Nancy Grace - Thursday, 11/20/08

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DNA Solves
CA is a total control freak and everytime NG replays that tape showing her on the telephone in her kitchen what I see is a woman who has always been able to manipulate and successfully control the outcome of every situation, especially any situation(s) involving KC, and that IMO is what will break her, not her acceptance of the death of her grandbaby or the realization that her own daughter is responsible for her death, not even the stress of all of the press coverage or a million protester's outside of her home - she will break when she realizes that she can't control the outcome of "this one". I saw her behavior not as a grandparent who was in denial, but as someone who was baffled and completely stunned that she, CA wasn't being believed - nobody but nobody questions or challanges CA, and when you do she goes all out on a "seek & destroy" mission, as we have seen time and time again. Her break down won't be the result of overwhelming grief for the loss of that precious baby girl, it will be because she finally realizes "I can't fix this one KC" and IMHO she isn't a "fixer" out of love for her family, its all about appearance to CA, how others view her family is not only a reflection on CA, its all about CA!
great post - i totally agree with you! (we mainers must think alike! LOL)
Nejame has now gone up several notches in my opinion by quitting!

I still wonder along with several of you what has changed so much according to the Anthony's that there is no need of a press conference now. It was all BS to begin with, IMO. Prepare to hear much more from the Anthony's now that Nejame is no longer onboard!
He does seem a lot more ethical now that he's quit. Maybe a pc is too risky now ~ with the FBI confirmation of Caylee's death, Nejame quitting, etc. ~ there would be too many things they'd have to explain, imo.
imo Baez does NOT want a speedy trial - he's not ready, has never been ready and never will be ready imo

I agree. Mores the pity

Agree 100%, barb0301!

Please be kind - Tim Miller has done so much!

And he SHOULD be exhausted! I do not feel well today and when I look in the mirror even I think I look drunk! I do not even drink except at holidays!

(flu shot made me sick)

Could also be medication. I agree, he has to be tired.
Give me a break !! Do you think he might be exhausted? He hasn't stopped for nearly 3 months between Florida, Oklahoma, Texas and North Carolina !!

I agree. Stop it already! He just came back from a search and found a body of a missing person.
I couldn't agree more! Tim (and every single person who has given their time and/or money to help find K-lee) will probably never get a "thank you" from the "A" family, but you can be sure when Tim Miller leaves this earth, what a greeting awaits him on the other side, alongside of his precious daughter Laura, I see K-lee and she looks up at him and says, "thank you Mr. Tim" - but until then let me say from the bottom of my heart and my soul, "thank you Mr. Tim"!

What a beautiful sentiment, and so very true !! So much of what Tim does goes unnoticed and unmentioned by anyone except the familes who he helps on a daily basis. He really is an exceptional man, and I am so proud to call him "friend".

He never stops, never takes time for himself, and never loses sight of the fact that these are real life stories, not some "made for TV" dramas. On his way home from NC this week, he stopped in Bryan, TX to assist with the search for a missing man. Within 4 hours, the young man's body was found by Tim and another searcher. Just 2 hours ago, I received a TES callout for another search beginning tomorrow in Galveston. If only we had more like Tim, maybe more of the lost and missing could be brought home.

"Thank you, Mr. Tim"
when and why did the A's move it??? If it grows very fast, we will know, huh?
Hate to say this but we have a bush at camp that we bury fish under it and in 1 summer it grew like a tree..................

It was moved sometime in July and Cindy was shown explaining it on the Greta show; not sure why it was moved.
It's just that her sweet little voice ... just breaks my heart in two!

Singing 'please don't take my SUNSHINE away' ... oh man, this is horrible!

Made me cry. Just to hear that sweet voice.
He does seem a lot more ethical now that he's quit. Maybe a pc is too risky now ~ with the FBI confirmation of Caylee's death, Nejame quitting, etc. ~ there would be too many things they'd have to explain, imo.

And we know that the Anthony's will never explain anything! I say let the Anthony's talk - they will eventually hang themselves, IMO.
Casey has already given that clue - they have'n't even found Caylees clothes, my guess in two different areas

EXACTY, she sure did....:mad:
Made me cry. Just to hear that sweet voice.

Jimmy Davis, a past governor of the state of Louisiana recorded that song. I am dating myself here, but I sang it to my babies long ago and also to my grandchildren!

I almost could not bear to hear little Caylee sing that song on the video tonight. How in this world could Casey harm this precious child unless she is pure evil?
Carlos Padilla announces that the FBI has confirmed that Caylee is deceased as he also announces that OSCO will no longer "search" for a live Caylee.

In other words, we are done with wild goose chases and we are through being criticized for not looking for a live child. LE pre-empted the press conference at which there would be all sorts of "evidence" announced by the A family and LE is just too busy to respond to their cr*p anymore. It is over, they are ready for trial for murder.

MN jumped off the ship and LE finally announced the confirmation of death by the FBI. I think someone here is correct, they have seen new results of tests, LE is not taking anymore cr*p, MN's agreement with them is breached because there is conclusive evidence of death and they, against his advice, decided to ignore the evidence and launch a PR campaign against LE. MN wants no part of it.

There are only 2 people who have not jumped ship on KC, her mother and her attorney. The only one to hang on to the A's is KFN.

The only ones in the whole mess who care about Caylee and haven't made outrageous statements on international news, or stand to gain monetarily, is OSCO. I think the people of Orlando should be proud. Their police department has integrity.
Jimmy Davis, a past governor of the state of Louisiana recorded that song. I am dating myself here, but I sang it to my babies long ago and also to my grandchildren!

I almost could not bear to hear little Caylee sing that song on the video tonight. How in this world could Casey harm this precious child unless she is pure evil?

I always thought of that song as of joy ..... Never of sorrow.
Looks like WS peeps aren't the only ones wondering what happened to LA. I wonder what the reporter meant when she said there were "rumblings" about some other reason for his absence? Has anyone here heard any rumblings? Or was she talking about US rumbling?
I realize that everyone has there own opinion of this case but I really do not feel this type of statement about this case needs to be brought into it. This is about a child "Caylee" who is as the FBI has stated no longer with us and I know a lot of people have some personal feelings about this case but please, why can't we keep the focus on what is really going on.

A lot of people speculate on WS on a daily basis but comments that are just hurtful to say the least are IMHO have no place in this case. I am not here to hurt anyones feelings but please everyone can we keep the focus on this little girl and the "legal" aspect of the case.

Thank you for allowing me to vent.


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