Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #11

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Like with most murders, Brad's computer should be very interesting to the cops.
Wonder if he used 'Google earth' shortly before the murder ?
Though the road is now paved, it still depicts the only area within 2 miles of his house that was hidden and undeveloped.

Of all areas around the home, convenient for the killer to know there was an area 1.1 miles in the very back of an established subdivision where nobody would see him dump the body.....Hmmm

What a coincidence! The only place undeveloped and no witness. Yeah, I'm sure Nancy would run there. NOT.

Of all areas around the home, convenient for the killer to know there was an area 1.1 miles in the very back of an established subdivision where nobody would see him dump the body
YES! Especially since I'm certain that NC was not killed in the spot in which she was found. Although LE has not publicly released this info, I believe it will come to light that the area she was found was just the 'dump' site.

And if that's true, as I suspect it is, the question then becomes, from exactly WHERE was she "kidnapped" during "her run," and where was she killed, if she was "jogging?"
OOPs!! I hit the wrong button. Large letters at the top--Information Needed for Cooper Murder Investigation. Then there is a large picture of NC. Under the picture there is the physical description and age. Next, it tells what she was last wearing. The flyer then tells what her route was thought to be in Lochmere Lake and Regency Park areas. Under this is the CrimeStoppers Logo with telephone number. Last on the page is the contact number and person at the CPD. The LE just asked me if I saw anything, no matter how small if I was out that morning. I told him I was not. I also told him that I hope the investigators checked the nooks and crannies of all of his watches because I don't think he would have scrubbed his expensive watches under the water. He said he would pass that on. If you notice in the terrific pictures that were posted on the previous page, when you compare the close up in the first picture to the second that shows where the body was dumped, one can see that the lay of the land drops off between the edge of the road and the silt fence. That's the way it appears to me...just enough that you would have to walk closer to the edge of the road to see her. I still haven't been down that road yet to see for myself. I don't want to go alone.
YES! Especially since I'm certain that NC was not killed in the spot in which she was found. Although LE has not publicly released this info, I believe it will come to light that the area she was found was just the 'dump' site.

And if that's true, as I suspect it is, the question then becomes, from exactly WHERE was she "kidnapped" during "her run," and where was she killed, if she was "jogging?"

If you look at post 4 in the maps thread - it shows the search area. As I recall this area was established based on information of where Nancy normally ran. They got close but never crossed Holly Springs Road. So yeah, it looks like the location was indeed a dump site.

ETA in looking in the search area it seems to me observant runners could well know there was nothing over there- no occupied homes or developments.
The other part of my first post didn't make it I see. I hit the wrong button. I left home after my first post, came home and couldn't get the site to work, left again tonight so when I got home I had to catch up before I could post about the flyer.
OOPs!! I hit the wrong button. Large letters at the top--Information Needed for Cooper Murder Investigation. Then there is a large picture of NC. Under the picture there is the physical description and age. Next, it tells what she was last wearing. The flyer then tells what her route was thought to be in Lochmere Lake and Regency Park areas. Under this is the CrimeStoppers Logo with telephone number. Last on the page is the contact number and person at the CPD. The LE just asked me if I saw anything, no matter how small if I was out that morning. I told him I was not. I also told him that I hope the investigators checked the nooks and crannies of all of his watches because I don't think he would have scrubbed his expensive watches under the water. He said he would pass that on. If you notice in the terrific pictures that were posted on the previous page, when you compare the close up in the first picture to the second that shows where the body was dumped, one can see that the lay of the land drops off between the edge of the road and the silt fence. That's the way it appears to me...just enough that you would have to walk closer to the edge of the road to see her. I still haven't been down that road yet to see for myself. I don't want to go alone.

Thanks very much for that information about the fliers. Not being from the area - Holly Springs Road runs pretty much north to south yes ? The body was found east and the search area was primarily to the west of Holly Springs Road - yes ? Is it clear to you if Nancy was found actually in the water or above the silt fence closer to the turn around? Sorry for so many questions !

I don't think you should go alone.
I still haven't been down that road yet to see for myself. I don't want to go alone.

I want to see this area and road too, but I don't want to go alone either. Even with my dog as company I think it would still freak me out. I'm about 5 mi away, closer to the Bond Park area.

BTW, VERY GOOD idea for LE to check the watches!
I need to go back and look at the pixs again. What I'm missing is more of a wide/establishing shot but with a body outline in it. I'm still having some trouble picturing the exact layout.
I guess I am confused by the pictures showing the red outline, the 911 call states she was in water, the pictures of LE at the scene show them around the water. In addition, i think its busier than people think, a man walking his dog found the body, there is another picture of a man jogging that shows the location Nancy was found.

If she wasnt jogging and killed there, it would be very easy for a vehicle to back up on the paved road and place her there, not much distance between the paved road and the body location from what I understand.
All of us locals need to meet somewhere and follow each other down there. RaisinCharlie: You are correct about the north,south,east, and west business. I didn't appear from the pictures that she could not have been in the water. We had a big rain and storm on that Friday night but I doubt that the water in the basin would have gotten that hight. I have a large dog too; but he's too young to predict how he would react if there was any trouble. I have never seen anyone running down Holly Springs Road. The shoulder is terrible in that area and there's a lot of traffic. I haven't see many run on Ten Ten Road or Kildaire Farm Road either.
All of us locals need to meet somewhere and follow each other down there. RaisinCharlie: You are correct about the north,south,east, and west business. I didn't appear from the pictures that she could not have been in the water. We had a big rain and storm on that Friday night but I doubt that the water in the basin would have gotten that hight. I have a large dog too; but he's too young to predict how he would react if there was any trouble. I have never seen anyone running down Holly Springs Road. The shoulder is terrible in that area and there's a lot of traffic. I haven't see many run on Ten Ten Road or Kildaire Farm Road either.

Thanks ! The reason I asked about location was I recalled in one of the photo gallerys (either WRAL or the N & O) that during the search of the Cooper residence there were several photos of LE looking in the wheel wells and under the BMW Suv - kind of made me think there were tire tracks at the scene or lots of debris on the cul de sac roadway - can't think of any other reason they would be doing such an inspection.
Maybe some silt from the sholders washed onto the pavement after the rain Friday night.
I thought the body was found in the area where the white tarp is. I just guessed that was there to preserve any evidence (since it was raining on the day she was found).

So, is the pic w/ the body outline/location one released by LE?

ETA link to picture from media w/ LE standing where body was recoved: This is why I thought she was found in the area of the white tarp.
Hey Guys!
I posted on the Nancy the Jogger link when Pepper set it up. Then, Pepper got canned. So I am going to repeat some of my thoughts here.
Cause I am starting to feel like Bob. Sometimes I wonder, does anyone out there see me? LOL
Except my name is Brenda.
So, instead of "Bob Bob" , I guess you can call me "Bren Bren".
Anyway, as a long time runner, I immediately saw several red flags with BC story about NC going for a run at 7 and not returning.
NC was in training for a half marathon with her friend Jessica A.
Saturday and Sunday mornings are prime mornings for what serious runners call "long runs". Usually shorter distance runs, say 3-4 miles, are done during the week and the longer runs of training are done on the weekends. Okay, IMO, Nancy would not have gone out on a run on Saturday without Jessica.
Also, since they were training together, they most likely were following a training schedule which would lead up to the half marathon. I think Jessica even mentioned this, that she and NC had discussed all their training plans.
Someone posted the finishing time for NC and HM from a 5K race a few years ago. Since they had the same finishing time, they most likely ran the race together.
Not a very fast time for someone who was supposedly quite athletic and had aspirations for being in the Olympics at one time. Of course, that is around the time NC babies were being born, too. So, she may have not been putting in much running time back then.
Another thing that bothers me is that she supposedly left the house for her run instead of her usual drive to the coffee shop, park, and then start her run from there.
Also , no one saw her out running that morning.
No one.
One Heather stated while being interviewed that she saw NC out running all the time.
So , on a Saturday morning, when lots of people are out running , walking, biking, etc. someone would have seen her, IMO.
Okay, I have read all the affidavits and I have followed all the posts here so I know that I am kinda going "backwards" by bringing this up again. me this is where it all started. BC says that NC left the house on a run. IMO , she did not.
Oh, one more thought.
Who can get up and go running after being out late at a party the night before?
Especially if she had some wine, or other alcohol to drink at the party.
Very dehydrating!
Okay, that's it. That's my story and I am sticking to it. :)


I agree that drinking alcohol is very dehydrating. However, to me that is just not a reason to assume she did not run. Neither is being out until midnight. I know lots of people who just plain need less sleep than I do. Also, we have yet to see any information about how much she drank. She might have had 1 glass or 2 and she might have had water between. We just don't know. BTW, I regularly run and exercise in the early morning hours after an evening when I've had a drink or two. SO, it is definitely doable.

I would think that someone should have seen her out and about though. On my runs around that same time (in the Raleigh area not Lochmere/Cary), traffic is sparse (in comparison of a weekday), but I can't think of a single time when I didn't see a person/car while out and about. IF someone did see her, I hope they do come forward.

As for her times in the previous race being a non-competitive time, I agree. Perhaps she wasn't in top form, perhaps her "friend" wasn't in top shape and she was being a good running partner and sticking with her.

I know that her friends and family have to be her voice since Nancy is no longer here. However, I still have not made up my mind about BC's involvement. I really want to see how some of his statements check out. Plus I'd like to hear the COD and see what was seized in the searches.

I agree. My brother is a die-hard runner when he is in training and he will get up to run, no matter what alcohol he consumed the night before or how late he went to bed! (He's nuts! :D )
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