My father may be linked to the Texas killing fields.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wow, marking my spot to dig in here as soon as I get a chance. Welcome to Websleuths, Walkingproof! Really happy to have you here. You are in the right place!!

Hugs to you. Hope this thread helps you find some answers!!

Walkingproof, thanks so much for your response. I hope you don't mind if I bother you with another question. Can you give us a timeline of his periods of incarceration. I realize you probably don't have exact dates, but an estimate would be helpful to narrow down the unsolved crimes which could be (possibly) connected to him.

Thanks in advance.

Did I ever give the time line you requested??? I thought/know I responded but I'm not seeing it now... Well if this is repeated info, I am sorry... He was first placed on probation in 1970, 1973, 1975 and finally in 1978. All of those crimes where more violent. He had one more run in with the law on theft by Baile charges in the 90's.. Dont have exact dates in front of me.
Have you tried Skip Hollandsworth? He is journalist and executive editor for Texas Monthly Magazine. He has done extensive research into the I-45 killings. He would be a good person to get information from.

Closure is b.s.

That is a name that I have not heard of yet. I have given it a lot of thought and I think letting the media to bring attention to all of it will be beneficial. I hate to say it but I think the embarrassment on the law enforcement agencies might just be the fire needed to make sure everyone is in on it. Someone on this form passed my story along to the Houston Chron, they may tell it from the angle of "neglect" (missing evidence, poor reports and half answers) If my mothers case would have been thoroughly investigated then maybe my father would not have had the chance to attack the next victim. December of 1978 he was finally caught after raping a woman in front of her husband then kidnapping the husband before he was caught! Thank you for the suggestion. I will contact him!
Skip was interviewed for the 48 Hours Special on it and on other programs as well. He seems to also be of the same opinion that law enforcement has dropped the ball. It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing and I would encourage you to continue. Imagine the results if everyone who had connection to this case continued the fight for justice. I am sure the lack of results is disheartening. I don't know what is more scary the thought of one person killing girls for 40 years or that you've had multiple serial killers at work at the same time. Law enforcement either has way more info than they are saying or they have botched this worse than it seems. Have you looked for other possible siblings or spoken to your father's family? You don't have to answer, I was just thinking out loud. Good luck to you, my prayers are with you.

Closure is b.s.
While DNA may be entered into CODIS, an investigator must submit a specific profile from a crime on a repeated basis to see if they get a hit. If they only submit it once and the offender's information is not in CODIS at the time, they won't be contacted later on to say that there is now a match.

We learned this in the Krystal Baker/Kevin Smith case.
While DNA may be entered into CODIS, an investigator must submit a specific profile from a crime on a repeated basis to see if they get a hit. If they only submit it once and the offender's information is not in CODIS at the time, they won't be contacted later on to say that there is now a match.

We learned this in the Krystal Baker/Kevin Smith case.

OKAY- To make sure I am understanding correctly, are you saying they need to be a suspect first? They don't run DNA they have on file without a cause? If that is the case that would explain a lot!
Skip was interviewed for the 48 Hours Special on it and on other programs as well. He seems to also be of the same opinion that law enforcement has dropped the ball. It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing and I would encourage you to continue. Imagine the results if everyone who had connection to this case continued the fight for justice. I am sure the lack of results is disheartening. I don't know what is more scary the thought of one person killing girls for 40 years or that you've had multiple serial killers at work at the same time. Law enforcement either has way more info than they are saying or they have botched this worse than it seems. Have you looked for other possible siblings or spoken to your father's family? You don't have to answer, I was just thinking out loud. Good luck to you, my prayers are with you.

Closure is b.s.

He was never married and no other kids that I know of. I have spoke to his family and most of know little about about him. He seems to be the black sheep of the family. One sister said "I know he's my brother but when we are in the same room together, I get chills and cant get out of there fast enough"
OKAY- To make sure I am understanding correctly, are you saying they need to be a suspect first? They don't run DNA they have on file without a cause? If that is the case that would explain a lot!

CODIS is just a database of offender DNA profiles. If an investigator gets DNA from a crime scene, they might run it through CODIS in their initial investigation. The offender that matches the DNA from the crime scene might not yet be in CODIS, so there is no "hit." However, ten years later, the offender's profile is entered into CODIS because of another crime. If the investigator from the original crime scene isn't regularly checking CODIS for a hit, they may never know that a match was added later on. Make sense?
Got it. He was out from 1983 till 1998 before he went back. I was told that 1998 would likely have been when that would have collected a sample. My feeling is that most of his serious crimes were committed in the 70s, 80's for sure. He went to prison the last time from 98-04 his health makes him a low risk now. I just believe he holds answers. Of course I understand my opinion is based on circumstantial evidence. Thanks for the info.
The Houston Crime Lab has had numerous issues over the years. This could be why your biological tather's DNA never ended up in any databases. Hopefully they are getting things worked out finally.

Walkingproof - I am a long time, but now former resident of a Houston. I am very familiar with the I-45 murders as well as the Houston area. If I can be of any help, please let me know. I'd be happy to make phone calls or do some research.
View attachment Dec1978.pdf

Just wanted to update you all on the new info that I have found. I located the statement of the husband of the victim that was attacked by my father just a couple of months after my mothers attack were he was caught. I have scratched out any names that would specifically ID my father or the victims. The first part is mainly saying "I am _____ and I live at 123 ------ st" etc.... Also states that they met him a week or 2 before, the couple picked him up as a hitchhiker but he tried to attack them then but police were notified and no serious attack happened.

Yesterday was the first time I read his statement and circled the things I found most interesting... My father was one that premeditated his attacks, he was cautious of his surroundings and even tells the victim that he should kill him parks the car under a bridge and thinks about what he should do, and even tells the victim that he would throw his body in the canal and he "could get away with it". He even starts driving the husband to Houston "the killing fields?" but then turns around. Could this be because he realized that the wife was a witness and could physically described him? As if hes "dumped bodies" before..

Remember this happened only months after my mother was "found by a concerned citizen beaten and bruised" allegedly left for dead.
The Houston Crime Lab has had numerous issues over the years. This could be why your biological tather's DNA never ended up in any databases. Hopefully they are getting things worked out finally.

Walkingproof - I am a long time, but now former resident of a Houston. I am very familiar with the I-45 murders as well as the Houston area. If I can be of any help, please let me know. I'd be happy to make phone calls or do some research.

Thanks for the help! I look fwd to speaking with you.
I've never been one that buys into conspiracy theories. However one of my most recent conversations LM police department has left me a little guarded and discouraged. I spoke with to one detective there one who seemed interested but a 2nd one called called to let me know that they will be investigating my story however, they will first start by investigating the credibility of myself and my mother (aka a victim) and make sure that we haven't been in an out of mental institutions. I personally don't have a criminal background other than traffic violations and I don't think any medical condition that I might have would affect the quality of the evidence that I am presenting. My biological mother on the other hand is severely schizophrenic. She has been in an out of hospitals. I think it is unfair that someone who suffers from a mental illness may not get a fair investigation because a "loss of credibility".

while I do understand that there may be all kinds of people calling with all kinds of tips and they need to verify whether they are valid leads or not, all I am asking is that someone examines the evidence. They haven't even asked for what my mothers records! My mother's medical records indicate being raped by 3 men, my biological father is a convicted rapist. A third woman physically describes my birth father who was indicated as the "only lead in a murder investigation" then I have police reports where my father is quoted "I should kill you" I could throw your body in a creek and get away with it". I'm just asking you to look at the DNA evidence, police reports and medical records. is that unreasonable??
So sorry. But I know they are tough to get past. They do get lots of crazies making accusations and false claims that lead them down the rabbithole. So stay clam and sane when you discuss this with them. I think they will come around. :grouphug:
So sorry. But I know they are tough to get past. They do get lots of crazies making accusations and false claims that lead them down the rabbithole. So stay clam and sane when you discuss this with them. I think they will come around. :grouphug:

Thanks! I just find it so strange that he was very clear to mention "mental institutions" after the attack my mother was placed in Austin State Hospital. It just struck me as odd... I do get anxiety when talking about it because there are so many details that I feel like I am forgetting something... thanks for your support.. ;)
Have you tried Skip Hollandsworth? He is journalist and executive editor for Texas Monthly Magazine. He has done extensive research into the I-45 killings. He would be a good person to get information from.

Closure is b.s.

That' a fantastic idea, Skip Hollansdworth is awesome. He's posted here before, wanting to interview people connected to the Dean Corll Houston Mass murders. This sounds like something that he would love to tackle. You should do it, Walkingproof.
That' a fantastic idea, Skip Hollansdworth is awesome. He's posted here before, wanting to interview people connected to the Dean Corll Houston Mass murders. This sounds like something that he would love to tackle. You should do it, Walkingproof.
I emailed him. I welcome hearing from him or any other media outlets. .. [emoji1]
View attachment Dig_Fails.pdf

I found this online. A home in La Marque had its yard dug up, folloing a phone tip. I found the peron who lived cose by that was inteterviewed in this write up. this was in the 80s in the Richerson's case... my dads address is 0.4 miles away...

also were Jessicas Cains truck was found, I mapped it and his home was 1.2 miles away... also keep in mind my mothers records state that 3 men attcked my mother! I had chills when I ran acros this... they must have dug the wrong house.. I am not sure what the tip was that brought them so close to my father but they were just about in his back yard!!!
4give my spelling.. i was in a rush and responding from my phone....

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