Mysterious Message on the Door

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I may be lost but I thought it was someone else, not Adam, who was said (a while back) to be taking Adderall?

You are correct, it was someone else taking Adderall..........
... the shocking method of hanging herself outside in the nude clearly shows she held much disdain and contempt for others....

How would Rebecca know
her naked, gagged and bound body be left uncovered for the whole world to see? For 13+ hours. In the hot sun. Pray tell, how would Rebecca know the media attention it would garner would besmirch and embarrass the Shacknai's?

In order to show Rebecca held much disdain and contempt for others...she would have had to know it is common practice of LE to leave dead, naked, decomposing, gagged and bound bodies the whole world could see. However, it is NOT common practice. Not by a long shot.

So, lovely Rebecca Zahau must have left a last request to LE, this is the only way to be close to being sure, her naked, gagged, bound, and decomposing body be left uncovered, so the Shacknais would be besmirched and embarrassed. Because she held much disdain and contempt for others.

Yeah, so Rebecca MUST HAVE LEFT INSTRUCTIONS to LE so she may accomplish all the above. And LE are keeping Rebecca's last request under wraps so as not to humiliate her family. Yeppers. Seeing as LE are sensitive to scenes like Rebecca's, LE most assuredly followed her instructions, just to be sure the people Rebecca wanted to embarrass and besmirch and held much disdain and contempt for would feel her wrath.

Yep DeDee. The only way your theory would work is if Rebecca left instructions with LE. And they complied. :shakehead:
Unless, of course, RZ wanted to intentionally implicate others in her death. Certainly suicide is considered a selfish act; however, the shocking method of hanging herself outside in the nude clearly shows she held much disdain and contempt for others. IMHO, RZ was terrified the upcoming autopsy performed on Max would prove her involvement in MS's death and she greatly feared going to prison.

Max wasn't dead, DeeDee. There was no "upcoming autopsy" to be terrified of.

However, I do agree that the manner in which Rebecca's body was left to be found implicates someone other than Rebecca as having caused her death. Absolutely.
Max wasn't dead, DeeDee. There was no "upcoming autopsy" to be terrified of.

However, I do agree that the manner in which Rebecca's body was left to be found implicates someone other than Rebecca as having caused her death. Absolutely.

With all due respect to Maxie, he was connected to life support after his serious injuries. Sweet life, as he knew it, ended on the floor of the mansion.

On topic of the mysterious message on the door, I saw the surf was up on the west coast one day recently on the news. There were hand-painted white signs along the beach warning of the surf. I remembered seeing a similar one on a news link re: the death

At the 14:23 mark, is a sign that resembles the white door of the hanging room with a message painted on it.
With all due respect to Maxie, he was connected to life support after his serious injuries. Sweet life, as he knew it, ended on the floor of the mansion.

On topic of the mysterious message on the door, I saw the surf was up on the west coast one day recently on the news. There were hand-painted white signs along the beach warning of the surf. I remembered seeing a similar one on a news link re: the death

At the 14:23 mark, is a sign that resembles the white door of the hanging room with a message painted on it.
Interesting switch to Max's perspective, but no. That won't work. According to Max's family, whose perspective is key here, he was expected to recover until shortly before Rebecca died. Very shortly.

I think that sign in your video clip is a bit of a stretch. It looks nothing like what was painted on the door in this case. It was clearly written with a marker instead of painted with a brush. You can see similar writing on whiteboards everywhere, any day.
Interesting switch to Max's perspective, but no. That won't work. According to Max's family, whose perspective is key here, he was expected to recover until shortly before Rebecca died. Very shortly.

I think that sign in your video clip is a bit of a stretch. It looks nothing like what was painted on the door in this case. It was clearly written with a marker instead of painted with a brush. You can see similar writing on whiteboards everywhere, any day.

I'd say it has zero relevance :moo:

I think that sign in your video clip is a bit of a stretch. It looks nothing like what was painted on the door in this case. It was clearly written with a marker instead of painted with a brush. You can see similar writing on whiteboards everywhere, any day.

Exactly, coastal. Signs painted onto white surfaces are not unusual. As you admit, they are commonplace. That makes only the macabre message itself unusual. And no one here knows precisely what RZN meant by her offbeat dying declaration.

In my opinion, Rebecca Zahau did not paint the message on the door. The message does not fit SDSO's suicide theory. Rebecca Zahau had allegedly received a voicemail from Jonah notifying her Maxie's death was imminent. Notice the word death. Jonah purportedly gave Rebecca Zahau the news Maxie was not going to survive. Therefore, Rebecca Zahau did not save Max. Why would she paint the words "she saved him" when she had allegedly just been told Maxie's death was imminent?

The whole message points to murder. In my opinion, someone like Dina Romano Flores Shacknai, who was likely told Rebecca saved Max, painted the message. Imo - Anyone who was told Rebecca gave Max CPR and saved him could have painted the message. Maybe two people like DRFS and her sister Nina Romano Garner painted the message. I personally believe "she saved him" was something Jonah repeated several times to DRFS and NRG during the many discussions that likely occurred at the hospital.
In my opinion, Rebecca Zahau did not paint the message on the door. The message does not fit SDSO's suicide theory. Rebecca Zahau had allegedly received a voicemail from Jonah notifying her Maxie's death was imminent. Notice the word death. Jonah purportedly gave Rebecca Zahau the news Maxie was not going to survive. Therefore, Rebecca Zahau did not save Max. Why would she paint the words "she saved him" when she had allegedly just been told Maxie's death was imminent?

The whole message points to murder. In my opinion, someone like Dina Romano Flores Shacknai, who was likely told Rebecca saved Max, painted the message. Imo - Anyone who was told Rebecca gave Max CPR and saved him could have painted the message. Maybe two people like DRFS and her sister Nina Romano Garner painted the message. I personally believe "she saved him" was something Jonah repeated several times to DRFS and NRG during the many discussions that likely occurred at the hospital.

Lash - I think this explanation stands out loudly and clearly. You have to twist everything so far out of square it's painful to think Rebecca wrote that message. It just doesn't make any sense, not believable.
Thank you. Does Adderall potentially make someone violent? Out of control? I've read where there is something called "Adderall Rage" (maybe similar to people taking steroids) and stories of it making children and adults possibly have psychotic episodes.

Adderall is a stimulant and commonly abused. It is abused by people attempting to lose weight and abused as a form of speed. It has the opposite effect of its intended purpose for persons who are not prescribed the medication. It can cause agitation and aggression when abused. Anxiety and panic can also be side effects. I dont know who, if anyone, was abusing this drug. In my opinion, I can definitely see where a person abusing Adderall could write such an unusual message in a heightened state of panic and anxiety.
Adderall is a stimulant and commonly abused. It is abused by people attempting to lose weight and abused as a form of speed. It has the opposite effect of its intended purpose for persons who are not prescribed the medication. It can cause agitation and aggression when abused. Anxiety and panic can also be side effects. I dont know who, if anyone, was abusing this drug. In my opinion, I can definitely see where a person abusing Adderall could write such an unusual message in a heightened state of panic and anxiety.

Thanks for the reference. Interesting side effect also is Cold flu-like symptoms.
Adderall is a stimulant and commonly abused. It is abused by people attempting to lose weight and abused as a form of speed. It has the opposite effect of its intended purpose for persons who are not prescribed the medication. It can cause agitation and aggression when abused. Anxiety and panic can also be side effects. I dont know who, if anyone, was abusing this drug. In my opinion, I can definitely see where a person abusing Adderall could write such an unusual message in a heightened state of panic and anxiety.

I find it unlikely Dina is abusing Adderal or speed to great extremes considering she so heavy in appearance. "Tweakers" are usually quite thin. I believe she has a history of violence and aggresive behavior (via Jonah's police reports) just on her own psychopathology. I also believe she has quite a flair for the dramatic. It's unfortunate she never seeked help for this kind of problem. CBT is supposed to be quite effective.

I am also very puzzled as to why after all the accusations against Rebecca and her sister, as well as threats of a wrongful death lawsuit against the estate of Rebecca, Dina did absolutely NOTHING. What were all those threats about then? Just a bunch of noise?
I find it unlikely Dina is abusing Adderal or speed to great extremes considering she so heavy in appearance. "Tweakers" are usually quite thin. I believe she has a history of violence and aggresive behavior (via Jonah's police reports) just on her own psychopathology. I also believe she has quite a flair for the dramatic. It's unfortunate she never seeked help for this kind of problem. CBT is supposed to be quite effective.

I am also very puzzled as to why after all the accusations against Rebecca and her sister, as well as threats of a wrongful death lawsuit against the estate of Rebecca, Dina did absolutely NOTHING. What were all those threats about then? Just a bunch of noise?

BBM. IMO it was Dina's way of attempting to MISDIRECT and DEFLECT from her own culpability in Rebecca's murder. Accuse the murdered victim Rebecca of all sorts of malfeasance so that attention is drawn onto the victim as being the evil, malicious one instead of where it actually belongs -- on Rebecca's vengeful, hateful, melodramatic murderer(s).
BBM. IMO it was Dina's way of attempting to MISDIRECT and DEFLECT from her own culpability in Rebecca's murder. Accuse the murdered victim Rebecca of all sorts of malfeasance so that attention is drawn onto the victim as being the evil, malicious one instead of where it actually belongs -- on Rebecca's vengeful, hateful, melodramatic murderer(s).
ITA bourne - And her accusations continue to bounce back and bite her in the *advertiser censored**.

Analyzing Dina's behavior, it doesn't take a psychiatrist to clearly see that IMO she shows signs of classic obsessive-compulsive personality to such an extreme that, whatever her obsession be, she is incapable of letting it go. Just as she hasn't been able to let go of her obsession to destroy Rebecca even though she's been dead for two years.

How ironic it is to think how instrumental she has been in keeping this story alive. Poetic justice. MOO JMO etc.
ITA bourne - And her accusations continue to bounce back and bite her in the *advertiser censored**.

Analyzing Dina's behavior, it doesn't take a psychiatrist to clearly see that IMO she shows signs of classic obsessive-compulsive personality to such an extreme that, whatever her obsession be, she is incapable of letting it go. Just as she hasn't been able to let go of her obsession to destroy Rebecca even though she's been dead for two years.

How ironic it is to think how instrumental she has been in keeping this story alive. Poetic justice. MOO JMO etc.
Couldn't agree more and JS going from Dina to Rebecca is like going from the streets of Detroit to Disneyland.....maybe not the best analogy but the one that quickly came to mind:)
I find it unlikely Dina is abusing Adderal or speed to great extremes considering she so heavy in appearance. "Tweakers" are usually quite thin. I believe she has a history of violence and aggresive behavior (via Jonah's police reports) just on her own psychopathology. I also believe she has quite a flair for the dramatic. It's unfortunate she never seeked help for this kind of problem. CBT is supposed to be quite effective.

I am also very puzzled as to why after all the accusations against Rebecca and her sister, as well as threats of a wrongful death lawsuit against the estate of Rebecca, Dina did absolutely NOTHING. What were all those threats about then? Just a bunch of noise?


In my opinion, it may have been an attempt to intimidate those who were considering taking legal action to investigate Rebecca's suspicious death.
Couldn't agree more and JS going from Dina to Rebecca is like going from the streets of Detroit to Disneyland.....maybe not the best analogy but the one that quickly came to mind:)

:floorlaugh: Great analogy!! :floorlaugh:

ETA: Or Detroit to Beverly Hills!
You, K_Z, are intentionally taking my words out of context and mixing them around in an apparent effort to discredit.

There has never been one documented case where a woman hung herself outdoors in the nude. Ever. So, there goes your psychological theories. It was her "wild" idea, not mine. With her chosen method of suicidal exit, she knew the media attention it would garner would besmirch and embarrass the Shacknai's. She made certain that she left an indelible mark on the Shacknai's lives forever.

Her terror of Max's death and/or autopsy led to her premeditated suicide not to her disdain and contempt.

To explain her contempt and disdain, I hypothesize one reason was b/c she was not engaged to marry JS due to her unfriendly relationship with his teenaged children whom he obviously deeply adores. Another reason was b/c the ex-wife, DS, placed controlling restrictions, although, sadly, not enough, on RZ's movements when Maxie was around her.

And this is exactly why all the evidence when it is all added up together points to one person with 2 helpers/motivated accomplices.
Dina, Nina and Adam

It was Dina and Nina who were ultimate control freaks- who had placed such "controlling restrictions" who had lost the most- all ties and reasons to be tied to Jonah.
All 3 had 3 requirements to accomplish the murder: Motive, opportunity and time.

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