Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #15

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I watched some vids on WRAL - swarm of media is right. Followed both groups down the street to the courthouse - holy cow!

Judge Stephenson walked out of the DA's office on the 8th floor in front of the 10-12 news photographers with their video cameras aimed at the elevator doors. He smiled and said "having fun guys" ? One answered, "yep, this is what we do"

I swear they looked liked paparazzi for the tabloids.
Judge Stephenson walked out of the DA's office on the 8th floor in front of the 10-12 news photographers with their video cameras aimed at the elevator doors. He smiled and said "having fun guys" ? One answered, "yep, this is what we do"

I swear they looked liked paparazzi for the tabloids.

Maybe Brittney was there somewhere :crazy:

Did your source see or hear of other store videos supporting either of the 6:15 & 6:45 runs.

NO, they were not shown or asked about other times or purchases. I did think to ask that. My conversation was brief...more in passing mode.
I am really skinny - zero body fat - I am ALWAYS cold in AC, I wear a jacket or long sleeve shirt at HOME when it's 107 outside because of the AC and I wear a jacket in the car and ALWAYS when shopping. Every store I go into seems to have the AC set at "meat locker" in the summer. My husband is the same way - although he is a bit warmer natured than I am, AC always makes him feel chilled - especially when it's humid out and he is wearing a T-shirt that feels "damp" when he comes in from outdoors. My husband NEVER wears shorts to shop (they are for exercise only) and ALWAYS puts on a clean shirt and a ball-cap to go on early morning "errands" before he showers because he doesn't want to LOOK like he just got out of bed (which he did) and he prefers to at least look "neat". Hubby feels a hat makes him look "presentable" even if he has been exercising or his hair is a mess - he has certain ones he wears when he walks for exercise or puts on after exercising at the gym too.

As to long sleeves outside in summer - I have an Uncle who is very thin and fit like BC - he spent his life wearing a thick cotton long-sleeved work shirt outdoors in the HOTTEST temps - he is used to it. I wear long sleeves and pants outside (and sometimes a hat) in 105 temps because I don't want to spend 5 minutes slathering my body with suncreen for a 20 minute stint outdoors. Plus I can't use repellant (have a pond ) and I don't want the mosquitos to eat me up. Hubby wears long sleeved oxford shirts with slacks as casual business attire all summer - he would certainly wear a nice oxford shirt and maybe even a sport coat if he was going to be on TV. BTW, this sort of stuff is covered in PR manuals - it is considered appropriate professional attire for men and women to cover one's arms when appearing on TV in a formal setting, such as a press conference or interview. BC would know this and so would his attorneys.

While there are many things I would like to investigate further, I don't find BC's attire or his wearing (or not wearing) a ring suspicious in any way. I don't find it odd, or a sign that he is hiding something. Since the police spoke with him I am sure they checked him out for scratches and bruises the 1st day, they seem quite thorough.

In short, the clothing/ring issue isn't bringing up any added suspicion on my part. Since we don't know BC's usual "norms" it is very hard to say if what he is wearing at ANY point is unusual. My husband does NOT wear his wedding ring except in formal photos and job interviews but he would certainly wear his if I was missing or murdered and he was going to appear on TV. Mr FC has a beautiful ring and we had a double ring ceremony - but he doesn't care to wear jewelry of ANY kind - he wears a watch and that's it. It has no bearing on the state of our (very solid 15 year) marriage - a ring is just a symbol and I don't need that - it sure doesn't keep a man from straying, it isn't like it's permanently attached to his finger. I only wear my rings if I am going out - I sure don't wear them to clean, cook, garden, swim or exercise. Point being, everyone is different - we can only judge someones behavior or attire as suspicious if we know it differs from their individual "normal".

My Opinion
Anyone care to discuss:

All Brad had to do was produce one affidavit from someone who saw Nancy running at a location away from the house and after 7 am - and for purposes of the custody hearing - all the speculation about his whereabouts prior to 7am is proved to be irrelevant.

We do know from the press conferences on 14 July, Chief Bazemore indicates that no had come forward with a sighting of Nancy on the morning she went missing to that date - the 14th.
IMO that still doesn't warrant an arrest for murder unless NC had DNA under her nails and it has come back to confirm it was BC and he has the scratches that many are wondering about.

Exactly! The DA has ONE opportunity to take a case to trial and prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Store visits are not enough to arrest. Scratches are not enough to arrest, in and of themselves. They have to have what they feel is ENOUGH circumstantial evidence (along with any physical evidence if such a thing exists) to make their case. They are in fact-finding mode. They are probably building a case but don't think they have enough yet. And as we've been reminded many times, the forensic DNA test results are not completed yet. And that can take weeks, even months, depending.
You are missing what I just said....I retracted the BLEACH right after my initial post. Period.
Scratches were not noted by me..never have I said I saw them or knew of them. Someone on here mentioned it, but not me. Period

IMO that still doesn't warrant an arrest for murder unless NC had DNA under her nails and it has come back to confirm it was BC and he has the scratches that many are wondering about.

Hun, I am not directing anyone one statement to anyone in particular. No worries. I am just pointing out that there has been plenty of wild theories and what not and if any of them were really true they would have arrested him. Point is we have NO facts yet. So until we do I just find it impossible to say one way or the other if he did. I am just trying to offer a view opposite of many on here. Not saying he did or didn't do anything. I really think they may have some sort of evidence that indicates the possibility of it being someone else.
And I also agree with the point that all this extracting of store receipts is a moot point IF someone/anyone saw NC running that morning. But so far no one has seen her or said they saw her that day, outside of her husband. So now hub is trying to show what he did (to a point of course), what he purchased, and (I believe) is trying to see what 'info' HT has about him, his visits, and what he purchased, when and where.
Anyone care to discuss:

All Brad had to do was produce one affidavit from someone who saw Nancy running at a location away from the house and after 7 am - and for purposes of the custody hearing - all the speculation about his whereabouts prior to 7am is proved to be irrelevant.

We do know from the press conferences on 14 July, Chief Bazemore indicates that no had come forward with a sighting of Nancy on the morning she went missing to that date - the 14th.

I'm sure it was discussed, but if she told Brad she was running with Carrie, what did Carrie say ? If she had no idea, why would Nancy say she was running with her ? Another piece that smells to high heaven
Anyone care to discuss:

All Brad had to do was produce one affidavit from someone who saw Nancy running at a location away from the house and after 7 am - and for purposes of the custody hearing - all the speculation about his whereabouts prior to 7am is proved to be irrelevant.

We do know from the press conferences on 14 July, Chief Bazemore indicates that no had come forward with a sighting of Nancy on the morning she went missing to that date - the 14th.

Unfortunately, for Brad, this hasn't happened. But does the fact that no one reported seeing her make him guilty of murder? I think the burden of proof is on the state, not Brad. Oh, wait....he hasn't been charged.

I am, like everyone here I presume, really curious to know what the search warrants, autopsy, and forensic evidence will show (as well as any videotape from the HT purchases). Until we have something there, however, I'll withhold judgement.
Anyone care to discuss:

All Brad had to do was produce one affidavit from someone who saw Nancy running at a location away from the house and after 7 am - and for purposes of the custody hearing - all the speculation about his whereabouts prior to 7am is proved to be irrelevant.

We do know from the press conferences on 14 July, Chief Bazemore indicates that no had come forward with a sighting of Nancy on the morning she went missing to that date - the 14th.

And at 5'9" and as thin as she was, someone would have seen her. All the media attention, all the flyers posted in the stores - I first became aware of the situation from a yellow flyer posted on the door at Whole Foods - and the later stopping of traffic and passing-out of more flyers the next two Saturdays, no one has come forward.
Exactly! The DA has ONE opportunity to take a case to trial and prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Store visits are not enough to arrest. Scratches are not enough to arrest, in and of themselves. They have to have what they feel is ENOUGH circumstantial evidence (along with any physical evidence if such a thing exists) to make their case. They are in fact-finding mode. They are probably building a case but don't think they have enough yet. And as we've been reminded many times, the forensic DNA test results are not completed yet. And that can take weeks, even months, depending.

CE can be compelling and many times results in convictions.
The DA does not need DNA to indict and take to trial. never know in Wake County. Look at Jason Young. The case is obviously loaded with circumstantial evidence and he still walks a free man 20 months later.
I actually think they were attacking the person who posted on a different thread about the retention pond or as I call it silt basin. They made sure to let us know they were an 'environmental engineer'.:boohoo:

This person has jumped around to other cases before NC so I don't think it is BC...just a person looking start problems. :loser:

Environmental Engineer?

Isn't that what they are calling "Ditch Diggers" these days??

Just Curious? :)

Unfortunately, for Brad, this hasn't happened. But does the fact that no one reported seeing her make him guilty of murder? I think the burden of proof is on the state, not Brad. Oh, wait....he hasn't been charged.

I am, like everyone here I presume, really curious to know what the search warrants, autopsy, and forensic evidence will show (as well as any videotape from the HT purchases). Until we have something there, however, I'll withhold judgement.

Sorry - quess I didn't make that clear - regarding ALL speculation concerning trips to the store irregardless of time is this all it would have taken for Brad to put to rest all that speculation ?

Just dealing with the custody case since that is what his defense affidavits are applied to.

With respect to her murder - it proves he was the last to see her but it does not prove he murdered her by any means.
And at 5'9" and as thin as she was, someone would have seen her. All the media attention, all the flyers posted in the stores - I first became aware of the situation from a yellow flyer posted on the door at Whole Foods - and the later stopping of traffic and passing-out of more flyers the next two Saturdays, no one has come forward.

Not if, and this is only one theory, she walked to her car with her purse to go to Java Jive to begin her run, and she was abducted at gunpoint or knifepoint (and yes, unseen by neighbors when this happened very quickly) by someone who took her to the location where she was found and killed her. (Far fetched, yes.....but no more so than many theories posted here. I'm not even saying that's what I think happened...just trying to illustrate my point about burden of proof and waiting for some EVIDENCE before passing judgement).
I'm sure it was discussed, but if she told Brad she was running with Carrie, what did Carrie say ? If she had no idea, why would Nancy say she was running with her ? Another piece that smells to high heaven

Now - Carrie would be the perfect person to supply such an affidavit wouldn't she.

But we also know from Clea M via a tv interview that she spoke to Carrie and according to Carrie - they had no plans to run that morning.

Does Carrie not remind you of another person - SS ? Silence, hidden, nothing to say ?
CE can be compelling and many times results in convictions.
The DA does not need DNA to indict and take to trial.

Yes. In fact, everything that is not direct evidence (like a witness to the actual murder or a video of the actual murder) is 'circumstantial' by definition. Fingerprints, footprints, blood splatter, saliva, actions of the perp...all of that is 'circumstantial' too. CE can actually be more powerful in totality than some eyewitness testimony because the evidence doesn't lie or get confused or ever have an agenda. It's just sitting there, waiting to be discovered, measured, quantified and interpreted.
Now - Carrie would be the perfect person to supply such an affidavit wouldn't she.

But we also know from Clea M via a tv interview that she spoke to Carrie and according to Carrie - they had no plans to run that morning.

Does Carrie not remind you of another person - SS ? Silence, hidden, nothing to say ?
Whom do you refer to, RC,,,for all us newbies?
Not if, and this is only one theory, she walked to her car with her purse to go to Java Jive to begin her run, and she was abducted at gunpoint or knifepoint (and yes, unseen by neighbors when this happened very quickly) by someone who took her to the location where she was found and killed her. (Far fetched, yes.....but no more so than many theories posted here. I'm not even saying that's what I think happened...just trying to illustrate my point about burden of proof and waiting for some EVIDENCE before passing judgement).

Possible, but her keys were on the counter which she needed to drive to Java Jive.
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