Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #11

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I'd like to hear y'all's thoughts on the necessity of the TWO trips to the store. Not BC's version, but what you think was really going on with that? Why TWO trips?
Maybe I did. Sorry. However, I think that while BC put a strick budget in place, I am not ready to believe that if they ran out of things he made the kids do without. Remember, the girls showed no outward signs of doing without. I guess I am holding onto the hope that those girls don't end up losing both parents.

I'm afraid they will .

Remember, they lived in a totally dysfunctional family with hate and daily discord.

They will be so much better off with Nancy's loving family.
I missed this report. It was not in the affidavits.
Where did you hear this ?

I'm trying to find the post with this info. I'm almost sure it was from one of the earlier general threads - either a post or a link.
I'd like to hear y'all's thoughts on the necessity of the TWO trips to the store. Not BC's version, but what you think was really going on with that? Why TWO trips?

#1 was to cover why he was out after 6 am dumping her body. He had to have an alibi if a neighbor saw him leave

$2 was to add Nancy's 'call' at 6:40 am , presumably to prove she was still alive at that time.
Well there is a red flag for me when it has been well documented that Nancy did the domestic chores for the household, including the shopping with her $300 / week.

Missed my point - I meant my husband... and I can assure you it is quite the opposite. That being said, he does stop by the store often if we are out of things.
#1 was to cover why he was out after 6 am dumping her body. He had to have an alibi if a neighbor saw him leave

$2 was to add Nancy's 'call' at 6:40 am , presumably to prove she was still alive at that time.

See I think the fact that he made TWO trips to the store will 'trip' him up! ;-) One I guess I could buy...maybe....sort of. But TWO trips? It set off my 'hinky meter.'
Without going back to the affidavit, did JA say anything in hers about calling NC the night of the party to confirm they were meeting? Anyone?

In TH MDs affadavit (#11) spoke to NC at 3:40pm Friday.
She doesn't say on what phone/phones. She does say
Friday night @3:40pm.
See I think the fact that he made TWO trips to the store will 'trip' him up! ;-) One I guess I could buy...maybe....sort of. But TWO trips? It set off my 'hinky meter.'

Oh yes, the 2nd trip especially smells to high heaven .
If he killed her by 'accident', he can probably take heart knowing he will get 2nd degree and 25 years. He will be 59 when he gets out.
Reckon Cisco would hire him back ? know, MBA and all.

If he did it, and a jury says premeditated, does North Carolina have the DP?
I'd like to hear y'all's thoughts on the necessity of the TWO trips to the store. Not BC's version, but what you think was really going on with that? Why TWO trips?

I think there was really only one trip to the store, but I think he realized it would be a good way to 'prove' that Nancy was still alive at that point if she called him to remind him to bring juice.

One thing, we don't know which vehicle BC used - but I think a likely scenario would be that he noticed the cell phone, and thus the idea of the call for juice was born.

One trip -- to dump the body, and the explanation was the trip(s) to the store -- which he actually made.

Remember, BC said Nancy called from home. He did not say she called from the landline.
Well when you said "accidental" I was thinking on those lines too but in the way of absolutely 'losing it', grabbing her throat, not realizing his strength & her fragility, yelling at her to shut the he!! up and the next thing he knows he's killed her.

I'm picturing what you just said. Don't you imagine the girls would wake up to that kind of struggle and noise? I wonder if the girls have said anything at all about their arguing.
I would like to know what time Brad and Nancy normally got up on a typical Saturday morning. Was it his normal habit to be up at 6 am on a Saturday ?
He said he had a tennis match at 9:30 am.

I get up at 6 or 6:30 during the week, but sleep till 8 or so on Saturday.
Have you never been short of money????? You don't know how to stretch a budget, write a check and hope that you get paid prior to that check clearing (and before I get slammed on that I realize she was not on the account and thus couldn't write a check!).

Apparently she didn't like the GAME he was playing if she's telling her friends how he's got her on a budget. She's openly told friends that she doesn't have enough to buy food for the kids. Maybe she didn't and so she told him he needed to get it.

I didn't write that clearly enough. Yes I am well aware of how to do all those things. I take offense to a husband holding the financial reins and giving his wife an allowance. Plain and simple.
Yes, it helps me understand better. Thanks, Jilly.

Wyn....I posted about the shovel. I will be more than happy to answer your questions about the shovel.

I think someone else posted tonight about another shovel being found as well. Maybe there was more than 1 located with all the searches being done.
Today I convinced my hubby to drive me to the area where the body was found. I think I didn't breathe the whole time I was out of the car looking at the area. I was surprised
just how close to Lilly Atkins (sp?) Road where it ends at Holly Springs Road is to the subdivision where the body was found. Lilly Atkins
Road goes into Lochmere. This is less than a 10 minute drive from BC's home to the
place where the body was found.

I would suggest that at 6:00a.m. there would be people out and about. The drive through the subdivision where the body was located takes one past many homes that
people live in. I would think that the possibility of someone seeing a car that meets the
description of the C's vehicles would be about a 3 on a scale of l-10.

Another observation, if NC would have crossed Holly Springs Road on foot, she would have only less that 1/4 mile to go into the subdivision where the body was found. I know
that this is off her regular route but just wanted to throw it out there for thought. JMO
I didn't write that clearly enough. Yes I am well aware of how to do all those things. I take offense to a husband holding the financial reins and giving his wife an allowance. Plain and simple.

My wife would agree with you citygirl.

However, I do take offense to my wife giving me an allowance though.:)
I would like to know what time Brad and Nancy normally got up on a typical Saturday morning. Was it his normal habit to be up at 6 am on a Saturday ?
He said he had a tennis match at 9:30 am.

I get up at 6 or 6:30 during the week, but sleep till 8 or so on Saturday.

When the sun comes up, my youngster is up and ready to go, eat, do. Regardless of the time she went to sleep the night before.
They have two little ones!
Today I convinced my hubby to drive me to the area where the body was found. I think I didn't breathe the whole time I was out of the car looking at the area. I was surprised
just how close to Lilly Atkins (sp?) Road where it ends at Holly Springs Road is to the subdivision where the body was found. Lilly Atkins
Road goes into Lochmere. This is less than a 10 minute drive from BC's home to the
place where the body was found.

I would suggest that at 6:00a.m. there would be people out and about. The drive through the subdivision where the body was located takes one past many homes that
people live in. I would think that the possibility of someone seeing a car that meets the
description of the C's vehicles would be about a 3 on a scale of l-10.

Another observation, if NC would have crossed Holly Springs Road on foot, she would have only less that 1/4 mile to go into the subdivision where the body was found. I know
that this is off her regular route but just wanted to throw it out there for thought. JMO

Actually, it is 1.1 miles in the back of the subdivision.
Holly Springs road is very dangerous because of no sidewalks and is very busy. No way nancy would jog anywhere near there...imo
When the sun comes up, my youngster is up and ready to go, eat, do. Regardless of the time she went to sleep the night before.
They have two little ones!

I would hope those girls were in bed asleep while he was out dumping a body and going to the grocery store :eek:
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