Narcissistic tendencies?

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Jan 9, 2014
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Has anyone else seen the clips of Darlie 'singing' from Death Row?

I've seen one of her singing a lullaby that she states she sang to Drake and also another clip of her singing something else - both times she is singing in a kind of southern American 'twang' to foremost show off her ability as a singer, in my humble opinion.

I've found it difficult to find Darlie guilty of these crimes, simply because they are so horrific and upon stumbling onto the two poor boys crime photos (of the stab wounds) I find it even more impossible that any human could do that to such young human lives let alone a relative and even more impossible is that fact that it could be their mother who did it.

Darlie is either an innocent on death row, or she is possibly the single most evil person in existence. Either way, the fact she finds it appropriate to sing these songs is beyond me.

If I was sitting on death row, having been found gultly of killing my children whilst knowing I was innocent, the last thing I'd do is burst into song. I'd be as angry 10 years in than I was when I was first arrested! I'd do nothing but curse my way through every interview, as and when I could stop myself from crying.

To have the aptitude to sing, and sing in a way to try and prove I had a decent singing voice?

That stinks of a narcissist to me. I hate to admit it. To believe Darlie committed these horrendous acts lowers my faith in humanity. It's a hard pill to swallow.
It IS difficult to believe a mother could butcher her children - but I think it demonstrates the depth of her narcissism. As does the singing....
It IS difficult to believe a mother could butcher her children - but I think it demonstrates the depth of her narcissism. As does the singing....

And so if she is executed and is she did actually commit these crimes, will she admit it via her final words?

One bizarre twist with capital punishment in America is that people seem to believe in the existence of a 'god' and therefore, with the help of their 'spiritual advisor', they seek forgiveness in their final minutes.

With Darlie ever closer to that needle, I'm wondering if she'll break into song on that gurney or finally show some remorse.

That's if she's guilty of course - I'm a firm fence sitter to be honest.
The emotional response, which is natural, does not help in solving cases. Believing "a mother just couldn't do that to their child" and "no mother would do such a horrific thing like stab their child" is simply false because we know that some mothers do kill their children and some children are killed in horrible ways.

So I find it useless to use emotional arguments to try and prove anything.

For me it comes down to evidence. What evidence exists and where does it lead to? I won't even use the Silly String video since neither the inclusion or exclusion of that video will convict or acquit Darlie in my mind. Thus it's of no use to me.

Blood evidence, the scene, the wounds, what was and wasn't there, the lack of robbery, the lack of anything to indicate an intruder -- those are the elements that prove the case to me.
Darlie has spent the last 17 years of her life playing the victim. She's probably compartmentalized what she did to the point that although she *knows* deep inside, she still believes she's some sort of victim.

She'll never admit it either.

This is a woman who killed her children and then had their bodies exhumed, which were buried together holding hands, cut off their hands in order to get their prints.

If she's guilty - and I think the evidence is quite clear that she is - she's a pretty damn awful person.
Sorry for my horribly worded last sentence.

I'm multitasking :)
I've found it difficult to find Darlie guilty of these crimes, simply because they are so horrific and upon stumbling onto the two poor boys crime photos (of the stab wounds) I find it even more impossible that any human could do that to such young human lives let alone a relative and even more impossible is that fact that it could be their mother who did it./QUOTE]

I think many people believe Darlie innocent because it is such a violent murder for a mother to commit. However, if we look at many of the other women who have murdered their children.....Diane Downs - shot her three children, Susan Smith - sent her car into a lake with her two children strapped in their car seats, Angela McAnulty - tortured, starved and beat her daughter to death. Any method of killing one's own children is none the less horrifying than the next. All of them are.
I've found it difficult to find Darlie guilty of these crimes, simply because they are so horrific and upon stumbling onto the two poor boys crime photos (of the stab wounds) I find it even more impossible that any human could do that to such young human lives let alone a relative and even more impossible is that fact that it could be their mother who did it.

Thing is, it's a reality. Parents do horrible things to their children - starve them, beat them, sit on them, shake, throw, stab, drown, poison, molest...on and on. I think most of us know people generally prey on their family and friends far more often than strangers. To not accept the clear reality that parents murder their children in the face of overwhelming evidence makes me wonder the value of discussion with you on this subject.

That stinks of a narcissist to me. I hate to admit it. To believe Darlie committed these horrendous acts lowers my faith in humanity. It's a hard pill to swallow.

Out if curiosity, why pick Darlie? There are several mothers who have murdered their kids out there. Not all are on death row, either. Some have done worse! There was one mother who actually jumped on her young daughter sporadically over hours, letting her lay on the floor slowly suffocating and choking on her own blood. Several mothers have killed their children to hurt their husband, one shot her kids execution style, two burned down houses. And it's not a new thing! There was a woman in the 1800s hanged for poisoning all of her kids for money.

Seriously, this world can be a sick place. If you can't handle the reality, maybe crime discussion isn't for you.
I'm a firm believer of her guilt. The blood evidence doesn't lie. I wanted to believe that there was no way in the world that Darlie could have butchered her own kids but in reality she did. It took me awhile before I finally accepted that she killed them. I tried to think of any other possible way that maybe someone else had killed those precious boys but sadly it was Darlie. There are so many things even other than the blood evidence that points to her guilt. It seems impossible but it happened and now she will have to pay the ultimate price.
She'll never admit it.
And I'm a long time firm believer in her guilt.
No evidence at all of anyone doing this other than Darlie.
They are still begging for money for more DNA. Some DNA has been done but they are telling the results, which I believe means it doesn't help her. She is one sicko and probably has Narcissictic personality disorder.

Hate that her surviving son, Drake, has leukemia. Her supporters are saying she needs to be free to help her son. I say, he's lucky he survived her once, don't give her another chance at him.
After watching the Herzog documentary I went back and looked at several others over the years. I was surprised to see many common elements no matter when they were made. 1) Instead of asking Darlie to explain some of the very hard evidence against her, the interviewers focused on the silly string which just adds fuel to her supporters' claim that the silly string convicted her. Nobody ever discusses the real evidence with her. Or her changing stories. 2) She is glammed up in every one except the very first one, with tons of make-up and mascara and hair styled like it was done in a beauty shop. She pauses dramatically every 2 or 3 words, puckers her lips, says a few more words in a breathy voice, pauses, oh poor innocent me, throws in all the religious stuff to show how saintly she is - clearly relishing the attention. Singing just emphasizes the narcism. It's amazing when you view all of them together.

In one made around the 10 year point, she said she wouldn't be with Darin if she got out, implying be was responsible. So they must have split long ago.
I do not understand how any reasonable person cannot immediately tell what a narcissistic sociopath this woman is. I could tell instantly just by the way she talks. It is that odd baby voice combined with a face that is desperately striving for sincerity yet failing every time.

I have noticed, however, that a great deal of people are instantly smitten with this type. They are taken with the baby voice and the very odd look of fake sincerity. Me? I have seen this before. I have known a woman with narcissistic sociopathy and she talks and acts very similar to Darlie. She is also very good at drama, and would have made a 911 call just like Darlie's, complete with the obvious deception that oozes all over that recording. She is also totally shocked when people are not buying it, just like Darlie. All of Darlie's speech mannerisms just scream sociopath to me.
I do not understand how any reasonable person cannot immediately tell what a narcissistic sociopath this woman is. I could tell instantly just by the way she talks. It is that odd baby voice combined with a face that is desperately striving for sincerity yet failing every time.

I have noticed, however, that a great deal of people are instantly smitten with this type. They are taken with the baby voice and the very odd look of fake sincerity. Me? I have seen this before. I have known a woman with narcissistic sociopathy and she talks and acts very similar to Darlie. She is also very good at drama, and would have made a 911 call just like Darlie's, complete with the obvious deception that oozes all over that recording. She is also totally shocked when people are not buying it, just like Darlie. All of Darlie's speech mannerisms just scream sociopath to me.

The very first Murder case that grabbed me, and has never let go, was Jeffrey MacDonald's slaughter of his pregnant wife and two daughters.
IMO, there are many similarities between his case and Darlie's and, like Darlie, he is anarcissistic sociopath, although without the voice, of course.
He does, however, strive to "look" sincere.

In both of these cases, I am sure part of the reason they seem to discover "new" supporters is their looks and manners. However, the other reason is that people simply go onto websites or watch some stuped "48 Hours" show about the case and decide they have been wrongly convicted. They simply do not research the case in full.

How anyone could truly familiarize with Darlie's case, trial records, etc. and believe she is innocent is beyond my comprehension.

While I get what you are saying about the look in her eyes during the silly string incident, I try to stay away from that incident as much as possible. Too many people insist that it was the silly string that convicted her. Nonsense. Eliminate that entire incident and I would convict her just as easily.
The very first Murder case that grabbed me, and has never let go, was Jeffrey MacDonald's slaughter of his pregnant wife and two daughters.
IMO, there are many similarities between his case and Darlie's and, like Darlie, he is anarcissistic sociopath, although without the voice, of course.
He does, however, strive to "look" sincere.

In both of these cases, I am sure part of the reason they seem to discover "new" supporters is their looks and manners. However, the other reason is that people simply go onto websites or watch some stuped "48 Hours" show about the case and decide they have been wrongly convicted. They simply do not research the case in full.

How anyone could truly familiarize with Darlie's case, trial records, etc. and believe she is innocent is beyond my comprehension.

While I get what you are saying about the look in her eyes during the silly string incident, I try to stay away from that incident as much as possible. Too many people insist that it was the silly string that convicted her. Nonsense. Eliminate that entire incident and I would convict her just as easily.

That is the problem with shows like 48 hours; they are edited in a way to make you think it could be 50/50, when really this case is like 90/10 that Darlie is guilty.

I knew she was guilty the moment I heard her 911 call. She was already building her case in the 911 call, when she should have been thinking only of her children.
That is the problem with shows like 48 hours; they are edited in a way to make you think it could be 50/50, when really this case is like 90/10 that Darlie is guilty.

I knew she was guilty the moment I heard her 911 call. She was already building her case in the 911 call, when she should have been thinking only of her children.

I don't even think the shows like 48 Hours and 20/20 try to make it look 50/50. I find they are generall always slanted to the idea that the convricted criminal is actually innocent. However, that does make sense from a "TV" point of view.

It's really not too interesting to re-hash a twenty, or in MacDonalds case a 44 year old case, unless you can spin it to appear it was all a horrible mistake.

It still irritates me to no end every time they do it.
The good new is that 48 hours can do as they like, and Darlie is still in prison, right where she belongs.

I recall watching a jailhouse interview with Darlie, and she talked in that little baby voice and pursed her lips, and gave her eyes a slight little squint to look more "innocent". She kept up the sweet, soft thing throughout the entire interview, and I was thinking, no person on death row, wrongly convicted of murdering her own children would ever talk like that. A person in that position would be furious. They would act furious. Their voice would be strong and deep and forceful. Their face would have a look of anger.

It just reminded me of Susan Smith when she was on TV asking for her boys back. Her husband looked genuinely distraught. He looked like I would expect someone in that situation to look. Meanwhile Susan Smith was very obviously fake crying!

I simply cannot wrap my head around how it is that so many people are taken in what to me is obviously fake emotion and fake sincerity.
I don't normally find 48 hrs or 20/20 to be perp-friendly. I watch 48 Hours religiously and it's always that the perp is guilty in the end. 20/20 doesn't do a lot of true crime episodes, but the few I've seen have been more on the victims than the perp. They do try to create mystery & intrigue when possible though, otherwise it wouldn't be very interesting to keep viewers hooked in.
IMO those shows kind of build a mystery and let you decide for yourself.
I think Im the lone person who really thinks she is innocent , Im just not convinced she could injure herself to that extent I just think something else happened that we may never know, if she was involved I speculate that there was a huge fight and things got out of hand, Ive been brusied to that extent and as crazy and bipolar as I am, I hate to say it but in the throws if my worst upset self injury I have done some severe damage but hers to be self inflicted ? narcicsistic people find it harder to damage their appearance if nothing just seems like she had assist in those brusies. if she is guilty I think someone else is equally as guilty.

so for me its one of two ways, two are guilty or she is innocent

but It is very interesting how hated Darlie is, like 2percent said above lots of mothers have done horrific things, everyone above talks of her manarisims, to me, I just cant judge, because put her next to Cooper Harris' mother, Darlie at least looks sadder and more pitiful that that woman has looked !

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