MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 ; Quinton Tellis Indicted - #12

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Family mourns Jessica Chambers on her 21st birthday
By Therese Apel

Authorities say Jessica Chambers was doused with gasoline and set on fire in her car next to the gate of some private land on Herron Road on Dec. 6, 2014., just after 8 p.m. She got out of the car and was found on the road with burns over most of her body. She was able to give firefighters a name, but after interviewing more than 150 people, authorities still haven't been able to pin it to a specific person.

She died a few hours later in a hospital in Memphis. Officials said it was thermal injury that killed her.


These clowns should be thrown out of office. As a retired L.E. officer,it is embarrassing to me . These give me no hope of Jessica's case ever being solved. Reminds me of a 3rd world country.

I have a link awaiting bessie. The link looked OK but I understand TOS rules.:tos:

Thanks you for serving a LE officer.:cop: I appreciate your comments because you have insight I value.

My link is directly related to your concerns.


These clowns should be thrown out of office. As a retired L.E. officer,it is embarrassing to me . These give me no hope of Jessica's case ever being solved. Reminds me of a 3rd world country.

indianwin2001:This goes to your post.

Petition is closed
9 people signed 50,000 required

Petitioning Chief of Staff: Office of the Governor, State of Mississippi Kirk Sims and 1 other
Phillip Bryant, Governor: State of Mississippi: Remove Panola County Sheriff Dennis Darby for Threats
T B Nashville, TN
Law enforcement officials, particularly Chiefs of Police and County Sheriffs, must carry out their duties with integrity. Darby's threatening comments to CNN regarding the murder of Johnny L. Butts demonstrate his behavior makes him unfit for this position.

If you scroll down there is a letter to Governor Bryant on the reasoning behind the petition for removal Sheriff Darby.

Please link to Websleuths do not post elsewhere.:tyou:
Now, that is really interesting. It puts BC in direct contact with jailhouse trustees.

As a side note, their website needs to be updated. Mr Willie Morris, Transporter, passed away on March 8, 2015.

We have the finest Inspector Communicator among us. rbarber17, the email address is found at the link, left side. Would you be willing to ask Madame MizStery's question in hopes of obtaining a response? And any other information that you find pertinent, such as: Who was the jailer on duty the evening of Dec 6, 2014.

Just so you know, the website claims the jailers hours are:
Jailer day Shift 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. However, the Jail Administrator, Bobby Meeks' work week does not begin and end Monday thru Friday. He is “hand-on” and must be available after hours and weekends for situations that often arise within the jail.

I've sent an email request, DeDee. I'll post it and the response if I receive one.
"Angola Prison is one of the harshest prisons in America."

Ahh, then Kaitlin's murderer is serving time along with Bernie Ebbers of WorldComm fraud fame.

cubbeegirl, know we share in your sorrow over the loss of your precious niece. I wish killers were born on their forehead with the letter "K" for killer, or "R" for rapists, and so on. It is far too easy for good people to be fooled by slick con men with ill intentions. Even though it has been nine years, your pain seems palpable as if it happened last month. May you find Peace in knowing we wish you and your dear family the best life has to offer.

About the flowers at the CS, wasn't there a controversy about the large group who donated the Christmas trees and pretty poinsettias at Jessica's CS? At first, the City Commissioner, or someone in a county office, squawked about it, then backed down and allowed the flowers and trees to be delivered after all.

If it weren't such a dangerous place, I would hire a gardener, who would need a bodyguard, to go to the Herron Rd site and plant dozens of jonquils. No one would know until they began to sprout and display their happy faces waving in the breeze.

:thewave: :thewave: :thewave: :thewave:​

Thanks friend ...anniversaries are tough....
There was a big to do about those pointsettas and all ...and they did back down.
That whole area scares me and I would pitch n to hire that gardener and bodyguard if we could do so!
My ex didn't have much common sense about a lot of things, but he sure did sense danger when we stopped at that gas station..,and he use to try to make sure we would not have to get off on that exit when traveling that route .
To think that this was the norm for poor Jessica is heartbreaking !
Family mourns Jessica Chambers on her 21st birthday
By Therese Apel

Authorities say Jessica Chambers was doused with gasoline and set on fire in her car next to the gate of some private land on Herron Road on Dec. 6, 2014., just after 8 p.m. She got out of the car and was found on the road with burns over most of her body. She was able to give firefighters a name, but after interviewing more than 150 people, authorities still haven't been able to pin it to a specific person.

She died a few hours later in a hospital in Memphis. Officials said it was thermal injury that killed her.


Do reporters make this stuff up as they go along?

To my knowledge-no LE or evidence has come out that has put Jessica in the car when it was on fire. Also I cannot find any reports that LE or the fire chief have said she gave a name.

Do reporters make this stuff up as they go along?

To my knowledge-no LE or evidence has come out that has put Jessica in the car when it was on fire. Also I cannot find any reports that LE or the fire chief have said she gave a name.

Pay attention to the journalist narrative. Then, compare it to DA Champion's TL. Champion is clever and uses some duplicity in massaging events. I am cynical but why do the local journalist instead of 'fact checking' Champion's TL (for subtle changes )instead repeat the same old,old narrative. Do the journalist not take note how Champion's TL has changed a word or omitted a detail then brought it back 'in' then 'contradict & reorder' its sequencing.I do! I think DA Champion is baiting a bear trap.
ranch said:
The fire makes the timeline pretty tight for anyone to try and make up an alibi. JMO."

I have memorized the above post. I look skeptically at everyone's narrative involving themselves after 6:30 pm Dec 6th,2014. They could be fabricating an alibi.There are quite a few alibi's I would put under a microscope.Call me suspicious.

Personally,I do not go by the TL CVFFCH and Sheriff Darby recite. DA Champion arrived sometime Sunday and that's when in my opinion the unvarnished CS TL begins.

Most people on Webseluths are detail people. Most have excellent 'critical thinking skills'. Fact checking is unfortunately not a skill excercised by many journalists.

Please do not post this anywhere else unless linked to Webseluths :tyou:

I feel like Columbo,"just one more question?"

My question is since there is a vehicle maintenance shop on site and car wash for the Sheriff's Department and other county emergency vehicles.Could a trustee and special supervisor with keys take emergency response vehicle that is there for maintenance from a neighboring municipality?I recall someone at Batesville Fire Department (Jessica's FB page)questioning why given the magnitude of the scene on Herron Road they were not summoned by emergency response personnel to the CS instead of the Pope Fire Department?(the comment could have just been generic grousing;nothing of substance to it) Is there a maintenance log to account for other Panola Municipalities vehicles taken out of service to be washed or mechanically checked out?

I am trying to get my head around the entire County,State and Federal Panola County Detention Center housing 120 inmates daily allowing 30 of their inmates to be trustees and not identifying who are the trustee supervisors? I don't find this information on the website. Is there a person in the media who could ask Sheriff Darby?

These are my questions & I am pleading to Sheriff Darby for some much needed transparency from his office.

Please do do not repost please link to Webseluths.
. :tyou:

First, I adore the Columbo reference. :sleuth: However, I am not sure that I understand why you believe there is a vehicle maintenance shop at the Sheriff's Dept. Ben Chambers is their Maintenance Mechanic. BC's shop/garage is on Carlisle right next door to his home in Courtland. There is a sign on the door to this garage on Carlisle that reads: "Sheriff's Department". It is NOT the sheriff's department. The Sheriff's Department is located in Batesville at 300 James Rudd Road. See BC's photo here:

"... the entire County,State and Federal Panola County Detention Center housing 120 inmates daily allowing 30 of their inmates to be trustees..."
To the best of my knowledge, when a person is arrested and booked at the Police Dept. Then, the prisoners/Inmates are detained at the David M. Bryan Justice Complex on Airport Road, Batesville, MS, United States.

This google map will show the distance between the locations of the (administration of the) Sheriff's Office in Batesville and the Batesville Police Station.!3m1!1s0x888006af8b191f6b:0x4f0455e19e3b1d06

This link shows where the David M. Bryan Justice Complex is located on Airport Road, Batesville, MS.

Secondly, I feel the reason FC Haley requested Pope VFD to arrive is because the Pope VFD is maybe less than 2 miles from the CS. Also, I personally find nothing nefarious in that particular action. Do you? I've posted that map previously. This was an intensely hot flash fire. Rubber tires do not extinguish easily. They keep reigniting themselves for reasons that I cannot explain but I've seen evidence of that occurring in viewing the videos of it on youtube.

Lastly, we know select prisoners/inmates are allowed into a work program such as collecting garbage and working with the road crews on filling pot holes or whatever. One of the road crew members, Mr. NH, was indicted on December 4, 2014. He is a cousin of the sheriff's; therefore, the MBI handled the case. He is no longer listed as a part of the Sheriff's support staff.

"According to the PCSO website, Hughes is listed as being on the road crew in the joint county/state work program housing department."
The comment section is fairly interesting.

I hope this helps and if I am wrong please correct my information. TYIA

yes--that whole area seems to be run by gangs----both legal and illegal gangs--like I said--reminds me of a 3rd world country

Scary enough for my ex husband to time our frequent road trips between Illinois and Louisiana so that we could avoid having to take that exit .
Scary enough for him to tell me to get back in the car with our son once when we did have to stop there for gas and calm my protest of us needing a restroom with...we will stop at another exit , y'all get in the car and lock the doors..l
Scary enough for him to get enough gas to get us to a safer exit off the interstate and get the heck out of dodge ...
And my ex husband is no stranger to the rougher side of life , having grown up in a tough area of town himself .
I recently told him about this case and questioned him what made him do that ,he said that place is just bad news and yall did not need to go up in there ... It didn't feel safe at all .
When this story first broke I immediately recognized the place and remembered having been there several times. Once with my mother and my sisters, I remember my older sister who is somewhat dramatic saying when we left that she was glad to be out of there . I remember back to over 30 years ago having stopped there and at that time it was a little "shady " , but over the years it has progressed to being downright scary to weary travelers.
Poor Jessica didn't stand half a chance being raised up in that environment

Third world country is a fitting description....

To the best of my knowledge, when a person is arrested and booked at the Police Dept. Then, the prisoners/Inmates are detained at the David M. Bryan Justice Complex on Airport Road, Batesville, MS, United States.

This google map will show the distance between the locations of the (administration of the) Sheriff's Office in Batesville and the Batesville Police Station.!3m1!1s0x888006af8b191f6b:0x4f0455e19e3b1d06

This link shows where the David M. Bryan Justice Complex is located on Airport Road, Batesville, MS.

Secondly, I feel the reason FC Haley requested Pope VFD to arrive is because the Pope VFD is maybe less than 2 miles from the CS. Also, I personally find nothing nefarious in that particular action. Do you? I've posted that map previously. This was an intensely hot flash fire. Rubber tires do not extinguish easily. They keep reigniting themselves for reasons that I cannot explain but I've seen evidence of that occurring in viewing the videos of it on youtube.

Lastly, we know select prisoners/inmates are allowed into a work program such as collecting garbage and working with the road crews on filling pot holes or whatever. One of the road crew members, Mr. NH, was indicted on December 4, 2014. He is a cousin of the sheriff's; therefore, the MBI handled the case. He is no longer listed as a part of the Sheriff's support staff.

I hope this helps and if I am wrong please correct my information. TYIA

I love Columbo too. Now,Chief inspector Clouseau;I simply adore you also.

As to your point on Pope vs Batesville Fire Department called as backup to the CS in Herron Road. My impression;Batesville argued since it was arson fire involving a burn victim they should have be summoned because they felt they were better equipped responding to an arson than Pope. But, as you point out this could be grousing on their part. And just one persons sour grapes & no one else's. Some healthy competition for excellence.

Ben's job description on the website is maintenance/mechanic I assumed Ben's maintenance shop was one and the same as the one 'mentioned on the linked website'. As to my thinking on the trustee supervisor question;my train of thought is emergency vehicles could be taken unauthorized by a trustee and or trustee supervisor. That is why I wanted to know if there is a log of vehicles taken out service for mechanical servicing or cleaning. Finally,I would like to know the names of trustee & trustee supervisors on December 6,2014. This is for transparency as the information is not on their website. There seems to be unusual liberties at the jail for inmates. Personally,I like transparency from all public servants.

Back to your point that I am struggling with;perhaps Ben does his Panola County Vehicle mechanic work at his home garage. But,as his duties also include jail maintenance he splits his time at the Panola Detention Center and or the David M. Bryan Justice Complex on Airport Road, Batesville, MS. Or,am I simply confusing the two from the description on the website and his photo as to maintenance/mechanic duties.

Does this tract with your thinking? Or am I missing the bigger point that Ben does maintenance and mechanic duties from his home garage only?

The Panolian has a photo taken by Rupert Howell June 3,2011 of Sheriff Otis Griffin,Ben Chambers looking on at a MDOC trustee at the jail site smoothing concrete.I assumed Ben was the trustee supervisor. But,that was an assumption on my part.

From website:
Panola County Detention Center, which houses, on a daily basis, an average of 120 inmates ( County, State and Federal). Approximately 30 of these inmates are trusties, who require special supervision for the jobs that they do. He oversees the trusties in the Panola County Joint County & State Work Center. These trusties provide the manpower for the trash pickup and garbage pickup crews, as well as the vehicle maintenance shop and car wash for Sheriff Department and other county vehicles. These trusties are also responsible for the care, upkeep, repair and maintenance of all county buildings and grounds. This saves Panola County money that would have to be spent to provide these services.

Thanks DeeDee for your observations which are always informative.

I love Columbo too. Now,Chief inspector Clouseau;I simply adore you also.

As to your point on Pope vs Batesville Fire Department called as backup to the CS in Herron Road. My impression;Batesville argued since it was arson fire involving a burn victim they should have be summoned because they felt they were better equipped responding to an arson than Pope. But, as you point out this could be grousing on their part. And just one persons sour grapes & no one else's. Some healthy competition for excellence.

Ben's job description on the website is maintenance/mechanic I assumed Ben's maintenance shop was one and the same as the one 'mentioned on the linked website'. As to my thinking on the trustee supervisor question;my train of thought is emergency vehicles could be taken unauthorized by a trustee and or trustee supervisor. That is why I wanted to know if there is a log of vehicles taken out service for mechanical servicing or cleaning. Finally,I would like to know the names of trustee & trustee supervisors on December 6,2014. This is for transparency as the information is not on their website. There seems to be unusual liberties at the jail for inmates. Personally,I like transparency from all public servants.

Back to your point;perhaps Ben does his Panola County Vehicle mechanic work at his home garage. But,as his duties also include jail maintenance he splits his time at the Panola Detention Center.
Or,he works out of David M. Bryan Justice Complex on Airport Road, Batesville, MS, United States.
and not out of Panola County Detention Center. I am simply confusing the two from the description on the website and his photo as maintenance/me

Does this tract with your thinking? Or am I missing the bigger point that Ben does maintenance and mechanic duties from his home garage?

The Panolian has a photo taken by Rupert Howell June 3,2011 of Sheriff Otis Griffin,Ben Chambers looking on at a MDOC trustee at the jail site smoothing concrete.I assumed Ben was the trustee supervisor. But,that was an assumption on my part.

From website:
Panola County Detention Center, which houses, on a daily basis, an average of 120 inmates ( County, State and Federal). Approximately 30 of these inmates are trusties, who require special supervision for the jobs that they do. He oversees the trusties in the Panola County Joint County & State Work Center. These trusties provide the manpower for the trash pickup and garbage pickup crews, as well as the vehicle maintenance shop and car wash for Sheriff Department and other county vehicles. These trusties are also responsible for the care, upkeep, repair and maintenance of all county buildings and grounds. This saves Panola County money that would have to be spent to provide these services.

Thanks DeeDee for your observations which are always informative.


In my experience as a state corrections officer, I have seen inmate trustees take vehicles for beer runs, sexual liasions,escapes and a host of other things. The inmates either find financially strapped officers or weak-minded officers and the inmates are very good on preying on them. I have seen officers I worked with for years get mixed up in all kind of crazy situations and do stuff that shocked me. Some of them I worked with for years and thought I knew them very well
and was shocked when I learned what they did. The sad thing about it to is the prisons usually let them resign rather than arrest the officers,as they don't want the negative publicity. I have seen officers commit serious crimes and the prison officials didn't prosecute them. Boggled my mind.
The murderer of a convenience store clerk was just executed in Georgia, almost 37 years after the crime:

Now I’m all for being careful when it comes to executions, because there is no way to correct a mistake if the wrong person is killed by “We the People.” But 37 years to make sure, come on. How much does it cost to incarcerate the average inmate for a year, let alone someone on death row? Think of the law enforcement that could have been funded to prevent such crimes in the first place. Something is really wrong with our criminal justice system.

No wonder Jessica’s investigation is proceeding so slowly. But wait until AFTER a conviction, that’s when things will really hit glacial speed. It might work out better for her killer(s) to receive a death sentence, since it would wind up being a de facto LWOP.

Please forgive the sarcasm, this item just got all over me.
In my experience as a state corrections officer, I have seen inmate trustees take vehicles for beer runs, sexual liasions,escapes and a host of other things. The inmates either find financially strapped officers or weak-minded officers and the inmates are very good on preying on them. I have seen officers I worked with for years get mixed up in all kind of crazy situations and do stuff that shocked me. Some of them I worked with for years and thought I knew them very well
and was shocked when I learned what they did. The sad thing about it to is the prisons usually let them resign rather than arrest the officers,as they don't want the negative publicity. I have seen officers commit serious crimes and the prison officials didn't prosecute them. Boggled my mind.

And it’s not always corrections officers, indianwin2001 -- others inside the jailhouse can help prisoners escape, too. As you said, “…the inmates are very good on preying on them.” Here are two recent high profile examples, one out West:

…and the other one back East:

JMO, but I think we need to get rid of all these bells and whistles in the jails and prisons. They're not supposed to be houses of learning. They are for punishment of the guilty, and for protection of the innocent. Everything else is really not their problem. Rehabilitation is a pipedream for many of these inmates, who are simply biding their time for the next chance to reap the harvest outside the walls.

The murderer of a convenience store clerk was just executed in Georgia, almost 37 years after the crime:

Now I&#8217;m all for being careful when it comes to executions, because there is no way to correct a mistake if the wrong person is killed by &#8220;We the People.&#8221; But 37 years to make sure, come on. How much does it cost to incarcerate the average inmate for a year, let alone someone on death row? Think of the law enforcement that could have been funded to prevent such crimes in the first place. Something is really wrong with our criminal justice system.

Here is an example of one murder case where those convicted were on death row for a long period of time. Ricky Jackson 39 years on death row, Wiley Bridgeman 39 years on death row (once came with in 3 weeks of execution and Kwame Ajamu and 28 years on death row. Just this one case ended up costing the government 4.2 million in pay outs.
A judge Tuesday cleared Ronnie Bridgeman of a murder that he didn't commit. The false allegation, however, cost him 28 years in prison. snip

The three men were convicted in the murder of Harold Franks, a Cleveland money-order salesman. Wiley Bridgeman, 60, and Jackson, 57, each spent 39 years behind bars for the death of Franks at an East Side convenience store. snip

Jackson and Wiley Bridgeman were freed after the key witness in the case, Eddie Vernon, recanted his testimony during a hearing in Common Pleas Court last month. Vernon testified that he was 12 when he approached police and lied about seeing the attack. snip

From there, he said, police fed him the information needed to convince judges and jurors that the three killed Franks.
Here is an example of one murder case where those convicted were on death row for a long period of time. Ricky Jackson 39 years on death row, Wiley Bridgeman 39 years on death row (once came with in 3 weeks of execution and Kwame Ajamu and 28 years on death row. Just this one case ended up costing the government 4.2 million in pay outs.

It would seem like the slow wheels of Justice paid off in this particular case, bbbd4u. But my impression in general has been that in many if not most cases the convicted and their lawyers prolong the inevitable as long as possible, for no other reason than that: prolong the inevitable.

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