Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #10

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Hate to quote myself but wanted to add...

If LE stops looking at each individual case as it's own, true justice stops being served.

I agree. But I don't think LE has done that - there are standards and procedures that I am sure they go through each and every case.

Unlike them, however, we on a message board do not have to do this. I don't think anyone expected all of this to come out about the Cooper's - I was very shocked when I heard her friends say the things they said. I wasn't assuming anything about her husband until more and more came out.

Just because we go a certain way does not meant that we have jumped to conclusions - you just don't see the process we are going through before we post here.
I take it you were shocked as well.

Nope, I was against that idea from the beginning.
I just didn't think they did it, regardless of the fact that GP had been in trouble with LE years ago or that Mark was "conveniently" not home that night.
I always thought that it was ludacris that they were suspected by the public just because of some stuff that happened years ago or because they were going about life as usual, as in Mark stayed the night with his gf one night... oh for shame! that made them guilty.:rolleyes:
Sorry but many on here thus far have him convicted all ready. Lets be honest...there has been NO evidence released. Everything is hearsay and frankly many of the rumors are turning out to be incorrect... IE: Bleach at 4 am.

When I say tunnel vision i mean like saying Brad dumped her body verse the killer dumped her body. Things like this. I for one am all to familiar with many of the things that they went through and I give my valid reason why he may be doing laundry now when he never did before. Because he wanted to go and do many of the things she complained about. Heather even stated he had been around allot more the last couple months so in my eyes he was trying to make better.

Again, because you have experience talking about cases and seeing that many of them do end up the husband... lets say 75% a good detective will not ignore the other 25%. I reserver to ever judge with out hard facts and I only propose other angles that people who have that tunnel vision wont see or say. I cant claim to know whether he did it or not.. but i don't think anyone else can either. We just don't have any facts yet. You ahev to admit if you have an open mind and have not convicted him yet when speaking about it you would say the killer did this not Brad did this.

What evidence has been presented that proves there was no bleach purchased by Brad Cooper at 4 a.m. ? There is/are no hard fact(s) that this did or did not occur so are you beguiled by tunnel vision by calling it a rumor and hearsey and inncorrect ? Can't have it both ways. I like alternative theories and wish to discuss them but there is no need to accuse posters of things to make your point. Lets discuss the case with the understanding there will be various opinions and at this point that is what they are.
I agree. But I don't think LE has done that - there are standards and procedures that I am sure they go through each and every case.

Unlike them, however, we on a message board do not have to do this. I don't think anyone expected all of this to come out about the Cooper's - I was very shocked when I heard her friends say the things they said. I wasn't assuming anything about her husband until more and more came out.

Just because we go a certain way does not meant that we have jumped to conclusions - you just don't see the process we are going through before we post here.

When people say Brad dumped the body and dressed her and brad did this...their minds are made up. And some have spoke like that since the first day. Thats all I am saying. Everyone is entitled to believe in what they want. I guess I just hope... heaven for bid I end up fighting for myself after being accused of something I didn't do... that people would not be so quick to hang me. Not only that I just want to hold out and believe there is a chance that these girls are not about to lose they're father as well.
When people say Brad dumped the body and dressed her and brad did this...their minds are made up. And some have spoke like that since the first day. Thats all I am saying. Everyone is entitled to believe in what they want. I guess I just hope... heaven for bid I end up fighting for myself after being accused of something I didn't do... that people would not be so quick to hang me. Not only that I just want to hold out and believe there is a chance that these girls are not about to lose they're father as well.

Okay, I understand what you're getting at. But I think that is just laziness than anything else - in their mind they know who did it and that's how they write it. When they're trying out theories instead of saying the perp, they just say Brad.

I would love to see something from Brad or his friends or family that shows something close to what I think most of us would do if our spouses were murdered - whether we were going thru a divorce or not. Something to indicate that he didn't change his behavior in the last few months because all of a sudden he wanted to put on a good show for the lawyers and judge. Instead he's just counter attacked. Instead of focusing on what he did and didn't do, he wants to put the blame on her.
The other thing that seems apparent here is that this is turning into the battle of the affidavits, as someone noted in the previous thread.

I think this is a way to force the hand of the Cary PD to arrest him. Cary PD wants to build their case without the added pressure of turning over all the evidence to his attorneys, they want to build the case and keep pressure on him. They are happy to use the custody issue as letting out more and more information that will be helpful in trying him in the court of public opinion, and lastly, they also are stopping people like they are still exhausting all the possibilities that the killer is still out there - the roadblocks, etc.

One of the things that defense attorneys always say is that the police focused on the husband and never looked at any other possibilities. So - they are handling that in advance by still "looking" and amazingly, coming up empty.

IMO - Brad's attorney's are trying to force their hand to arrest / charge him so that they can truly start their defense and be entitled to view what evidence they have.

I agree with the 'continued search for the killer'. The standard defense is always , " they focusing on my client from day 1 and never looked anywhere else"....blah, blah , blah

i don't agree with your opinion his attorney wants to force their hand to arrest him. Are you kidding ?

Look at wife killer, jason Young. We all knew he would be arrested and he is still walking as a free man nearly 2 years later. The Wake county DA will not seek an indictment in either case until he feels he has enough evidence to win in the courtroom.
deleted this cause it's in the wrong area.
Hi there.

I was wondering if someone could post the link to the picture
of Nancy on Corolla Island. I have spent a lot of time looking
but can't find it. Things seem to be a little slow today. I messaged Christine but I guess she's not answering her thing.

Thanks so much for all your help!!!!
Okay, I understand what you're getting at. But I think that is just laziness than anything else - in their mind they know who did it and that's how they write it. When they're trying out theories instead of saying the perp, they just say Brad.

I would love to see something from Brad or his friends or family that shows something close to what I think most of us would do if our spouses were murdered - whether we were going thru a divorce or not. Something to indicate that he didn't change his behavior in the last few months because all of a sudden he wanted to put on a good show for the lawyers and judge. Instead he's just counter attacked. Instead of focusing on what he did and didn't do, he wants to put the blame on her.

Thats just it... I offer you another very valid reason why he had changed in the last few months... I offer that reason because I for one was in that same position myself. I have said it on here but no one responded to it so I will repeat. I was cheated on multiple times yet I worked very hard to save my marriage.I stayed for my two boys. My story is long and if you guys had any idea what I went through it would change the way allot of you think. I was mentally abused by a bi-polar psychotic woman yet I still tried very hard to save it. My point is even at the end I went out of my way to do things I would not normally do and go out of my way to try and please her. When I read all those documents I see that. I see her friends getting the one sided story from her that my ex would give. Believe me I don't believe she should have been murdered nor do I think or know if she did any wrong. I am just trying to let you know theres so much more then the simple He was acting because he new what he was going to do and put on a show for LE.
Thats just it... I offer you another very valid reason why he had changed in the last few months... I offer that reason because I for one was in that same position myself. I have said it on here but no one responded to it so I will repeat. I was cheated on multiple times yet I worked very hard to save my marriage.I stayed for my two boys. My story is long and if you guys had any idea what I went through it would change the way allot of you think. I was mentally abused by a bi-polar psychotic woman yet I still tried very hard to save it. My point is even at the end I went out of my way to do things I would not normally do and go out of my way to try and please her. When I read all those documents I see that. I see her friends getting the one sided story from her that my ex would give. Believe me I don't believe she should have been murdered nor do I think or know if she did any wrong. I am just trying to let you know theres so much more then the simple He was acting because he new what he was going to do and put on a show for LE.

After you've seen the class act that her father and mother and siblings are and all of her friends (who, knew BOTH Nancy and Brad) and what they have had to say about her - do you believe that Nancy was somehow mentally unstable or needy or whatever you want to call it and all of a sudden Brad decided, AFTER divorce was filed for, to try to do whatever he could to make the marriage work? Especially knowing that he had had and probably was having an affair? I think you're having a bit of tunnel vision and not seeing what has been put out there. I see no reason why THEIR friends would want to make up things about him if they truly didn't believe that. And they hadn't seen it firsthand.
Here's an example of what I went through when I found out when my EX cheated the first time.

My wife at the time she was pregnant with my first son, asked me to request the evening shift. I have a career along the lines of Brad Cooper and worked with Cisco networking devices for major companies. Anyway she asked me to move to the 3-11 shift due to Cole being born soon and we can save on Daycare since she was a teacher so we could save on Day care. I can watch him during the day and she at night. When Cole was 6 month's old I found out about the affair...which had not got physical but the time I discovered it was goign on I also found out about plans to meet 3 days later when she had told me she was going to a co-workers birthday party to have that first physical affair. I got home at midnight and woke her up and told her what I new. My first though at the time was if she got mad at me I would leave...if she showed remorse I would stay.... She immediately starting crying...apologizing... then the next thing i know I am crying...because she flipped it by saying it was because I was never home and she missed me and she was lonely. My point here is she would tell friends that I was never home and complain about it... but she asked me to take that shift to save money for day care. At the time I was not making huge money. The things I saw she wrote between this man and herself caused more pain then the actually physical affair I know she had. My point is though she would complain to our friends that I was never there for her and always working but yet I took that shift on her request... my thinking was more so she could continue her affair while I worked but once it was discovered now she wanted me back. It was very manipulative and you can see how she embellished me not being around and working allot. That is just a small tidbit of what I experienced. Hope it helps with a point. If not I will spare things like that in the future. :)
After you've seen the class act that her father and mother and siblings are and all of her friends (who, knew BOTH Nancy and Brad) and what they have had to say about her - do you believe that Nancy was somehow mentally unstable or needy or whatever you want to call it and all of a sudden Brad decided, AFTER divorce was filed for, to try to do whatever he could to make the marriage work? Especially knowing that he had had and probably was having an affair? I think you're having a bit of tunnel vision and not seeing what has been put out there. I see no reason why THEIR friends would want to make up things about him if they truly didn't believe that. And they hadn't seen it firsthand.

Thats just it... My ex wife was a 7th grade English teacher and everyone outside thought she was a complete saint. Thought she was the sweetest person in the world. she new when to act nice... I am not saying NC was bad I am just explaining how people can see others in different lights.
The lawyer for Nancy Cooper's parents has filed a motion to compel the dead woman's husband to submit to a psychiatric evaluation and psychological testing before Aug. 22. More to come ...
WRAL has just announced that attys for NC's parents are asking for pysch examination for BC, due by August 22.

I would think that the hearing tomorrow will be continued until that is completed and reviewed and ready to be presented to the court.
OK, I want to know who this person is. I haven't seen any official statement from them and I hadn't seen this name mentioned before.



By spring, Nancy and Bradley Cooper were still living together but planning their separation. Before her death, Nancy Cooper grew scared of her husband, friend Theresa Hackeling said.

"She would sleep with the girls in her room, with the car keys in her pants pocket and the bedroom door locked from Brad," Hackeling said in an affidavit.
The lawyer for Nancy Cooper's parents has filed a motion to compel the dead woman's husband to submit to a psychiatric evaluation and psychological testing before Aug. 22. More to come ...

My question about what NC parents are doing is...why, if they believed their grandchildren to be in such great danger, didn't they do this before now? If Nancy was in such great danger before, why did it take her death to act on all of this? As a parent, if my child and grandchildren were in such hoirrible conditons, I would have done everything I could to get them out.

I just see this as another way to get "revenge" on Brad for making Nancy unhappy. Using his children to hurt him is dirty, imo.
They have no right. He is not guilty of anything yet....not even a suspect or poi.

Why was nothing done before?
And if it was, why has nothing been said about that? Surely her friends would know if she was seeking some kind of help from her parents with escape...they know everything else....
Thats just it... My ex wife was a 7th grade English teacher and everyone outside thought she was a complete saint. Thought she was the sweetest person in the world. she new when to act nice... I am not saying NC was bad I am just explaining how people can see others in different lights.

I totally get what you are saying and want to sincerely thank you for giving us a look into your personal past with intentions of helping us understand.:blowkiss:
I spy with my little eyes...a poster on this thread by the hat of NancyFriend.

Are you one of Nancy's friends? If so, please come out and give us your input!

if not, then I apologize. :)
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