Nancy Grace - Monday, November 3, 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I agree. It brought tears to my eyes. Cindy was clinging to that little girl, you could just tell she was thinking of Caylee.

Just when you can't stand her anymore, you see real was sad to me too, and struck deeper since you could tell that possibly she didn't know it was being filmed.
That makes me want to cry. So many people love that little girl and want her to have a proper burial. I hope they bring her home. :)

My daughter and I are coming to help in other capacities. I would fall apart if I found that sweet baby Caylee. I know my daughter would as well, so we have volunteered to help the volunteers. Water, food, shelter, etc ... whatever Tim's team leaders need us to do.
im sure there is a pattern there.

1. leave to pretend to go to work

2. wait for parents to leave for work

3. if they were home, drive around and leach off other people until parents have left the house.

4. get to house, plug in cell phone to get ready for marathon texting

5. fix breakfast, eat and text

6. drug baby text some more

7. text

8. write phony emails

9. text some more

10. take 10 minute power nap. ( texting is hard work )

11. text some more

12. baby wakes up, feed baby and prepare more drug potion

13. text

14. log on computer and send instant messages

15. text some more

16. text a little more

17. another 10 minute power nap..

18. leave before parents get home

This case just makes me madder and madder. It is so sad and I hate even seeing KC on tv I just want to hurt that b****. I just cannot believe that she killed that little girl and I believe she did it to be with Tony. I can't wait til they find that precious girl.

Me too! LOVE to slap the crap outta her! GRRRRRRRR!
I'm new to this posting thing so be nice please!! But honestly, what has CA, GA or LA for that matter really DONE to search for that little girl? Besides give interviews and hold vigils????
If she wanted to put on a show of crying for the media she's had plenty of prior opportunities.

My point exactly, why now? Because the News team was there? Needing some sympathy from the general public. No, somethings up with that, a big ole emotional hug from a child, this was staged. I'd bet money on it.
Thanks for the links angel. GA and CA look calmer, better than they have since this whole thing started. I credit being away from KC for a couple weeks, the media getting off their back, and some community support with people who have suffered the loss of missing loved ones, and of course the Holy Spirit during their prayer time... :)

Your welcome. Maybe with time (hopefully sooner) they'll face whatever it is KC did & get the help they will need. The longer they don't admit it the harder it will be to deal with mentally later. JMO

They did look better skin color(not as pale), weight, eyes, etc. It's KC to blame for what ever happened to Caylee even if they made mistakes while raising her. They will be suffering with if I had etc. They will need a very good therapist r they will lose even more than they have already. Not that I'm crying my eyes out for them but I do feel sad for them. To be hiding lies, not the perfect family, knowing they've made a lot of mistakes in so many ways etc.
Snipped from Starks post.

This just stood out to me like a red flag!!!!! Remember how it has been said that Casey does tell a little truth in her lies? Could it be she slipped up (or the dump was on her mind) mentioning the dump, because she was just there being rid of Caylee?

Maybe that was abou plans for her parents?
Man, that got to me, when NG asked LP how he would feel if he came upon any remains of Caylee ... and he started to choke up, very emotional He's a ole bear on the outside, but a gentle man on the inside.

Also, she only slept very little most nights, then 12 hours on the one night, forgot the date ... sooo she was very tired from something.

That's SOOO sweet! He's a big huggy better! I want to squeeze him til he sqeaks!
I'm new to this posting thing so be nice please!! But honestly, what has CA, GA or LA for that matter really DONE to search for that little girl? Besides give interviews and hold vigils????
Steeler, that is what we are all asking. They want other people to do it all while they do "cameos" on TV. They trash TES for trying to help and do what they can to discredit him.

This family is some sick puppies imo.
My daughter and I are coming to help in other capacities. I would fall apart if I found that sweet baby Caylee. I know my daughter would as well, so we have volunteered to help the volunteers. Water, food, shelter, etc ... whatever Tim's team leaders need us to do.

Yay!!!! That's awesome. :blowkiss: I love that so many people, all over the country are so touched by this little girl (I'm in Idaho). I have no doubt she will be found!!!!!
I'm new to this posting thing so be nice please!! But honestly, what has CA, GA or LA for that matter really DONE to search for that little girl? Besides give interviews and hold vigils????

mmmmmmm...not very much

except blaming tim miller, Law enforcement, the media and everyone else you can think of...
Just wanted to make sure I wasnt the only one!! I have a nephew and I know for a fact that if he was missing I would give my whatever in the world was necessary to bring him home. You wouldnt be able to get rid of me at the police office. I just dont get how you can be so cold...unless you know something and are covering up..IMO of course!
I do remember her telling Lee in the jailhouse phone call right after she was arrested the first time that she hadn't slept in 4 days.

I would say that a guilty conscience has a way of doing that...but we're talking about Casey here. No conscience whatsoever.

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