that many of us are seriously hardcore, rabbit-hole diving, deep deep in the weeds JA trial watchers and post-trial analyzers and kibitzers. I think our motto could well be "no detail of the case and trial is too small to sleuth and discuss," especially when that sleuthing and discussing exposes yet another one of her lies.:)

1. You’ve provided different dates for when it is you believe she first began planning to murder Travis: that she made the first call to Darryl Brewer for gas cans “mid-May” but also “the last week in May;” that her hacking TA’s IM with Regan Housely on May 19th “was the beginning of premeditation;” and that their Gmail on May 26 led her to take immediate action (gas cans, theft of gun).

Could you please clarify when it is you believe she first began planning to murder Travis?

2. From the texts record (available on Beth Karas On Crime website), and from the available phone records introduced at trial, it appears that Travis meant what he told JA on May 26, and wanted no further contact with her.

Other than responding briefly to several texts she sent him between May 30 and June 2, do other records reflect they were in contact during that time, either by phone or by email?

Following up on that, IF they weren’t communicating, she didn’t tell him she was travelling to Mesa, he wasn’t expecting her, and she didn’t know anything about the videos she said she watched with Travis when she “surprised” him at 4:30AM, on what do you base the assertion you made at trial, that Travis was awake when she arrived and greeted her?

3. Is there any evidence about what happened on the June 4th that wasn’t presented at trial?

4. You brought up several instances of her falsifying/manipulating online correspondence with Travis, most notably the May 2 text/IM she sent to herself in his name. She seems to have spent a considerable amount of time in May tracking Travis, hacking into his accounts, and seemingly, keeping and/or manufacturing an online record to prove TA was sexually active.

Do you believe she first had plans of whatever sort to blackmail Travis somehow, and that those plans shifted to murder instead? Are there other instances of her falsifying /manufacturing “evidence” against Travis that you are aware of?

5. Your trial narrative was so powerful and compelling. You succeeded, somehow, in giving voice to the real Travis, even as bound as you were by rules of evidence and your own trial strategy of not focusing on how she victimized Travis before she killed him.
Your book reads as cleanly and as well as your spoken narrative at trial. You’ve said that writing the book was more difficult than the trial in part because it was difficult deciding what to include and what should be left out.

Do you go through a similar process when you prep for trial, especially in the crafting of your trial narrative?
Thank you Hope4More. This is extremely helpful

You're very welcome. I'm summarizing one other interview (on CrimeTime), IMO, the best of any he's done, both for the questions asked and for his responses. Will post it tomorrow AM.
Hi Everyone,

Yes, Mr. Martinez will be on the show tomorrow night Thursday, March 24th.

YEEEHAAA as we say in Utah when we get really excited. ;)

Keep posting your questions.

Remember the show is now pre-recorded.

I will record the interview with Mr. Martinez tomorrow (Thursday) at 9 PM Eastern. At approx 10:30 PM Eastern the show will be posted at

Anytime after 10:30 PM Eastern you can listen to the show.

So keep the questions coming.

Thank you!!!

What would you like me to ask Juan Martinez?


No questions, but please give him a big thank you for his hard work in getting justice, and for some great lines in the trial. My favorite, "It's your fog."
May I impose upon one or two kind WSers to do a verbatim (or close to verbatim) transcript of the radio show? Please know that it will be greatly appreciated by those who care about what JM has to say as well as what fellow WSers want to know, but do not have the most dependable internet connection that would allow for uninterrupted listening.

(Potentially making matters worse, we are expecting 11 inches of snow here overnight; ew!)

I'll try my best, to at least do a summary of questions asked and answered. Will post it here after I type it up. :)
Hi guys,
Can't wait to hear Juan~ yay

I read Nurmi's book (just to get info) and he had a chapter about Jodi's recorded phone calls in the jail. What was interesting was how he said how mean, nasty and demanding she was to her callers. Especially her mother. (No surprise there)

Nurmi said he was surprised that Juan didn't use the recorded tapes in the trial. He said they made her look so bad, that even he would have given her the death penalty.

My question for Juan is, why didn't he use these? I would love to hear these! She's such a monster, I can only imagine how she sounds when she thinks 'no one is listening'. But they were;)
Tricia, if you decide to ask one of my questions in post #3 regarding the possible incorrect time was set on Travis' camera, please add the following explanation for the question.

The last accidental photo on June 4th is at 5:33 pm. JA had to shoot him next, place him in the shower, pour water on him to erase her DNA, clean herself up, change clothes, attempt to clean up the bathroom area, gather up bloody towels and clothes and put them into the washing machine, delete photos, pack up her weapons and belongings, maybe let out Naps from where he was locked in, place the doggie gate, etc.

It seems there was simply not enough staging time available to her before one of his roommate came home for her to be unseen.
Hi guys,
Can't wait to hear Juan~ yay

I read Nurmi's book (just to get info) and he had a chapter about Jodi's recorded phone calls in the jail. What was interesting was how he said how mean, nasty and demanding she was to her callers. Especially her mother. (No surprise there)

Nurmi said he was surprised that Juan didn't use the recorded tapes in the trial. He said they made her look so bad, that even he would have given her the death penalty.

My question for Juan is, why didn't he use these? I would love to hear these! She's such a monster, I can only imagine how she sounds when she thinks 'no one is listening'. But they were;)

FWIW, JM answered this specific question in another interview. He said he didn't use the calls because he didn't think they were relevant to the case he wanted to make.
Tricia: Publisher’s “interview” with JM (he sits alone answering questions, no interviewer).

1. Why did you write book? To explain my thinking.

2. How did you use the gas cans to corner her? Read the DT’s report that was turned over to me, followed the gas can trail.

3. What was her reaction (to gas can evidence)? She had some time to prepare, having heard the 2 can testimony of DB, but she didn’t know about the 3 rd can until the very last moment. It was the only time in the trial when she looked like she was caught. Finally, for one thing.

4. Tell us about the secret messages from jail. I was at the jail. Noticed a regular JA visitor arriving, and that JA asked the guard immediately for 2 magazines to be given to her visitor. Jailors found the codes in magazine creases.

5. Your initial theory when you saw the scene? Blood everywhere, an extremely violent murder. It appeared the person responsible was angry, but had also thought it through, had cleaned up; was methodical and calculating.

6. Do you ever get callous towards crime? No.

7. Most damning piece of evidence? The camera, and the 3 sets of photos (sex, shower, accidental).

8. Why bring a camera to a murder? It was his. She said she was tutoring him in how to use it. (Note--she did??)

9. When did she become your main suspect? She immediately came under suspicion because of reports by TA’s friends; her calls to LE also lit her up. Took some time to get fingerprint, DNA results, then photos. After that she was our only suspect.

10. Strategy of dealing with her in court? To not let her control the court room like she had the media. Questions…were direct, and harsh if need be, otherwise she’d get to tell her story a second time.

11. How does the reaction to the case and the book make you feeeeeeel? (sorry…onset of PTSD flashback to Nurmi at trial). JM: Humbled.

12. What was going through your mind when she didn’t receive the DP? I do my best, accept it, move on.

13. Do you think about what you could have done differently? No. Did my best. Done. Same as all my cases.

14. Did you worry about the salacious nature of the case? No. Focused on what she did to him on June 4.

15. Did the strategy of making it about sex rather than murder hurt the defense? The DT made their case about sex, not murder. A callousing effect seemed to take place. Lost impact. DT and JA went a little too far in reminding folks in courtroom the case was about sex instead of what she actually did.

16. If you could, what would you say to Travis? That I hope he’s found peace, and that things that were said during trial are less hurtful now that she has been sentenced to LWOP.

17. Why do you work alone? Allows me to make a more cohesive presentation to jury, mine is the only voice. Thinks that allows the jury to come to know him/his style, and thus the jury can see he is a sincere individual and that the evidence and points he’s put forward are important. Thinks juries and juries come to appreciate his method. Also allows me to move more quickly, and if possible, to form a bond with jury, or at least for the jury to feel they can rely upon something, and that’s me, presenting the case on a day to day basis.

18. Is the book also about your life? I ended the book with a little bit about my past. The reason I did was because (what I wrote about) was important to how I prosecuted the JA case, lessons I learned—that things aren’t always what they seem, and that there are things you do and things you don’t do, and one of the things you don’t do is what JA did to Travis Alexander.
Tricia- Crime Time interview, about 5 or so minutes in, after it moves past his approach to crossing her (same answers he’s given).

Q: Criticism in media….that you were all over the place during your cross of JA.

A: Yes, by design. She expected chronological questions. Instead I started off with questions about her double standards (criticisms about family). Kept her off guard. Was I harsh? Sometimes harsh is appropriate. I wasn’t getting the truth from her.

Q: This trial was replete with lying. Hers especially. Did her evasions make you angry?

A: No. To be angry is to lose control of the process. There was a lot of gamesmanship, sparring about words, but it all fed into my strategy of revealing who she was.

She said--I lied then, I lied then, it came across as almost sympathetic. I needed to correct for that- --lying is not ok, you’re lying now, the lying is indicative of what you’re like, and you still are lying, here.

Q: A lot of shocking materials at trial, a ton of sex. You said in the book you were surprised by JW opening with it?

A: It’s the easy path to take. Missed on asking -- who is she? All you see is an individual who engaged in sex continually, and that’s what was presented, all the way through the trial. The sex stuff became commonplace after a time, and then it just looked exploitative.

Q: Felt some *advertiser censored*-shaming of her went on.

A: I don’t think I *advertiser censored* shamed her. The DT introduced the photos of penis, the sex tape (most uncomfortable evidence), they talked in minute detail about all kinds of sex acts. If there was any *advertiser censored* shaming, it was done by the DT.

If anything, I think humanized her a little by asking her-did you enjoy it? She may have lost her way, may have gotten too angry with me, but she ended up saying she enjoyed it. That turned everything around. After she said that, the DT’s focus translated to gratuitous talk about sex, which after all, was between two consenting adults.

Q- But then there was the Mormon angle, the church frowns on premarital sex, did that add to the salaciousness of the trial

A- Yes, Mormon church absolutely prohibits such sex. The combination of sex and religion was inflammatory for many.

Q-. How did you deal with the negative stuff that TA actually did put in writing? The (May 26 chat), for example, that was very offensive to most people?

A: That was the most difficult part of my presentation. He was saying things no one should really say. One has to take responsibility, and I wasn’t going to cover it up for him. I handled it by putting it in context.

He makes comments about himself in the chat, negative comments. And she was lying about something then, and wouldn’t admit it. So that context helped, as did the DT’s constant (and desensitizing repetition of some of what TA said).

Q- Let’s discuss what strategy you employed, especially to prove premed rather than “snapped.” When did you first have solid evidence of premed?

A: there is a difference between planning and premed.

For premed: she had 2 implements, the attack lasted 2 minutes, the number of times she stabbed him, the shot to his head.
The planning---so much of it. She began planning at the end of May, when she called DB for cans. Gas cans are heavy and smelly…the request was a red flag.

Then the staged burglary, the taking of handgun. The 90 miles to car rental, dyed hair. One of the more interesting parts- that she even thought to take plates off her car. She really thought it through. “Travis Alexander just wasn’t going to survive June 4.”

Q. Would she have killed someone else?

A. Don’t know, but lots of parallels in what she packed, the car etc., when about to flee.

Q—There she was in court with her glasses, demure outfits, and then there was that brutal crime scene. Where you worried about being able to convince the jury she was capable?

A. It was a huge concern. She looked so waifish and weak when I first saw her, not like a murderer. But, what does a murderer look like? It was very difficult. I decided to deal with the problem by focusing on her planning. I also knew that on the stand she’d be self-righteous, someone who would bend the truth.

Q. Did you ever worry she was swaying jury?

A. No. Don’t worry about jury. If I do, I’m not paying enough attention to the case. Let the chips fall where they may.

Q. Do you ever ask Flores to jury-watch?

A. No. Never. Would be a sign of insecurity. Don’t need him to. He does his job, I do mine.

Q. What was it like, surprising Flores with the gas can evidence he didn’t know about?

A. Not telling him was difficult for me. But thought it best for strategy not to tell him. Flores had a “Mona Lisa” smile when I returned to seat after springing the evidence.

Sometimes telling a thing over and over makes it lose it’s power. I wanted to maintain the impact (for myself). I think DB gulped when I asked him about the cans.

Q. Were you surprised the DT didn’t follow up on the gas cans?

A . Don’t know why they didn’t. may not have recognized significance.

Q. You don’t criticize the DT very much. How do you feel about the DT/do you socialize with them outside of court?

A. I’m there to do my job, not make friends. I focus on how serious it is, that a charge of 1st degree murder has been levelled. I’m there to advance the interest of the state of AZ. And it’s just the way I am.

I don’t focus on the DT in my book because I didn’t write it to point fingers or for anything other than to explain my own thinking.
The only points brought up: that the DT was late on producing witnesses for him to interview (Gus) and too much sex.

Q. Aware of criticism of you in media?

A. Aware, but didn’t want to be influenced. Media has a place in the courtroom, and our open courts are a really great thing-educational for the public. Hoping his book helps people understand a trial isn’t what you think it is….everything seems easy…it’s not. A lot of thinking went into it.

Q. Do you really believe jurors didn’t access media? You know, sometimes they say that but the really are.
A. I haven’t experienced that (I trust their integrity).

Q. About signing autographs in front of courthouse, given the DT’s endless moves for a mistrial (doing their job), do you think it was a mistake?

A. No. It would have been discourteous not to sign (for that one trialwatcher), a lack of courtesy and upbringing. No jurors were there. It was not a mistake.

Q. It didn’t come off that way. It was reported that jurors were there. It looked like it (was about your ego), which is probably what those editorials were about.

A. I guess what you’re saying is that the media was misinformed. I agree (laughs).

Q. You were there. Getting to know you a little, I can’t imagine you’d do anything to jeopardize the trial (sorry, but really?? She needed more info to reach that conclusion?)

A. I controlled myself, (he changes subject mid-sentence) I limited evidence, didn’t want to introduce anything problematic because I respect the appeals process.

Q. Nancy Grace criticized you for not bringing in bikini stuff, she says bring it all in, let the appellate court sort it out. How did you whittle down what you had?

A. The bikini and post-memorial service flirting with man on plane way home stuff just wasn’t relevant to how she killed Travis, and I wouldn’t bring it in-even if it was allowed (wouldn’t be, he says) he wouldn’t, as it contributes nothing but potential appellate problems down the road--too inflammatory.

Q. Did she have sex with Ryan Burns?

A. Yes, according to the oMormon definition of sex, and she’s the one who called herself a Mormon.

Q. Kirk N’s book—what is your reaction, especially to the fact most attorneys think he released privileged info?

A. I have nothing to say about that.

Q. And the ethical concerns about your book?

A. I’m not violating her due process rights. The info is already known, I’m just explaining my thinking/strategy.

Q. About the crime scene. Concerned about overwhelming the jury with too many graphic autopsy photos?
A. Yes. Limited them, used some not all of them, and only when it served a purpose.

Q. Did you ask his family to be there every day?

A. No. They made those decisions entirely on their own.

Q. Disappointed in LWOP? No.

A. When trial finished, were you aware just how popular you’d become?

A. Yes. Thrust in a small way into the limelight, but my job is the same, but yes, I get recognized a lot now.

Q. You should. It’s a really great book.

1. Did the DT intentionally and knowingly turn over all that lovely DT work product that provided you with the pivotal gas can clues (and so much else), or did someone on the DT (or staff) give it to you by mistake?

It’s playing “what if,” but….was your epiphany about her plan to go silent through Arizona entirely contingent upon finding the gas can info in Darryl Brewer’s DT interview? Or would you have been able to deduce that was her plan, based on other available evidence?

(FWIW, Tricia, I don’t think JM has been asked any questions about how and why the DT turned over such crucially important work product to him, which is actually remarkable, especially since JM clearly savored retelling how he quite literally accidentally came across another vital (banking) file that he needed to put all his gas cans =premeditation pieces together. This story was a GREAT chapter in his book!!)

2. You’ve said that writing the book was more difficult than the trial in part because it was difficult deciding what to include and what should be left out. Do you go through a similar process when you prep for trial, especially in the crafting of your trial narrative?

3. You’ve provided different dates for when it is you believe she first began planning to murder Travis: (mid-May, May 19, May 26, May 28, the last week in May. Could you please clarify when it is you believe she first began planning to murder Travis?

4. Is there any evidence about what happened on the June 4th that wasn’t presented at trial? For example, is there an evidence that Travis was actually awake and greeted her early AM on the 4th? Or that they actually tried to load her photo CD’s?

5. Do you believe she first had plans of whatever sort to blackmail Travis somehow, and that those plans shifted to murder instead? Are there other instances in addition to what was presented at trial of her falsifying /manufacturing “evidence” against Travis?

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