Mysterious Message on the Door

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When ever I look at the painted words on the door, I always feel it was done by two people. The first "SHE" is painted so differently than the rest of the words. It looks to me that someone went over the original message to change or finish it. What else could it have said underneath or began to say and then was changed?

For instance look at "SAVED" and "SAVE" different brush strokes.. the "a" isn't crossed the "v" strokes are weighted differently.. the "e" are completely different. It is a shame if the door has been painted over or destroyed because you would have been able to tell what strokes went on first and then what strokes were put overtop. Much more difficult to determine with just a photo.

I agree. After looking at the message on the door repeatedly on and off over the last few months, I arrived at the same conclusion: Two people painted the message. What I cannot wrap my brain around is whether this means that someone tampered with Rebecca's message (if it was in fact a suicide), or that one of two perpetrators impulsively added to (or revised) the other one's message (if it was in fact a murder). In either case, I think it read I SAVED HIM YOU SAVE HER before it was modified.
I agree. After looking at the message on the door repeatedly on and off over the last few months, I arrived at the same conclusion: Two people painted the message. What I cannot wrap my brain around is whether this means that someone tampered with Rebecca's message (if it was in fact a suicide), or that one of two perpetrators impulsively added to (or revised) the other one's message (if it was in fact a murder).

Personally, I suspect one person painted the message, but I do see the first letter looks to be painted differently than the others. If that's due to two painters, instead of just one painter figuring out how to paint on a door effectively through trial and error, I'd offer a third possibility to those you've mentioned. Is it possible someone could have started by attempting to force Rebecca to paint the message herself, and when that proved difficult, the other person took over? It would be yet another method of threatening and torturing Rebecca before murdering her. Just a thought.

All of the above is just my opinion.
I agree with you. But would you reuse a door if it was an antique detail that matched the other doors and you wanted to sell the house and the person who wrote the message was someone you no longer love?

I have remodeled a home from the early 1900's and I can tell you those doors were nothing special that could not be replaced pretty easily, I replaced much nicer fancier doors. They were fairly easy to find and relatively cheap to replace
I don't know if I could re use it and paint it etc even if I had great disdain for the person who wrote it. I would not want it in my home, it would not sit well with me. JMO
I have remodeled a home from the early 1900's and I can tell you those doors were nothing special that could not be replaced pretty easily, I replaced much nicer fancier doors. They were fairly easy to find and relatively cheap to replace
I don't know if I could re use it and paint it etc even if I had great disdain for the person who wrote it. I would not want it in my home, it would not sit well with me. JMO

Didn't Jonah move out of the house? I don't know that he has great disdain or what his feelings about RZ are right now. I just know that if my son suffered such horrific injuries while in the care of someone else, I could not continue to love that person or live in the house with that stairway. The door would not be my focus or concern.
I did watch this show. It seems like another lifetime ago. These two WOULD die for each other, they were so much in love, happy and dedicated to each other. She bore him a child, but died from infection shortly after. He was forever and ever sad.
I did watch this show. It seems like another lifetime ago. These two WOULD die for each other, they were so much in love, happy and dedicated to each other. She bore him a child, but died from infection shortly after. He was forever and ever sad.

Hi Mittymick!

I've not watched the show. Who died, the wife, child or both? TIA
Queen Jane died. She was the 'lady in waiting' to Queen Anne (Henry Vlll second wife), and after Queen Anne was executed, Henry Vlll married Jane. After she gave birth to their son (the only son Henry Vlll would have) she died. I'm not sure...I think from either an infection or from loss of blood.
I normally did not watch these kind of series but I broke my ankle last fall and I was literally down to one leg for six months. lol.

Anyways, Myvice's post bring's another element to this case, IMO. The same person/people who planted the 'movie' into Jonah's and Rebecca's place also was a viewer of "The Tudors". AND was the painter of the 'message' on the door. Any small doubt I had with who murdered Rebecca is now gone.

"Her favor and her prayers saved his life. His love and prayers would not be enough to save her."

Just WOW.
I normally did not watch these kind of series but I broke my ankle last fall and I was literally down to one leg for six months. lol.

Anyways, Myvice's post bring's another element to this case, IMO. The same person/people who planted the 'movie' into Jonah's and Rebecca's place also was a viewer of "The Tudors". Any small doubt I had with who murdered Rebecca is now gone.

"Her favor and her prayers saved his life. His love and prayers would not be enough to save her."

Just WOW.

I brought up the religious aspect of this at one time and was told that Jonah had some weird religion so this would not apply. I don't recall what religion etc they said he was but if anyone remembers they can chime in.
I brought up the religious aspect of this at one time and was told that Jonah had some weird religion so this would not apply. I don't recall what religion etc they said he was but if anyone remembers they can chime in.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but JS' family is of the Jewish faith IIRC. Which is certainly not "some weird religion" by any means. IMHO
Please correct me if I am wrong, but JS' family is of the Jewish faith IIRC. Which is certainly not "some weird religion" by any means. IMHO

I don't recall exactly. I just know when I referred to the door possibly being a Christian type comment with some religious aspect I was all attacked and stuff about how Jonah's religion wasn't conducive to that? So I am just saying that it must have been some weird religion cause I don't recall what they said it was.
I don't recall exactly. I just know when I referred to the door possibly being a Christian type comment with some religious aspect I was all attacked and stuff about how Jonah's religion wasn't conducive to that? So I am just saying that it must have been some weird religion cause I don't recall what they said it was.

Hi SweetT!

I believe you're thinking of Feng Shui. It came from the Medicis Man article.

After mastering the face and the body, will the spirit be next? Shacknai, who exercises daily and doesn’t eat meat, owns up to a fascination with feng shui. He enlisted feng shui practitioner Brayden Zeviar to help with Medicis’s new, 150,000-square-foot headquarters, which sits on the western edge of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community reservation. Zeviar did everything from surveying the land for the new office space (and placing replicas of ancient Chinese coins in the foundation to promote wealth) to installing streams, an aquarium and statues of Asian wise men around the property. “This was greeted with great skepticism when I first introduced it,” says Shacknai. “But now almost every employee has feng shui elements in their particular workstations.”

[ame=""]Feng shui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Feng Shui is the art of placement, more about making your interior design work for your lifestyle. It does invoke some ancient Chinese religious components, but is not a religion itself and is compatible with Judaism or any other spiritual path.
^Yeah. I'm not sure one would call feng shui a religion, it seems more a lifestyle thing.
I normally did not watch these kind of series but I broke my ankle last fall and I was literally down to one leg for six months. lol.

Anyways, Myvice's post bring's another element to this case, IMO. The same person/people who planted the 'movie' into Jonah's and Rebecca's place also was a viewer of "The Tudors". AND was the painter of the 'message' on the door. Any small doubt I had with who murdered Rebecca is now gone.

"Her favor and her prayers saved his life. His love and prayers would not be enough to save her."

Just WOW.

WOW is right. Thanks for making that connection. There are quite a few parallels between The Tudors and RZ's death.

Whoever murdered her had been fantasizing and planning the act for a long time. They must have spent hours and hours dwelling on their own strange comparison of Jonah's personal relationships and that of the Tudor court. This person saw themselves as a "victim", as someone wronged by the king, their place usurped by an interloper, just as they had replaced the previous queen.

What a bizarre way to deal with separation and divorce - spending so much time fantasizing yourself a martyr and plotting revenge against those who stole your place at the throne. Talk about delusions of grandeur, but I definitely see the links.

It reinforces my belief that the crime had been planned long before it happened. It wasn't an actual plot to kill RZ, but MS's death triggered the long pent-up rage and provided the opportunity to live out a fantasy one had been creating, embellishing and re-enacting in their mind many, many times. In this deluded person's mind, the 'heir' to the throne had been 'killed' by the interloper and destroyed the martyr's chance of returning to the throne as mother of the future king. In their deluded thoughts, they could only see the death as a deliberate act, not an accident.

Like a sadistic sociopath, this person had a very active fantasy life, spending many hours each day dwelling on how badly they had been treated and plotting revenge. It seems it might have turned into an unhealthy obsession. Horrible to think of the terrible rage RZ faced that night.

That quote explains the message on the door.
WOW is right. Thanks for making that connection. There are quite a few parallels between The Tudors and RZ's death.

Whoever murdered her had been fantasizing and planning the act for a long time. They must have spent hours and hours dwelling on their own strange comparison of Jonah's personal relationships and that of the Tudor court. This person saw themselves as a "victim", as someone wronged by the king, their place usurped by an interloper, just as they had replaced the previous queen.

What a bizarre way to deal with separation and divorce - spending so much time fantasizing yourself a martyr and plotting revenge against those who stole your place at the throne. Talk about delusions of grandeur, but I definitely see the links.

It reinforces my belief that the crime had been planned long before it happened. It wasn't an actual plot to kill RZ, but MS's death triggered the long pent-up rage and provided the opportunity to live out a fantasy one had been creating, embellishing and re-enacting in their mind many, many times. In this deluded person's mind, the 'heir' to the throne had been 'killed' by the interloper and destroyed the martyr's chance of returning to the throne as mother of the future king. In their deluded thoughts, they could only see the death as a deliberate act, not an accident.

Like a sadistic sociopath, this person had a very active fantasy life, spending many hours each day dwelling on how badly they had been treated and plotting revenge. It seems it might have turned into an unhealthy obsession. Horrible to think of the terrible rage RZ faced that night.

That quote explains the message on the door.
Shut the front door!
Shut the front door!

JMO, of course. It's just speculation on my part. It does seem to fit with the histrionic personality traits as well.

I once worked with someone like this. They were very manipulative and spent hours of each day plotting to get back at people they felt had wronged them or were holding them back. Instead of working hard to get ahead on their own merit, they developed elaborate schemes to usurp the power of others higher on the corporate ladder. They ended up getting what they wanted but landed in jail for theft of corporate funds.
I normally did not watch these kind of series but I broke my ankle last fall and I was literally down to one leg for six months. lol.

Anyways, Myvice's post bring's another element to this case, IMO. The same person/people who planted the 'movie' into Jonah's and Rebecca's place also was a viewer of "The Tudors". AND was the painter of the 'message' on the door. Any small doubt I had with who murdered Rebecca is now gone.

"Her favor and her prayers saved his life. His love and prayers would not be enough to save her."

Just WOW.

Wouldn't it be great if they could subpoena the DVR/Tivo records from the time frame? I've always been curious as to all the dramatics involved, not just with RZ's murder. Everything since as well. People who are so highly dramatic tend to have always been that way.

Wouldn't it be great if they could subpoena the DVR/Tivo records from the time frame? I've always been curious as to all the dramatics involved, not just with RZ's murder. Everything since as well. People who are so highly dramatic tend to have always been that way.


I agree, subpoenaing the DVR/Tivo records would be great! And yeah, highly dramatic people do tend to be dramatic from the starting gate. I mean, look at the things she's done. We don't even know the half of it! :floorlaugh:


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