Nancy Grace - 10/27/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I thought LP said that on the 24th is when GA seen something in the trunk?
I thought the statment meant that the body was in on the 24th and disposed of on the 27th?

What LP said was he (LP) thinks George believes Caylee was in the trunk of the car on the 24th of June. Not that George said it or saw it, just something LP believes George is thinking.
Isn't there a side door into the garage so she would not have to enter the house? I wonder if she didn't simply take her around the house then into the garage to load her while slightly backed in. As soon as she closed the trunk and left...not sure how long the smell would have lingered there. Or maybe the car wasn't in the garage at all when she loaded the body which would make the most sense.

Cindy comments at one point that the gate was unlocked and that they never leave it unlocked, being as they have a pool and don't want neighbor kids getting in there. Not sure it is related but she said made a point to mention it.
Originally Posted by Chilly Willy

I strongly believe that whatever happened to Caylee happened on the 16th, sometime after George last saw her and before Casey arrived at Tony's apartment. That would have been middle of the day on the 16th, meaning that Caylee's body was removed from the car on the evening of the 19th or maybe early on the 20th. We Those are the pings we need to look at.

If time of death is the afternoon of the 16th then
afternoon of 17th= 1 day
afternoon of the 18th= 2 days
.6 days= 14.4 hours= early in the morning on the 19th

On the 19th she looks at an apt with Tony, does not have her ID with her so she can't go to the unit. Is also possibly the day she visits Chris for 2 hours in the evening but is driving Tony's jeep (he wasn't sure of the day).

Mid-day on the 18th and 19th are the days I've been trying to take a look at.
Not if KC removed her body from the trunk, placed it in an air tight storage container then placed the container holding Caylee's body in the trunk. Were storage containers in the Anthony shed? Is that what she used the shovel for? To get to the storage container? I can't see KC moving a dead body period. But if she put Caylee in a container then she wouldn't have to touch her. I still think she rented a storage unit and that is where Caylee's body is.

I tend to agree. If the body was originally in the trunk for 2.6 days I'd be freaked out to touch it. Maybe KC used the shovel to lift the body into an airtight storage container to hold it until she could decide what to do.

I hate to say this but, when I remove dead rats from the garden I use a shovel to lift it into a triple bagged bag to place in the trash. Gross.
The body that was present and removed from the car was releasing chemicals that would be released at 2.6 days with the temperature estimates they used.

They do not make claim as to when she was placed there or how long she remained there. Only the state of decay present.

If she had been buried in the yard for a week and then moved to the trunk the chemical profile would have been different. The body releases over 400 gases during decomp, and they appear at different points of decay.

I cannot think of a container that would hold all of those gases. If there was one cadaver dogs could not locate bodies in rubbermaid containers, water cadaver dogs could not dectect bodies in concrete. There is no containing all of those chemicals.

Thank you, Impatient. I believe this explains things a little more.
The sad part is we may never know just what day Caylee died, where she was put, or any of these details that we discuss so much. Or even how she died. Only Casey knows, apparently... and she won't ever provide the information, I'm afraid.
The electric chair or the needle... either way is too good for her. She should suffer pain like she's never known before.
Mid-day on the 18th and 19th are the days I've been trying to take a look at.
What about on the 20th? The lab apparently used a temp of 95 degrees in determing the length of time the body had been deceased, but isn't it cooler than that overnight? That might extend the time a bit.
What about on the 20th? The lab apparently used a temp of 95 degrees in determing the length of time the body had been deceased, but isn't it cooler than that overnight? That might extend the time a bit.

I think they did use 95 degrees, the formula accounts for normal changes in tempature for a day/night cycle, but she was in the trunk which would not be the outside ambient tempature. I would think it could be the 20th, or if the trunk was hotter than 95 degrees it might have been late on the 18th.
What about on the 20th? The lab apparently used a temp of 95 degrees in determing the length of time the body had been deceased, but isn't it cooler than that overnight? That might extend the time a bit.

Chilly - I think that the 20th is the absolute latest date that she would have moved the body from the backyard to her trunk. I don't think that there is any way she would have risked leaving her there over the week-end.
My impression of Casey is she's not that smart to have pulled off a murder and dispose of the body in a manner in which no evidence is ever found. She couldn't even come up with a convincing lie. She did many stupid things like thinking a pizza would overcome the smell of decomp in the trunk, or if LP is right, deodorant would cover the smell. There's just too many things that point to Casey not being smart enough to pull off the perfect crime.

:clap:No KC's not bright enough to not make mistakes...cell phone usage, check fraud, too many to even list!

She does though think she's smart enough to get away with comes her strut in her walk...celeb looking sunglasses (aka Paris)....calmness in the 911 calls....etc. etc. etc.:sheesh::devil::behindbar
Chilly - I think that the 20th is the absolute latest date that she would have moved the body from the backyard to her trunk. I don't think that there is any way she would have risked leaving her there over the week-end.

Casey ran out of gas on the 20th, not sure where. According to the neighbor, she had her car backed into the Anthony garage on that day, for the third time in a week.
What LP said was he (LP) thinks George believes Caylee was in the trunk of the car on the 24th of June. Not that George said it or saw it, just something LP believes George is thinking.

Maybe George just thought the car smelled a little funky. And, Casey told him she'd run over a dead squirrel.

The A's did float around a story about Casey running over an animal on the road for awhile.

The smell from the fluid and decomposition that was in the car probably got worse at time went on.

If the smell wasn't real bad on the 24th but was there, maybe George thought later that what he had "smelled" was Caylee.

Maybe George testified that on June 24 Casey tried to keep him from getting into the trunk AND that he had noticed an off smell?????
Casey ran out of gas on the 20th, not sure where. According to the neighbor, she had her car backed into the Anthony garage on that day, for the third time in a week.

That leads me to believe it was the 19th (her not having her ID at the apartment really bugs me for some reason I can't put my finger on as well) and that on the 20th she was cleaning the trunk.

The 16th is the last time Caylee is scene. The 17th Casey is at the house, the 18th she is at the house, and the 20th she is at the house. Backed in all three times. I tend to think she picked her up on the 17th, but she borrowed the shovel on the 18th.
On the 19th, there were uncharacteristically large gaps in Casey's cell phone usage, one of 4 hours and one of 3.5 hours. She borrowed the shovel either on this day or the day before. She mentioned that she wanted to buy a house 'out by the dump'.
Blew my mind when I heard that!! :eek:

Me too! If anyone deserves it, it's her. Can you imagine putting that baby in the trunk when she was alive? She must have been so scared! If she chloroformed her before she put her in the trunk I'm imagining the look of hurt and betrayal on Caylee's face. I can't bear it. Even the blonde shrink on NG last week had trouble coming to terms with a mother holding a rag of chloroform on her child's face.
Maybe George just thought the car smelled a little funky. And, Casey told him she'd run over a dead squirrel.

The A's did float around a story about Casey running over an animal on the road for awhile.

The smell from the fluid and decomposition that was in the car probably got worse at time went on.

If the smell wasn't real bad on the 24th but was there, maybe George thought later that what he had "smelled" was Caylee.

Maybe George testified that on June 24 Casey tried to keep him from getting into the trunk AND that he had noticed an off smell?????

If George smelt anything he would know exactly what is was.
seems like maybe they should find out where JC penny has their trash dumpsters hauled off to.
What the report shows is that a body that had been in the car released gases consistent with a body that had been deceased for 2.6 days. Other gases, released from a longer deceased body, were not present. That doesn't mean Caylee's body was in the trunk for a full 2.6 days, just that she hadn't been dead any longer than that when her body was removed from the trunk.

I tend to believe that the 2.6 days and the air sampling comes from the decomposition 'stain' and actual traces that were left in the trunk originally.

I don't think that this necessarily precludes the body remaining in there longer, now in a container. The decomposition smell, to my mind is coming from the stain/matter. Just a thought.
Funny, I used someone else's credit card at Walmart a few days ago and showed my own driver's license. The cashier looked at both names and never said a word.
I guess it really depends then. In NYC when you use a credit card in many stores they ask for photo ID. I always get indignant like, "Do I look like a thief?" !!
LP keeps mentioning she was out in an area by airport for 18 minutes. If that's the case 8000 people should be able to find her quick I would think. Don't know the terrain but at best that's 9 minutes in and 9 minutes back. How far can one go in 9 minutes.

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