GUILTY MS - Sherman Sanders, 53, doused in hot oil, dies, Diamondhead, 27 July 2006

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Opinionated Southern Belle
Oct 18, 2005
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Why would someone do this????

BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. (AP) — A woman fled with her two children after severely burning her husband with hot cooking oil as he slept, authorities said.
Authorities believe Edna May Sanders turned on the stove Friday and heated about two quarts of oil, waited until the grease reached a simmer and then poured the oil over her husband, covering his head, face, chest and arms.

Hancock County sheriff's deputies said Sanders apparently left the home a short time later with the couple's two children. She faces felony charges of aggravated assault and domestic violence, officials said.

Sanders' husband, whose name was not released, was airlifted to the burn center at the University of South Alabama in Mobile for treatment of third-degree burns, officials said.
Having been burned by hot oil recently with third degree burns this story just made my heart race and my stomach churn. Her poor husband-I don't know what she thinks he has done to 'deserve' being burned but pouring that much oil on a person who is sleeping is beyond torture and I would say it is much closer to attempted murder than assault.

This is a most painful type of injury to recover from and he is at such a huge risk for infection. I hope they find her and find out why she would do such a horrible thing.
georgiagirl said:
Why would someone do this????

BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. (AP) — A woman fled with her two children after severely burning her husband with hot cooking oil as he slept, authorities said.
Authorities believe Edna May Sanders turned on the stove Friday and heated about two quarts of oil, waited until the grease reached a simmer and then poured the oil over her husband, covering his head, face, chest and arms.

This is so awful. I am sure this guy is wishing she had just shot him. You know what I mean. Of course he wishes she had done nothing.
This kind of reminds you of "the burning bed" that movie about the true story.
A burn of any kind is so painful, I can't even imagine the horrible horrible pain this guy is in. And no matter her reason, he was in bed, not an immediate threat, there were alternatives.
No excuse. I can hear people saying what if he abused her or the kids? Well, she should have just taken the kids out of the house in the middle of the night while he was asleep and reported him to LE. Even if he was doing something to the kids then this is not the right message to send to the children. This is not how you deal with these problems.
Something has to be wrong in the brain to do something like this - it's not like you'd EVER get away with it, you know?
Wrong in the brain, just plain mean or totally cannot cope.
I wonder if she is a victim of domestic violence? If so, he got what he deserved, imo. Anybody remember that movie "the Burning Bed" with Farrah Faucett?
bakerprune64 said:
I wonder if she is a victim of domestic violence? If so, he got what he deserved, imo. Anybody remember that movie "the Burning Bed" with Farrah Faucett?

I was a victim of domestic violence. Almost every day for a year, while pregnant. There's no excuse for what she did. Now, shooting him, yeah, I could understand that. But not pouring boiling oil. That's inhuman.
shdbepaintin said:
And no matter her reason, he was in bed, not an immediate threat, there were alternatives.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Jeana (DP) said:
I was a victim of domestic violence. Almost every day for a year, while pregnant. There's no excuse for what she did. Now, shooting him, yeah, I could understand that. But not pouring boiling oil. That's inhuman.
True story... A friend of my parents was abused by her first husband for years. He busted out her teeth, broke many bones in her body and she was a prisoner in her own home. ONe night he came home very drunk and proceeded to give her the beating of a lifetime. When he passed out in the bed, she got out her sewing kit and sewed the top sheet to the fitted sheet and mattress of the bed. She then boiled a pot of hot water, and dumped it on him when he tried to sit up, she busted him in the balls with a baseball bat. Took the kids and fled for her life. She was never convicted of assault. As it turned out he was arrested after his hospital visit for assaulting somebody at a bar, and served time. She relocated with the help of authorities and eventually changed her name.
I too am a domestic violence survivor. I personally chose to leave without ever laying a hand on my husband, but I absolutely believe women have the right to defend themselves against their abuser. This was way out of line, though. If she had the ability to take the kids and flee, why not do so without pouring oil on him?
He was asleep she wasn't defending herself.

She could have just as easily left with the kids without burning him.
Now she faces criminal charges and the possibilty of loosing her children.
bakerprune64 said:
True story... A friend of my parents was abused by her first husband for years. He busted out her teeth, broke many bones in her body and she was a prisoner in her own home. ONe night he came home very drunk and proceeded to give her the beating of a lifetime. When he passed out in the bed, she got out her sewing kit and sewed the top sheet to the fitted sheet and mattress of the bed. She then boiled a pot of hot water, and dumped it on him when he tried to sit up, she busted him in the balls with a baseball bat. Took the kids and fled for her life. She was never convicted of assault. As it turned out he was arrested after his hospital visit for assaulting somebody at a bar, and served time. She relocated with the help of authorities and eventually changed her name.

Well I would be in prison for life in the county where I lived at the time. Once, about 6 months pregnant, I was beaten so bad that I staggered outside and passed out on the lawn, bleeding and bruised so bad my eyes were swollen shut. Two police officers carried me back home, where I was beaten again.
You poor thing! Carried back home? :doh: What the frell where those officers thinking?
Jeana (DP) said:
Well I would be in prison for life in the county where I lived at the time. Once, about 6 months pregnant, I was beaten so bad that I staggered outside and passed out on the lawn, bleeding and bruised so bad my eyes were swollen shut. Two police officers carried me back home, where I was beaten again.

That's one of the worst things I have ever heard. I am so sorry. I too am a survivor of an abusive relationship. Thank goodness those days are behind me.

As regards the woman in this case, I by no means condone her actions, but I'd love to know why she did it. That is some kind of torture to inflict on someone...why?
Thanks y'all. I don't know if they were thinking much less if they were thinking. The laws have changed for the better since then - 1981. I should have sued them, but instead several months after my son was born I left and moved to another state, never to return. Things worked out well for me, better than if I had stayed. Its strange to think how some things were just meant to be, especially the really hard ones. But I think that all that crap that we go through turns us in to the people that we're supposed to eventually become.

I don't think about that stuff very often, but at times like this I somehow think that I got out of hell just when he was getting there. I can live with that. ;)
southcitymom said:

That's one of the worst things I have ever heard. I am so sorry. I too am a survivor of an abusive relationship. Thank goodness those days are behind me.

As regards the woman in this case, I by no means condone her actions, but I'd love to know why she did it. That is some kind of torture to inflict on someone...why?
Wanna bet he shoved her hand into fryer oil at some point? Or did it to the family pet?
Jeana (DP) said:
Thanks y'all. I don't know if they were thinking much less if they were thinking. The laws have changed for the better since then - 1981. I should have sued them, but instead several months after my son was born I left and moved to another state, never to return. Things worked out well for me, better than if I had stayed. Its strange to think how some things were just meant to be, especially the really hard ones. But I think that all that crap that we go through turns us in to the people that we're supposed to eventually become.

I don't think about that stuff very often, but at times like this I somehow think that I got out of hell just when he was getting there. I can live with that. ;)

Kudos to you. I think you have had about enough. Thanks for sharing personal stories. Onward and forward.

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