MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #10

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A Diversion: The VFD arrived within four minutes so the 1st fire was not much of a diversion. I would be interested to know the time of the 911 call for that 1st fire.


My response to you would be this: try holding your breath for just four minutes to see how much seconds can count in a life or death situation. Or better yet, hold your hand over a burning candle for that long.
Maybe it wasn't much of a diversion, if it was one at all, but who knows what the perpetrator(s) was(were) thinking when he/she/they hatched this crime? Although I've got to hand it to them, they've had LE tied up in knots for almost five months now. Couldn't have been too dumb, or they'd be under arrest by now.
My response to you would be this: try holding your breath for just four minutes to see how much seconds can count in a life or death situation. Or better yet, hold your hand over a burning candle for that long.
Maybe it wasn't much of a diversion, if it was one at all, but who knows what the perpetrator(s) was(were) thinking when he/she/they hatched this crime? Although I've got to hand it to them, they've had LE tied up in knots for almost five months now. Couldn't have been too dumb, or they'd be under arrest by now.

No, thank you, rbarber17, I'll pass on the lit candle experiment. I posted something similar in the past. The car was still engulfed in flames when the FF arrived but I don't think Jessica was. I do believe that she was blinded from the flammable liquid and suffering deeply from unbearable radiant heat from an intense flash fire.

According to volunteer FF response times, there is a chart at the link below that shows the standard response times for rural areas. Courtland FF arrived quickly comparatively. I'm not certain of the time when Pope VFD arrived.

I currently hold the belief that everyone at M&Ms that night of Dec 6, maybe with the exception of the chicken delivery lady in the pink shirt, was knowledgeable of the upcoming event. I would be interested to know if the crowd at M&Ms dispersed after Jessica left the station. Champion said in the first news conference that the perp(s) "could be one person or a hundred". Champion referring to M&Ms as a "mom and pop" store belies what we know it to be.

Champion was also misleading in saying LEO had the hard drive of the CCTV when we know it was still at the store at that time. The reason he made the remark about the CCTV hard drive, I believe, is because he is an administrator and not an investigator.

I want to know why the DA wears Ole Miss cotton shirts to press conferences. That, in itself, is a statement. How? I don't know but there must be a connection he is conveying to someone. JMO

I also want to know why Sheriff Darby assured the public, during one of his earlier interviews, that his county loved God. Why did he feel the need to inform us that Panola County residents are Christians who love God? [I was unable to find the link to this interview but will keep looking.]

JMHO and all that jazz
I also want to know why Sheriff Darby assured the public, during one of his earlier interviews, that his county loved God. Why did he feel the need to inform us that Panola County residents are Christians who love God? [I was unable to find the link to this interview but will keep looking.]

No idea as to why, re: the religious references; just assumed it was because he was a babbler.

Link to that bit of bizarreness:
This post is all my speculation-(I am just running my idea up the Websleuths Flagpole to see if anyone salutes)
OK,deep breath. I have to believe like poster 'Southern Belle' that LE has questioned (at some point-over 100 people have been questioned)the culprits in Jessica's case.
Derrick Turner has always made my 'hinky meter'jumpy. I felt,I just had to look once more very hard at this one.

Turner lives on the same street as the crime.
In the linked video-he is wearing a head 'band' or 'beanie' clear down partially covering his eyebrows. Now,I see lots of guys wear the 'skull cap' or 'longshoremans style'beanie' but never have seen a guy wear one pulled down almost covering their eyebrows. Remember! Initially LE said perpetrators could have singed hair/eyebrows. (BIG clue!).

I would love to see a photo of Derrick before Dec. 6th,2014. I wonder if he always obscured his hair,forehead and eyebrows? Also,I believe he could be FB friends or social friends (cough,cough)with many of the people LE has questioned.(hinky meter jumping-again)
Derek Turner officially questioned
MSM Source:
Text of his interview:
Thirty-one-year-old Derrick Turner says he was picked up Monday morning and was taken to the Panola County jail where he was questioned in the death of 19-year-old Jessica Chambers. "I was just called in for a situation I didn't know nothing about." Turner said he knew Chambers. "But I don't just know her like that because I'm way older than her. So I've seen her around at stores and everything, but I don't just know her like that." Turner said he was not in Courtland, Mississippi when Chambers was discovered lying next to her car on fire. She died not long after she was found. "They was just asking me did I know her or was I sleeping with her, you know," said Turner. "Like I said, I didn't know her like that."Turner did know, "the times I was around her you know, she carried herself she was a good girl. She was a sweet girl so that's why I'm messed up about it, whatever happened to her, I hate it happened you know. "Turner said investigators never told him why he was being questioned in Jessica Chambers death"
If Derrick was the Derrick (if we accept the fact there even was a Derrick), I think even this LE could build a case and make an arrest within, say, the 21 weeks it now has been.

In the linked video-he is wearing a head 'band' or 'beanie' clear down partially covering his eyebrows. Now,I see lots of guys wear the 'skull cap' or 'longshoremans style'beanie' but never have seen a guy wear one pulled down almost covering their eyebrows. Remember! Initially LE said perpetrators could have singed hair/eyebrows. (BIG clue!).

I would love to see a photo of Derrick before Dec. 6th,2014. I wonder if he always obscured his hair,forehead and eyebrows? Also,I believe he could be FB friends or social friends (cough,cough)with many of the people LE has questioned.(hinky meter jumping-again)


I can still see a little bit of each eyebrow peeking out from below his "Then Came Bronson" dew rag. Both seemed intact to me. Also, that goat he was sporting certainly showed no signs of thermal damage. If anything, he seemed a little casual, almost light hearted, when speaking with the reporter after spending two days in the Panola County calaboose. I know I would have been very nervous just speaking in front of a camera crew, and I've never even been to Panola County. Sorry, MizStery, this particular Derrick gets a "pass" by me, JMO.

No idea as to why, re: the religious references; just assumed it was because he was a babbler.

Link to that bit of bizarreness:

MS is a part of the Bible Belt, wfgodot, and many folks below the Mason-Dixon line are not shy about sharing their Christian beliefs with others, publicly and privately. As for the DA's Ole Miss golf shirts, college football is another big Southern tradition with lots of regional and intrastate rivalries. Over in Texas, many high schools have football programs that are the envy of small colleges around the nation. I don't think either Darby or Champion are trying to intimidate the perpetrator(s) by their choice of religion or football teams, just doing what comes naturally. IMHO
MS is a part of the Bible Belt, wfgodot, and many folks below the Mason-Dixon line are not shy about sharing their Christian beliefs with others, publicly and privately. As for the DA's Ole Miss golf shirts, college football is another big Southern tradition with lots of regional and intrastate rivalries. Over in Texas, many high schools have football programs that are the envy of small colleges around the nation. I don't think either Darby or Champion are trying to intimidate the perpetrator(s) by their choice of religion or football teams, just doing what comes naturally. IMHO
My thoughts on the matter too overall in terms of the lead question, and yes, understand the religious pandering; even so, it seemed both effusive and extreme, something which immediately chalked a mark up against this sorry crew's ability ever to solve the Chambers case.
My thoughts on the matter too overall in terms of the lead question, and yes, understand the religious pandering; even so, it seemed both effusive and extreme, something which immediately chalked a mark up against this sorry crew's ability ever to solve the Chambers case.

Many Southern Christians take the Bible verse, "If you deny me before Man, I will deny you before the Father" very seriously, even to the point of "affirming" instead of "not denying" Jesus whenever the opportunity presents itself before a large audience. Would almost be considered a sin of ommision not to do so. Might seem absurd, even ridiculous, to the rest of the country. Not so for many native Southerners.
I can still see a little bit of each eyebrow peeking out from below his "Then Came Bronson" dew rag. Both seemed intact to me. Also, that goat he was sporting certainly showed no signs of thermal damage. If anything, he seemed a little casual, almost light hearted, when speaking with the reporter after spending two days in the Panola County calaboose. I know I would have been very nervous just speaking in front of a camera crew, and I've never even been to Panola County. Sorry, MizStery, this particular Derrick gets a "pass" by me, JMO.

OK,Charles Bronson watchman cap or 'dew rag' thingie ~ got it! :)

I have have looked at the map & I think it a strong possibility after dousing & lighting the KIA and throwing gas on Jessica~it is entirely plausible the arsonist ran home. I think Emily Darby Williams was correct when she interviewed the firefighters & she mentions how scared the entire crew was! First,what a terrifying scene! They had to know the perpetrators could be close by. Perhaps watching to see if they had left any incriminating evidence. And they had inadvertently left an eye witness~they had to be worried. The firefighters were probably spooked and that is why even with a backup called everone~yes even the sheriffs deputies after they had arrived~high tailed it away from the crime scene ASAP.i would even venture that EVERYONE is uncertain who to trust in that area infested with criminals.

Just to recap. What a nightmare scene the firefighters were at & I am not sure if they are armed.No,I feel strongly the arsonist were likely close by watching. These criminals were comfortable of their surroundings & extremely confident of not being discovered.

MS is a part of the Bible Belt, wfgodot, and many folks below the Mason-Dixon line are not shy about sharing their Christian beliefs with others, publicly and privately. As for the DA's Ole Miss golf shirts, college football is another big Southern tradition with lots of regional and intrastate rivalries. Over in Texas, many high schools have football programs that are the envy of small colleges around the nation. I don't think either Darby or Champion are trying to intimidate the perpetrator(s) by their choice of religion or football teams, just doing what comes naturally. IMHO

Champion was also a graduate/alumnae of Ole Miss.
I want to know why the DA wears Ole Miss cotton shirts to press conferences. That, in itself, is a statement. How? I don't know but there must be a connection he is conveying to someone. JMO

I thought this an interesting comment; it reminded me of back home long ago and the subliminal message attempted in the BTK case (which didn't work): (first one here).
Arrest Log ( a couple of familiar names )

Totally unrelated, but there is a first name of McRickeo in page 2. Very unusual, but also interesting because of the "ick" sound.


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I want to know why the DA wears Ole Miss cotton shirts to press conferences. That, in itself, is a statement. How? I don't know but there must be a connection he is conveying to someone. JMO
Why did Darby feel the need to inform us that Panola County residents are Christians who love God?

JMHO and all that jazz

Cotton shirts are cooler .... the fact that it has an Ole Miss emblem on it is immaterial .... it's his personal choice = no statement.
Mississippi IS in the Bible belt (though I'm not religious) and it's his right via freedom of speech to declare such if he chooses.
Arrest Log ( a couple of familiar names )

Totally unrelated, but there is a first name of McRickeo in page 2. Very unusual, but also interesting because of the "ick" sound.

How unfortunate for LE, and fortunate for the perp(s), to have a name that is the root derivative for half the first names in the PC phone book. Why couldn't it have been something like "Ba-Ba-Ba, Ba-Ba-Ber-Anne" or "Rumplestiltskin"?
This post is all my speculation-(I am just running my idea up the Websleuths Flagpole to see if anyone salutes)
OK,deep breath. I have to believe like poster 'Southern Belle' that LE has questioned (at some point-over 100 people have been questioned)the culprits in Jessica's case.
Derrick Turner has always made my 'hinky meter'jumpy. I felt,I just had to look once more very hard at this one.

Turner lives on the same street as the crime.
In the linked video-he is wearing a head 'band' or 'beanie' clear down partially covering his eyebrows. Now,I see lots of guys wear the 'skull cap' or 'longshoremans style'beanie' but never have seen a guy wear one pulled down almost covering their eyebrows. Remember! Initially LE said perpetrators could have singed hair/eyebrows. (BIG clue!).

I would love to see a photo of Derrick before Dec. 6th,2014. I wonder if he always obscured his hair,forehead and eyebrows? Also,I believe he could be FB friends or social friends (cough,cough)with many of the people LE has questioned.(hinky meter jumping-again)
Derek Turner officially questioned
MSM Source:
Text of his interview:
Thirty-one-year-old Derrick Turner says he was picked up Monday morning and was taken to the Panola County jail where he was questioned in the death of 19-year-old Jessica Chambers. "I was just called in for a situation I didn't know nothing about." Turner said he knew Chambers. "But I don't just know her like that because I'm way older than her. So I've seen her around at stores and everything, but I don't just know her like that." Turner said he was not in Courtland, Mississippi when Chambers was discovered lying next to her car on fire. She died not long after she was found. "They was just asking me did I know her or was I sleeping with her, you know," said Turner. "Like I said, I didn't know her like that."Turner did know, "the times I was around her you know, she carried herself she was a good girl. She was a sweet girl so that's why I'm messed up about it, whatever happened to her, I hate it happened you know. "Turner said investigators never told him why he was being questioned in Jessica Chambers death"

I watched the interview awhile ago and Derrick Turner didn't strike me as anyone who was involved in hurting Jessica. I think he seemed pretty sincere and maybe a bit shy in front of the camera or slightly caught off-guard that LE questioned him and news interview. But that's just from the interview and my opinion, so I could totally be wrong. Admittedly, I don't know if he was friends with Jessica, but I don't think he was part of her inner circle. And I do think that whoever did this was well acquainted with Jessica for awhile. I think the **rick sound is relevant to the name though, so who was part of Jessica's inner circle with names that sound like "ick"? It's never been publicly established who her closest friends/acquaintances were. Jmo/
How unfortunate for LE, and fortunate for the perp(s), to have a name that is the root derivative for half the first names in the PC phone book. Why couldn't it have been something like "Ba-Ba-Ba, Ba-Ba-Ber-Anne" or "Rumplestiltskin"?

LOL! :drumroll: Now I'm gonna have that bababababarann song in my head - aaaugh! :tantrum: LOL!

I absolutely cannot believe all the names (creative names at that!) with the ICK factor, lol! The arrest report had two new names I'd not encountered before and by the sound/look of them (the names), they're twins. Somewhere on me puter I have a list with almost two dozen names using 'ick' sound. Some are directly involved, others are good, solid citizens of the area.
How unfortunate for LE, and fortunate for the perp(s), to have a name that is the root derivative for half the first names in the PC phone book. Why couldn't it have been something like "Ba-Ba-Ba, Ba-Ba-Ber-Anne" or "Rumplestiltskin"?

But I have this feeling that once LE catches the perp(s), I'll think "now it makes total sense." But for now, it could be any name with "ick" assuming that's what Jessica meant (and I totally think she made sure to tell before she died), hypothetically Veronica? Erica? There are so many names with the "ick" sound and maybe someone should just go through the phone book in the county and the surrounding counties, or out of state... how frustrating.

The other thing that bothers me is that someone had to at least have smelt the smoke in the area, or noticed the flames. Or noticed smells on perp(s) that evening. I think it would smoke up the neighborhood/closest area pretty quickly. I get that locals there have bonfires, but I have a difficult time believing that no one saw flames. Flames would be easier to see since it was darker, but doesn't smoke smell travel pretty fast through air? So did any "ICK" smell like smoke or gas that evening? Idk/
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