Mug shot is up. Jail records. **bail pending.**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What's wrong with this picture?
She is hauled out in a white now in black/blue? Did Baez run down there with special clothes for that mug shot?

I loved how she came out in full make up and a pony-tail, but let her hair down (and added a little lipstick I think) for her mug shot close-up! :furious:
Yeah where did the Blue shirt come from???Does the Jail system there have Blue shirts???I thought the ones before was Orange...Maybe she is not being held in Orange County for the simple fact she had an affair with one of the officers. The Det. have her in another facility.
um no the email didn't say the homicide people are in charge they are not even homicide detectives from what i gather they are missing person/abuse detectives. and just because the da is on vaction does not mean the police have the run of the meal she said in her email that the other attorney would be available. read the email never did she say the police were in charge. police just arrest, they have nothing to do with this immunity deal, they have no say in what happens beyond the point of charging and arrest its all up to the da

ok sorry I was wrong. but i needed to rant anyway. baez gets on my nerves .. he does lie tho.. lol

sorry took so long but site went poof
okay with reference with the different colored shirts it depends on what type of a charge your being held on weather or not its a felony or a misdemeanor. its a jail issued scrub..she probably has on orange flip flops too lol.... and i am not saying any one is wrong i am just getting irritated where is this baby at. i was pro casey till the dna came i just wanna know where this little girl is.
The blue shirt is likely some kind of jail shirt...?

They wont let you take that mug shot without the shirt on---even if you are about to bail out---the color here is orange-- maybe they have blue as well?

I know this for a fact , the one time ive been arrested ( Disorderly conduct-- well worth the arrest-not especially 'proud ' of it-- but my heart was in right place and was taking up for someone who was being neglected and couldnt help them self-my 2 year probation is way over)
Yeah where did the Blue shirt come from???Does the Jail system there have Blue shirts???I thought the ones before was Orange...Maybe she is not being held in Orange County for the simple fact she had an affair with one of the officers. The Det. have her in another facility.

Maybe a mental ward at jail or some part of or connected to jail? (i swear never went to one of THOSE but they have those kind of holding areas)

She does look stoned or something , maybe just wary and wore down from the stress in that picture.

ETA: im not taking up for her-- but seeing her as the sick person she obviously is
Try to have some compassion for Cindy & George. I'm going to bare my soul here. I have a 39 year old son who lies constantly, is a scammer, a drug addict and an alcoholic, and God knows what else. For years I believed everything he said and defended him. Finally one day I woke up. I severed contact with him a few years ago, but I still worry about him. He's on his third marriage and I've never seen his most recent child. As far as I know, he wouldn't physically hurt his kids, thank God. I don't know how he turned out that way. His sister is the complete opposite and they were raised the same way. It boggles my mind, and hurts my heart. I even moved out of Florida to another state and he has no idea. So, please, don't judge Cindy and George too harshly. They are hurting now, too. They want Caylee back as much as anyone, probably more than anyone.

Is this the current mugshot? If so, she primped up. When she was rearrested, her hair was in a ponytail. What a creep!!!
Is this the current mugshot? If so, she primped up. When she was rearrested, her hair was in a ponytail. What a creep!!!

I don't think they allow any hair accessories or jewelry in jail. She probably had to remove her ponytail holder before she was booked.

I agree with ya...she is creepy looking.
Try to have some compassion for Cindy & George. I'm going to bare my soul here. I have a 39 year old son who lies constantly, is a scammer, a drug addict and an alcoholic, and God knows what else. For years I believed everything he said and defended him. Finally one day I woke up. I severed contact with him a few years ago, but I still worry about him. He's on his third marriage and I've never seen his most recent child. As far as I know, he wouldn't physically hurt his kids, thank God. I don't know how he turned out that way. His sister is the complete opposite and they were raised the same way. It boggles my mind, and hurts my heart. I even moved out of Florida to another state and he has no idea. So, please, don't judge Cindy and George too harshly. They are hurting now, too. They want Caylee back as much as anyone, probably more than anyone.

I can see where you are coming from---

My baby sister is a meth addict-- when she first got on meth she left her 3 babies .
We spent months chasing her, and trying to convince her to get help...

I remember once almost catching her at a motel , she found out my mom and i were coming and she left.. the lady managing the motel told us, "she just checked out in a hurry"-- when my mom said, "well heres my number please call me if she comes back, she has some serious problems , left her kids..etc. more info than mom shouldve gave-- and the manager lady said, "well, i can tell by looking at her , shes just a loser, trash.

My mom and I both said , "NOW , Hey!
Although, mom had been dissing her and I , too, had said things to my mom about her we couldnt let SOMONE else diss her, despite knowing what she had done was wrong.

I do feel sympathy for the Anthonys .. CIndy has age so much in last few weeks.....I wonder where George is? So sad.

Now , dont anyone diss me..or i'll tell Tricia!:D
Being that she was rearrested while out on bond, would that bond be revoked and would she now be held without bond?

Also, if Cindy or the grandmother will not press charges on her theft from them, can the State step in and press charges?
If you look back at the pictures on the Orlando Sentinel site the outfit was navy blue. So I think it is still the same.
Does she have to see the judge in the morning? Does he have to go by the 3000 bond or can he change it?
um...whats up with LE? If the evidence is in, DNA evidence that is...and if it is conclusive to be that of Caylee...why not arrest her for me these new charges are crapola!!
I don't see LE playing stupid games with her. oh...They wanted to give her another taste of jail life, or put the pressure on her. Bull!! If they had concrete DNA she would be charged...end of story!! People have been convicted of murder with less evidence!! You hear the words regarding the physical evidence from the trunk as alleged or apparent or possible. that doesn't cut it with me. Either it is or it isn't. Something ain't right here!!
I'm glad that she is in jail where she belongs. I just watched some of the film showing her arrest. I have to say that the Mob out in front of the house made me sick. We have the Police and the Legal system and there is no call for the scene I just saw. What about the rest of the people who have to live there? I'm sure that their little ones are not able to get to sleep at a decent hour. Don't get me wrong, I think this whole mess is Ms Casey's fault as well as her enabler family, but there is no call for a Mob to cat call, swear, and cheer as she was lead away. I was ashamed that there could be this kind of behavior in America.
I agree the "mob" was shocking, but IMO this is exactly what Casey needs. It appears that most of her life, she has been enabled, unchallenged, feared, etc. She needs to see how ugly this situation is and the "mob" was the outraged voice of justice for Caylee. She can bring her attorney brownies, but it's going to take her bringing Caylee home to quiet the angry voices. I just wish her mother and father would amp up their voices and direct it at her - when she sees that the jig is up, maybe she would surrender her knowledge of where Caylee is.
... if Cindy or the grandmother will not press charges on her theft from them, can the State step in and press charges?

The concept that a private person can "press charges" is a myth. Cindy and the grandmother are just potential witnesses. They may be witnesses who are complaining that they are victims of a crime, but they are still only witnesses. ONLY the State Attorney's Office can "press charges." No witness has that decision. The decision is called "Prosecutorial Discretion" and can be exercised only by the State's Attorney acting as prosecutor in People of the State of Florida vs. Casey Marie Anthony.
um...whats up with LE? If the evidence is in, DNA evidence that is...and if it is conclusive to be that of Caylee...why not arrest her for me these new charges are crapola!!
I don't see LE playing stupid games with her. oh...They wanted to give her another taste of jail life, or put the pressure on her. Bull!! If they had concrete DNA she would be charged...end of story!! People have been convicted of murder with less evidence!! You hear the words regarding the physical evidence from the trunk as alleged or apparent or possible. that doesn't cut it with me. Either it is or it isn't. Something ain't right here!!

I might get bashed for saying this, and I may be alone. But something is telling me that Caylee is still alive. I got a feeling something is about to go down. There not arresting her on murder charges for Caylee because I got a feeling the DNA did not belong to caylee. They had to arrest her on something to have their time with her. I think they may be questioning her about her involment with Kiomarie and Zanieda since all this has come to light in the last few days and it seems to be some sort of connection in their. :waitasec:

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