Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #11

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I have lots of reading to catch up on... still have to read half of thread 10 before moving on to this one but I wanted to comment then go back and try to catch up. Like the rest of you, I too have an opinion! Boy are the opinions strong around here!

First of all Jaydee :Welcome-12-june:

I totally agree with you on the fact that this was not a planned murder. We have no evidence of that to date. Like you, I think it's a good possibility that things got out of hand and he basically 'lost it'. Since we don't yet know the COD (cause of death), it's impossible for me to speculate on premeditation.

At the present time, I believe Brad is the perp. He was the last one to see her that morning (by his own admission). The nite before he had left her at a party and they were having marital difficulties and planning a divorce. For me, he had the means, motive and opportunity.

You may be right about Nancy but the poor woman is dead now so I think, at the very least, we should keep in mind that all parties who gave these sworn affidavits have not been cross examined in a Court of Law.

As far as why Nancy stayed with him there could have been a million reasons. For starters, I believe she couldn't get a green card or that was in the process. Maybe she loved him; maybe she believed in family and holding it together; maybe she thought their girls would have a better life if they stayed together. In the end, she apparently made the move to end the marriage.

On the other side of the coin, we've been advised that Brad was having an affair, maybe more. - so why did he "stick around"? I guess, like many couples, they may have both stayed in the marriage initially out of convenience.
The Chief actually said that nothing had been reported that would indicate this was anything other than an isolated incident. She did not and could not categorically say it that is was or was not an isolated incident because at that time they had only started gathering the evidence and it would've been irresponsible for her to say anything, otherwise.

Not to mention that this was over a week ago and what's more, prior to the body being found, she said that they had no reason to suspect foul play. For all we know, as I keep saying, perhaps Bella saw her mother go running. I mean at that early stage of the investigation, I don't know how much the children had been questioned, but just like the Chief couldn't confirm or deny the bleach, she simply said that nothing had been reported, nothing more.

Thus far, the police have not named anyone a person of interest and they've been so tight-lipped, we really don't have any evidence for or against Brad or anyone. Perhaps, the Cary PD is sticking to their guns and not commenting on anything and/or maybe they're letting all of us focus on Brad, so the real killer will make a mistake.

We really don't know anything, except for a few statistics and what a couple of people think.

ETA: Cops don't generally go around sounding alarms when there's only been one incident and most of the time, they don't publicly classify murders as random or not. I mean, how many murders today in LA were random and how many isolated? I don't have a clue.
There's a guy over on the TWW (the wolf web) site that says she was the #1 customer in his store and that she never once came in there looking like she was on a budget.

Another guy said NC (also the #1 customer in his store) was supposed to come into their store around noon on that Saturday to buy some clothes she had on hold and they put them back on the rack at 4 pm figuring she didn't want them. Then they donated the white dresses to the family that the girls wore to the memorial service -- the same white dresses NC had put on hold for them. (Children's boutique with $150 dresses)

Awww, isn't that nice of them to do that! Thanks for that tidbit Roughly Collie!:)
Nancy was up by at least 6:40 am - why wouldn't other partiers be up ?

Reportedly, Nancy left the BBQ around midnight and Brad's affidavit implies that the kids are early risers, perhaps they get up at 6:30?

I know that a couple of my daughter's friends get up at six, my daughter gets up around seven and my wife at 5:30, all with or without an alarm and generally without regard for what they did, the night before.
On the heels of Crazy's good questions I too am concerned. I live in Cary. I'm a single woman, living alone.

The CPD said this is "an isolated incident and the community is not at risk to the best of their knowledge." To me that means it was someone close to or known by the victim.

If it's someone 'random,' then that is scary stuff indeed and it makes me very nervous. Do I believe the police on this? Should I assume they've got it wrong?

And if the husband didn't want her dead and didn't do the deed, then which friend or acquaintance might have done it?

And if it's none of the above then who is the murdering nutjob running around Cary?

A mobile serial killer leaves "isolated incidents" wherever they go; Someone who kills every ten years on some kind of anniversary could appear random; A drunk driver that accidently hits and kills a jogger, then quickly disposes of the body to avoid a DWI wouldn't necessarily appear to be nutjob running around the streets of Cary, though such a callous act would certainly make them one...

IOW: Just because something is isolated doesn't mean that it's always obvious to those without the facts, and what would you have rather the Chief done? There's a single victim, by definition it is isolated and not part of any pattern, so should she have started screaming "lock your doors" just because one person fell?
First of all Jaydee :Welcome-12-june:

I totally agree with you on the fact that this was not a planned murder. We have no evidence of that to date. Like you, I think it's a good possibility that things got out of hand and he basically 'lost it'. Since we don't yet know the COD (cause of death), it's impossible for me to speculate on premeditation.

At the present time, I believe Brad is the perp. He was the last one to see her that morning (by his own admission). The nite before he had left her at a party and they were having marital difficulties and planning a divorce. For me, he had the means, motive and opportunity.

You may be right about Nancy but the poor woman is dead now so I think, at the very least, we should keep in mind that all parties who gave these sworn affidavits have not been cross examined in a Court of Law.

As far as why Nancy stayed with him there could have been a million reasons. For starters, I believe she couldn't get a green card or that was in the process. Maybe she loved him; maybe she believed in family and holding it together; maybe she thought their girls would have a better life if they stayed together. In the end, she apparently made the move to end the marriage.

On the other side of the coin, we've been advised that Brad was having an affair, maybe more. - so why did he "stick around"? I guess, like many couples, they may have both stayed in the marriage initially out of convenience.

Thank you, Jilly.

You're right above - all good points. Lots of good points to ponder contributed by many here. My head is spinning. :abnormal: Going to bed. Good night, all.
WOW - I go out of town on business for a couple of days and then get back to find all these affidavits!

I never thought I'd say this, but after reading both sides, I'm not as convinced as I was...

It's unfortunate that there are things less flattering surfacing about Nancy. Of course, we know no one's perfect, and she certainly didn't deserve to die.

Reading the other side's response does, however, give me pause. I'm not as ready to convict him now that he's provided ample response to the litany of accusations, which can easily be verified.

Justthefax pointed out a few days ago that if in fact BC had been caught in a lie concerning the trip to the store, he would have already been arrested. I agree with that assertion.

If only we could know the cause of death...
On the previous thread, someone asked why some posters are saying, "I hope it wasn't Brad who killed Nancy".

Well, it would be a happy ending (as happy as it can be, given you've lost your mom) for the girls to at least be able to have their father back if he was not involved in Nancy's death!
LE is out on Holly Springs road again this morning stopping traffic and giving out flyers.
That doesn't seem like a good sign to me. If they had the evidence to arrest BC, I think they would have done so already. IMO, LE wouldn't waste the time and personnel to hand out flyers if they knew for sure that BC did it. I don't think they are doing this just to put icing on the cake, ie., to prove that they looked at someone other than BC.

What we think we know about BC may fit the profile (not literally, just based on other cases) and statistics associated with wife killers, but that alone does not prove anything.


LE is out on Holly Springs road again this morning stopping traffic and giving out flyers.
LE is out on Holly Springs road again this morning stopping traffic and giving out flyers.

Question about the fliers - if you know - do the fliers show Nancy and are they requesting information as to if anyone saw her during a certain time period ?
That doesn't seem like a good sign to me. If they had the evidence to arrest BC, I think they would have done so already. IMO, LE wouldn't waste the time and personnel to hand out flyers if they knew for sure that BC did it. I don't think they are doing this just to put icing on the cake, ie., to prove that they looked at someone other than BC.

What we think we know about BC may fit the profile (not literally, just based on other cases) and statistics associated with wife killers, but that alone does not prove anything.


Until the forensics come back or a witness, extremely reliable witness, appears, I see no reason how LE could arrest anyone. LE has said it is isolated, they have also said it was not a random murder. Sure would look like that old rush to judgement issue again if LE does not pursue all avenues.

I don't know how to interpret the fliers since we don't know what the focus of the flier is. It very well could be a cover all the bases approach or it could be a serious attempt to get someone to come forward and say they saw Nancy jogging at such and such place at such and such time, or it could be did anyone see a vehicle or an odd person in the undeveloped area where Nancy was found.

Maybe someone can tell us.

Hey everyone!!!
I am new to the ballgame, Just getting my feet wet.
I have been lurking for the last 1 and 1/2 weeks.
I am not up to a sparing match yet. Maybe I will be able
to show my fangs later on

Just throwing my two cents in.

IIRC about 10 mil. letters ago a former room-mate of BC implied that
BC was quite the narcissist. NC friends have all alluded to this and
his very controlling nature.
There is still a nagging rumor that BC went shopping much earlier than
he states in any of his affivadits or statements.
Why file a rebuttal against supposed allegations if you are also filing an
objection against these allegations?
My gut leans toward BC killing his wife. However, CPD has not named a POI or
names a suspect Yet.We having nothing in the way of hard evidence implicating anyone Hopefully the sands of time will provide Golden Nuggets of truth that we so desperately need. I guess until then every opinion and observation is usefual
Hey everyone!!!
I am new to the ballgame, Just getting my feet wet.
I have been lurking for the last 1 and 1/2 weeks.
I am not up to a sparing match yet. Maybe I will be able
to show my fangs later on

Just throwing my two cents in.

IIRC about 10 mil. letters ago a former room-mate of BC implied that
BC was quite the narcissist. NC friends have all alluded to this and
his very controlling nature.
There is still a nagging rumor that BC went shopping much earlier than
he states in any of his affivadits or statements.
Why file a rebuttal against supposed allegations if you are also filing an
objection against these allegations?
My gut leans toward BC killing his wife. However, CPD has not named a POI or
names a suspect Yet.We having nothing in the way of hard evidence implicating anyone Hopefully the sands of time will provide Golden Nuggets of truth that we so desperately need. I guess until then every opinion and observation is usefual

Welcome Figbarinc ! Fangs included :)

I have highlighted what I believe is an excellent point. Such a contradiction isn't it ? And a very good question.

Have fun !
For what it's worth, I was at the court house yesterday. Before 2 pm, the judge brought all the media in (20 +). She laid the rules about no using blackberries or texting + other behavior rules. When the parties never showed, word soon came in the hall around 2:45 that they were together on the 4th floor trying to compromise an agreement before the hearing.

It was worth the wait, as on the 8th floor is the DA office as well as the Grand Jury room.

The Wake DA, Colin Willoughby walked down the hall and I overheard a conversation he had with a female from WTVD. I got lucky and was in the right place at just the right time.
He obviously knew these media people very well and off the record said:

"I don't know what they will decide, but I would guess they will go for status-quo for now. It would be messy if he is charged 2 months from now and another emergency custody hearing must be scheduled"....

Sooo....I took it as it is very likely Brad Cooper will be charged with murder before October.
The Wake DA, Colin Willoughby walked down the hall and I overheard a conversation he had with a female from WTVD. I got lucky and was in the right place at just the right time.
He obviously knew these media people very well and off the record said: QUOTE]

I would think that if the Wake County DA were speaking off the record, it would not be proper to disseminate his words in a public forum on the internet.

It would be proper to delete your message, however, before someone else does.
The Wake DA, Colin Willoughby walked down the hall and I overheard a conversation he had with a female from WTVD. I got lucky and was in the right place at just the right time.
He obviously knew these media people very well and off the record said: QUOTE]

I would think that if the Wake County DA were speaking off the record, it would not be proper to disseminate his words in a public forum on the internet.

It would be proper to delete your message, however, before someone else does.

I overheard a simple conversation in a public domain. He did not reveal anything confidential , he was simply saying he guessed it would remain status quo based on a hypothetical.

I then drew my own conclusion and posted it.

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed Star ?
For what it's worth, I was at the court house yesterday. Before 2 pm, the judge brought all the media in (20 +). She laid the rules about no using blackberries or texting + other behavior rules. When the parties never showed, word soon came in the hall around 2:45 that they were together on the 4th floor trying to compromise an agreement before the hearing.

It was worth the wait, as on the 8th floor is the DA office as well as the Grand Jury room.

The Wake DA, Colin Willoughby walked down the hall and I overheard a conversation he had with a female from WTVD. I got lucky and was in the right place at just the right time.
He obviously knew these media people very well and off the record said:

"I don't know what they will decide, but I would guess they will go for status-quo for now. It would be messy if he is charged 2 months from now and another emergency custody hearing must be scheduled"....

Sooo....I took it as it is very likely Brad Cooper will be charged with murder before October.

That's interesting JTF. Glad you were able to make court.

We've had various Websleuthers attend court on different cases and it's always great to have a first hand account.

Thanks for your time,:)
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