Mt REDOUBT, Alaska, about to BLOW

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Not really sure, but it will be interesting to watch the numbers on it.

I was just watching a FOX video (or it might have been CNN... one of the 2) talking about Redoubt, and the whole time they are showing video of red lava flowing out of cones and down the sides of some unnamed volcano (looked more like Kilauea and maybe a South American volcano). I hate when the media puts forth visual misinformation: Redoubt is more for putting out large ash columns and pyroclastic flows (hot violent nasty mud), not the kind of lava flows you see, say in Hawaii. (red hot magma, flowing fast) SO if yall are watching and awaiting big red lava flows, you might be disappointed: look for massive violent destructive mud flows and dark deadly ash plumes, with this volcano.
Here is a great shot from Friday with that steam plume:

"Geologist: No big energy bursts at Alaska volcano

By RACHEL D'ORO – 2 hours ago {note: Sunday evening}

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Groans and steam emanated from Mount Redoubt yet another day, but the volcano showed no dramatic burst of energy, geologists noted Sunday.

"It looks like a volcano that wants to erupt, and our general impression is that it's more likely to erupt than not," said Tina Neal with the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

As a precaution, Elmendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage, about 100 miles northeast of Redoubt, was moving five C-17 cargo planes to McChord Air Force Base in Washington.

"We're just trying to be proactive and protect our assets," said 1st Lt. Erin Slaughter. "Our aircraft support other missions, such as delivering supplies to Iraq and Afghanistan, and this relocation will allow them to still do all those missions even if the volcano does erupt. . . . . " more @ link

It looks like they have learned their lessons well having so many volcanoes in the immediate area and I am sure Homeland Security is a boon to them for organization and logistics. Keeping the oil tanks low, moving expensive machinery out of the area, etc. Have we read here they expect this eruption to be more powerful that the one in '89-'90?
This is mighty interesting as well, showing another side of the impact this volcano is having on our world:

Volcano in Alaska Might Have Screwed Up Computer Models
Feb 1, 2009 Justin Berk Baltimore Weather Examiner

"I am one forecaster who looks beyond just a few models, and still see the prize. Many have given up on this storm, and might just defer to Punxsutawney Phil tomorrow. There will be a snow event late Monday and Tuesday for the Mid Atlantic. It may not be the huge storm it looked like last week, but it still has moderate snow potential.

Yesterday I was presented with a theory as to why the computer models were 'screwing up'. There is no other way to put it. On Thursday, it looked like we were going to have a very strong storm that comes along only once or twice a decade. Then on Friday and Saturday, the push for the storm was out to sea and it was looking like a 'non' event. I want to wait until the morning package arrives, and then I will share the theory for the 'screw up'. So check back around noon. . . ." more @ link

Thanks Scandi... that report hits head on for me because I live in the DC/Bmore area and were expecting a significant snow storm, and then all of the reports started coming in that it would not be much of anything. hmmm... will have to see if this article pans out... :)
Latest from AVO:

2009-02-02 03:14:48

A high intensity burst of volcanic tremor occurred from about 2:44 through 2:50 AST this morning at Redoubt. The tremor episode appears to have ended for now. There was no eruption associated with this tremor.

AVO continues to observe potential activity with seismic, satellite and radar data. The volcano has not erupted.

Clear weather views from the web camera show nothing but darkness so far this morning.

The Aviation Color Code remains at ORANGE and the Volcano Alert Level remains at WATCH.

Also - Anchorage Daily News and a volcano has errupted in Japan.
AVO update:

2009-02-02 09:13:03

A short, high-intensity burst of volcanic tremor occurred at 8:47 AKST this morning, and since then a series of small repeating earthquakes is ongoing. There is no eruption associated with this earthquake activity. The volcano is just now appearing in the Redoubt HutCam, and no steam plume is visible.

Sun is coming up - nice pics of Redoubt
AVO update:

2009-02-02 09:13:03

A short, high-intensity burst of volcanic tremor occurred at 8:47 AKST this morning, and since then a series of small repeating earthquakes is ongoing. There is no eruption associated with this earthquake activity. The volcano is just now appearing in the Redoubt HutCam, and no steam plume is visible.

Sun is coming up - nice pics of Redoubt
AVO update:

2009-02-02 09:13:03

A short, high-intensity burst of volcanic tremor occurred at 8:47 AKST this morning, and since then a series of small repeating earthquakes is ongoing. There is no eruption associated with this earthquake activity. The volcano is just now appearing in the Redoubt HutCam, and no steam plume is visible.

Sun is coming up - nice pics of Redoubt
Here she is less than an hour ago:


Thanks Charlie for the updates. For some reason I can't open your AVO links. :blowkiss::blowkiss:
Here she is less than an hour ago:


Thanks Charlie for the updates. For some reason I can't open your AVO links. :blowkiss::blowkiss:

Sorry bout the links Scandi - not sure what I did :crazy:

Anyhow - check out this link - lots of stories - lots of video (10 minute video just to the right of center) really neat videos including some infra red imaging of the mountain. You can see the lahars, fumaroles, and several fractures in the mountain surface. Very neat view of Rebout.
Sorry bout the links Scandi - not sure what I did :crazy:

Anyhow - check out this link - lots of stories - lots of video (10 minute video just to the right of center) really neat videos including some infra red imaging of the mountain. You can see the lahars, fumaroles, and several fractures in the mountain surface. Very neat view of Rebout.

Ultra cool photos Charlie. It is amazing that this mtn is almost 11,000' high, and where the glacier sits where the double foorball field sized hole has appeared is at the 7,000' level.

O/T kinda :)

Just reading another thread, I learned our Elphaba is quite the photographer. I hope this works, but it is a shot of hers looking down into an opening or fissure {vent ?} on Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano::


Great photo Elphaba :blowkiss:
Sorry, Duplicate post {it didn't show up here right away ;} Deleted
Sorry bout the links Scandi - not sure what I did :crazy:

Anyhow - check out this link - lots of stories - lots of video (10 minute video just to the right of center) really neat videos including some infra red imaging of the mountain. You can see the lahars, fumaroles, and several fractures in the mountain surface. Very neat view of Rebout.

At one point yesterday the link with the still shots that are updated went out (page error) it's back on track today though..
Great shots Charlie.

I just ran across this interesting article. This journo has a love affair with Alaska and it shines thru in her article about Redoubt. It also has some great links, like one about The Eagle Lady who just passed away on Jan 13th:

BLOW BABY BLOW: Volcano Watch 2009

"Travel Blog • Jenna Schnuer • 02.03.09 | 12:27 PM ET
Photo Courtesy of Alaska Travel Industry Association

Some Alaska residents might want to consider investing in an umbrella hat. With Mount Redoubt set to blow in a minute? next week?, there’s a good chance they’ll have to deal with some seriously ashy air.

Redoubt is a beaut. I first saw her (and her nearby siblings, Illiamna, Augustine and Douglas) while standing on my favorite beach in America, Bishop’s Beach. Yes, my favorite beach in America is in Homer, Alaska. It was the surprise factor of Bishop’s that made it my dream beach. It was late August and the water was warm enough for swimmers to venture in—all under the watchful eye of the glacier-covered mountains (er, volcanoes) across the way. Don’t get me wrong, Hawaii’s beaches are something stellar but Bishop’s is something unexpected.

How I would love to be back on that beach right now, watching Redoubt. (Of course, this being February, I would need to fortify myself with a serious coat, my Sorel boots, and a giant cookie from the nearby Two Sisters Bakery.) . . . ." more @ link
Ultra cool photos Charlie. It is amazing that this mtn is almost 11,000' high, and where the glacier sits where the double foorball field sized hole has appeared is at the 7,000' level.

O/T kinda :)

Just reading another thread, I learned our Elphaba is quite the photographer. I hope this works, but it is a shot of hers looking down into an opening or fissure {vent ?} on Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano::


Great photo Elphaba :blowkiss:

Definitely an awesome photo Elphaba :clap: :clap: :clap:
Well, thank you... I appreciate the kind words about my work! :)

First time checking this thread today... was kind of stunned at first, before I read what yall were saying: I instantly saw the image when the thread popped up on the screen and thought "that image looks familiar" LoL. Took a minute to comprehend my own signature on it. LoL

Yes, that is on Kilauea... that is Pu'u Oo'o vent/cone. Kilauea has been erupting from that area since the 80's... and it is still going strong. What you see in that image has dramatically changed since I last photographed it. That whole floor area dropped about 300 feet into the lava pond it was over, a while back. The floor has kind of built back up, but most of the venting is full on pushing out ash and smoke, totally obscuring the inside of the cone, now. When Redoubt blows, it won't look anything like that... Redoubt will be more like Mt. St. Helen: hot nasty violent mud bursts and flows. And truth be told, if I could be there to photograph it: I WOULD LOVE IT! LoL
Well, thank you... I appreciate the kind words about my work! :)

First time checking this thread today... was kind of stunned at first, before I read what yall were saying: I instantly saw the image when the thread popped up on the screen and thought "that image looks familiar" LoL. Took a minute to comprehend my own signature on it. LoL

Yes, that is on Kilauea... that is Pu'u Oo'o vent/cone. Kilauea has been erupting from that area since the 80's... and it is still going strong. What you see in that image has dramatically changed since I last photographed it. That whole floor area dropped about 300 feet into the lava pond it was over, a while back. The floor has kind of built back up, but most of the venting is full on pushing out ash and smoke, totally obscuring the inside of the cone, now. When Redoubt blows, it won't look anything like that... Redoubt will be more like Mt. St. Helen: hot nasty violent mud bursts and flows. And truth be told, if I could be there to photograph it: I WOULD LOVE IT! LoL

Hi Elphaba, Darn, wish you had a vacation coming to you. LOLOLOL But I must say we are all humbled having you here with your interest and knowledge on the subject of Volcano's.

I also have to say one never knows who he/she will run into here at Websleuths. I had a pleasant surprise while I was studying Mineralization on the Scott Peterson case. Did a blow by blow on the process and lo and behold here comes a poster who worked at a lime quarry. Is that amazing? She knew all about the process of how stones are created thru this process, which has very specific particulars about it to form the crystalline smooth and round stones described by the ME in the case. What a boon that was meeting her and reading her posts. And who could have ever have expected to have a member here with that applicable knowledge. :woohoo:

WebSleuthers ROCK

ALASKA VOLCANO PHOTO: Hole Now Football Field Size

" February 3, 2009

Volcanic smoke and gas from two new holes eat through snow and ice high on Alaska's Redoubt Volcano on Saturday—one of them (left) about the size of a football field.

"Things are shifting" on, and in, the 10,197-foot (3,108-meter) volcano—considered the ninth most dangerous in the U.S.—said geologist Kristi Wallace of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, who was on a survey flight over the two big fumaroles yesterday (Redoubt Volcano satellite map).

Surrounding ice is melting rapidly, and the gases have now been confirmed to include carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur dioxide—adding to evidence that a magma chamber is creeping upward, she said.

What's more, Wallace and colleagues are now convinced new magma from deep in the Earth has entered the system. . . . " more @ link

PS: I think our Elphaba could go to work for the National Geographic Magazine. This photo was taken by them and I think her photo above is of equal caliber or better. She doesn't have the wing of the airplane in the shot~ ;}
AVO reports today that two new seismic stations were set up yesterday on Redoubt, no information on if those stations will be added to the current ones we are able to view (RSO, RDN, and REF currently). Also the webcams may not provide visuals of Redoubt starting later today as a weather event is scheduled to close in. Cams may be out for a couple of days because of it.

Darn it - the buggar will probably erupt when no one can see it !

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