Nancy Grace - 10/15/08 - Wednesday

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What really burns me up is now Minnie/Mickey mouse are being drug into this. Add another few people that KC has taken down with her.


You are so right! Poor Minnie and Mickey!
I once heard a comment that caylee was ng case of the not sure if there really is a case of the month or it was just a any event it sure has been over a you all think she will soon move on to another case? seems as if there wont be much activity for awhile at least
Originally Posted by Brini
And, one whole wall is plexiglas.
Oh, this would bother Casey?! She probably just shucks her clothes and prances around her cell. This is the woman who enjoys being half-naked and humping women/men in party pics!
Almost to the hour.

Brini, I have a gross question for you. Could the maggots be disected and find what the maggots had been feeding on? Gross just thinking about it! I am sorry everyone. Would the maggots have Caylee's DNA in them?
All of their people are twins, And, there is a good twin and a bad twin.

lol...i can attest to the good twin and the bad twin one twin is a mommys boy, cuddler, always hanging on me , wanting to help...the other is mr independant, does his own thing, likes to over anaylize everything i tell him.... total opposites
That cell with the one wall being plexiglass will be right next to a Control Room where a Control Room operator would be keeping an eye on Casey.
I hope he gets paid. I agree - he has changed all his factual statements since he's been hired. I hope it's worth his reputation for the money he will not be paid.

My brother (an attorney) says that all expert witnesses should have red lights above their office doors.
LP says the bag retrieved from the car and thrown in dumpster found body fluid evidence and maggots on the out side EWE

Is it true they can get a body's dna from the maggots? (I know, too much CSI)

Can some enterprising bug guy evaluate the time of death by the maggots age? (another csi-ism)

Wonder what Cindy will say NOW about the maggots in the car.....

From the Pizza Silly!

I really want to see CA explain this one. Because pizza does not have body fluids.

Squirrel body fluid?

Yeah, blah blah blah...and Santa Clause is going to fix the economy in time for Christmas.

The best way to get some advanced insight into how the defense might attack the State's forensic evidence would be by letting Kobe speak. The two point are unrelated; one does not excuse the other.

Lastly, although I have not addressed the following point, I will now: I don't see the wisdom in Kobe constantly appearing on the NG show, if he intends to testify for the defense. Everything he says may be used against him during his cross-examination, and I would be worried that he might be digging somewhat of a hole for himself the more he talks. In this respect, he is like any other potential witness for the defense, and if were Casey's attorneys, I would not want any of my witnesses blabbing prior to trial, especially on National TV.

Then, write him and give him your sage advice. I'm sure he'll thank you for it!

And, please try to stay on topic. This is not the rant thread.
lol...i can attest to the good twin and the bad twin one twin is a mommys boy, cuddler, always hanging on me , wanting to help...the other is mr independant, does his own thing, likes to over anaylize everything i tell him.... total opposites

i have boy/girl twins and i can agree with u 100%
Now I think she is just keeping him around to humilate him for jumping on this case. LOL

LaLaw~ I see where you are trying to go with it, but if the evidence on the outside of the bag matches the evidence in the matter if it remained in the dumpster overnight or can place the bag in the trunk where the body was before. There is no chain of evidence to break before LE takes control of it.

Thanks, SS. I appreciate your answer. In my time in Le, I started out at the jail before doing anything else and never had anything to do with any evidence except having to stand guard over it until detectives and CSI got there.


After years of doing trials, quite often, as in it is not uncommon,for veteran trial attorneys to constantly interrupt people even though they are not doing a trial and not in a Courtroom. It is from the years of sitting there, with the adrenaline overflowing, with the battle to the death for victory, and with the word OBJECTION which has to be mentally formulated a split a witness testifies. Counsel must immediately INTERRUPT the speaker with that one word OBJECTION.
If counsel paused to try to figure out if it is or isn't an objection and on what grounds the objection should be based....then OOOOPS, it is now too late to do the objection as 3 more questions have been asked and answered while counsel was pondering whether or not to object.

Lawyers doing a trial under the wing of one with more experience, will lean over and ask, "Should I object." That is a mistake as it is now too late to object.
Things which violate the rules of evidence and hurt your side of the case, must be kept out of the trial. Meanwhile, the lawyer who has a split second to interrupt by objecting also must consider, in a flash.....should I let this evidence come in even though I could object on such and such grounds...because it doesn't hurt my side, in fact it helps???

Thus the objection, i.e. the interruption can only succeed if it becomes second nature--almost instinctive. And it must be an instantaneous INTERRUPTION of the individual who is talking/testifying.

This creates "trial lawyer interruptus"...a harmless creature which cannot help but interrupt because old habits die hard.

Anyone who has issues with the interrupting might consider this not as an excuse but as a rational explanation.

Thanks for listening.:blowkiss:

I always wondered why my dad did that!:)
Brini, I have a gross question for you. Could the maggots be disected and find what the maggots had been feeding on? Gross just thinking about it! I am sorry everyone. Would the maggots have Caylee's DNA in them?

Sorry for quoting my own post, but does anyone know the answer to this question? Thanks so much!
Casey is charged with murder 1. If I had to bet, I'd say before Caylee disappeared.

I don't think it was for cleanup. I've always thought LE knew right away Casey planned what happened to Caylee and that LE knew because of when Casey did the searches. I also think what Casey searched for will be revealing.

If there was decomposition on the bag, it doesn't sound like Casey tried to clean her car trunk. You'd think if the pizza bag smelled that much, Casey would have noticed it had stuff on it and pitched the bag.

I don't think George or Cindy had chloroform sitting around their house to use on maggots. They didn't know in advance they were going to need it. Besides after the pizza bag was thrown away there probably weren't that many maggots in the car to clean up.

Cindy always said the maggots were on the pizza. Maybe she meant the pizza bag?


I hate to seem gross but I just looked up maggots. They start to grow 8-20 hours after flies lay their eggs. So, if Casey killed Caylee (allegedly) on the 16 or 17th) it would be highly possible the maggots would be in the car when they found the bag. :eek:

Didn't Kobe say there would not have been time for them to grow?

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