Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #11

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Got it! Thanks so much for helping me decipher these trips. :) I do think it's possible he could've even had the landline phone in the car and in the driveway he'd be able to call his cell.

He prolly went inside first to be sure the girls were still asleep
From the map though, it still would appear that Lowes is closer to where the body was found (haven't mapquested distances though). You're right though, no doubling back if that would've been a consideration.

My guess is that HT is where he normally shopped. If he used his VIC card, it could be checked to see how often he shopped there. Also, if he paid routinely w/ a debit/credit card it would show on those records (even w/o a VIC card). Also, he may have known HT was a 24 hr shop and not been sure that Lowes would've been open that early.
That's what i said earlier, CarolinaL.
It takes longer to drive down Lochmere's the whole length to Kildaire Fm Rd. Then he has to make a right and go a ways up to HT on the left. Two stop lights. If he goes out Tryon and up to Kildaire, he'd turn left then right into HT...three stop lights. (he wouldn't enter from Tryon at the Walmart end because he'd have to snake through the long parking lot) Lowes is 1 stoplight and, at that time of day, a 1 to 2 min. drive at most. It's within walking distance. Lot's of middle schoolers from our end of Lochmere walk to that corner to catch the bus for magnet schools.

Ok, that fact is established.
Never the less, for what ever reason , he obviously decided to go to HT .

My guess it was this situation, go with what you know
Regarding the IMMEDIATE need for laundry detergent: I'm curious if an empty laundry detergent box/bottle was found anywhere in the Cooper garbage? What day is their garbage pickup? If they had just run out of detergent (and one would assume this had to have happened sometime in the last 2 days) then where is this empty container? Was it in the laundry room garbage? Or in the bin outside? Did they recycle? How often was laundry done in that household? I'm assuming often with 4 people (2 little kids).

What type was purchased? Is it the SAME type/brand they always purchased? Was it different? And if yes, how so?
Garbage pickup is Thursday.
WELL then...if this is true, does it make sense that Nancy would have any conversation w/Brad about him picking up laundry detergent? I mean if he's on his own with that...then why would Nancy bother talking to him about it. That doesn't make sense to me.

AND....if Brad is okay with his sheets being 'yellow' from not being washed, then WHAT WAS THE URGENCY to having to get laundry detergent at/around 6am on Saturday morning?

Does this raise the 'HINKY FLAG' for anyone else?

I mean I don't think they can have it both ways... :confused:

In Brad's affidavit he says he noticed they needed laundry detergent after he came back from getting Milk for the little one, not that Nancy asked for it, so he went out on his own to get it and while gone Nancy called him about juice.

I have to take this back after reading again - he does say nancy asked him to go get detergent - my bad. But still Nancy was going running, Brad was suppose to play tennis, Nancy was suppose to be going to two friend's houses that day - when was the detergent to be used - not exactly right away - not enough to send someone out at 630 a.m - he could have picked it up on the way back from tennis. I don't think he was so whipped he would just go at 630 am to get something that wasn't going to be used for a while.

But you're right about the urgency between 6 and 7 am - enoughto motivate him to make a second trip to the store - doubt it.

I carry my cell phone in a small waist pack that was designed for running.
I take it because I have 1 child at home who has Type 1 diabetes and I also have a son in Iraq.
So....I carry it in case of an emergency if my family needed to reach me.
I keep thinking that since NC was such a devoted mom, that surely she would have carried her cell with her when she ran, especially since her daughters are still very young. Or at the least, left it in her car so that she could check for messages after her run.
IMO the reason that BC could describe exactly what NC was wearing when she went out for her supposed run that morning, is because he dressed her in those clothes.
The last time she was seen alive by her friends was at the party the night before. I doubt that she was dressed in running clothes at the party.

I carry my cell phone in a small waist pack that was designed for running.
I take it because I have 1 child at home who has Type 1 diabetes and I also have a son in Iraq.
So....I carry it in case of an emergency if my family needed to reach me.
I keep thinking that since NC was such a devoted mom, that surely she would have carried her cell with her when she ran, especially since her daughters are still very young. Or at the least, left it in her car so that she could check for messages after her run.
IMO the reason that BC could describe exactly what NC was wearing when she went out for her supposed run that morning, is because he dressed her in those clothes.
The last time she was seen alive by her friends was at the party the night before. I doubt that she was dressed in running clothes at the party.

Do you think it is possible that maybe Nancy slept in a t and shorts ?

I carry my cell phone in a small waist pack that was designed for running.
I take it because I have 1 child at home who has Type 1 diabetes and I also have a son in Iraq.
So....I carry it in case of an emergency if my family needed to reach me.
I keep thinking that since NC was such a devoted mom, that surely she would have carried her cell with her when she ran, especially since her daughters are still very young. Or at the least, left it in her car so that she could check for messages after her run.
IMO the reason that BC could describe exactly what NC was wearing when she went out for her supposed run that morning, is because he dressed her in those clothes.
The last time she was seen alive by her friends was at the party the night before. I doubt that she was dressed in running clothes at the party.

I'm a devoted mom and I normally don't carry my cell phone when running if my husband is home w/ the kids.

I guess I'm the only one that doesn't think BC's description of what she was wearing was that specific. A t-shirt, shorts and light blue shoes? I think my husband would know the color of my running shoes b/c I have one pair, but maybe not know which shorts/shirt I was wearing. I would think it was specific if he said her "white nike shirt and pink shorts."
In Brad's affidavit he says he noticed they needed laundry detergent after he came back from getting Milk for the little one, not that Nancy asked for it, so he went out on his own to get it and while gone Nancy called him about juice.

But you're right about the urgency between 6 and 7 am - enoughto motivate him to make a second trip to the store - doubt it.
If I remember correctly, she had recently returned from the trip with her parents and discovered the house was a mess...including his dirty sheets & bathroom. She was upset about it and it supposedly discussed with at least one friend at the party. I can very well see that could have been the catalyst for the argument when she came home from the party or early in the morning...his gross bed, bath and kitchen. He could have felt embarrassed and finally decided to wash his sheets...remember, she'd stopped doing his laundry.
In Brad's affidavit he says he noticed they needed laundry detergent after he came back from getting Milk for the little one, not that Nancy asked for it, so he went out on his own to get it and while gone Nancy called him about juice.

But you're right about the urgency between 6 and 7 am - enoughto motivate him to make a second trip to the store - doubt it.

Maybe the urgency was just being able to go to the store alone (speaking from experience).

Of course, according to his own affidavit, he was going to play tennis in the morning, so I'd guess he thought he was going to have some "alone" time then. Maybe he need to wash his tennis clothes and was going to do that during Nancy's run?
Do you think it is possible that maybe Nancy slept in a t and shorts ?

That is possible. But what about a jogging bra? Those things can be uncomfortable to sleep in. Did BC say if she was wearing one, or just the shirt, shorts, and running shoes. I would go back and reread , but was hoping that someone remembers what all BC described that NC had on that morning.
In Brad's affidavit he says he noticed they needed laundry detergent after he came back from getting Milk for the little one, not that Nancy asked for it, so he went out on his own to get it and while gone Nancy called him about juice.

But you're right about the urgency between 6 and 7 am - enoughto motivate him to make a second trip to the store - doubt it.

Well that just raises my HINKY METER even higher. So he noticed he needed some detergent and went back on a separate trip...on Saturday morning....around 6:30am....

Nopey. Not buying his reasoning. Hinky x 2
Do you think it is possible that maybe Nancy slept in a t and shorts ?

That is possible. But what about a jogging bra? Those things can be uncomfortable to sleep in. Did BC say if she was wearing one, or just the shirt, shorts, and running shoes. I would go back and reread , but was hoping that someone remembers what all BC described that NC had on that morning.

Dunno - the only thing the flier says is t-shirt, shorts and blue running shoes.
Okie dokey. That confirms what she was wearing.
Thanks, raisin. :)

Note, this does not confirm what she was wearing when she was found, only that she was last SEEN wearing, which are the same items BC told LE she was wearing. Nothing really new in the flyer. Thanks to raisin for posting the flyer
I'm a devoted mom and I normally don't carry my cell phone when running if my husband is home w/ the kids.

I guess I'm the only one that doesn't think BC's description of what she was wearing was that specific. A t-shirt, shorts and light blue shoes? I think my husband would know the color of my running shoes b/c I have one pair, but maybe not know which shorts/shirt I was wearing. I would think it was specific if he said her "white nike shirt and pink shorts."
One thing we need to remember that someone brought up in an earilier thread...this whole morning routine sounds like things were just honky dory pinky in that household. The nice hubby running errands for wifey and kiddies...for breakfast, household chores. What we need to remember is she was STEAMED about the mess she found upon returning, and the household was very tense. I just can't imagine the whole "errand" thing taking place that morning.
Many times I pull into the driveway and leave my purse and cell phone in my vehicle. The only time I bring it in is when I know I am not leaving again. She might have been away from home shopping or at the grocery store. She could have carried shopping bags or grocery bags into the house and just left her purse and phone in the car to retrieve later. One of the girls might have been asleep and she carried her in. Time could have been short and she had to get ready to go directly across the street to the party. She could have not given another thought about her phone being in her car. She would have probably got it out on her way in. BC probably grabbed her as soon as she came into the house. As far as nosy neighbors seeing you leave at an unusual time. Most part goers would have been sound asleep by 3 am. I come and go at all hours of the night and I have the nosiest people around me. Not one has ever asked me where i went. Their houses are all dark in the middle of the night. If they are up, they are watching tv or on the computer, not looking out the window. No someone screaming might make you look out the window. If you are clobbered from behind, there is only the thud when you hit the floor. Too much noise and the children would wake up. Also there is a Lowe's at Kildaire Farm Road and Ten Ten Road right near the car wash at Food Lion. He could have gone to any convenience store close by also to buy cleaning products. Both are open 24 hours and within one and one half mi. of the dumping site. I wonder is LE has checked the videos at those stores.
Well that just raises my HINKY METER even higher. So he noticed he needed some detergent and went back on a separate trip...on Saturday morning....around 6:30am....

Nopey. Not buying his reasoning. Hinky x 2

I went back in read it again - he does indicate Nancy asked him to go back. Note my addition to the post - the urgency is not there - she was off to run and to do some work for friends and he says he was suppose to play tennis. So it isn't like the detergent was necessary for several hours at best and either one could have picked it up on their way home from their various activities.

Part of the reason I don't think Brad was aware Nancy was suppose to go to Jessica's that day - who was going to care for the girls while he was playing tennis ? Maybe daycare ?
One thing we need to remember that someone brought up in an earilier thread...this whole morning routine sounds like things were just honky dory pinky in that household. The nice hubby running errands for wifey and kiddies...for breakfast, household chores. What we need to remember is she was STEAMED about the mess she found upon returning, and the household was very tense. I just can't imagine the whole "errand" thing taking place that morning.

Besides, was it not Nancy's 'duty' to grocery shop for the kids with her $300? If the child needed milk , I can see him say'n , you go get it.
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