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Gag order is about comments from attorneys in a case and does not pertain to legal documents like search warrants. Besides, it wouldn't be the attorneys who release search warrants.

I don't think the state will release anything right now if they can get a judge to rule in their favor. The fact that this case is still an ongoing investigation may help them keep the lid on.
Tammy is an extreme planner and had been raging over Heather for months. I bet Heather is carefully hidden.

I agree- except I think she may have been enebriated....which may factor into this
Gag order is about comments from attorneys in a case and does not pertain to legal documents like search warrants. Besides, it wouldn't be the attorneys who release search warrants.

I don't think the state will release anything right now if they can get a judge to rule in their favor. The fact that this case is still an ongoing investigation may help them keep the lid on.

Can't wait to see Tammy spout off to local news since her and Sidney aren't included in this gag order. Reactions or statements to discovery evidence may get vocal one way or another if it's not TM or SM doing it first. It will either plug the leaks or reveal the leaks, not counting rebuttals to evidence the state has. FB pages might get interesting if the walls of the jailed speak up. Plug the leaks if it's gag ordered, prosecution or defense attorney's. jmo
I don't know where to put this so here it is. The M's love guns,they also seem to be into bondage...or at least TM is hence the cuffs and that whip that TM posted a pic of. I wouldn't doubt that they had other types of weapons as well. I think the M's could roll up to PTL, pull out a taser and then...

1. Tase Heather

2. Take Heather's phone and cuff her

3. Throw a bag over her head and suffocate and/or strangle her in 3 minutes

Heather may or may not have been dead when they left the landing...but she would be very close to it and unable to move. She's then put into the truck's tool box or on the floor board of the truck. Keep in mind...Heather's death may not have been planned for 12/18 but you can believe that TM had already killed Heather 500 times in her mind. TM is a faithful fan of Nancy Grace and TM would know exactly how to pull this off quickly. I think TM planned this to happen in the future if SM tried to continue seeing Heather. TM found out about the affair in October...strike one. SM saw Heather on 11/5 and TM starts texting threats to Heather that same day,strike two. Heather calls SM's cell phone on 12/18,strike three. I think TM already decided that it was going happen...she was just waiting for the "when". :twocents:

P.S. 3 minutes....It won't let me add an "e" to the title. Need coffee.

All good points. I have been thinking about how if she was in the backseat how she could put the sneak on Heather to actually be able to get her arm around her neck or something like that and I kept thinking that Heather would probably notice her coming at her since she would probably be looking toward SM most of the time. The Taser solves that problem.

I agree that since it appears they already owned handcuffs and guns that it seems likely they could have owned a taser too. It would be easy to zap her even if she saw it coming. She had no place to run in that truck.

It is all so horrible to even think about.
I keep thinking that they used chloroform and then injected her with something. Insulin keeps coming to mind. Would not need to hit a vein, wonder if they have any family that are diabetics? This may seem far fetches, but can be a perfect clean murder. Trace blood from an injection, syringe/needle found with heather's DNA? Jmo

She mentions in her Disboards posts that her father is diabetic. Not sure what meds he takes.
I get so upset thinking about how Heather must have trusted SM and how shocked she must have been when she realized she was double crossed by him.

Whether TM was hiding in the truck, whether TM or SM met Heather herself and killed her, or whether SM brought Heather to meet TM at the house, it seems all things are pointing to her being double crossed by SM. I dont see too many scenerios where SM is not tricking Heather.
You guys are much more creative than either TM or SM could possibly be. I don't think either of the M's are that smart, I mean they got caught! Two people can easily overpower a smaller female. TM had a regular 'ole gun. She could have pointed it at HE and that alone would get HE to comply, in fear.
You guys are much more creative than either TM or SM could possibly be. I don't think either of the M's are that smart, I mean they got caught! Two people can easily overpower a smaller female. TM had a regular 'ole gun. She could have pointed it at HE and that alone would get HE to comply, in fear.

I do think the gun they liked to show off in photos must have come into play at some point in this. I also agree that they dont seem the type to be smart enough to be able to pull off some perfect crime which is why I am baffled that LE hasnt found out what they did to Heather.

With all the cases of missing bodies it must be much easier to hide a body than I ever expected. They probably have just gotten lucky at this point that LE has not found her yet. We need some of that luck to go on LE side.
I do think the gun they liked to show off in photos must have come into play at some point in this. I also agree that they dont seem the type to be smart enough to be able to pull off some perfect crime which is why I am baffled that LE hasnt found out what they did to Heather.

With all the cases of missing bodies it must be much easier to hide a body than I ever expected. They probably have just gotten lucky at this point that LE has not found her yet. We need some of that luck to go on LE side.

I think you're right about luck. Maybe the Ms are cunning, but not smart. If they were that smart, they wouldn't be sitting in jail right now.
We know that many bodies are never found. Just look at some of the cases on WS, and that's just a small percentage of all the cases out there.

- Kyron Horman
- Isabelle Celis
- Haleigh Cummings
- Kelli Bordeaux

Just to name a few out of thousands. There are missing people (long dead surely) going back many decades. Look at the amount of land masses and bodies of water in the world. Literally millions of places a body can be disposed. Even within a 10 mi radius, which is the most likely scenario, a body could be discarded and not found. Look how long it took for Caylee's remains to be found. Months! And she was literally within a few miles of her home.
All good points. I have been thinking about how if she was in the backseat how she could put the sneak on Heather to actually be able to get her arm around her neck or something like that and I kept thinking that Heather would probably notice her coming at her since she would probably be looking toward SM most of the time. The Taser solves that problem.

I agree that since it appears they already owned handcuffs and guns that it seems likely they could have owned a taser too. It would be easy to zap her even if she saw it coming. She had no place to run in that truck.

It is all so horrible to even think about.

Jaycee Dugard decsribes, in her book,how she was walking to the bus stop and then tased. She couldn't move. She was put in the car..on the floor..covered with a blanket and sat on. It all happened very fast.
Is it possible that LE found a spent shell casing at PTL and it matched the gun that TM is holding in the picture that was featured at the bond hearing? That they needed the gun to match ballistics before they could prove anything and they got the gun with the warrant and then matched it to the casing? That would make sense as to why they believe that she was killed at PTL, they find blood and gun power residue in the truck and there are the kidnapping charges. They would need a locksmith to open a gun safe. I live in a small town and we hear gun shot all of the time and never think much of it. If TM shot HE at PTL it is possible that no one paid attention to it. JMO
BBM: I don't think they had their guns locked away in a safe. Weren't they on display in the bedroom when LE arrested them?
I was originally of the opinion that SM was the worse of the two and TM was the shot caller. I have since switched the other way based in TMs vulgar and controlling behavior. But I can't get over that Mickey Mouse Tie. I am thinking their is a darker side to SM than we know. This was a bond hearing for a Murder charge. If noting else and he believes he is wrongly charged then how disrespectful to wear the tie and if he knows he is guilty then how disrespectful to wear that tie. Yes I think there is something dark in there IMO

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A mickey mouse tie shows something deeper and darker?


To me it shows a guy who probably doesn't have any other ties and someone selected some street clothes from his closet for him to wear to court, including the one ridiculous tie he owned. He is likely not the type to even think about his clothes.
I live close to Myrtle Beach and I just saw on the local news WECT in Wilmington that Tammy Moorer's father has died. Only a blip was shown.

ETA link

Wow. I'm not sure what to say. A man has died, so rest in peace. I know we have read many unfavorable things about him, but I'm sure the M kids will miss him if he was kind to them. Just another sad situation for those kids.
A mickey mouse tie shows something deeper and darker?


To me it shows a guy who probably doesn't have any other ties and someone selected some street clothes from his closet for him to wear to court, including the one ridiculous tie he owned. He is likely not the type to even think about his clothes.

You may be correct and if so I think the person who picked it out is sick. TM and SM shared Disney but I would be willing to bet HE and SM did as well as she seemed to have a fondness for it. Regardless who picked it out I think it is kind of sick to wear it to the bond hearing of a murdered little girl who wanted to be a Disney Princess JIMO

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You may be correct and if so I think the person who picked it out is sick. TM and SM shared Disney but I would be willing to bet HE and SM did as well as she seemed to have a fondness for it. Regardless who picked it out I think it is kind of sick to wear it to the bond hearing of a murdered little girl who wanted to be a Disney Princess JIMO

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I agree CC. What kind of person wears a Disney tie to a bond hearing for I.E. murder and OJ charges? A sick, twisted and creepy "dateline" weirdo. Jmo
You may be correct and if so I think the person who picked it out is sick. TM and SM shared Disney but I would be willing to bet HE and SM did as well as she seemed to have a fondness for it. Regardless who picked it out I think it is kind of sick to wear it to the bond hearing of a murdered little girl who wanted to be a Disney Princess JIMO

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I really don't know what to think about the tie. I mean, what if the children picked it out? You know, "Daddy likes this tie, he wears it whenever he has to wear a tie". Although the adult/s would know it isn't appropriate to wear in court they may have not wanted to upset the children--they're going through enough as it is, know what I mean? How do you tell them NO--he won't want to wear the Mickey Mouse Tie? How do you explain it to them without upsetting them more? ALL JMOO *Please don't answer the questions, they're more just to think about but not answer as I won't be discussing this further for obvious reasons* Hope you all understand! :please:

(Mods: sorry in advance if I've over stepped the line in mentioning the children--I mean absolutely no harm. I'm not looking for discussion that involves them, I just don't know how else to put my thoughts out there without mentioning them.)

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