my 1st post & s.b.t.c

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Jan 22, 2007
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Hi - been a lurker for a long time and wanted to post this musing I found online regarding "victory!" and s.b.t.c. in a biblical context...
btw - i believe pdi and she was very "jesus-y"...

Verses 14-17:
And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
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Notice God says, "if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins."

So are we saved by the cross? If Jesus Christ had done everything he did, including dying for our sins, but God hadn't raised him from the dead, your faith would be vain (empty); you would still be in your sins! (even though patsy killed jb, she is going to be ok, because she belives in jesus)
[/font][font=Arial, Arial, Helvetica][/font]Verses 52-53:
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

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The "corruptible" is that believer who has corrupted or can corrupt - in other words, the dead. The "mortal" is that believer who will still be alive when Christ returns.

Notice that when we're raised or changed, we'll be incorruptible and immortal. We'll literally have new bodies that will be like the body Jesus Christ has now (Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:2)!

[/font]Verse 54:
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

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Notice God's Word says "then". Death is not swallowed up in victory yet. But at the gathering together when we get our new bodies, it will be!

[/font]Verses 55-57:
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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And what a victory that will be!

Hi, jwolf, glad you decided to join us!
Show Me said:
Saved By The Cross is my first choice of what Patsy meant by SBTC.
Mine too.

She couldn't help herself.

Welcome Wolfe, great first post.
Did ANYONE read my post on the "Idle Thoughts" thread? Patsy is speaking about the color purple and how it relates to Lent. She talks to a friend about the color purple...

SBTC means....

Toltec said:
Did ANYONE read my post on the "Idle Thoughts" thread? Patsy is speaking about the color purple and how it relates to Lent. She talks to a friend about the color purple...

SBTC means....

I noticed she used the phrase "the shed blood of Christ" in her "JonBenet was a sacrifice chosen by God with my use of purple" passage, and thought that was interesting. It fits in so perfectly with Patsy's fevered dependence on her version of Christianity.
jwolfe said:
Hi - been a lurker for a long time and wanted to post this musing I found online regarding "victory!" and s.b.t.c. in a biblical context...
btw - i believe pdi and she was very "jesus-y"...

Verses 14-17:
And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
[font=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]

Notice God says, "if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins."

So are we saved by the cross? If Jesus Christ had done everything he did, including dying for our sins, but God hadn't raised him from the dead, your faith would be vain (empty); you would still be in your sins! (even though patsy killed jb, she is going to be ok, because she belives in jesus)
[/font]Verses 52-53:

Yes, according to Patsy, Jesus is a vane one.
Toaster said:
I think John made a deal with Satan that led to his success with Access Graphics and sacrificing JB was required by Satan as payment for this deal.
I'd have to say your barking up the wrong tree on that one. But....well....Didn't John in interview on LKL say we have come to realize there would be no victory. Drat I am on a new links are on the old one. Let me see if I can find it.
Toaster said:
I think John made a deal with Satan that led to his success with Access Graphics and sacrificing JB was required by Satan as payment for this deal.
Being that it was Christ’s Birthday, this would be the ultimate homage to Satan.
Sacrificing virgins and their virginity is an age old practice.
Toaster said:
Being that it was Christ’s Birthday, this would be the ultimate homage to Satan.
Sacrificing virgins and their virginity is an age old practice.
Chilling. But who would this satanist be in your opinion, John you said but with or without Patsy. What makes you think John was/ is a Satanist.....he has appeared even on the 700 club in interview. Are you saying they used Christianity as a cover for Satanic practice and beliefs?
Toaster said:
I think JohnOP made a deal with Satan that led to his success with Access Graphics and sacrificing JB was required by Satan as payment for this deal.
Okay that is it. I thought your posts were a little strange. Now I am certain. John did not make a deal with anyone. Patsy is not the boogie man and Berke is not the Wizard of Oz.

There was rage that night on the part of Patsy. She lost it as parents do hundreds of times a year and a child is killed. They staged the aftercrime and with their money and connections managed to get away with it. In the process, we have all kinds of theories running amok and yours, imo, is one of them. It is absurd.

Let me guess...Muslims were also involved in the Satanist ritual that JB was sacrificed for, starring one dressed as Santa and several other pedos, one of which was someone new to the pedo group that had been targeting JB for years. They brought in a beaver for her to play with before they drugged each piece of pineapple she ate and had her stand on a chair with her hands tied above her head while Patsy napped on the sofa, thinking Charles Kuralt would there any second to photograph JonBenet, who was really being choked in a perverted sex game and stungunned for extra fun.

The theories get farther and farther out there - if the simplest explanation is the one to go with, then the one of the Rs killed JB and all three of them have been covering for it ever since. It's that simple.
Solace said:
Okay that is it. I thought your posts were a little strange. Now I am certain. John did not make a deal with anyone. Patsy is not the boogie man and Berke is not the Wizard of Oz.

There was rage that night on the part of Patsy. She lost it as parents do hundreds of times a year and a child is killed. They staged the aftercrime and with their money and connections managed to get away with it. In the process, we have all kinds of theories running amok and yours, imo, is one of them. It is absurd.

AMEN...Solace. You tell it like it is. I totally agree with you....Patsy, the boogie man...Burke, the Wizard of Oz....LOL. :D Why is this so simple for some of us....its not that hard to figure out.....Patsy killed her daughter in an anger induced rage....and John helped to cover up the crime by helping to stage a FOREIGN FACTION INTRUDER DID IT scene. THE END!!
Ames said:
AMEN...Solace. You tell it like it is. I totally agree with you....Patsy, the boogie man...Burke, the Wizard of Oz....LOL. :D Why is this so simple for some of us....its not that hard to figure out.....Patsy killed her daughter in an anger induced rage....and John helped to cover up the crime by helping to stage a FOREIGN FACTION INTRUDER DID IT scene. THE END!!
I don't know AMES. There is enough bull$%*& in this case without going for the even more bizarre. I mean you can't get any more bizarre than this case.
The murder is chilling. The child is bludgeoned and strangled with what appears to be a "sexual" assault staging and a three page ransome note and the child is found in the basement with fibers from both of the parents on parts of the body and in the tape over her mouth, etc. and parents swearing innocence and THEY GET AWAY WITH IT. I mean come one. There is enough to go around.
Solace said:
I don't know AMES. There is enough bull$%*& in this case without going for the even more bizarre. I mean you can't get any more bizarre than this case.
The murder is chilling. The child is bludgeoned and strangled with what appears to be a "sexual" assault staging and a three page ransome note and the child is found in the basement with fibers from both of the parents on parts of the body and in the tape over her mouth, etc. and parents swearing innocence and THEY GET AWAY WITH IT. I mean come one. There is enough to go around.
Aha.. so you all agree that my thoughts towards Toasters Satanists were a bit for shock value at worst, at best Toaster really believes it but you like me cannot agree. You know I always take the high road and try to respect others beliefs. I think once again having done this I showed the Pollyanna side of me. Always its those rose colored glasses in the way trying to see the best in everyone. Toaster if your sincere you post what you feel. If it is for shock...... nothing could be more shocking than the senseless murder of a beautiful precious child. NOTHING.
Toaster said:
[font=&quot]Just because you people aren't religious and don't believe in God and Satan, doesn't mean there aren't people out there like John that worship Satan. Whether you believe in Satan or not, Devil worshippers exist.

I guess you think an Angel would do this kind of crime.
No signs of sadistic behavior for this crime. Cheers![/font]
Ok, I've seen you mention devil worshipper before here Toaster, where's the evidence JR was a devil worshipper?
I'm new also. I was convinced PR was quilty until I read all the info on this site. Now I'm not so sure. How do you explain the siminal fluid, the pubic hair, and the beaver hair, which was not matched to anyone in the house? This case is driving me bonkers. :bang:

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