Nancy Grace - 9/03/2008 8:00 PM EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wow what Tim just said is great. I HAD respect for this family.

YEP, I heard that too. Now, when will people wise up and quit seeing the gps as victims, unable to face the fact that Caylee is dead? Just my opinion.
Did you catch him say he "had some respect for that family at that time". Like he doesn't anymore.
I think his respect for the family died with the "tip" in Texas. Thank goodness other people (like LE) have stepped up to help.
Way to go LE ~ using drug money to fund this cause. That is a wonderful idea!!! Turn something bad into something good. SOOO glad they can help out Tim and his team!
Hi! I'm new here but have been reading here for a long time.
I think that everyone should write Nancy Grace and tell her to get a new forensic doctor on her show like that Dr. Perper from the Anna N. S. case. The guy that has been on the last few times has changed his answers and is very broad in them since he was contacted by CA's attorney a few days ago. I think he is being one sided now.
I just heard about the chloroform...I think I might be sick. I have always believed that Casey had something to do with Caylee's death, but I guess I wanted to believe it was an accident and that it wasn't pre-meditated.

Oh, oh, so, so, sad.
Chloroform can be the output from a combo of bleach + ethanol or acetane or possible other compounds. I wonder how much chloroform they found in her car/trunk. Kobilinsky said chloroform is also used in forensic evidence extraction from we need to know more, like what levels, etc, etc.

But what are the chances that someone in house was researching chloroform before the LE made a boo boo and accidently spilled some in the trunk during their investigation.

And if was an accidental bleach + ethanol spill in the trunk, why the search online as well?

The computer searches is what is making any possible "accident" by the CSI team or an accidental result from mixing two chemicals, very unlikely.
I think the "woman", and I don't know who she is, is TRYING to make the point Casey isn't the only one who could have used her computer. GOOD point in my opinion. Wonder why Nancy doesn't want to hear it? I think she might be afraid of another lawsuit or some such, but that's only my opinion.
I think Nancy was also trying to make a point, that if the computer was a laptop, other people probably didn't use it, although if Cindy or George, or Lee, were searching for choloroform, then maybe they are truly involved in a coverup after all.
Oh my goodness ~ I am crying right now because I know HOW VERY MUCH everyone here had to do with getting this search out there to the media and to everyone you all know. I think there will be many more people coming out this weekend.
I sure like that man, Tim Miller. He took his heartache and turned it to love!
Grateful to him and TES, and all who are searching for this baby girl Caylee.
I don't know that he is or isn't, but Nancy DisGrace doesn't know how to ask the right question.

The issue is not whether there was an innocent use of chloroform. Casey could have conceivably been using chloroform illegally, without there being any chloroform connection to Caylee's death.

Nancy Grace is bad.

I got so pi$$ed when she started grilling him about how it was illegal. yeah ~ duh. Get on with better stuff.
Hi! I'm new here but have been reading here for a long time.
I think that everyone should write Nancy Grace and tell her to get a new forensic doctor on her show like that Dr. Perper from the Anna N. S. case. The guy that has been on the last few times has changed his answers and is very broad in them since he was contacted by CA's attorney a few days ago. I think he is being one sided now.

Welcome to the forum. The expert's not being one-sided. He's being fair and open-minded. Me, I think the forum is one-sided and only wants to hear the expert bury Casey.
And Nancy seems to be being more respectful of him tonight...I am glad!

she is being so much more gentle with him, I agree and I am glad:clap::clap:
Kobilinsky is already working for the defense..............

"Why are you backbending, Larry, why? You were doing this last night too, yes you were!"

OMG Nancy Git-R-Done!!!!!:woohoo:

I don't know about anybody else, but Nancy isn't NOT going to hear this BS because SHE IS CAYLEE'S voice, albeit a very staunch one, but she isn't going to let CA or GA or GCA gloss over this little girl!!

A 22 year old doesn't need protection like a 3 year old.
A grandfather doesn't need protection like a 3 year old.
A grandmother doesn't need protection like a 3 year old.

THEY should have been Caylee's "wall". My kids know I will fight until I can't anymore if someone was to TRY and hurt them. Right or wrong, that's what will happen.

But I said it yesterday after hearing GCA on the phone with Nancy Grace she (GCA) said, "OMG she said that it is terrible that "THIS LITTLE GIRL" (isn't Caylee her granddaughter??) for the whole months of July and August didn't have anybody go to bat for her!!" REALLY?? Ya think?

I have never referred to my kids or heard my parents refer to their grandkids by any thing other than their names per say.

Immediately I said to myself that GCA isn't being consistent on where her loyalty lies...
Did you catch him say he "had some respect for that family at that time". Like he doesn't anymore.

Oh yeah, I heard it.
I really hope Cindy heard it too. Bet she's doin; a slow burn if she did.

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