MT MT - Nyleen Marshall, 4, Clancy, 25 June 1983

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The more I have been thinking on this about the girls on myspace acting like this is a big joke the madder I got. I wanted to email their pages but didin't. So the police contacted Kay about Nyleen Marshall. How is that funny? Perhaps LE and us who saw it were grasping at straws but that is what brings these kids home years later. LE had a duty to follow up on it and the person who saw the myspace page had a duty to report her suspicions.A missing and endangered child is not a joke and not a laughing matter. Shame on "Mindy" and "Kay" for making it a joke and laughing about the people who followed up on thier suspicion. Jeez, it is behavior I would expect from 10 year olds but not 27 nad 28 year olds.I hope these 2 mature girls never feel their stomach drop when they realize that something is wrong, that their child is in trouble. I hope they never spend a minute wondering if their child is safe, if someone is hurting them, if they are scared, if they are hungry or cold. I hope they never have to wonder just where their child is and if they are even still alive. Shame on the 2 of you for making a joke out of this. How dare you. I am glad the suffering and pain of Nyleen Marshall and her family is so freaking funny to you. I am glad a concerned person trying to bring answers to a family is funny to you. What a sad miserable life you 2 must lead.
LE has already checked the woman on my space out. That was how she found out that people thought she looked like NYleen. She isnt and it is beyond me why anyone would find that funny. If I was in her place I would never make a joke out of a missing child case. Shows that there are some pretty heartless people in this world.
I am glad they checked her out. You never know, right? Sometimes it takes a shot in the dark to solve a crime.
I recieved a somewhat odd e-mail on MySpace today...
[Names and contact info have been edited out for privacy]
Date:Sep 8, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: Nyleen Marshall
Body: Hi Sable! You have found Nyleen Marshall. My daughter and I are psychics in Canada and saw her pic at the local Wal Mart store. After looking at the pic, I knew that she was still alive. My guide sent me to look at and I was told that the girl you have found (Kay) is in fact Nyleen. My daughter and I sent letters to Missing Children, Dane County Sherrifs Office and Jefferson County Sherrifs Office with a description of her apartment and the fact that her abductor was a woman now living as a man, or that lives as a man at times. We also gave them much more information on her. However, my guides and a well known psychic friend from Montreal Canada believe that Nyleen will never accept that she was abducted because of all that she has been through. I did not put a return address on the envelopes as my daughter is only 16 and this is the first time we have used our abilities to do something like this and I don't want any publicity. Nyleen had a horrible abusive life and please don't blame her for acting the way she did when she was confronted with the fact that she may be Nyleen Marshall. Send her love. She needs it soooo badly! I hope that the police are smart enough to ask for a blood sample from her or something that will prove that she is in fact Nyleen. Of course, she can always decline to do the test. I pray to my angels that she will come around and that the person who did this to her is caught and put in Jail where he/she belongs. Please feel free to email me at ***********

Lots of love and light,
***** and *******

What do you guys think of it?
I recieved a somewhat odd e-mail on MySpace today...
[Names and contact info have been edited out for privacy]
Date:Sep 8, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: Nyleen Marshall
Body: Hi Sable! You have found Nyleen Marshall. My daughter and I are psychics in Canada and saw her pic at the local Wal Mart store. After looking at the pic, I knew that she was still alive. My guide sent me to look at and I was told that the girl you have found (Kay) is in fact Nyleen. My daughter and I sent letters to Missing Children, Dane County Sherrifs Office and Jefferson County Sherrifs Office with a description of her apartment and the fact that her abductor was a woman now living as a man, or that lives as a man at times. We also gave them much more information on her. However, my guides and a well known psychic friend from Montreal Canada believe that Nyleen will never accept that she was abducted because of all that she has been through. I did not put a return address on the envelopes as my daughter is only 16 and this is the first time we have used our abilities to do something like this and I don't want any publicity. Nyleen had a horrible abusive life and please don't blame her for acting the way she did when she was confronted with the fact that she may be Nyleen Marshall. Send her love. She needs it soooo badly! I hope that the police are smart enough to ask for a blood sample from her or something that will prove that she is in fact Nyleen. Of course, she can always decline to do the test. I pray to my angels that she will come around and that the person who did this to her is caught and put in Jail where he/she belongs. Please feel free to email me at ***********

Lots of love and light,
***** and *******

What do you guys think of it?

Okay as a peson who does not usually use vulagarities I have to tell you my first reaction was Holy Sh... . I don't have any idea how to react to this much less what to tell you to do. I am not a big believer in psychics. I guess you could pass this information on to the LE agency in charge of Nyleen Kay Marshalls case. For some odd reason usually I just chuckle away psychic stuff but something about this one hit a nerve with me; hence the Holy sh... rection. I would pass the information on to the investigation LE person.

That is interesting about the psychics. I'm on the fence about psychics because I know at least one person that has genuine abilities, but I also know that some are not genuine, or have poor psychic abilities. The person who emailed you Sable does seem genuine, and not out for money or anything. Flower1969 had posted that the MySpace girl was already contacted by LE and is not Nyleen. Flower, did you hear this directly from LE or were you speculating? The MySpace girl and her friends were definitely reacting to something in their posts with the word "Nyleen".
Okay. It's time I said this. Months (many, many months) ago - I sent her an email. I asked her to review websleuths and gave her the websleuths address. I told her she did not need to respond to my email, but I wanted her to know about the discussion. It was shortly after my email that her friends began the comments.

I do not believe she is Nyleen. While I don't recall her hometown, I found she was listed as graduating from a WI h.s. According to flower1969, LE contacted her, and she is not Nyleen.

I do not believe she is Nyleen, especially if LE has contacted her; I think we should look elsewhere. There are many people in this world who resemble other people. JMHO
I never know what to make of psychics. to be on the safe side I would contact LE, you never know, right?
Do any of you think it is the girl we thought was Nyleen playing a joke? I mean, her and her frined thought it was so funny how people thought she was nyleen.
I don't really know about the psychics, but I do think it's odd for a 28 y.o. to take something like this lightly. I'm 28 and would never make jokes about this. If someone were to confront me, I would just try to prove that I was not who they say. I know the chances of her being Nyleen are close to impossible, but the fact that she makes it a joke is kinda curious. Maybe she's making it a joke, because she has her won suspicions. Who knows?

Maybe if someone makes her understand the serousness of this, she could just post a pic of her when she was 3 or 4 then we can all be at rest.
I am hoping she handed her self over and helped anyway possible if LE came to her about the possibility of being Nyleen. If it were me I would do everything in my ability to help BUT I say that and i am 100% sure I belong to my parents, now had I been adopted or suspect I was thats another story.
ETA, I looked at both girls pages from before and the comments about Nyleen are gone from Kays but still on the other one
I don't really know about the psychics, but I do think it's odd for a 28 y.o. to take something like this lightly. I'm 28 and would never make jokes about this. If someone were to confront me, I would just try to prove that I was not who they say. I know the chances of her being Nyleen are close to impossible, but the fact that she makes it a joke is kinda curious. Maybe she's making it a joke, because she has her won suspicions. Who knows?

Maybe if someone makes her understand the serousness of this, she could just post a pic of her when she was 3 or 4 then we can all be at rest.
Iknow it sounds awful but I think someone is messing with Sable about the psycic. i hope I am wrong. I don't think anyone from ehre should contact her, let LE do it. if you feel at all suspicios then contact them. I am wondering if LE was involved at all in this. Does anyone know?
I recieved a somewhat odd e-mail on MySpace today...
[Names and contact info have been edited out for privacy]
Date:Sep 8, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: Nyleen Marshall
Body: Hi Sable! You have found Nyleen Marshall. My daughter and I are psychics in Canada and saw her pic at the local Wal Mart store. After looking at the pic, I knew that she was still alive. My guide sent me to look at and I was told that the girl you have found (Kay) is in fact Nyleen. My daughter and I sent letters to Missing Children, Dane County Sherrifs Office and Jefferson County Sherrifs Office with a description of her apartment and the fact that her abductor was a woman now living as a man, or that lives as a man at times. We also gave them much more information on her. However, my guides and a well known psychic friend from Montreal Canada believe that Nyleen will never accept that she was abducted because of all that she has been through. I did not put a return address on the envelopes as my daughter is only 16 and this is the first time we have used our abilities to do something like this and I don't want any publicity. Nyleen had a horrible abusive life and please don't blame her for acting the way she did when she was confronted with the fact that she may be Nyleen Marshall. Send her love. She needs it soooo badly! I hope that the police are smart enough to ask for a blood sample from her or something that will prove that she is in fact Nyleen. Of course, she can always decline to do the test. I pray to my angels that she will come around and that the person who did this to her is caught and put in Jail where he/she belongs. Please feel free to email me at ***********

Lots of love and light,
***** and *******

What do you guys think of it?

I was just reading this thread and before I got to this part, I was thinking that the woman joking about Nyleen really is Nyleen because no normal person would react like that and she doesn't want to admit it. I am not so sure about psychics but I am 26 almost 27 and this sounds like a very immature reaction, like in gradeschool someon acuses you of something and you start making fun of someone else to deflect attention from yourself.
I do not believe she is Nyleen. While I don't recall her hometown, I found she was listed as graduating from a WI h.s.

Graduating from a Wisconsin HS would be consistent with her being Nyleen, IMO - after Nyleen was kidnapped, LE received those letters and phone calls from the guy in Wisconsin saying he had Nyleen - he referred to her as Kay.

This is really weird. I don't know what to think anymore!

ETA: Kay's hometown is listed as Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Iknow it sounds awful but I think someone is messing with Sable about the psycic. i hope I am wrong. I don't think anyone from ehre should contact her, let LE do it. if you feel at all suspicios then contact them. I am wondering if LE was involved at all in this. Does anyone know?

You could be right about the psychic. I'm not sure if LE ever contacted Kay. (I reread flower's post and think it may have been speculation on how Kay found out about this. Flower, can you clarify?) She may have just read the posts on here (after reading Trino's email) and started joking about it with her friends.
She may have just read the posts on here (after reading Trino's email) and started joking about it with her friends.

I agree, and if it really is Nyleen she probably wouldn't know that she's missing in the first place.
If she thought she could be a missing girl, I would guess she would investigate further.

If she has family, especially extended family (cousins, aunts, uncles) near where she grew up, she would have a pretty good idea if she was/wasn't Nyleen.
If she thought she could be a missing girl, I would guess she would investigate further.

If she has family, especially extended family (cousins, aunts, uncles) near where she grew up, she would have a pretty good idea if she was/wasn't Nyleen.

Not necessarily - as a previous poster mentioned, she might block out some of those memories from a young age, since she was only 4 when she was taken. She might think all those extended family members were blood relatives, but in fact they may not be.

I don't really think this particular woman is Nyleen, but that doesn't mean that wherever Nyleen is, she knows she's missed.

I do think it is a strange coincidence that this myspace girl's name is Kay. She (and Nyleen) are a couple years older than I am, and the name "Kay" isn't a very common name for my age range. Possibly it could be a nickname for "Kaylee" or something similar, but I've not encountered anyone who calls themself Kay between the ages of 25 and 30 - it's a bit old-fashioned sounding.
I recieved a somewhat odd e-mail on MySpace today...
[Names and contact info have been edited out for privacy]
Date:Sep 8, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: Nyleen Marshall
Body: Hi Sable! You have found Nyleen Marshall....snipped for space... What do you guys think of it?

Something is really strange here. First off, if you look back through all the posts on Nyleen, up until this post, Sable had only made one very brief comment. I have no reason to doubt Sable, but it is odd that this message was sent to her/him when others here have been more actively working on this case.

What myspace account did this physic contact you at? The one in your signature regarding princess blue? Do you have one for Nyleen that you don't have listed in you signature?

Could you offer more detail on what type of myspace account you received this message on? Why do you think this physic contacted you?

ETA: I'm not trying to come across as rude, and after rereading my post it kind of sounds harsh. I would feel the same way if this was sent to my personal myspace account. I would be thinking,"Why me"? ya know what I mean?
The e-mail I posted was sent to my personal MySpace account. I don't know why the e-mail was sent to me, and not someone else. Perhaps the person that e-mailed me did so only because of the potential match I posted.
The e-mail I posted was sent to my personal MySpace account. I don't know why the e-mail was sent to me, and not someone else. Perhaps the person that e-mailed me did so only because of the potential match I posted.

LOL :doh: . Well, now things are beginning to become more clear. I just realize I skipped an entire page of posts. No wonder things where so confusing. I was beginning to think this Physic is WAY better than the average...:angel:

Anyway, now that I see the light, I just have to wonder if it's not a practical joke by the Kay girl, or her friends. There where a few posts that really raked them over the coals for making light of the situation. Maybe even an EX friend who wants to make the "Myspace Kay" life difficult.

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