Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #16

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I'm not LE, but my guess is a seasoned detective may be able to make an intelligent observation on IF the body was attacked there or 'dumped' there. Most likely by 'foot prints' surrounding the body or leaving the scene and how the body was lying there. The positioning. ie, reference to a crime, it's called 'staging.'

Another way they may be able to make a fairly accurate observation, would be to look at the 'bottom' of the victim's shoes. Is there evidence the victim had been jogging in the surrounding area?

Last, but not least, to estimate the 'timing' of when death occurred, stomach contents and the degree it was digested.

IMO, these are the types of things overlooked by someone hastily ridding themselves of the body. PLUS, like I've said before, there's no courses to take on murder.

As one poster said during one of our cases, (highly experienced in law, I might add), the most difficult part of a murder, is disposing of the body. It's like the elephant in the middle of the room.


Just to add a few things - the lack of visuals is also telling - for example around the body - are there signs of a struggle in the dirt - broken vegetation, is there a visible path showing either the body rolled or someone carried it. Blood smear versus droplets if blood is present on the body. Indeed the absence of the surrounding dirt and vegatation on the soles of the feet is also telling. There is a great deal that can be seen, but often it is what is not seen that tells the tale.
then what the heck are they waiting for? If they have evidence that BC is the killer why haven't they arrested him yet?

not being rude I just wanna know why in the heck they would wait if they have the evidence?

I think they would claim "not random" based on very little evidence since they don't want people to panic.

They might base it alone on the facts that there haven't been similar killings in the area, combined with the fact that she was going through an ugly divorce. Not enough to arrest someone, but probably enough to say they think it's not random.
they would kill him not her. nancy would have been in the same boat as the scorned spouse.

what about the scenario of a driver who accidentally hit and killed nancy while she was jogging. the driver panicked and dumped her body in the subdivision.

i would be more willing to accept other scenarios about what happened
if it weren't for brad's own behavior, affidavits from her friends, and brad's own affidavits.

to me, his affidavits provided a chilling glimpse into his relationship with his wife. he provided a motive with his own words.

I don't think that's likely. In this case, the person would be more likely to "hit and run". It would be unlikely for a driver to pick up the dead body and transport it elsewhere, being more likely to be caught.

Same with a gang member initiation...why transport the body? Unlikely

A rape situation? Possibly. A random murderer? Possibly, but why move the body? Brad? Possibly. A scorned lover? Possibly.
reddress58 said:
OK, SG, You want recent? Here you go. Heather had another affair after Brad. The wife of that man (who I think is the one who is suing her for alienation of affection), was called by LE for questioning last week. Don't ask because I can't tell..

Do we know any more about this one?

Is it just me, or does it seem like a real wrinkle for LE to be directly questioning this particular woman? (If BC's affair with HM was several years ago as stated, I'm not sure I see why HM's subsequent extra-marital activities would be directly relevant)

Do we know the timeframe for HM's "other" affair referenced? (Is it recent, or some years ago, or don't know?)

Anyway, for some reason, this datapoint (if true) is giving me pause.
Discussed on an earlier thread, but worth mentioning again.

The location where the body was found is outside of Cary city limits.
The Cooper residence is inside of Cary city limits.

Since the Cary Police are leading the investigation, it's easy to guess where the investigators think the crime scene is.

I agree.
Do we know any more about this one?

Is it just me, or does it seem like a real wrinkle for LE to be directly questioning this particular woman? (If BC's affair with HM was several years ago as stated, I don't see why HM's recent activities would be directly relevant)

Do we know the timeframe for HM's "other" affair referenced? (Is it recent, or some years ago, or don't know?)

Anyway, for some reason, this datapoint (if true) is giving me pause.

Since we don't know who it is, her relationship to Nancy; if there is one, or her relationaship to Brad; if there is one - I don't see it as a wrinkle or anything that at this point can be indicative of anything. Too many puzzle pieces for that one for me.

At this point in time if LE has interviewed less than 50 people I would be surprised...
SB, Did LE say not a random act or isolated incident? I honestly can't remember, and I could go back and search, but if someone knows and can site it that would be great.

The reason I ask is I believe they are different. Not random may mean she likely knows her killer. Isolated may mean there has only been this one incident. Maybe I'm mincing words....what do you guys think?

And if it was "not random" my question is HOW could they tell so quickly?

Good discussion, I am also wondering how they could determine so quickly it was not random. I can not help but feel a small part of that is to keep down fear. They know that is the way it usually turns out, and why set off alarms.
I got the chance to see the video again with SKY 5 hoovering over the site NC was found...
Last night as some of you know, I went at dark to see how much lighting there would be in the cul-de-sac. I couldn't answer if the light that was in the cul-de-sac last night was there before NC was found.

It WAS there prior to NC being found. It you go to 'media links' #9-Sky 5 shows up a few times, but @ 49 seconds it is very clear.

This then answers about the lights. I am positive most anyone could have driven with their headlights off with the brightness of the lights. I did it.
Originally Posted by macd View Post
Discussed on an earlier thread, but worth mentioning again.

The location where the body was found is outside of Cary city limits.
The Cooper residence is inside of Cary city limits.

Since the Cary Police are leading the investigation, it's easy to guess where the investigators think the crime scene is.

Originally posted by raisincharlie

I agree.

I just want to point out that in the WRAL interview w/ Sheriff Harrison, he said that IF the body turned out to be Nancy Cooper, the investigation would be turned over to the CPD since they had the case on her or something to that effect. This was the night the body was found, before it was ruled a homicide and before her body was ID'd.
I just want to point out that in the WRAL interview w/ Sheriff Harrison, he said that IF the body turned out to be Nancy Cooper, the investigation would be turned over to the CPD since they had the case on her or something to that effect. This was the night the body was found, before it was ruled a homicide and before her body was ID'd.

I'm glad he did this - 20 months and WCSO still hasn't solved their big non-random murder.
Posted by KTaylorsc
could be...maybe he slept with the wrong person's wife.

they would kill him not her. nancy would have been in the same boat as the scorned spouse.

what about the scenario of a driver who accidentally hit and killed nancy while she was jogging. the driver panicked and dumped her body in the subdivision.

i would be more willing to accept other scenarios about what happened
if it weren't for brad's own behavior, affidavits from her friends, and brad's own affidavits.

to me, his affidavits provided a chilling glimpse into his relationship with his wife. he provided a motive with his own words.

I don't know. If someone wanted to hurt Brad as badly as he hurt them, I could see someone hurting Nancy.
Do we know any more about this one?

Is it just me, or does it seem like a real wrinkle for LE to be directly questioning this particular woman? (If BC's affair with HM was several years ago as stated, I'm not sure I see why HM's subsequent extra-marital activities would be directly relevant)

Do we know the timeframe for HM's "other" affair referenced? (Is it recent, or some years ago, or don't know?)

Anyway, for some reason, this datapoint (if true) is giving me pause.
She and NC WERE friends at one went to same preschool. She got mad at NC because NC knew about the affair between HM and the woman's husband and didn't tell the woman.
She and NC WERE friends at one went to same preschool. She got mad at NC because NC knew about the affair between HM and the woman's husband and didn't tell the woman.

Would this by chance be the same woman that called Nancy to tell her Brad was having an affair - not with Metour but more recently if you know?
Would this by chance be the same woman that called Nancy to tell her Brad was having an affair - not with Metour but more recently if you know?
I do not believe so, no. I think the woman who called Nancy was the actual woman who HAD the affair with Brad. I'll check affidavits.
I'm not LE, but my guess is a seasoned detective may be able to make an intelligent observation on IF the body was attacked there or 'dumped' there. Most likely by 'foot prints' surrounding the body or leaving the scene and how the body was lying there. The positioning. ie, reference to a crime, it's called 'staging.'

Another way they may be able to make a fairly accurate observation, would be to look at the 'bottom' of the victim's shoes. Is there evidence the victim had been jogging in the surrounding area?

Last, but not least, to estimate the 'timing' of when death occurred, stomach contents and the degree it was digested.

IMO, these are the types of things overlooked by someone hastily ridding themselves of the body. PLUS, like I've said before, there's no courses to take on murder.

As one poster said during one of our cases, (highly experienced in law, I might add), the most difficult part of a murder, is disposing of the body. It's like the elephant in the middle of the room.


Fran - one other thing in this case - we do know dogs were brought in. It seems safe to reach a conclusion that the tracking dogs specifically did not track a running Nancy to the location in which she was found. We don't know if the dogs tracked her or not actually but what we do know is there was nothing that led them to the recovery scene which seems to indicate Nancy was indeed transported to that location and did not go there of her own choosing. And yeah I know, dog tracking is seldom admissable in court but for search purposes and for aiming LE - they work pretty well.
I do not believe so, no. I think the woman who called Nancy was the actual woman who HAD the affair with Brad. I'll check affidavits.

Not necessary to check the affidavits Reddress but I will ask you this - perhaps it is possible this woman had an affair with Brad ? You don't need to answer if you feel this is too speculative of an area and you would rather not. I can drop it with no problem.
I just read some discussion about the vic cards. I have one from my local grocery store. I discovered something. I wanted to receive the stores coupons via email. To do this I had to register at the stores website, which I did, using the ID number on my vic card.

At this point I discovered I could view every purchase I had ever made at that store (including the time and date). It was actually quite creepy. For an outsider looking in, they would know if I owned a dog or cat, if I or my spouse colored our hair, how much alcohol I purchased, if I smoked or was trying to quit, if I had a baby, or children, incontinence problems, or if I was pre or post menopausal, this list could go on and on. What do you think of THAT?

Hi, there. Your post made me curious. I have a VIC card but never registered for the emails so I just did so. How did you view your purchases from there? I couldn't find the link.

I guess I want to creep myself out!
Not necessary to check the affidavits Reddress but I will ask you this - perhaps it is possible this woman had an affair with Brad ? You don't need to answer if you feel this is too speculative of an area and you would rather not. I can drop it with no problem.
I did not get that impression at all because she and Nancy were both "victimized" by HM. And I also know this woman is now remarried.
Do we know any more about this one?

Is it just me, or does it seem like a real wrinkle for LE to be directly questioning this particular woman? (If BC's affair with HM was several years ago as stated, I'm not sure I see why HM's subsequent extra-marital activities would be directly relevant)

Do we know the timeframe for HM's "other" affair referenced? (Is it recent, or some years ago, or don't know?)

Anyway, for some reason, this datapoint (if true) is giving me pause.

My opinion is that in questioning this other scorned wife - maybe LE is just looking to corroborate her husband's (Heather's lover) statements about what he has heard Heather say about Brad. Especially seeing as how they may not put much stock in the integrity of this cheating spouse (the husband). Just an idea. I believe - with no facts to back up, just woman's intuition, that he must have had a fling with one of his coworkers during his MBA trip to France. If those pix are still on his website, you can look for yourself to see if you can find the girl I am referencing...she looks much younger - she has long wavy light brown of the pix of her she is suited up in rock climbing gear. jmho.

edited to say: looks like he took his site down...that naughty, naughty boy...I wonder why?
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