MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #6

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What is really hard to believe is DA Champion saying that there is not any "street chatter" about Jessica's murder.

He must be a fool.

There has been chatter since about 11:15pm on the night of Dec 6. That chatter is the internet "street chatter". And it has been explosive!

During the previous month, I believe that the House of Tree and We have grown closer and closer together in our analysis. Meanwhile Facebook has provided DA Champion with lots of "street chatter". Which only a simpleton -- oblivious to crime in his community -- would ignore.
I would think that in a rural area where people have boats, barbecues, and meth cookers, not to mention woodworking plants and fishing rods, there would be no shortage of flammable material around and most people wouldn't have to run out to make a special purchase.

Very true. But remember how suspicious it seemed when a man was filling a gas can at the same time that Jessica had stopped at the M&M that evening? I still think that if LE was requesting the CCTV footage from other gas stations in the area, it wasn't necessarily to just look to see if Jessica had been there.

ZOOL - Yes, sorry - I should've been clearer - I think it sounds like LE was looking at multiple commercial establishments in the area that may have recorded activity of Jessica's that same evening...not necessarily gas stations alone! (But that if they were looking at footage from other gas stations, it could've been to corroborate witness statements, detect any suspicious behavior, any number of reasons - but not *just* they were looking for Jessica - suspicious activity by anyone in the time before her death that evening would be a red flag as well.)
What is really hard to believe is DA Champion saying that there is not any "street chatter" about Jessica's murder.

He must be a fool.

There has been chatter since about 11:15pm on the night of Dec 6. That chatter is the internet "street chatter". And it has been explosive!

During the previous month, I believe that the House of Tree and We have grown closer and closer together in our analysis. Meanwhile Facebook has provided DA Champion with lots of "street chatter". Which only a simpleton -- oblivious to crime in his community -- would ignore.

Not sure if you have been following from the beginning when he said something like reviewing SM has never helped him with a case before.
I am leaving for the night.

But before I go, I would like to dispel Ali Alsanai's remark that the CCTV ought to have been 05:30:xx pm (ie. 1 hour earlier due to the Daylight Savings correction).

The official time for Sunset on Dec. 6, 2014, adjusted for DST, was 04:55:xx pm. CT.

Looking at any CCTV footage of Jessica Chambers arriving at the M&M gas mart clearly shows that her Kia is "in the dark", not dusk.

Sunset at 04:55:xx pm would have provided a certain amount of visible sunlight.

This is not the case: Jessica's arrival is clearly at least one hour after sunset!

The M&M footage marks stand alone for their accuracy.

One wonders why Ali Alsanai went, continually, out of his way to argue against the obvious?

(I am now officially off to Na-Na-Land. :bed: )
Not sure if you have been following from the beginning when he said something like reviewing SM has never helped him with a case before.

I guess that must be why I said "He must be a fool". *grin*
The gruesome nature of the crime, setting JC on fire obviously points to a very mentally "off" individual or group. I could see a meth (or crack) user doing something like this if their brain's fried from drugs. For some reason I don't think perp(s) went by foot, unless maybe JC was in car with such a person and something unexpected happened. I still think this was a haphazardly pre-planned by @(3) perps because JC maybe knew too much; perp(s)had some sick message; or JC was assaulted; or perp(s) just disturbed. It also seems extremely juvenile (and psychopathic/deranged) to me, so I think the individuals are teens-early twenties, or emotionally juvenile/irrational, and also think at least one person was a "false friend" to JC in order for perps to attack her/ I don't think suicide because there is nothing to indicate JC wasn't looking forward to writing book etc. I think the perp(s) staged the site to make it look like an accident, but it was poorly staged. This is why I'm not sure a single drug-user running by foot would fit that scenario. JMO

Two days after Jessica's murder, I heard someone in the media say that law enforcement was saying that this case was SO much more than people realized, then I didn't hear anything else like that. On her Justice for Jessica Facebook page, law enforcement is being blasted as incompetant, inexperienced, and that they have botched the investigation. I am just wondering if maybe there really is more to this case and law enforcement has just shut down any information about the case.
Two days after Jessica's murder, I heard someone in the media say that law enforcement was saying that this case was SO much more than people realized, then I didn't hear anything else like that. On her Justice for Jessica Facebook page, law enforcement is being blasted as incompetant, inexperienced, and that they have botched the investigation. I am just wondering if maybe there really is more to this case and law enforcement has just shut down any information about the case.

Well...there probably IS more to this case in the sense that, LE is likely to discover other criminal activity as a result of looking into some individuals more closely. If the archive of arrest logs in The Daily Panolian is any indicator - and if the FBI and U.S. Marshals are indeed involved - it's not outside the realm of reason.

Past that - I'm not so keen that this is part of something bigger along the lines of any conspiracy theory.
It is amazing how this case invades your brain! Today when I stopped to get gas, as I was sifting thru my purse to get wallet as I sat in the car, bingo, it hit me! This is what JC may have been doing in that time frame of XX seconds BEFORE she got out of her car.

She was probably digging for cash in her purse. I do not recall her carrying a purse into M&M. JMO.
I don't see how Lynnsey Fowler's statements make her look suspicious. She appears to love fishing. I know a couple of people who go fish pretty much everyday after work because they really enjoy it. And LF seems to be that kind of person, IMO. Perhaps I'm missing something but I don't think she had anything to do with JC's death.
It is amazing how this case invades your brain! Today when I stopped to get gas, as I was sifting thru my purse to get wallet as I sat in the car, bingo, it hit me! This is what JC may have been doing in that time frame of XX seconds BEFORE she got out of her car.

She was probably digging for cash in her purse. I do not recall her carrying a purse into M&M. JMO.

Indeed, she could've just been looking for her money in her purse. I do the same thing. I never take my purse with me when I get out of the car, only my wallet or debit card.

Also, I remember someone mentioning that perhaps she received a phone call and that is why it took her that long to get out of the car. Or maybe she replied to a text message she'd received while she was driving. I do that often too. I never read nor reply to text messages while driving but if I have to stop somewhere I take my phone, read the messages and reply to them.

If she either was on the phone or texting, knowing who she was having a conversation with could lead us to the perps...
My opinion is that it would be interesting (and consequently useful @DAChampion) to see video of any cars that could possibly have passed Jessica and the fire shortly before, during or after the determined time of the crime and hadn't reported seeing anything.

It is truly amazing what security monitors have captured - I remember the mystery of a person burned in a car at the back of a gas station lot. Turns out the security camera caught it all on tape and the killer was arrested.
JC had been working at Goody's since October, so I would think he would've noticed her purchasing gas in larger amounts before then. But, who knows? Also, she could also have gassed up near her job. I assumed she bought more gas due to having more money.

My guess is that she didn't always purchase gas at the M&M because it was south of where she lived and Batesville was north. What I'm trying to say is if they were really as close pals that AA made her out to be--and if she had wanted Ali to know where she was going--she would have been more more specific than just "somewhere."
Interesting you left out the Graham-Zambora case which satisfied your demands of a man who killed for a jealous woman. Lol.

With regard to the Laurean case, based upon your response I am guessing you used Wikipedia to fill you in, yes? As a Jacksonville native, living and working in said community, daughter of two retired marines who served active duty at Camp Lejeune who know personally people who worked with both a Lauterbach and Laurean, I can say that as far as our community is concerned there was way more to that case than your succinct rendition of the account.

Now the Corbin case I don't know much about, I briefly followed that. But based on things I read at the time, i feel confident that lover boy's wife knew about the affair.

Seriously, winter break is over and I'm back at algebra, no time for extraneous sleuthing. Let's get back to JC, who feasibly could've been killed by a lover, whose motive could've been pretty much ANYTHING. Since women are usually killed by men in domestic situations. This silly sidebar conversation is irrelevant and boring, frankly.

You might want to check the facts before accusing another poster of getting them wrong. I left out the third case because I didn't follow it AND the information you provided about the other two was grossly incorrect. You incorrectly said the Laurean case involved a husband who murdered his lover to protect his jealous wife. I'm pretty sure the jury didn't consider Maria, a rape victim, to be Laurean's lover. You incorrectly said the Corwin (not Corbin) case involved a man murdering his lover and his wife was jealous. I merely responded to your incorrect information.

A North Carolina jury today found former Marine Cesar Laurean guilty of murdering his pregnant collegue, Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach, who had accused him of rape.

According to High Desert court documents, authorities believe that Lee and Erin were having an affair, and that Lee was afraid that his wife might discover his infidelity.
I imagine Alsanai's remark is based upon his window-position at the counter; he saw Jessica's car positioned heading SE. I doubt seriously that he left his position from behind the counter, moved outside to watch her leave at 6:32:xx pm, and followed her car visually to determine if she headed north, up US 51 (toward Batesville), south down US 51 (toward Enid Lake and Leah's House), or even if she pulled around the back of M&M and returned north up Carlisle (again toward home, and perhaps Batesville).

I suspect Alsanai was as oblivious to Jessica's direction of travel as we are.

Didn't her sister say she was going to the car wash? There's one just down Main Street, across from the volunteer fire dept. and the church which I believe is the location of her med copter air lift.

What is really hard to believe is DA Champion saying that there is not any "street chatter" about Jessica's murder.

He must be a fool.

There has been chatter since about 11:15pm on the night of Dec 6. That chatter is the internet "street chatter". And it has been explosive!

During the previous month, I believe that the House of Tree and We have grown closer and closer together in our analysis. Meanwhile Facebook has provided DA Champion with lots of "street chatter". Which only a simpleton -- oblivious to crime in his community -- would ignore.

I agree, ZOOL. After taking a look at the Panola County Sheriff's Office website, I think anyone would question the ability of the four investigators and one secretary to navigate their way through Facebook.

The sophistication of their website is equally astounding. I think the fire investigator was around when fire was first discovered as ewent with the others to find a photo coming soon and a grammar guide.

If "the investigators also see that felony cases are presented to the Panola County Grand Jury for indictments, as well as testifying in court" this case looks like a Yale Galanter dream come true.

Who knew that the Ringling Bros. were based in Panola County? Cue the music.


ok, here's my analysis. it's choppy and I will have more thoughts later. didn't have complete concentration when putting it together. it's basically bc I haven't heard anyone else make statements like hers. Maybe she just wants attention and to involve herself, or maybe she wants recognition for something she's done.

RE: LF's interview and her statements.

Physical reaction to hearing about the crime. “Sick to stomach – knot in throat” (does she mean lump?). trying too hard to seem affected. physical reactions are generally experienced by people who witnessed or experienced the trauma, or are extremely close to the victim. Meanwhile Amber is practically laughing during her interview.

Feeling personally hurt “hurts my heart, really really bad. it really does” – trying too hard to be personally effected.

Ownership of victim :”she was MY sonic baby”

“I can't believe I didn't see anything when I passed by here. I wish I had. I would have helped her. I would have fought for her if I had to.”
No one else has said anything like wishing they had seen the crime or that they felt like they could have helped her. Does she really wish she’d seen the crime? Is she revealing guilt about not helping her, about not fighting for her? She’s sort of heroicising herself that she would have fought for JC and insinuating that she knows what JC had to fight against. Also, this seems to place her at or passing by the crime scene which would mean the time of the crime or shortly afterwards.

“I'm the kind that'll bounce out there and start asking questions to find out what happened because that'll be the only way to get any information” – what is she talking about? How does she know that no one else will be able to get any info? She’s the master investigator? She has all the info? Delusions of grandeur?

“Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, or do that to a dog”. Or, would she? Who asked if she would do that? She doesn't say JC didn't deserve it like everyone else. She says she wouldn't wish it on anyone. She is revealing her sense of power and control about wishing it or perpetrating it on another, or not, instead of the passive attitude that no one deserves that. Why offer info about if she would do that or not? Personalizes the crime in her mind. She has imagined doing it and who she would or would not do it to? This is what you say when you are asked if you did something. Other people have been saying "who could do such a thing; what kind of person; she didn't deserve it, etc". No one else has said "I would never do this or wish this on anyone".

her statements are very "i/me" centered. not JC centered. most everyone else talks about JC, and how she didn't deserve this, including Amber. LF talks about herself and how this crime relates to her. she insinuates herself into it.

there are more comments to analyze, but responses to this are welcome. anything I missed?

ok, here's my analysis. it's choppy and I will have more thoughts later. didn't have complete concentration when putting it together. it's basically bc I haven't heard anyone else make statements like hers. Maybe she just wants attention and to involve herself, or maybe she wants recognition for something she's done.

RE: LF's interview and her statements.

Physical reaction to hearing about the crime. “Sick to stomach – knot in throat” (does she mean lump?). trying too hard to seem affected. physical reactions are generally experienced by people who witnessed or experienced the trauma, or are extremely close to the victim. Meanwhile Amber is practically laughing during her interview.

Feeling personally hurt “hurts my heart, really really bad. it really does” – trying too hard to be personally effected.

Ownership of victim :”she was MY sonic baby”

“I can't believe I didn't see anything when I passed by here. I wish I had. I would have helped her. I would have fought for her if I had to.”
No one else has said anything like wishing they had seen the crime or that they felt like they could have helped her. Does she really wish she’d seen the crime? Is she revealing guilt about not helping her, about not fighting for her? She’s sort of heroicising herself that she would have fought for JC and insinuating that she knows what JC had to fight against. Also, this seems to place her at or passing by the crime scene which would mean the time of the crime or shortly afterwards.

“I'm the kind that'll bounce out there and start asking questions to find out what happened because that'll be the only way to get any information” – what is she talking about? How does she know that no one else will be able to get any info? She’s the master investigator? She has all the info? Delusions of grandeur?

“Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, or do that to a dog”. Or, would she? Who asked if she would do that? She doesn't say JC didn't deserve it like everyone else. She says she wouldn't wish it on anyone. She is revealing her sense of power and control about wishing it or perpetrating it on another, or not, instead of the passive attitude that no one deserves that. Why offer info about if she would do that or not? Personalizes the crime in her mind. She has imagined doing it and who she would or would not do it to? This is what you say when you are asked if you did something. Other people have been saying "who could do such a thing; what kind of person; she didn't deserve it, etc". No one else has said "I would never do this or wish this on anyone".

her statements are very "i/me" centered. not JC centered. most everyone else talks about JC, and how she didn't deserve this, including Amber. LF talks about herself and how this crime relates to her. she insinuates herself into it.

there are more comments to analyze, but responses to this are welcome. anything I missed?

Thank you! I have been saying all of this to myself for a week. And the BBM part, I was wondering if I was seeing things because no one else mentioned the smirk on her face.

I will add that people who have something to hide give detail when none is required. And many guilty people insert themselves into an investigation and return to the scene of the crime. I'm not making an accusation. I'm just stating an observation after years of following many cases.

ok, here's my analysis. it's choppy and I will have more thoughts later. didn't have complete concentration when putting it together. it's basically bc I haven't heard anyone else make statements like hers. Maybe she just wants attention and to involve herself, or maybe she wants recognition for something she's done.

RE: LF's interview and her statements.

Physical reaction to hearing about the crime. “Sick to stomach – knot in throat” (does she mean lump?). trying too hard to seem affected. physical reactions are generally experienced by people who witnessed or experienced the trauma, or are extremely close to the victim. Meanwhile Amber is practically laughing during her interview.

Feeling personally hurt “hurts my heart, really really bad. it really does” – trying too hard to be personally effected.

Ownership of victim :”she was MY sonic baby”

“I can't believe I didn't see anything when I passed by here. I wish I had. I would have helped her. I would have fought for her if I had to.”
No one else has said anything like wishing they had seen the crime or that they felt like they could have helped her. Does she really wish she’d seen the crime? Is she revealing guilt about not helping her, about not fighting for her? She’s sort of heroicising herself that she would have fought for JC and insinuating that she knows what JC had to fight against. Also, this seems to place her at or passing by the crime scene which would mean the time of the crime or shortly afterwards.

“I'm the kind that'll bounce out there and start asking questions to find out what happened because that'll be the only way to get any information” – what is she talking about? How does she know that no one else will be able to get any info? She’s the master investigator? She has all the info? Delusions of grandeur?

“Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, or do that to a dog”. Or, would she? Who asked if she would do that? She doesn't say JC didn't deserve it like everyone else. She says she wouldn't wish it on anyone. She is revealing her sense of power and control about wishing it or perpetrating it on another, or not, instead of the passive attitude that no one deserves that. Why offer info about if she would do that or not? Personalizes the crime in her mind. She has imagined doing it and who she would or would not do it to? This is what you say when you are asked if you did something. Other people have been saying "who could do such a thing; what kind of person; she didn't deserve it, etc". No one else has said "I would never do this or wish this on anyone".

her statements are very "i/me" centered. not JC centered. most everyone else talks about JC, and how she didn't deserve this, including Amber. LF talks about herself and how this crime relates to her. she insinuates herself into it.

there are more comments to analyze, but responses to this are welcome. anything I missed?

I find many of these peoples' reactions somewhat strange during their interviews. This one for instance. At 50 seconds into the video...what's with the smirk? Nervous? I think there is a whole lot unknown and a lot for LE to unravel in this case before Jessica gets justice. It's my opinion that this is why it's taking so long to make an arrest. All JMO.

Added: The guy in the interview has a violent past criminal record. It's in the MSM. HTH.
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