Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #19

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lol. i noticed, too. there's several of us that probably pass each other all the time. we're in different neighborhoods (I can tell from what we've said in relation to "the car wash" by St Francis & how we drive through Lochmere & on Holly Springs), but we surely are driving by each other & interacting w each other at various places. i'll put a sunflower on my dashboard as a way of saying "hey" to all of you almost-neighbors.

:wave: Probably passed each other in an aisle at HT too!

We could car pool daily to run our errands. LOL
This was the response in regard to the camera's at the intersection of Cary Pkwy and Holly Springs Rd when I mentioned the possibility of catching a car at a certain hour. This is back on July 15th.

Yes, the red light cameras take a photo of a vehicle as it passes through the intersection when it has a red signal.

The cameras that WRAL use for real-time coverage typically do not record the footage thus, they may not be of any use in trying to pinpoint the time that a vehicles may pass through the intersection. I may be wrong on this at this particular intersection and it would be a tremendous tool if so.

most of us know exactly which intersections have cameras & so we "behave" especially well at those places, regardless of the time of day or night. however, if brad was out in the middle of the night at that intersection, there's always a chance that he was stressed enough that he might not have stopped for the red light if no other cars were on the road. worth checking out, just in case.
:wave: Probably passed each other in an aisle at HT too!

We could car pool daily to run our errands. LOL

sounds great. i'll keep sunflowers in my grocery cart, too. and since i'm there WAY too much, we may meet! LOL
This was the response in regard to the camera's at the intersection of Cary Pkwy and Holly Springs Rd when I mentioned the possibility of catching a car at a certain hour. This is back on July 15th.

Yes, the red light cameras take a photo of a vehicle as it passes through the intersection when it has a red signal.

The cameras that WRAL use for real-time coverage typically do not record the footage thus, they may not be of any use in trying to pinpoint the time that a vehicles may pass through the intersection. I may be wrong on this at this particular intersection and it would be a tremendous tool if so.

Been doing homework ? I couldn't help but notice your words "red flag" a few posts ago. I will share a few of mine with you, also, they are based on fact.

1. 14 July - 10 pm Presser. Chief Bazemore indicates that the body of a woman has been found. She also indicates that the families have been notified, that there are two separate families and each were notified.

2. 15 July 10 or 11 am, one or the other time Presser. Chief Bazemore reveals the body was identified as Nancy and that she was murdered. Nancy's family and Sheriff Harrison are present. Chief Bazemore, responding to a question indicates that Brad was notified of the presser and at the last moment declined to attend.

3. In less than 30 hours of the announcement that Nancy was found and had been murdered, the children are removed from the custody of Brad Cooper by court order.

4. On 21 July LE obtains and subsequently seals a search warrant at Cisco Systems, specifically Office 7A in Building 9, which happens to be Brad Cooper's office.

These are but a few of my red flags - care to list yours, at least the ones you can ?
The thing is none of us can say what a guilty man would or wouldn't think of to do. Just nerves alone can cause the best of us to do certain things and forget about other things that would seem obvious to a calmed person. The only thing I would think is that they wouldn't be thinking all that clearly. Since I do think one would go into a kind of "panic mode", I think their actions would be inconsistent unless they're some calm, cool hitman.

What makes me think this is when my mother died suddenly. I could remember to do so many things in those first few hours and days. I put her funeral together, made all the phone calls to notify family, etc. But I could not remember to shut my car door. I went to a shop to buy a dress for her funeral, came out and there was the door standing wide open. I went home to take care of some household things, when next I left the house I found the car door wide open. There were many more basic things that, out of stress, wasn't thinking of when ordinarily I would have, but I won't bore you with the details. The point is stress can do strange things to a person.

EN...sorry to hear about your mothers passing.
Just as you said it was a sudden death and some of the easiest things you should have remembered you didn't. That is fully understandable.

I agree what isn't normal is a person who is not guilty or nervous, forgetting particular things. That morning BC shouldn't have been in a nervous going to HT, he was going for milk and detergent. Didn't sound like he was in a rush at all. He and NC were on speaking terms, at least for the juice to be picked up.

Pretty up, dressed, got the paper out of the drive, sat down for a bowl of cereal and NO milk. :waitasec: Got up around 5:45 so it must have been 6ish I went to HT. The LE wasn't asking what he did 24 hours ago, but just that morning, most likely when he got up.

Maybe he never went to bed is the reason he can't remember the times.:confused:
Been doing homework ? I couldn't help but notice your words "red flag" a few posts ago. I will share a few of mine with you, also, they are based on fact.

1. 14 July - 10 pm Presser. Chief Bazemore indicates that the body of a woman has been found. She also indicates that the families have been notified, that there are two separate families and each were notified.

2. 15 July 10 or 11 am, one or the other time Presser. Chief Bazemore reveals the body was identified as Nancy and that she was murdered. Nancy's family and Sheriff Harrison are present. Chief Bazemore, responding to a question indicates that Brad was notified of the presser and at the last moment declined to attend.

3. In less than 30 hours of the announcement that Nancy was found and had been murdered, the children are removed from the custody of Brad Cooper by court order.

4. On 21 July LE obtains and subsequently seals a search warrant at Cisco Systems, specifically Office 7A in Building 9, which happens to be Brad Cooper's office.

These are but a few of my red flags - care to list yours, at least the ones you can ?

Sure RC....

1-Purse in vehicle....Lochmere is on alert for all the break-ins occuring. NC couldn't spare the change at the time, but leaves it outside.

2-H.T trips made...detergent purchased by someone who doesn't do laundry, it could have purchased to or from the tennis game

3-Search on Monday 14th and BC discovers a shovel. BC is wearing long sleeves because of the bugs...but shorts? I guess bugs don't bite legs.

4-BC states he called HP and JA plus other friends. HIS attorneys only name 2 in their request for information.

5-BC license tag missing a bolt

6-hangs up to go to Carey's looking for NC, but lists her stop last after 2.5 hours
I doubt that HT has a single VHS video tape of that morning. Most likely they have a DVR system. A DVR system can digitally record multiple cameras onto hard disk; think TiVO recording multiple cameras. The DVR may even be remotely accessible so a company headquarters could view/download store DVR data.

If you Google DVR, you'll find thousands of systems ranging from $130 to multi-thousand dollar systems. The specs may read 4-channel 120fps. Read the specs carefully because that 120fps system means it can capture 30fps from 4 cameras. But the resolution is probably 320x240 or less. Normal TV in the US (NTSC) is 640x480 or 720x480, so the captured video is actually 1/2 the resolution of normal TV. I.e. it is a WORSE picture than VHS. But because of the adjustable resolution and compression, a DVR can store much more video; just like a TiVO can store 40 or 80 hours or more.


Depending on the DVR system, LE can do several things to extract video evidence from a DVR. If the DVR system supports it, it can actually burn a CD or DVD of clips of the recordings it made.

Another way LE can extract the video is by connecting the DVR via S-Video or composite cable to a recorder of some sort. These companies [1][2] make video evidence collection systems that contain a laptop which LE can connect directly to a DVR system for exactly this situation.

The last way LE can extract video from a DVR is by physically removing the DVR system and treating it as computer evidence and extracting the files off the hard disk. This is a last resort as the DVR system owner is unlikely to relinquish the DVR system without a subpeona(sp?). Most likely HT has a system that LE would have great difficulty physically removing.

So, just FYI, there may be no video tape. LE may have been able to export clips from the DVR via CD or USB drive. Or they may have used a system like the StarWitness system to extract the video. Defense attorneys may be able to subpeona and extract those exact same videos in exactly the same manner.

But, then again, HT may still be in the dark ages and is still using multiplexed VHS. But as large a company as it is, I doubt it.

The last three places I have worked all use tape. and we are talking HUGE companies with lots of revenue, traffic and high ticket items. You can't assume HT used DVR, either.
Mom what are your thoughts on the missing license plate bolt? That's the only one I'm not following.
I doubt that HT has a single VHS video tape of that morning. Most likely they have a DVR system. A DVR system can digitally record multiple cameras onto hard disk; think TiVO recording multiple cameras. The DVR may even be remotely accessible so a company headquarters could view/download store DVR data.

If you Google DVR, you'll find thousands of systems ranging from $130 to multi-thousand dollar systems. The specs may read 4-channel 120fps. Read the specs carefully because that 120fps system means it can capture 30fps from 4 cameras. But the resolution is probably 320x240 or less. Normal TV in the US (NTSC) is 640x480 or 720x480, so the captured video is actually 1/2 the resolution of normal TV. I.e. it is a WORSE picture than VHS. But because of the adjustable resolution and compression, a DVR can store much more video; just like a TiVO can store 40 or 80 hours or more.


Depending on the DVR system, LE can do several things to extract video evidence from a DVR. If the DVR system supports it, it can actually burn a CD or DVD of clips of the recordings it made.

Another way LE can extract the video is by connecting the DVR via S-Video or composite cable to a recorder of some sort. These companies [1][2] make video evidence collection systems that contain a laptop which LE can connect directly to a DVR system for exactly this situation.

The last way LE can extract video from a DVR is by physically removing the DVR system and treating it as computer evidence and extracting the files off the hard disk. This is a last resort as the DVR system owner is unlikely to relinquish the DVR system without a subpeona(sp?). Most likely HT has a system that LE would have great difficulty physically removing.

So, just FYI, there may be no video tape. LE may have been able to export clips from the DVR via CD or USB drive. Or they may have used a system like the StarWitness system to extract the video. Defense attorneys may be able to subpeona and extract those exact same videos in exactly the same manner.

But, then again, HT may still be in the dark ages and is still using multiplexed VHS. But as large a company as it is, I doubt it.


WOW...this is going right over my head like the phone system did. I guess I KISS.
I am sure some on here will know exactly what you are talking about.

It can be most simple or most sophisticated system. IDK :confused:
My biggest surprise is HT not having outside camera's at this 24 hr store.
Maybe HT is very simple when it comes to this type technology:rolleyes:
O/T - Sleuthygal I tried to PM you about sat morning but I couldn't get to you. Can you PM me or something?
I doubt that HT has a single VHS video tape of that morning. Most likely they have a DVR system. A DVR system can digitally record multiple cameras onto hard disk; think TiVO recording multiple cameras. The DVR may even be remotely accessible so a company headquarters could view/download store DVR data.


Ok, thanks for the information.

So, now my next question is, 'could there be a way the time stamp of the actual surveillance recording could possibly be off?'

Meaning, 'is there a way the defense can say the timing was off?' or in lawyer speak, 'attack the evidence.'

Mom what are your thoughts on the missing license plate bolt? That's the only one I'm not following.

TG....I don't know. We discussed this one night awhile back and just can't decide what to make of it. It is stange to just all of a sudden have a broken or missing bolt on a license tag, especially when it is the timing of a spouses murder.

It was after the seach about 10 days later. There were three of us who saw it.

With the discussions on here about the SUV license tag ...this one has me scratching my head also. :waitasec:

Maybe the tag was taken off to wash the car at a carwash, and the bolt went down the drain if a pressured handled was used. :confused:
TG....I don't know. We discussed this one night awhile back and just can't decide what to make of it. It is stange to just all of a sudden have a broken or missing bolt on a license tag, especially when it is the timing of a spouses murder.

It was after the seach about 10 days later. There were three of us who saw it.

With the discussions on here about the SUV license tag ...this one has me scratching my head also. :waitasec:

Maybe the tag was taken off to wash the car at a carwash, and the bolt went down the drain if a pressured handled was used. :confused:

Ohhh ok I must have missed that night LOL. I do recall discussing the missing stikers but not the bolt. I see where you're going now. Thanks for clearing me up :crazy:
TG....I don't know. We discussed this one night awhile back and just can't decide what to make of it. It is stange to just all of a sudden have a broken or missing bolt on a license tag, especially when it is the timing of a spouses murder.

It was after the seach about 10 days later. There were three of us who saw it.

With the discussions on here about the SUV license tag ...this one has me scratching my head also. :waitasec:

Maybe the tag was taken off to wash the car at a carwash, and the bolt went down the drain if a pressured handled was used. :confused:

This is weird - the kid across the street from me just bought a used vehicle and he was putting his plates on and he lost the bolt or it broke off into the vehicle somewhere. It was a poser to get it out and I don't know whether he did or just got another bolt.
Just wondering if Brad has transferred the registration of the vehicle into his name and had to get new plates. Maybe he lost the bolt the same way.
Sure RC....

1-Purse in vehicle....Lochmere is on alert for all the break-ins occuring. NC couldn't spare the change at the time, but leaves it outside.

2-H.T trips made...detergent purchased by someone who doesn't do laundry, it could have purchased to or from the tennis game

3-Search on Monday 14th and BC discovers a shovel. BC is wearing long sleeves because of the bugs...but shorts? I guess bugs don't bite legs.

4-BC states he called HP and JA plus other friends. HIS attorneys only name 2 in their request for information.

5-BC license tag missing a bolt

6-hangs up to go to Carey's looking for NC, but lists her stop last after 2.5 hours

I see we have some cross overs.

The purse and the X5 have long been a source of intrigue for me - the fact it was in the vehicle defintiely is, for me, a hmmmmm moment. As has been the blue tag without stickers on the SUV. Not sure what either mean but definitely something off. Something is also off with the X5 only appearing on the tax records for one year, the year it was purchased, and then it is gone from the records. Seems to be a bit too many coincidences to believe something isn't going on with that.

I agree also with the sequence of his search and am wondering how he thought he could find Nancy while driving around. From aerials of the area and input from follks who live there, it seems there is a very minimal chance he could have spotted Nancy running on a trail or fallen beside a trail from a vehicle. And yes, going to Carey's last when he thought she might have ran with Nancy is strange.

Other red flags - the use of a law firm more oriented to criminal actions than family issues and the subsequent addition of a second law firm specializing in family issues just prior to the hearing of the 25th.

The insistence on obtaining the autopsy report and the later addition of a webpage directly connected to the law firm seeking information about the events leading to his wife's murder.

I defended BC for the long sleeves, not realizing he was wearing shorts. I shall withdraw that defense as of now.

I will add these:

From the 14 July 630 presser - Chief Bazemore defines what isolated incident means - part of that includes identification of suspicious activities in the area - she reports there were no reports of suspicious activities for the time in which Nancy went missing.

From the 14 July 630 presser - Chief Bazemore also confirms that there have been no reported sightings of Nancy.
If I could chime in about red flags. There were a few 'questions' I had at the beginning, but they've since been answered and I'm comfortable that there is a reasonable explanation of them, Brad's favor, I might add.

Anyway, the first real red flag for me is Brad's abrupt departure from his last phone call that morning with JA. Then after I heard the 911 tape and it was revealed the quick hang-up was in response to JA offering to watch the children while he looked, well, it still does not sit well with me. I feel it was Brad's way of avoiding looking anyone in the eyes and keeping outsiders at bay from the house for as long as possible.

Another red flag for me is the length of time he was gone allegedly looking for Nancy. I do NOT believe it would have taken two hours. I'd like to know where he was seen during that time period, from 1 pm to 3 pm, prior to being summoned back to his home by LE.

The fact that he had cheated in his marriage and most likely more than once, doesn't mean he's guilty of murder, but I must admit it's a very common trait of these sorts of cases where the husband is later to be found the perp. Let me just say this definitely get's a colored light in my book.

He can whine all he wants about their money woes. But, although 45K is a LOT of credit card debt, isn't it all relevant? IF he were going to have an income this year of gross, almost half mil, it seems to me it would be no problem to retire that debt.

I'm sorry that he lost temporary custody of his children and I have to be honest, I was surprised. Although I do realize it was by mutual agreement and not necessarily a decision of the judge. Therefore, I'm not privvy as to any reason the judge MAY have used IF he'd made the decision. But the complete trashing of his wife's memory was really over the top for me. I've seen guys in other cases say a little this and that, but here.........I truly was stunned at the words coming from someone who allegedly loved his murdered wife. No matter WHAT the reason was he said them, it's really over the top for me. Of course he couldn't be convicted because of these words, but they show, to me, he may be capable of this crime.....such {hate}

Of course there's the car tags, plates, purse in the car, store visit, and some of the statements made by her friends which indicate this was an extreme case of domestic abuse, but these things are not proven yet, so they truly can go either way. Although, I MUST admit, I think we'll eventually find that Nancy was NOT as much of an 'embellisher' as some would want us to believe.

I'm sure when I'm done with this I'll think of something else, but for now, roger, over and out!

I see we have some cross overs.

The purse and the X5 have long been a source of intrigue for me - the fact it was in the vehicle defintiely is, for me, a hmmmmm moment. As has been the blue tag without stickers on the SUV. Not sure what either mean but definitely something off. Something is also off with the X5 only appearing on the tax records for one year, the year it was purchased, and then it is gone from the records. Seems to be a bit too many coincidences to believe something isn't going on with that.

I agree also with the sequence of his search and am wondering how he thought he could find Nancy while driving around. From aerials of the area and input from follks who live there, it seems there is a very minimal chance he could have spotted Nancy running on a trail or fallen beside a trail from a vehicle. And yes, going to Carey's last when he thought she might have ran with Nancy is strange.

Other red flags - the use of a law firm more oriented to criminal actions than family issues and the subsequent addition of a second law firm specializing in family issues just prior to the hearing of the 25th.

The insistence on obtaining the autopsy report and the later addition of a webpage directly connected to the law firm seeking information about the events leading to his wife's murder.

I defended BC for the long sleeves, not realizing he was wearing shorts. I shall withdraw that defense as of now.

I will add these:

From the 14 July 630 presser - Chief Bazemore defines what isolated incident means - part of that includes identification of suspicious activities in the area - she reports there were no reports of suspicious activities for the time in which Nancy went missing.

From the 14 July 630 presser - Chief Bazemore also confirms that there have been no reported sightings of Nancy.

Went to LTF knowing there is no entry without an ID, NC carried no ID, was he thinking she jogged and worked out for this many hours with plans she had at 8am to paint? :confused: How did he ask for her, with pictures?

Cell phone in car...BC knows NC didn't have it and could have located it and found her directory of people on it or tried to call all the numbers going out and received to find Carey's number as well as other friends.

Going to SH the night BC was identified

Spent Saturday morning with his daughters prior to service, but couldn't attend the service??? :eek:
Fran....some on here including myself have spoken of his non-presence at the services. I think some thought it might upset the girls to see him.....

BUT just now seeing 194 & 195 on BC's affidavit this is certainly not the case IMO. He is the one who told Bella just before the service, he spent hours with both girls just before the service. The MOST this man could have done is go with those children or show up for those girls at the service.

Bella is the one who was sensing emotional issues, such as at Christmas and cried. He NEEDED to be there to assure it was OK! I don't give a rats axx what he wanted to do, this is what he needed to do.IMO
While I was at Food Lion I noticed a camera aimed at the parking lot in front of Anytime Fitness. If a person cut through this parking lot to the car was instead of going down Kildaire Farm Road and turning onto Penny; it might pick up the car. There is also a camera on the front of the car wash but on the office end. I don't know if it will pick up the other end or not.
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