Mystery Woman "C"

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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akgal said:
Nobody was trying to compare this to CSI, but people are trying to figure out if the mole on one is the same as the mole on another and trying to figure out if she had the same dental surgery as Anna's mom. All I'm saying is if she is willing to have her life, face and medical (dental) records scrutinized by a bunch of strangers on an internet forum, why wouldn't she just give a DNA sample. And as the poster before you answered quite nicely that there were things not allowed to be posted on the forum, maybe this has happened. So thankyou for that answer, and I didn't need the smart *advertiser censored* comment from you, Jodibug.
Because LE has it's hands in this particular aspect of the case, those in the "know" CANNOT divulge any info INCLUDING whether or not C has submitted DNA for testing.

Nowhere in this thread has it been stated that C refused to have DNA testing done. Until there is a resolution one way or another we will not learn whether or not this has been done.
Things are a bit stressful while we wait for LE to complete their investigation. Please understand that every reasonable avenue is being looked into and that we hope to have some partial answers soon. If I could speak more freely, then we probably could have avoided any hurt feelings on the subject, but rest assured, a definitive answer about C is being sought.
akgal said:
Nobody was trying to compare this to CSI, but people are trying to figure out if the mole on one is the same as the mole on another and trying to figure out if she had the same dental surgery as Anna's mom. All I'm saying is if she is willing to have her life, face and medical (dental) records scrutinized by a bunch of strangers on an internet forum, why wouldn't she just give a DNA sample. And as the poster before you answered quite nicely that there were things not allowed to be posted on the forum, maybe this has happened. So thankyou for that answer, and I didn't need the smart *advertiser censored* comment from you, Jodibug.
AKgal: The sheriff's office has specifically asked us not to discuss DNA on the forum at this point. It is hard to wait. The moles and the dental surgery are similar, as are other things which make C worth investigating, but these are of course not conclusive. It really helps me if everybody is nice to each other here. Thank you for your post.
Anna'sMom, I wish you luck! I sincerely hope for you and am anxiously awaiting to hear that she's the one! I wish you many years to regain time with your lost daughter.
RobinH said:
LinasK, you are right, C is legit, she did not ask for her life to be disrupted as it has been, however, the birth announcement is still a BIG question, because it was placed in the paper BEFORE Anna was born. I would find it very hard to believe that Anna's abduction was planned before she was even born.
Or someone could have read an old newspaper and chosen to use that info.
I thought this was mentioned somewhere else.... Is it possible that the birth announcement was for another child that died and Anna was a "replacement" (sorry that sounds so cold) for the child? Anyone do any digging on obits of very young children for the time period?

That was my first thought as well, if C actually turns out to be Anna. "C" says her family was dysfunctional so I thought of the possibility that the Birth announcement was for an actual bio-child that could have died from Child abuse...not reported, body disposed of. They might have received notices from the state about why the child wasn't enrolled in school and they panicked. They could have spotted Anna anywhere and thought she resembled the dead child, followed her moves and took her to replace the one they killed. Jan. 16 would have been about the start of a new semester... Sorry, I look at the most devious side of things.

I really hope "C" is Anna, but since it's taken well over 4 months for any answers from LE, I highly doubt she is. If I have learned anything from the hours and hours of ANS coverage taking up air space is a Paternity DNA test done at a private lab cost $475 and results in less than 5 days. Heck if you Google it, you get hundreds of private labs. I don't know but I would highly suspect that Annasmom would pay triple that for an answer in 5 days instead of waiting on back logged state labs that take months. If money is an issue, I could bet you every one of us here would throw some money in the basket to get this done. Sorry, I know we're not supposed to speak of DNA, I'm just beating my head against a wall. :banghead:
Sorry, I know we're not supposed to speak of DNA, I'm just beating my head against a wall. :banghead:

I know how hard it is to be patient! Hopefully we'll know something soon, one way or the other.

I still think about C often, and I really hope she is doing well.
That was my first thought as well, if C actually turns out to be Anna. "C" says her family was dysfunctional so I thought of the possibility that the Birth announcement was for an actual bio-child that could have died from Child abuse...not reported, body disposed of. They might have received notices from the state about why the child wasn't enrolled in school and they panicked. They could have spotted Anna anywhere and thought she resembled the dead child, followed her moves and took her to replace the one they killed. Jan. 16 would have been about the start of a new semester... Sorry, I look at the most devious side of things.

This scenario is perfectly plausible.

I really hope "C" is Anna, but since it's taken well over 4 months for any answers from LE, I highly doubt she is.

Not to say that a DNA test is being done in the case of C, but past history in cold cases has shown that DNA tests can take up to six months once the samples have been collected (SherlockJr can share her stories of frustration in the Melissa Hightower case that she worked on). Samples of Annamom and Anna's two siblings (along with Anna's actual DNA from some articles of clothing that had not been washed) were not completely collected until around the first of this year.

If I have learned anything from the hours and hours of ANS coverage taking up air space is a Paternity DNA test done at a private lab cost $475 and results in less than 5 days. Heck if you Google it, you get hundreds of private labs. I don't know but I would highly suspect that Annasmom would pay triple that for an answer in 5 days instead of waiting on back logged state labs that take months. If money is an issue, I could bet you every one of us here would throw some money in the basket to get this done.

People here have been very kind in offering financial assistance to help move this case forward, but we decided early on that no donations would ever be solicited or accepted. This allows us to avoid any suspicions of ulterior motives to our actions (not that anyone has ever made those accusations, it is just that we want to avoid any hint of impropiety).

In California, LE uses the labs at the Department of Justice for all DNA matters. Because of the high volume of samples being tested, the backlog can be several months. This is especially true concerning cold cases which are usually shuffled behind active recent cases where time is of the essence.

The fact that a DNA profile of Anna is being created is a positive step, regardless of whether C is being tested or not. There is always the possibility that a match will be found somewhere that we have not been looking (an unknown UID or a different girl of unknown origin such as a "Sharon Marshall" type). An answer may come to us when we are the least expecting it.

Sorry, I know we're not supposed to speak of DNA, I'm just beating my head against a wall. :banghead:

Actually, you can talk about DNA all you want - it is just Annasmom, Annasbro and myself that cannot give any specific answers concerning specific actions by LE concerning C and the other aspects of their investigation. :angel:
I know how hard it is to be patient! Hopefully we'll know something soon, one way or the other.

I still think about C often, and I really hope she is doing well.

It's good that you brought this up, Jodibug. As you can imagine, C has suffered an enormous life-altering shock at the mere suggestion that she might be Anna, starting with having Anna's kindergarten picture shown to her and thinking it was a picture of her (never having seen any of her own childhood pictures.) It has been, and still is, extremely difficult for her, and we are unable to speed up the process so that we can learn one way or the other. Whether or not she turns out to be our girl, we certainly have to marvel at the likeness and the seeming coincidences. Meanwhile, we're trying to look into as many other possibilities as we can. Waiting is hard, hard, hard, but necessary.
Just curious if you have had the opportunity to have an acutual 'conversation' with "C", and if so, does she 'sound' like what you would expect Anna to 'sound like' ?

I have followed your story, and truly believe one day this search will be over for you and your family, and yes, the waiting must be unbearable at times, but all so necessary for everyone to endure.
Waiting is hard, hard, hard, but necessary.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you, annasmom.

We all need to remember that since LE is involved, it is probably necessary for any lab testing to be done by their own lab. They also need time to build a case, if one is to be pursued. *If* "C" really is Anna, then there would be a lot more involved than just checking her blood.

While Annasmom is only interested in finding out what happend to her daughter, since LE is involved, she probably doesn't have a lot of say in whether or not the case is pursued from a legal standpoint.

I hope "C" is doing ok with all of the new developments.

How exciting and scary for both her and Annasmom.

and.... I know that some have seemed to criticize "C"'s level of cooperation, but I know that she has done all that she can do. She has gone far beyond what anyone can expect of her. She has really allowed an intrusion into her life, and for that I know that Annasmom is grateful, regardless of the outcome.

(I tried to PM you but your box is full!)
.... I know that some have seemed to criticize "C"'s level of cooperation, but I know that she has done all that she can do. She has gone far beyond what anyone can expect of her. She has really allowed an intrusion into her life, and for that I know that Annasmom is grateful, regardless of the outcome.

I am not aware of anyone being critical, but I know that it has sometimes been frustrating that certain things that seem like they should be easily confirmed by someone's memory have been difficult to draw out of C. That is why I have recently been trying to explain that those incidents that may seem like C is not being cooperative are, in fact, situations where C's memory is not functioning like most of our might. It is hard for most of us to understand that large periods of time are missing from C's memory and that unanswered questions about those periods are not due to uncooperation, but to truly not remembering.

C's cooperation in this whole process has been couragous and admirable. She has been eager to help in anyway that she can. There have been times when she has become overwhelmed and needed to have a cooling-off period, but she has always returned to the process of discovery. She has our thanks.
I had a relatively 'normal' childhood yet I retain very few memories of it, so I can understand her having trouble remembering. Also, if there were any problems with abuse and/or family instability (and I don't know if there was or was not) in her childhood- children sometimes forget their childhood as a kind of coping mechanism.
I am glad I have finally decided to start reading this thread. I always wanted to but never knew where to start. So, since classes were cancelled today, I started at the very bottom.

When I saw "C's" picture it really did jump out at me at how close she resembles Anna. My question for annasmom would be does this strike you as your child? I know it's being looked into etc, but just on going by her looks do you really see her as being Anna? I ask this because of Shawn Hornbeck. He was recently(Jan.) found and his parents always said they would immediately know his face no matter the length of time that had passed.

I really do hope nothing but the best for you and your family. I admire you all so much. :)
Very true. I can only remember a couple of things before the age of 5, and my childhood was cookie-cutter normal.
It is interesting to see those who can and cannot remember, as my husband had a traumatic childhood and blackout before age 3 and can only remember one minor event and it causes him to have a literal 'blackout' seizure(epilepsy that is only blackout/passout) when he forces himself to recall it, so he cannot remember it fully. Because of those issues of trauma before adoption, his memory is blocked out almost purposefully, as a coping mechanism I would guess. As his history has unfolded during the last few months, he is recalling with more comfort, and less blackout of memory, though it was so early his recollections just are not fully there.
I just want to give Kudos to Anna's family. Your determination in finding Anna is inspiring to say the least. My prayers are with your family!
...When I saw "C's" picture it really did jump out at me at how close she resembles Anna.

RobinH recently did a side-by-side analysis of C and Anna's two parents (Annasmom and George Waters). She pointed out that the most distinctive difference between C and Annasmom was the shape of the end of her nose, but that shape corresponded with GW's nose.

We are not posting any additional pictures of C here because if it turns out that C is not Anna, then C does not want numerous pictures of herself floating around the internet along wih the story that she was entertaining the possibility that her family was not really her family. We have not posted her name, but the more pictures of her in cyberspace, the greater the odds that someone could identify her and create even greater tension between her and her family. This is a wise request by C and we will respect that.
Sorry I have not been around for awhile. I have had to take care of things in my own life. I'm still not going to have very much time, but did get a chance to read this latest development. I have to say that my hair stood up on my neck reading this thread. I can not begin to imagine how you all must feel. I sincerely hope this is Anna.

Annasmom, I worry about the disappointments you have had, but I see how strong you are and you are an inspiration to me. You commended your boys and your pride was well placed. I feel the same reading Annasbro posts; he is so very mature and loving. You do have a wonderful support group gathered around you and you never forget to show your appreciation. I think you are wrong to say you are not an extraordinary person, though. Your commitment, determination, strength, compassion, beauty shine through in every post you make. Your courage to face whatever may come is heroic IMO. Yet, you always have a kind word for others. I have no doubt that come what may, you will face it with the same quiet dignity that you have everything else so far. Still, I worry about you and you are always in my prayers. You are seldom far from my thoughts.

C (if anyone keeps her posted), welcome to Anna's family. If you are Anna, welcome home. You should know that whatever comes, you have crossed paths with this family for a reason and you will never be the same again. This family has grown considerably since Anna went missing. There are so many here who feel Anna's spirit move them to embrace each other and smile in the face of adversity. This is a very special group of people who have only become more special by having shared in Anna's journey. I hope you feel the love and acceptance reach out to you and accept what comfort you can.

My family at Anna's forum, we are blessed to have each other. There is so much violence and hurt in the world today, but we have this priviledge to know goodness, kindness, generosity and love. We can learn patience too. We will probably learn much more then that before it is all over. I am grateful to know people such as those who have come together here. Lifes lessons are so much easier when you have caring people to share them. Give everyone a hug today and thank Anna for bringing us all together. She can't be far from where we are when she is in our hearts.

:blowkiss: too all my family at Anna's forum.
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