myths debunked

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They don't benefit at all.

Brown and Blair were just like the rest of us - they assumed these people could not possibly have been involved. Remember, these two were involved from virtually day one, with Gerry having a direct line into Brown's home via a neighbour. A friend of a friend needs help as his daughter has been abducted....of course they said they'd help! Both Blair and Brown have children of their own and would never have dreamed that this case would twist and turn as it has. We have the benefit of hindsight, at the time it would have seemed like the least they could do to help friends of friends.

Blair and Brown did not benefit in the slightest, but stop for a minute and imagine if the McCanns were found guilty and they had helped them (inadvertently) to elude justice.

Can you imagine the headlines? Can you even imagine what the Opposition would make of it? They would have a field day.

At that time, Brown was only Chancellor, clearly with ambition. Blair was PM.

The headlines would be something like this -

Special Treatment For Murderous Parents

Why IS Blair Friendly With Child Killers

Our Government Has Helped The McCanns Escape Justice

The Establishment Looks After Its Own

Gordon and Gerry - How close ARE they?

etc, etc.

You know what the UK tabloids are like.

It would certainly Election-ruining to be associated with a pair who were guilty of neglecting their child then staging an abduction, possibly even career ruining if the media went to town.

It would be far, far preferable just to halt the investigation the minute it started to look like some mud was going to be slung, as some of it might splatter.

Blair and Brown did not commit a criminal act. What they may have done is make an executive decision to close down the British side of the investigation (which they were entitled to do) and suggest the Portugese do the same (which they were happy to do) for political expediency. The greater good, if you like. What you don't know can't hurt you.

End of problem. just won't go away, will it?

Wikileaks and Levenson came out of nowhere.

Now more questions are being asked in general about the goings on within government and media, suddenly it becomes a good idea to declare a "review"...perhaps to grease the wheels to actually following through and charging these people now Blair and Brown are faint memories and the political risk is distanced by time.

I can only hope.
when i made my comment about gary mckininon it was the case that he would serve his sentence in the UK - if you note the date of the article the PPS has only just decided that they wont carry on with the prosecution .- after my comment

In any terms I am not even sure what he has to do with this case he was arrested in 2002 and his computers siezed then - he since then been on bail

The whole arfgument about the shutters being jemmied or who said they were just doesnt make sense to me if gerry THOUGHT that they ahd been what is suspicious about that , if that was his impression at the time then that is what he thought -

The point about the shutters discussion is not whether anyone assumed they had been forced or jemmied, the point is that it has been said there is no proof that they had relayed this to friends and relatives,( that the papers or internet posters made it up) and the fact is, there is, not a massive deal, but just to be clear that if you call something a forum myth it needs to be proven one way or the other
No doubt you're right about the education but a cardiologist is not the same thing as a heart surgeon although they have to know something about heart surgery as part of their training. Basically cardiology is a branch of internal medicine that specializes in the heart and heart surgery is a branch of surgery that specializes in the heart. Cardiologists do not tend to do heart surgery as part of their day job, they are more concerned with diagnosing and conservative treatments. Both are professionals in their own field. Neither cardiologists nor heart surgeons are qualified straight from the med school without extensive clinical and theoretical training in their specialty.

Not sure what this has to do with Madeleine.

Absolutely nothing, except that this thread is about "debunking myths", but instead of responding to a sensible rebuttal the usual tactic is to focus in on an minor irrelevant detail and harp on a real or perceived inaccuracy, thereby creating yet another smokescreen and evading the real questions.

For example, it was stated on here, in no uncertain terms that I was posting falsehoods such as "Gerry isn't a heart surgeon, never was". This is not true. Even to apply for cardiology he first must have completed rigourous training in and performance of angioplasty amongst other procedures, in a cardiac unit of an approved hospital.

Angioplasty is the act of widening the, heart surgery.

Gerry did indeed work as a heart surgeon, as part of his requirements to go on to specialise in Cardiology, yet once again we have someone accusing me of stating a falsehood, which itself is a falsehood!

This is how the McCann defense works. All they have as rebuttal is offense and spin, they can never offer an intelligent defense, which of course would be required in a court of law.

Another myth debunked: eddie alerts to bodily fluids from live humans, some say, this is not true, eddies handler said he does, as any dog can, react to blood

problem in THIS case is that NO fluids were found in the majority of places eddie alerted, therefore...well its obvious
I get so tired of these sentences

Eddie alerts to bodily fluid from live humans and a coconut shell (!)
Amaral is a liar and a convicted criminal
There is nothing wrong with that (leaving your babies alone)
They never said the windows were jemmied
Martin Smith is only 80% certain it was Gerry
The DNA cannot be confirmed as Madeleine's.
The British Government is comprised of living saints who would never dream of brushing anything under the carpet.

All half truths, or exaggerations, or "spin", all designed to dismiss unexplained inconsistencies in the McCann defence.

Over and over again.

Now we even have a thread doing it.
I get so tired of these sentences

Eddie alerts to bodily fluid from live humans and a coconut shell (!)
Amaral is a liar and a convicted criminal
There is nothing wrong with that (leaving your babies alone)
They never said the windows were jemmied
MartinW Smith is only 80% certain it was Gerry
The DNA cannot be confirmed as Madeleine's.
The British Government is comprised of living saints who would never dream of brushing anything under the carpet.

All half truths, or exaggerations, or "spin", all designed to dismiss unexplained inconsistencies in the McCann defence.

Over and over again.

Now we even have a thread doing it.

Dont worry about it, all the lies are there, the police and journalists know they are lies unfortunately in the uk lies take decades sometimes for the police to oust

I hope the uk police inconjunction withthe portuguese police nab the mccanns
Dont worry about it, all the lies are there, the police and journalists know they are lies unfortunately in the uk lies take decades sometimes for the police to oust

I hope the uk police inconjunction withthe portuguese police nab the mccanns

They've got away with it for nearly 6 years so far.

When is the SY "review" supposed to be completed?

Not that I have much faith in the procedure, bearing in mind what the forelock tugging Andy Redmond said a whole quarter of the way through.
Myths debunked? 4 pages in and not one myth debunked. The IDI gang haven't proved anything and haven't explained why the dogs alerted to blood and cadaver ine. The MDI gang haven't proved that there was no intruder.

Therefore the thread should be renamed: NO MYTHS DEBUNKED!
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