Mt REDOUBT, Alaska, about to BLOW

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I just heard on the local NW News the volcano is about to erupt at any moment. Looks like there is no doubt about Mt REDOUBT:


Alaska volcano has geologists on 24-hour alert

Originally published Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 8:17 a.m.
Updated Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 11:25 a.m.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Mount Redoubt continues to rumble and simmer, prompting geologists to say this Alaska volcano could erupt "within days."

Scientists from the Alaska Volcano Observatory have been monitoring activity round-the-clock since the weekend.

If Mount Redoubt does erupt, it would be the first time this occurred in nearly 20 years. And if won't likely be pretty.

History shows that volcanoes in Alaska, including Redoubt, typically erupt explosively, shooting ash almost eight miles high.

"Its pressure keeps building and building. . . .," she said.

Depending on the winds, the ash plume could be pushed straight at Anchorage, the state's largest city. This has prompted state and city officials to post bulletins on how to deal with the ash. . . ." More @ Link


From ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska, Directions for Volcano Awareness/Preparedness to the citizens of Alaska:

I just heard the residents of Anchorage and the surrounding area are now out scurrying for supplies and getting tucked into their safe abodes. There is great fear that ash might wreck havoc in the Anchorage area.

God speed and stay safe Alaskans LET 'ER BLOW

My friend is stationed at Elmendorf and they are on an ash alert. She just moved there in December and they have already had some weird stuff happening since they have been there--like kids being off of school for weather. That almost never happens and they have had three days off for ice and now this! So crazy!
I just heard on the local NW News the volcano is about to erupt at any moment. Looks like there is no doubt about Mt REDOUBT:


Alaska volcano has geologists on 24-hour alert

Originally published Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 8:17 a.m.
Updated Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 11:25 a.m.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Mount Redoubt continues to rumble and simmer, prompting geologists to say this Alaska volcano could erupt "within days."

Scientists from the Alaska Volcano Observatory have been monitoring activity round-the-clock since the weekend.

If Mount Redoubt does erupt, it would be the first time this occurred in nearly 20 years. And if won't likely be pretty.

History shows that volcanoes in Alaska, including Redoubt, typically erupt explosively, shooting ash almost eight miles high.

"Its pressure keeps building and building. . . .," she said.

Depending on the winds, the ash plume could be pushed straight at Anchorage, the state's largest city. This has prompted state and city officials to post bulletins on how to deal with the ash. . . ." More @ Link


From ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska, Directions for Volcano Awareness/Preparedness to the citizens of Alaska:

I just heard the residents of Anchorage and the surrounding area are now out scurrying for supplies and getting tucked into their safe abodes. There is great fear that ash might wreck havoc in the Anchorage area.

God speed and stay safe Alaskans LET 'ER BLOW


May God be with them and protect them!
This if OT but I read a book (non-fiction) that stated there was an unknown connection between volcanic and seismic activity in Yellowstone and Alaska. I'll try to find the title, it was a good book.
I found it, it's called "A Crack in the edge of the world: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906 by Simon Winchester.

I will be praying for those in AL that this turns out to be a minor eruption.
Kasatochi, in Alaska, made for awesome sunsets all of last summer and autumn, in the northern hemisphere (when it erupted)... perhaps this time around we will have some Redoubt sunsets putting on a show, if it blows.
I found it, it's called "A Crack in the edge of the world: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906 by Simon Winchester.

I will be praying for those in AL that this turns out to be a minor eruption.

That should be an awesome read, given how far geological studies have come (thanks to satellites and seismic technology). I love reading stuff like that and taking in what scientist were trying to figure out, so long ago.
Check the pics from the last eruption... pretty neat looking images in the gallery:

Incredible photos Elpjaba. Ta

Here is a morning update for the 29th, 2 hours ago:


I also pray everyone will be safe when she blows amd didn't mean to come across as insensitive with Let 'Er BLOW. I look at this imminent eruption and all others as Mother Nature doing her job, a part of the cycle of life for our planet.

Thanks Kat for the info on the book ;}
I guess I am not up on Alaska volcanoes since I have never heard of Mount Redoubt. (Odd name if you think about it.) I hope the citizens in the surrounding area remain safe. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
I recently learned that Alaska has the most active volcanoes in the Western hemisphere. I know, nerdy. :loser:

Check out the pictures at the link! WOW

Story Highlights:
  • NEW: "Volcanic tremor" increasing in "amplitude," observatory says
  • The 10,200-foot Mount Redoubt is about 100 miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska
  • Volcano last erupted in December 1989
  • Eruption could spawn huge mudflows, disrupt flights with ash
-- Mount Redoubt, the Alaskan volcano expected to erupt at any time, is getting a bit more edgy.
The Alaska Volcano Observatory said in a statement Friday "volcanic tremor" has increased in "amplitude."
The activity on the 10,197-foot peak is "more energetic than that of the previous several days. However, it is still less vigorous than that observed last weekend," the observatory said.
Peter Cervelli, a research geophysicist with the observatory, told CNN that "every indication is that we're heading toward an eruption."
Cervelli said scientists don't know exactly when it will happen, but if it does happen, it could be days or weeks -- or even hours.
"I would not be surprised to see it erupt at anytime," Cervelli said. "We're going to know it when we see it."

more at Link
Most recent update from AVO:

2009-01-30 14:35:54

Intense seismicity continues at Redoubt this afternoon. Clear webcam views, satellite, and radar data from earlier today indicate that the volcano has not yet erupted.

Clouds have moved in to obscure the webcam view over the last hour.

An AVO observation flight returned in the last hour and reports no sign of ash emission, but observed significant steaming from a new melt depression at the mouth of the summit crater near the vent area of the 1989-90 eruption.

The Aviation Color Code remains at ORANGE and the Volcano Alert Level remains at WATCH.
Hi Scandi, haven't seen you very much since the db cooper thread! I hope all is well with you.

Re: Volcanos and earthquakes. They go together. I think there is no "calm before the storm" when it comes to volcanic eruption. The seismic activity is usually occurring during the eruption IIRC.

I used to follow the Monsterrat Volcano Observatory. (Volcano on a small island west of Antigua that came back to life in the mid-90's and has been erupting periodicly ever since.) They would have "swarms" of earthquakes just prior to and during an eruption.
Still grumbling - latest from AVO:

2009-01-30 18:26:05

Seismic unrest continues at Redoubt and activity is well above normal background levels.

AVO continues to observe potential activity with satellite and radar data.

An AVO observation flight this afternoon reported no sign of ash emission, but observed significant steaming from a new melt depression at the mouth of the summit crater near the vent area of the 1989-90 eruption.

The Aviation Color Code remains at ORANGE and the Volcano Alert Level remains at WATCH.
Hi Scandi, haven't seen you very much since the db cooper thread! I hope all is well with you.

Re: Volcanos and earthquakes. They go together. I think there is no "calm before the storm" when it comes to volcanic eruption. The seismic activity is usually occurring during the eruption IIRC.

I used to follow the Monsterrat Volcano Observatory. (Volcano on a small island west of Antigua that came back to life in the mid-90's and has been erupting periodicly ever since.) They would have "swarms" of earthquakes just prior to and during an eruption.

Hi AlwaysShocked, it is good to see you and thanks for posting on this thread.

It is so good to be back and making this my base for Forumdom again.. If I lived down South like Charlie, I'd be out on the veranda with a Mint Julrp in my hand. That is how much I love WebSleuths and her wonderful group of Sleuthers.

I have heard many bits today about Mt Redoubt on both CNN and FOX - even the local channels are getting excited. The interesting thing they have pointed out on the Seattle and Portland news is when volcano's BLOW in Alaska they shoot up from 8 to 10 miles into the sky. That is explosive, something the volcano's in our NorthWest Ring of Fire are not known for.

Hi Charlie, That AVO site is an excellent one. I think it has two live webcams set up, although I read today they are not live. With Mt St Helen's the Webcams were great as they were updated every minute or so. They had a lot of problems keeping them going tho because the earth, she was movin' and a shakin' most of the time.

Mother Nature cleaning house. She is very busy tonight! :blowkiss:
Hi AlwaysShocked, it is good to see you and thanks for posting on this thread.

It is so good to be back and making this my base for Forumdom again.. If I lived down South like Charlie, I'd be out on the veranda with a Mint Julrp in my hand. That is how much I love WebSleuths and her wonderful group of Sleuthers.

I have heard many bits today about Mt Redoubt on both CNN and FOX - even the local channels are getting excited. The interesting thing they have pointed out on the Seattle and Portland news is when volcano's BLOW in Alaska they shoot up from 8 to 10 miles into the sky. That is explosive, something the volcano's in our NorthWest Ring of Fire are not known for.

Hi Charlie, That AVO site is an excellent one. I think it has two live webcams set up, although I read today they are not live. With Mt St Helen's the Webcams were great as they were updated every minute or so. They had a lot of problems keeping them going tho because the earth, she was movin' and a shakin' most of the time.

Mother Nature cleaning house. She is very busy tonight! :blowkiss:

Hello Scandi ! :blowkiss:

I have been watching this for a while but trying to stay off the AVO site as much as possible - they have been having some server issues because of the number of people getting on. Figure it is best to leave the site for those who live in Alaska so they can be forewarned.

The two webcams at Redoubt are not exactly live - they are updating every 10 minutes so kinda sorta live :crazy: Some beautiful shots today, especially when the steam started coming out. Short daylight hours up there this time of the year though so only a few hours to look and see.

I read up on this volcano - seems the 89 eruption distributed ash as far as Montana. WOW. I hope it just goes back to sleep and causes no problems for those folks. I doubt it will but will hope so anyhow.

Good to see you sweetie !

Here is a link to the seismic chart -

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