MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #9

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Isn't it the case with these rewards that they are paid for tips "leading to the arrest and conviction" of the perp? Or maybe some are like this, and others are just "leading to the arrest". Just wondering....
Calls into the reward tip line are anonymous. The testifying LE officer would not know the identity of the tipster any more than the defense would know. As far as confidential informants, I think juries usually do trust and find credible the testimony of LE who maintain the relationship with their CI.

My opinion of what happened has metamorphosed as I came to understand the crime scene and the local dynamics. I wonder now if she was at the scene with someone else when the perps came along and interupted. The person with JC could do nothing to help because the perps were using the gasoline and threat of fire as a weapon. Everything escalated out of control.

The police could probably tell from burn patterns at the scene and spilled fuel that it was a homicide. MOO

I know what you mean about metamorphosis. My mind has changed, again, again, and then again. The one thing I never believed though, was this was a suicide. I think something made it glaringly obvious that this was a murder. In a case where every detail has been contradicted at least once, the one thing that's remained static and unwavering since day one is that the crime was recognized as a homicide. I'd rather take a shovel to the face than to believe in a conspiracy theory, but I'll tell you right now, if they start calling this a suicide, I'm buying a tinfoil hat.


After she pumped gas, she (Jessica) re-entered the store, bought cigarettes, and drove away, heading south on Highway 51, he (Ali)said.

Other than Lisa Chambers' radio-remark about the cigarettes, the DailyMail Online is the only other source of information that we have on the subject of the purchase of cigarettes.

Although I dislike DM's reporting style, I will agree that DM often manages to present minutiae of details and, in this case, DM's reference could be considered corroboration for LC's remark.

This brings me to Ali Alsanai (Fadhel).

Over the course of the first two weeks of news reporting, I came to the conclusion that AA was basically a "gossip gadabout" -- that is, a person who delights in drifting from one conversation to another always prepared to offer unsubstantiated but delightful tidbits of information and/or recollections.

Since AA supports the cigarette purchase scenario, it may be worthwhile to concentrate on Jessica's counter activity with him via the footage of the CCTV; for after she leaves the counter, it is obvious via CCTV that she never "re-entered the store, bought cigarettes, and drove away,..."

Much earlier I made reference to the fact that I have lost my previous History links regarding this crime so I am now writing from memory (which is faulty at best -- for instance, only hours before in this thread, I mentioned that Jessica "pulled into the gas pumps" at 6:39 pm, when in fact reality shows (via the CCTV) that the actual time of her arrival was 6:24:39).

As I recall now: Jessica exited her car and drifted from view at 6:25:48 to converse with Cassandra Market. She then reappeared and entered M&M at 6:27:05.

As I write now, the only CCTV that I have available to me is at the TreeHouse so I am prohibited from linking to it. However it clearly shows that Jessica remains at the counter in conversation and in activity with AA from appx. 6:27:09 until she exits M&M at 6:28:09 (Note* These specific times are not visible on the TreeHouse video, they are times that I am pulling from my memory; and if need be hopefully someone will be able to supply links to backup my memory. Or I will try to recover the video which I once saw which detailed that period of time.)

The point that I wish to make here is that Jessica's 1-minute of counter activity can be seen in the TreeHouse video as not only a $14 gas pump purchase and a conversation with AA, but also as something else. This "something else" I am willing to conclude is the purchase of LC's cigarettes.

So bottomline is: AA just made a mistake in recollection. He remembered her purchase of cigarettes; he just did not recall how or when that transaction occurred.

Is this important? Yes, it confirms Jessica's purchase of LC's cigarettes at 6:27 - 6:28 pm, a full hour after LC supposedly recalls that Jessica left home at 5 - 5:30 pm. A corollary to this question is: Is the timestamp on the CCTV correct? IMO, the answer is yes; the time of sunset 4:55 pm confirms the video's darkness.

Consequently the next question now is: Is LC's recollection of 5 - 5:30 pm faulty or correct?
Just my 2 cents.....
I always thought that the timing of everything was a little suspect. LE says Jessica received a "phone call" before leaving the house...which I believe was the main reason for her to leave...Lisa says she left about 5-5:30. LE spoke of this phone call while admitting that her "phone" would be "key to everything".

Lisa said she sent Jessica for cigarettes. (I don't believe that)

Next, Lisa speaks to Jessica at about 6:48-7:00ish...IMO, maybe this is when Lisa asks Jessica to bring her a pack of cigs. But IMO, there's something else being discussed...idk.

Jessica does not return home after leaving the gas hour or so later.....she's found burned alive.

My point is.....that phone call got Jessica out of the who did she go meet up with? By the time she gets to the gas station, she has enough money to buy more gas than usual. I thought that maybe she needed more gas to go somewhere AFTER leaving M&M. But what if she was replacing gas that she used to go somewhere BEFORE she had reached M&M?

That phone call took her somewhere but where? If it was just about Lisa's cigarettes why didn't Jess go straight to the store and back home? If it was just about the cigarettes, why after Jess spoke to her mom she didn't go take the cigarettes back to her house?

My opinion only.....Lisa knows more than what we are being told.
U should check out the interview LC did with one of the owners of WS on I&#10084;&#65039;radio. There is a link somewhere in the media thread I think... Go to the archives & check it out. LC mentions sending JC out to buy her cigs. Not much other productive/informative information came from that interview IMO, but it's worth listening to.

My question is......why would Lisa claim to have sent Jess out for cigarettes when we know that Jess received a phone call before leaving.....and LE claims her phone is "key to everything".
I have a hard time believing a major portion of what we have for background data on just about everything in this murder.

For example, Lisa Daugherty claims that she sent Jessica out on a cigarette mission sometime around 5 or 5:30pm. Then she says, they spoke at 6:48pm.

First of all, sunset on Dec. 6 was 4:55 pm. Jessica's car pulled into M&M at 6:39 pm. It was dark.

But one half hour after sunset (or 5:30 pm) the skies are not dark; they are diming gray. (Perform an experiment and one will see that I am right.)

The sort of darkness visible to us in the M&M video as Jessica pulls into the gas pumps suggests more like the actual footage time on the CCTV: 6:39 pm.

So the question is: Why does Lisa Daugherty claim 5 to 5:30 pm? The answer could be that Jessica actually did leave the house at 5 or 5:30; and consequently there is an hour before Jessica arrives at M&M.

This may be why Lisa then calls Jessica at 6:48 pm. Lisa may be annoyed, and may want to know why her daughter has taken almost an hour and a half to return with cigarettes on a mission which ought to have taken less than 10 minutes.

I don't think Lisa is annoyed only because after she spoke to Jess, there was still no urgency to return home. Jess tells her mother she is going to get something to eat and clean out her car.
My question is......why would Lisa claim to have sent Jess out for cigarettes when we know that Jess received a phone call before leaving.....and LE claims her phone is "key to everything".

I think all of those things could be true. For example, if running errands and (maybe like meeting someone for coffee) but parent that she lives with asks her to pick up cigarettes for her while she's out then it makes sense. Jmo but Jessica's outfit looks to me like she was out running errands. I tend to get multiple errands done in one day and definitely dress down for it. The other thing re: cleaning car, my guess is that she meant cleaning out car because it was messy. Her mom said they had a talk about Jessica cleaning her room, so maybe while she was out wanted to clean messy inside? And mom and Jess could have had an argument about room, so Jessica maybe wanted to get out of house for a bit and errands around home like filling up with gas, food etc makes sense to me. I also think the car wash that was close to murder site was abandoned, but could be wrong. Jmo

And, re: phone being key, I think it could also be "key" if there are fingerprints/DNA on phone/battery regardless of texts/calls, did LE state why phone may be key? But I do think that whoever she spoke to is important if to help determine where/why else she was out. To me, it helps establish correct timeline to determine where Jessica was in between her house and M&M, but the more important issue is the M&M and murder site (and who was at M&M and where they were between time and Jessica's death).

LE would have her cell phone records, her mom's too, so timing of their conversation/s, other calls and perhaps even rough locations would not be such a mystery to LE. I doubt LE would release more precise information on this whatever is known.

Thank you SteveP, for the links.

Jessica Chambers&#8217; birthday sparks push for information on murder case
Michael Quander reported at 10:25 pm, Jan 31, '15, about how "Family and friends lit candles to remember Jessica Chambers and to shine light on her brutal murder." He spoke with her Aunt and Grandmother


&#8220;Here she was fixing to be 20, but she was still a young child at heart,&#8221;

&#8220;She would love all the balloons, whatever you did to makeover her, she would be ecstatic over it,&#8221;

&#8220;I would tell Jessica you know just enjoy singing in that beautiful choir in heaven, and maw-maw will be there later on,&#8221;
Children who can&#8217;t get along with one parent and no longer feel safe, commonly go stay with the other one when their parents are divorced.

Why didn&#8217;t Jessica go and stay with her dad when she began having problems with her mom?

Was Jessica recording her daily experiences in a journal/diary? I suspect she was. Have her journals been turned over to LE?

Here is something I found to add to the issue of 3448 Herron Rd address and the RSO with a xxxx (ending in odd number) address on Herron Road in BATESVILLE. After reading a number of posts stating that there is no Herron Road in Batesville, I was reminded that at my current address the Post Office has put me in a neighboring suburb's zip code, even though I am geographically located in another suburb.

I checked out a zip code map ( and typed in 38606 (the zip code given by the RSO for his Herron Road address). Lo and behold, a portion of "Courtland's" Herron Road, about a mile down the Road from JC's spot, has the Batesville zip code. That may well mean that an address of xxxx Herron Road, Batesville, MS 38606 is a correct USPS address.

Since the xxxx Herron Road address ends in an odd number, it would be on the side of Herron Road that has the Batesville zip code.
Just my 2 cents.....
I always thought that the timing of everything was a little suspect. LE says Jessica received a "phone call" before leaving the house...which I believe was the main reason for her to leave...Lisa says she left about 5-5:30. LE spoke of this phone call while admitting that her "phone" would be "key to everything".

Lisa said she sent Jessica for cigarettes. (I don't believe that)

Next, Lisa speaks to Jessica at about 6:48-7:00ish...IMO, maybe this is when Lisa asks Jessica to bring her a pack of cigs. But IMO, there's something else being discussed...idk.

Jessica does not return home after leaving the gas hour or so later.....she's found burned alive.

My point is.....that phone call got Jessica out of the who did she go meet up with? By the time she gets to the gas station, she has enough money to buy more gas than usual. I thought that maybe she needed more gas to go somewhere AFTER leaving M&M. But what if she was replacing gas that she used to go somewhere BEFORE she had reached M&M?

That phone call took her somewhere but where? If it was just about Lisa's cigarettes why didn't Jess go straight to the store and back home? If it was just about the cigarettes, why after Jess spoke to her mom she didn't go take the cigarettes back to her house?

My opinion only.....Lisa knows more than what we are being told.

From what I've read JC was leaving the house to 'clean out her car' and 'get a bite to eat' ..... and L asked her to pick up a pack of cigarettes for her .... I've never read that L sent her out to specifically get cigs for her.
Here is something I found to add to the issue of 3448 Herron Rd address and the RSO with a xxxx (ending in odd number) address on Herron Road in BATESVILLE. After reading a number of posts stating that there is no Herron Road in Batesville, I was reminded that at my current address the Post Office has put me in a neighboring suburb's zip code, even though I am geographically located in another suburb.

I checked out a zip code map ( and typed in 38606 (the zip code given by the RSO for his Herron Road address). Lo and behold, a portion of "Courtland's" Herron Road, about a mile down the Road from JC's spot, has the Batesville zip code. That may well mean that an address of xxxx Herron Road, Batesville, MS 38606 is a correct USPS address.

Since the xxxx Herron Road address ends in an odd number, it would be on the side of Herron Road that has the Batesville zip code.

I've thought this also .... it's a postal service thing.
I have a new theory today and here's a few things I find suspect....

1. The phone call Jess received before leaving the house.
2. LC claiming to send Jess to the store for cigarettes.
3. The hour gap between the time Jess left the house & then showing up at M&M.
4. Jess supposedly showing up at a party/gathering
5. The phone call between Jess & LC after being gone for about an hour.
6. Jess not returning home after speaking to LC
7. The tipster coming forward 3 days AFTER Jess funeral...claiming he heard a car driving fast down HIS street with loud pipes
8. ShaSha and Mister being held after talking to LE

IMO, all of this factors into my new theory.
I have a new theory today and here's a few things I find suspect....

3. The hour gap between the time Jess left the house & then showing up at M&M.

IMO, all of this factors into my new theory.

Re: an hour gap, if there is one and I don't think it's been established; Jessica was 19 years old and if she had a casual boyfriend/or/friend that she wanted to meet up with and mom didn't know about, then she may not tell mom about hanging out in addition to running errands. She was a teenager and like most teenagers that age, they don't confide in mom and dad about everything. So if Jessica went to make-out with guy or smoke a cigarette/marijuana/coffee prior to going to M&M then she might not tell mom that. At 19 yrs old, mom's and daughter's sometimes argue (teenage rebellion/independency part of growing up) and so I don't see anything unusual if Jessica went out of the house for awhile and didn't give mom play by play account of errands, meet-ups. Jessica could have been up to something less innocuous than that, but I don't see any evidence of it other than questionable acquaintances surrounding her.

btw- I still think Jessica was lured and blindsided by multiple people. What's your newest theory?
Children who can&#8217;t get along with one parent and no longer feel safe, commonly go stay with the other one when their parents are divorced.

Why didn&#8217;t Jessica go and stay with her dad when she began having problems with her mom?

Was Jessica recording her daily experiences in a journal/diary? I suspect she was. Have her journals been turned over to LE?


I guarantee all of Jessica's writings would be turned over to LE/FBI and do not think family members/anyone in possession would suppress it from LE/FBI, unless journals in car and perpetrator(s) burned intentionally or incidentally to homicide/arson/other crime(s). Jmo
Jessica was Ben and Lisa&#8217;s only child. Was custody of Jessica an issue when Lisa and Ben divorced? Did Lisa have primary custody of Jessica?
I guarantee all of Jessica's writings would be turned over to LE/FBI and don't think family members/anyone in possession would suppress it from LE/FBI, unless journals in car and perpetrator(s) and burned as ancillary or intentional to homicide/arson/other crime(s). Jmo

Jessica would keep her journals in her room and she probably wouldn't want them read without her permission. jmo
Re: an hour gap, if there is one and I don't think it's been established; Jessica was 19 years old and if she had a casual boyfriend/or/friend that she wanted to meet up with and mom didn't know about, then she may not tell mom about hanging out in addition to running errands. She was a teenager and like most teenagers that age, they don't confide in mom and dad about everything. So if Jessica went to make-out with guy or smoke a cigarette/marijuana/coffee prior to going to M&M then she might not tell mom that. At 19 yrs old, mom's and daughter's sometimes argue (teenage rebellion/independency part of growing up) and so I don't see anything unusual if Jessica went out of the house for awhile and didn't give mom play by play account of errands, meet-ups. Jessica could have been up to something less innocuous then that, but I don't see any evidence of it other than questionable acquaintances surrounding her.

btw- I still think Jessica was lured and blindsided by multiple people. What's your newest theory?

I also believe JC was blindsided by multiple people that she never would've thought would do harm to her.

My new theory does not paint Jessica and her family in the best possible light and I don't want to be accused of victim bashing. I will tell you this involves a drug deal gone bad.

People. JC was just assaulted at that gas station a week earlier. So maybe she put more gas to limit her trips to the gas station during the upcoming week.
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