VERDICT WATCH MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, Panola County, Dec 2014 #4

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Kia is having fuel tank problems on some sedans. The kias are catching on fire and the whole car becomes ingulfed in flames in minutes.

I apologize with this being my first time posting. I’ve been reading ever since 4th of July 2017. I was visiting Lake Oconee in Georgia. The Dermond Murders happened at the lake which was mentioned on a day boat ride I was on in 2017. I started looking into the case and came upon Websleuths which I now visit everyday.

The claim this was caused by Kia in my opinion is preposterous. If you’ve followed the case at all you know this goes much deeper than that.

to WS
There's been too many witnesses who've testified to seeing Jessica walk and talk. In her condition, it in my opinion, was nothing short of a miracle. The experts obviously don't believe in miracles. Too bad, many people do!!! How many times have experts (in any given field) been wrong? Many times in my experience.

Miraculous Exception on the part of the victim, Erroneous Reception on the part of the eye witnesses, or Duplicitous Deception on the part of the accused? I don't think any of those except the last two will be deciding factors this second time around.

Therese Apel:

‏Verified account @TRex21 5h5 hours ago
Learn about what else the #JessicaChambers jury saw on their earlier field trip yesterday when they visited several key locations in Courtland, from my colleague @rmaxey1.


‏Verified account @TRex21 5h5 hours ago
Talking #JessicaChambers case on the @paulgalloshow on supertalk. Testimony begins again at 8. …

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Hey folks. @rmaxey1 is in the courtroom this morning and I'll be live tweeting in as much as the feed will allow. I'll be headed into the courtroom this afternoon. You can watch live here:

Watch live: Jessica Chambers murder trial of Quinton Tellis

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Judge Gerald Chatham tells jury the purpose of field trip last night was to appreciate the noise levels, but the procedural matters that were stopped were his own doing. Nobody did anything improper, it was purely procedural.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
State calls Thelma Taylor, whose husband was the "mysterious stranger" at the scene.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Her husband Willie Taylor is a truck driver headed to South Carolina this week. Thelma said she heard that there was a helicopter in Courtland near where her daughter lives. She told Willie to go to the scene and find out what was going on.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
She sent him in her white GMC Yukon. He went to check and there was no helicopter. She said he went from there to her daughter's house. He told her when he got back that the Sheriff's department ran him off.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Once he checked it out he came home, and he told her he didn't really see anything. Willie went to the scene because she was being nosy, Thelma said.
No cross examination. She's released.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Next witness is Katherine (sp?) Rogers. She works at Scales Biological Laboratory in Brandon.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
She's a forensic analyst specializing in DNA. Accepted by the court as an expert in DNA. Explaining now what DNA is.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Light moment: Rogers says the human body has trillions of cells, and DA John Champion said, "Would someone like me have more than trillions of cells." Rogers is obviously a little flustered and ends up laughing and saying, "The more mass, the more cells."

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Rogers is now explaining how DNA can be transferred with one cell and grown through the amplification process to the point that they can get a profile off that sample.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
She's explaining that a partial DNA profile comes from degraded or damaged DNA, or when multiple people's DNA is combined, which is a different process.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Now holding evidence bag with #JessicaChambers' keys in it. She processed those keys, she said. "The goal was to obtain any DNA present on it."
Swabbed all keychains, lanyards, keys for cellular material, extracted the DNA, amplified the DNA, and analyzed for DNA profiles.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
There are 16 locations that analysts look at for a profile, Rogers said. It's not uncommon to get DNA mixtures on items.
There was a mixture on Jessica's keys.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
The mixture of autosomal chromosomes on the keys showed a mixture of at least 4 individuals. Tellis and several others were excluded of the autosomal mixture.

A 2nd type of DNA testing that targets only male DNA was performed on the keys. Still a mixture of at least 4 males.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Quinton Tellis (and all other males on his biological father's side) could not be excluded, Rogers said. Approximately 99.7 percent of the male population CAN be excluded from that DNA profile.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
The man who found the keys, Jerry King, could not be included or excluded. Derrick Holmes was excluded.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Darla Palmer to cross examine Rogers. Calls her "Ms. Scales."

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Palmer saying that autosomal DNA should be stronger and more accurate, but Tellis was excluded. Rogers explains that it's not more accurate. There's just not as many Y chromosomes as X chromosomes in a mixed situation.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Less male DNA on keys than male DNA on keys, Rogers said, which is why Y Chromosome analysis was performed.

‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
Palmer wants to know if that's normal to test the Y chromosomes if autosomal doesn't show a particular outcome. Rogers explains that sometimes male DNA can be masked by female DNA, so Y chromosome analysis is done to isolate the male DNA. Said these keys were a good candidate.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Palmer asks why there would be additional testing when the first test excludes him.
Rogers uses example of mixed blood on a knife where vic was female, male was attacker. The female DNA masked the male DNA, so they did Y chromosome analysis. Not uncommon to use that procedure.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
There were still multiple males in the Y chromosome testing, Rogers said.

"He cannot be excluded does not mean his DNA was definitely on the keys, he just can't be ruled out as a possible contributor."

Rogers: "His Y chromosome markers are seen in that DNA profile."

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
So in other words, no, he can't be excluded because there's male DNA consistent with his family line on those keys that was originally masked by the preponderance of female DNA, if I understand right.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Champion redirects: Rogers says if there's a single-source profile on something, it can be exactly matched, the stats are stronger for an exact match.
With a mixture, you're looking for reference DNA markers in the mixture.
The presence of a Y chromosome does indicate male DNA.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
The X chromosomes were significantly higher, which means the level of female DNA could mask or hide male DNA because there is more of it.
You have to isolate Y chromosomes to profile them.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Jury in #JessicaChambers trial being sent to recess so judge can take up some legal matters and some equipment can be set up. Recess for about 15 minutes
‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
The defense is saying that they don't stipulate to some things that they stipulated to during the last trial while the judge says there's case law to support the stipulation.
Palmer asks him to provide the case law.
Judge says there's no power that requires him to do that.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
ADA Jay Hale says there are 6 stipulations, and they are marked into evidence.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
The jury will hear about phone records, video systems, and Green Dot data. The discs being entered into evidence now are basically full of technical data as it applies to those issues in the case. The jury is free to go through those later as they deliberate if they so choose.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
ATF Agent Scott Meadows takes the stand now. He was in the core team that carried this investigation through after January 2015 along with MBI Investigator Tim Douglas and US Attorney's office analyst Paul Rowlett.


‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
ATF got involved because additional resources were needed with the amount of leads and witnesses and suspects. They also transported evidence to their lab.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Meadows said before he went to the Panola Sheriff's Department, he contacted the lab in Atlanta to make sure they followed the procedures as the lab needed. Evidence was sent in paint cans so the vapors would stay inside.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Champion asks about the core team I mentioned a second ago. Meadows said for the earliest briefing he came to, the hallways were full of people, the conference room was a command post, tips were coming in, walls had tips and leads and intelligence on them.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Now they're describing the conference room. Where they're ultimately going with this is that at some point when the glamor wore off, Meadows, Rowlett and Douglas were the last investigators standing on the case.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
As leads came in, agents provided information they learned from interviews, analysts and interns input those things into databases.

Meadows said large investigation, but info was passed to everyone via briefing meetings. Leads were assigned to teams who went out to investigate.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Champion asks about interview between Douglas /Barry Thompson and Quinton Tellis. In the initial interview, it came out that he said he gave her some money that afternoon, Meadows said.
Interview with FBI agent Dustin Blount, did he say he'd had sex with Jessica and where? Yes.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Talking about gasoline, dirt bike, etc.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Meadows said leads started to evaporate around October.

Talking about Rowlett now, explaining what analysts do.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Meadows is a digital media specialist for the ATF.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Leads out of Iowa, Yazoo, Chattanooga, other places. None panned out.

‏Verified account @TRex21 3h3 hours ago
Meadows says as investigators were "whittled down," team became him, Rowlett, Douglas, and DA's office.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
They went through footage at the M&M gas station, Meadows says, and by reviewing that you could see who was going in and out and who was outside in the parking lot. The video was a piece of the puzzle, he says.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Champ: Did you guys notice headlights going in and out of Quinton's driveway around 7-7:30 at night after he became a suspect again in this case?
Meadows: Yes sir.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
At some point Rowlett got some records from the U.S. Marshal Service and noticed something that made him call Meadows and Douglas. They were Tellis' records of positions of the cellular telephones in that time frame on the evening of Dec. 6, 2014. They already had Jessica's.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
"Your phone is always talking to a tower," Meadows said. "It knows where you are and that position is being transferred back and forth."

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Meadows said when investigators when through the video at the store, they never saw Quinton give Jessica any money, which has been a big subject of discussion.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Investigators looked at what they had and knew they needed to look at him again, Meadows says. They went to Baton Rouge, advised him of his rights, and began interview on Nov. 2, 2015.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Meadows identifies miranda warnings signed by Tellis on Nov. 2 and Nov. 3, 2015.


‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
On Nov. 2, Rowlett came in midway through the interview, and he and Douglas conducted the interview on Nov. 3.
Tellis was reinterviewed in January 2016. Meadows identifies Tellis' signature on his Miranda rights from the January interview as well.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Those interviews were video recorded and placed on a thumb drive.

Prosecution is setting up the showing of the interviews in court shortly.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Champ: When trip was made to Monroe in November, were you aware of December interviews?
Meadows: Yes.
Champ: Was phone data consistent with what Tellis told the other agents in December?
Meadows: Absolutely inconsistent.
Champ: Feel the need to reinterview him?
Meadows: Yes.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Meadows: We had old interview, data, videos from the store to aid with talking to him.
Champ: Paul had thousands of phone numbers amassed to provide info?
Meadows: Absolutely.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Meadows said they started with talking to Tellis to put him at ease. Started talking about the day Jessica was burned.

Champion introducing the first segment of interviews with Tellis.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Showing the interviews with Douglas and Meadows and Tellis.

(Screenshots from @LawCrimeNetwork feed)


‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Tellis said he and Jessica traded numbers and started "texting and talking." They would talk on the phone too, he said.
Tellis tells Douglas and Meadows he had a girlfriend named Jamie Shaw. We will later find out he had another girlfriend in Louisiana, Chakita Jackson.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Meadows: What about your wife now? So what was the status with her then?
Tellis: We were kicking it and she came to see me and stuff, but she was down in Monroe.
‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
He says since he got out of prison, females approach him, he doesn't have to say anything to them.
He tries to remember all the women he was talking to. There was also a woman that lived in Shiloh.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
(On video)
Back to Jessica. Tellis told cops they met through Kesha Meyer, but Kesha told the court on Tuesday that she met him through Jessica.

Meadows asking whether Tellis sold or gave drugs to Jessica. "A couple times she paid me for it, but usually I just gave it to her."

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Meadows: Were y'all in a relationship?
Tellis: We had sex one time beside my mama's house.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Tellis talks about how that was tough in Jessica's little car.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
"I was trying to get it again, but she told me her period was on," Tellis said.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Small talk about drugs, pills, where to get them, etc., and a dentist that will cut a prescription if you send someone in with a toothache.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Tellis said he and Jessica didn't talk much, but they texted. After he met her, he said he saw her all the time.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Tellis now talking about Michael "Big Mike" Sanford, and says he stayed around Big Mike's house, sometimes used his Denali when Big Mike would send him to the store.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Tellis said he drove Jessica's car to the liquor store one night, and he drove because they were rushing to the liquor store to try to get there before it closed.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Meadows walking Tellis through his day on Dec. 6, just basics like where he slept the night before, who was there, when he got up, etc. He went to the store to get a sausage biscuit and some potatoes.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Tellis tells Meadows at that point he was selling weed for money.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
He remembers getting in the car with Jessica and Kesha and they smoked pot while he was riding in the back seat.
Meadows thanking him for being honest.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Editor's note: Guys, it's hard to tweet this interview blow by blow because there are a lot of little details that are not really part of the big picture.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
More discussion of Big Mike. Says he spent a lot of time with Big Mike that day.

This will be very important as the coming witnesses continue to testify.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Says Big Mike also sells weed. When people see Big Mike's truck in Tellis' mother's driveway, they all pull in to hang out. Says he's drinking beer at his house with Big Mike between 1-3. Said Terran "Tootie" Shegog stopped in, as did Michael Rudd and Travis Sanford (not Travo).

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Another note: Jessica's boyfriend's name was Travis "Travo" Sanford, but this is a different Travis Sanford at Tellis' house.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Now Tellis is telling them he gave Jessica some money -- threw it in her window because he didn't want Jamie to see him talking to Jessica. She was by herself at that time, Tellis said.
He said he didn't go with her to get food.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
At one point, Tellis says he was with Jamie.
Meadows says, "Would Jamie tell me the same story?"
Tellis: Oh, we're talking about the night she got killed? I wasn't with Jamie that night."

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Later he says he was in the truck with Big Mike, Travis, Tootie, and Michael Rudd. First he says Tootie was behind the drivers seat, then says he was.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
First video down: Champion now questioning Meadows about the video. Points out the nonconfrontational setting.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Champion bringing back up that Tellis said he and Jessica had sex in the front seat with the seat laid back.

‏Verified account @TRex21 2h2 hours ago
Reiterating that they only had sex once, and that he tried again but she was on her cycle. Going back over him driving her car to get to the liquor store.

‏Verified account @TRex21 1h1 hour ago
Basically Meadows says Tellis says he and Jessica and Kesha went riding past where Jessica was killed multiple times, and around the Courtland area. Tellis told Meadows Jessica contacted him for money when she was across the street, and he gave her $10. That was not on the video.

‏Verified account @TRex21 1h1 hour ago
Touching on how Tellis changed the story when asked if Jamie would tell him the same story and how all of a sudden he was like, "Oh, ok. We're talking about the day Jessica was killed. Never mind, she wasn't there."

‏Verified account @TRex21 1h1 hour ago
Reiterating that Chakita wanted a Green Dot card so she could come up and visit. He was on video buying that card in Batesville.

‏Verified account @TRex21 1h1 hour ago
That's all Champion's questions for this segment. Lunch time.
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 5h5 hours ago
#JessicaChambers - First witness today is Thelma Taylor. Her husband was at the scene that night. Firefighters said this unknown man had to be asked to leave 3 times.

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 4h4 hours ago
#JessicaChambers - Witness #33 for the state is DNA specialist, Kathryn Rogers

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 4h4 hours ago
#JessicaChambers - Watch Live: …


Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 4h4 hours ago
#JessicaChambers - Rogers will testify that #QuintonTellis DNA was found on Jessica's keys.


Cathy Russon Retweeted
Brad Broders‏ @Local24Brad 4h4 hours ago
Expert talking about Autosomal DNA: term used in genetic genealogy to describe DNA which is inherited from the autosomal chromosomes. An autosome is any of the numbered chromosomes, as opposed to the sex chromosomes. Yes, it's complicated. #QuintonTellis #JessicaChambers

Cathy Russon Retweeted
Brad Broders‏ @Local24Brad 4h4 hours ago
Rogers: in our STR analysis of the DNA at #JessicaChambers crime scene, that's only male, still gave a mixture of at least four male and that #QuintonTellis could NOT be excluded in that mixture.
Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 4h4 hours ago
Defense is bringing up how it's not necessarily Quinton Tellis' DNA on the keys, but only that he cannot be excluded as a potential contributor. #JessicaChambers

Cathy Russon Retweeted
‏Verified account @TRex21 4h4 hours ago
There were still multiple males in the Y chromosome testing, Rogers said.

"He cannot be excluded does not mean his DNA was definitely on the keys, he just can't be ruled out as a possible contributor."

Rogers: "His Y chromosome markers are seen in that DNA profile."

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 4h4 hours ago
#JessicaChambers - 15 min recess. We expect to see the M&M gas station security cam footage next.

Brad Broders‏ @Local24Brad 3h3 hours ago
News: (#QuintonTellis attorney) Darla Palmer: (16 markers can't say that it's his DNA?). Rogers: That's correct, I can't say that it's his, only that he cannot be excluded. Palmer: (But we can say he was excluded in stronger testing?).. correct, he was excluded."

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 3h3 hours ago
Cathy Russon Retweeted Janice Broach

#JessicaChambers - Watch Tellis' police interview now

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 2h2 hours ago
#QuintonTellis tells police he drove #JessicaChambers car with her to the liquor store in Batesville.

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 2h2 hours ago
Cathy Russon Retweeted

He admitted to having sex once but never has said it was that day, however the passenger seat was reclined when Jessica was set on fire.
Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 5h5 hours ago
It’s day four of the #JessicaChambers murder trial. #QuintonTellis is being tried for the 2nd time. He’s accused of lighting her on fire & killing her in 2014. 30 people have testified so far.

I’ll be live tweeting what happens today & we’ll have live coverage on @3onyourside.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 5h5 hours ago
First witness up: the wife of the “suspicious man” from the scene that night.


Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 5h5 hours ago
She says they saw a helicopter that night & she told her husband to go check it out, especially since their child lived near there. She says her husband came home & told her sheriff's deputies ran him off when he got there. They didn't know they ran the car tags.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 5h5 hours ago
Now on the stand is an analyst with a DNA testing lab.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 5h5 hours ago
Bridget Chapman Retweeted Bridget Chapman

She's explaining DNA, DNA profiles and DNA testing.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 4h4 hours ago
She tested #JessicaChambers' keys and found a mixture of DNA on them, including that of Quinton Tellis.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 4h4 hours ago
Defense is bringing up how it's not necessarily Quinton Tellis' DNA on the keys, but only that he cannot be excluded as a potential contributor. #JessicaChambers

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 4h4 hours ago
Judge says we're going to break for morning recess. He says there are some matters of law has to take up without them present. #JessicaChambers

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 3h3 hours ago
We're back. Now on the stand is a special agent with ATF.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 3h3 hours ago
He says they interviewed #QuintonTellis in the middle of December 2014. After that, he was (temporarily) no longer a suspect.

In Spring 2015, he says their core investigative team for the case became much smaller.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 3h3 hours ago
He says cell phone data showed them #QuintonTellis wasn't being completely honest with them about being with #JessicaChambers the day she died.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 3h3 hours ago
They're now showing a clip from an interview with Tellis in November of 2015.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
In this interview he's talked about having sex with #JessicaChambers in her car one time and how he tried again another time.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
He says he drove her car to the liquor store once.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
Investigators ask Tellis to walk him through the day #JessicaChambers died. So far... Tellis says he woke up, walked to the store, rode around with Chambers and her friend, and then they dropped him off at home.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
In the interview, Tellis says after that, his friend picked him up from his house and they went to "the hang-out spot." He says they were there for a couple hours and then went back to his house to drink beer. He says he talked to #JessicaChambers again that evening.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
He says Chambers called asking for money to get something to eat, so he met her in the store parking lot to give it to her. He says he'd given her money a couple times before. He says he's positive he didn't get in the car with her. He gave her the money & she left.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
They've now stopped playing the video of Tellis' interview. They're going to play more segments later today. The state is asking the special agent on the stand about the interview the jurors just watched.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
Special agent says Tellis told him he and #JessicaChambers had sex in the car with the seat back. The agent says when he went to see her car after it was burned, the seat was back.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
He says Tellis told him he walked over to the store to give #JessicaChambers money and then left. He says video surveillance from the store never shows him doing this.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
He says Tellis told him he gave #JessicaChambers the money & left because his girlfriend was at his house up the street. However, investigators knew his girlfriend wasn't at his house that day & brought that up in the interview. Tellis then changed his story & said she wasn't.

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3 2h2 hours ago
We're now breaking for lunch. Will be back at 1:45.
Just a few tweets from Ron Maxey. (He has not tweeted much in regards to the trial today.)

Ron Maxey‏ @rmaxey1 6h6 hours ago
Headed in court shortly for this morning’s testimony. I’ll give you an update at the first break. #JessicaChambers @memphisnews @clarionledger

Ron Maxey‏ @rmaxey1 5h5 hours ago
We’re out at morning break. Two people have testified: Thelma Taylor, whose husband was the “mysterious figure” at the scene that night, and a DNA expert who said Tellis’ DNA could not be ruled out on Chambers’ keys. #JessicaChambers @memphisnews @clarionledger

Ron Maxey‏ @rmaxey1 2h2 hours ago
We’ve recessed for lunch. Jury got its first look at video testimony of Tellis recounting his version of what happened the day #JessicaChambers died. @memphisnews @clarionledger

Ron Maxey‏ @rmaxey1 23m23 minutes ago
Ron Maxey Retweeted Cathy Russon

Here’s how things are going in afternoon testimony. I’ll be back with you in a bit.
Cathy Russon on Twitter
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