NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sep 2012 #2

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Hallelujah!!!!! From the UK, I have followed this case for about 5 years, never understanding why when LE had a full male profile why they could not solve this horrific case, but knowing that there must be a reason and like all here, I hope we and more importantly Faith's family and friends get some answers about that.
Looking forward to reading everyone's info and theories later tonight just so glad something is finally moving here.
Just looking at the bare facts eventually I came to believe that the man was probably a man on the periphery of Faith's circle, lower social class to her, rejected by her or she was not even aware of him. Someone maybe living close to her, able to watch her comings and goings and then attack when he got the opportunity. Could even have been as random as a guy that spotted her at the club that night. We shall see.

Except how would a random guy know that her roommate left her alone in the middle of the night in an unlocked apartment? I think there will be a lot more to this story.
This is super local to me, as in my ex and their son lived in a neighborhood right behind faith’s apartment. I have been so frustrated over the years, knowing someone was out there who did this. I’m so happy to see this arrest and, like others, look forward to hearing how and why their paths crossed. I’m not quite ready to issue my apology to Rosalie, but if further info proves no connection I certainly will.

It will be interesting to see if Rosalie comes out and makes a public statement now that there has been an arrest or if she will stay silent.
I often think that the sketches of suspects don't really resemble the actual person when caught. In this case, it's not even close other than color of hair, eyes, and skin. It's frustrating bc I want it to be so much more helpful than it currently is.
It will be interesting to see if Rosalie comes out and makes a public statement now that there has been an arrest or if she will stay silent.
for any who missed it, a lawyer for Takoy Jones did come out with a statement yesterday defending Eric and hoping all the aspersions his way would now cease; one suspects a lawyer for Karena may do the same for her? Does anyone even know Karena's whereabouts these days?
for any who missed it, a lawyer for Takoy Jones did come out with a statement yesterday defending Eric and hoping all the aspersions his way would now cease; one suspects a lawyer for Karena may do the same for her? Does anyone even know Karena's whereabouts these days?

I don't want to get in trouble because I don't think we are allowed to sleuth people on here who haven't officially been named suspects but she's not that hard to find if you know what name she's using now, it's not Rosario, I believe it's a family name. She doesn't seem to have any social media but I found her listed on several address search websites and she has a LinkedIn profile with her job info but no picture. She's far from NC.
Hi Moonbeam, I don't discount at all that there could be more to the situation as you say. I think over the years what has worried me about this case was the amount of speculation over the messy situation with Karena and her abusive boyfriend whom Faith was trying to steer her away from. Certainly he should have been examined extremely closely and if he or anyone else had put the word out for an associate "to teach Faith a lesson".

And it always has seemed very odd that Karena said she felt ill, went home and then leaves in the early hours, leaving Faith vulnerable and the door unlocked. But although having seen a few interviews with the police in this case and tbh they didn't seem overly sharp to me, but I think competent enough to uncover something like this by interviews/phone data etc. I never found anything odd about Karena's 911 call, she sounded in shock to me and how I would expect.

And towering above all this background noise was the DNA and the crime scene as a whole which really should always have been the near total focus for police. And again, competently, I believe they swabbed many many male acquaintances of Faith and Karena, with no hit, although I understand some refused as was their right of course but is suspicious. I wonder if we will find out if this man was a refusenik......

My main question in this case was when they went to Parabon, the usual pattern is phenotype, (interesting of course and ethnically would allow you to knock out a lot of suspects) but then to follow up with entering the profile into the public DNA databases, finding the perp's family lines, and narrowing down to a few males, then going after them. Job done, case solved, justice served, the public is protected.
So was this process followed through all the way or not? And if not, why not? And that is what I have been wondering since I saw they had the phenotype. Off the top of my head, am I right in recalling that in with the Hispanic markers (which clearly have been shown to be correct with this suspect), that they found some Native American markers as well?
At the time this led me to think, maybe this is the problem in this case that these ethnic groups are bound to be under-represented in the databases and the genealogists have simply hit a roadblock, along with maybe a lack of formal record-keeping/illegitimacy/adoptions as happens in all ethnic groups. This does happen in some genealogical cases, especially if you have only distant matches to work with.

This led me further down the rabbit hole to wonder if Faith, who I understand was from the Native American community had maybe known her killer at school?, he was a very distant relative?, a lad who showed up in her life at college resentful of how well she was doing. But then I slapped myself on the wrist for getting too fanciful. I hope to God he is not known to the family.

I think what I would find unacceptable if I was a family member would be if I found out they had not gone down the genealogical route. I would think LE probably tried as this is such a high-profile case but could not get close enough matches.
Hi Moonbeam, I don't discount at all that there could be more to the situation as you say. I think over the years what has worried me about this case was the amount of speculation over the messy situation with Karena and her abusive boyfriend whom Faith was trying to steer her away from. Certainly he should have been examined extremely closely and if he or anyone else had put the word out for an associate "to teach Faith a lesson".

And it always has seemed very odd that Karena said she felt ill, went home and then leaves in the early hours, leaving Faith vulnerable and the door unlocked. But although having seen a few interviews with the police in this case and tbh they didn't seem overly sharp to me, but I think competent enough to uncover something like this by interviews/phone data etc. I never found anything odd about Karena's 911 call, she sounded in shock to me and how I would expect.

And towering above all this background noise was the DNA and the crime scene as a whole which really should always have been the near total focus for police. And again, competently, I believe they swabbed many many male acquaintances of Faith and Karena, with no hit, although I understand some refused as was their right of course but is suspicious. I wonder if we will find out if this man was a refusenik......

My main question in this case was when they went to Parabon, the usual pattern is phenotype, (interesting of course and ethnically would allow you to knock out a lot of suspects) but then to follow up with entering the profile into the public DNA databases, finding the perp's family lines, and narrowing down to a few males, then going after them. Job done, case solved, justice served, the public is protected.
So was this process followed through all the way or not? And if not, why not? And that is what I have been wondering since I saw they had the phenotype. Off the top of my head, am I right in recalling that in with the Hispanic markers (which clearly have been shown to be correct with this suspect), that they found some Native American markers as well?
At the time this led me to think, maybe this is the problem in this case that these ethnic groups are bound to be under-represented in the databases and the genealogists have simply hit a roadblock, along with maybe a lack of formal record-keeping/illegitimacy/adoptions as happens in all ethnic groups. This does happen in some genealogical cases, especially if you have only distant matches to work with.

This led me further down the rabbit hole to wonder if Faith, who I understand was from the Native American community had maybe known her killer at school?, he was a very distant relative?, a lad who showed up in her life at college resentful of how well she was doing. But then I slapped myself on the wrist for getting too fanciful. I hope to God he is not known to the family.

I think what I would find unacceptable if I was a family member would be if I found out they had not gone down the genealogical route. I would think LE probably tried as this is such a high-profile case but could not get close enough matches.

He did not go to school with her and he is not known to the family, they have already stated that. He lived two miles away from her in another complex.
I don't want to get in trouble because I don't think we are allowed to sleuth people on here who haven't officially been named suspects but she's not that hard to find if you know what name she's using now, it's not Rosario, I believe it's a family name. She doesn't seem to have any social media but I found her listed on several address search websites and she has a LinkedIn profile with her job info but no picture. She's far from NC.

That’s sad. Hopefully when this is over she can go back to using her true name.
Just to address a couple of questions from Rosalinda above:

1) as of some yrs. ago police had obtained DNA from every single male-of-interest —there were no “refuseniks” left (though there had been a few early on).
And from all indications, Olivares only very recently came on their radar at all.

2) Re: genealogical testing… I don’t know if CHPD had agreed to pay the fee for this work but it probably didn’t matter… Parabon is hugely backlogged on the cases they can take up and is primarily still working on cold cases ~15-35 yrs. old. A 9-yr. old case just doesn’t get to their starting gate unfortunately, except in rare cases.

[That’s my understanding of these matters.]
That’s sad. Hopefully when this is over she can go back to using her true name.

It is sad however no one has been officially cleared of being involved in Faith's death yet, we don't know if this guy acted alone or what even happened, I think it's a little too soon to say the roommate or anyone else isn't also involved. I got the feeling from wording used in the press conference they are still looking at other people's involvement.
for any who missed it, a lawyer for Takoy Jones did come out with a statement yesterday defending Eric and hoping all the aspersions his way would now cease; one suspects a lawyer for Karena may do the same for her? Does anyone even know Karena's whereabouts these days?
i recall reading she went back to NJ, where she is originally from
Except how would a random guy know that her roommate left her alone in the middle of the night in an unlocked apartment? I think there will be a lot more to this story.
The more that trickles out about this case, the more I actually think it could be a random event.

Take it with a grain of salt but there were a few comments on Reddit from a cop in the Durham area who said he was very familiar with this guy. His comment said: “For me it was mostly just petty stuff. Him walking around a residential area at times he shouldn't be like 2-3 am. We would be an as much as he could without me arresting him.
In those areas it was mostly break'in's so I always got his info. Never had any peeping tom for stuff. I always figured he was trying to steal stuff not casing homes to break in and possibly rape someone. But he did always trip my creeper meter, just something off about him.”

I’m wondering if he was just skulking around Karena’s apartment at 4am, saw her leave and figured the apartment was empty so he tried to rob her and things got out of hand once he realized Faith was there. Would also explain why the murder weapon was a glass bottle from the kitchen as opposed to anything the killer brought with him.
The more that trickles out about this case, the more I actually think it could be a random event.

Take it with a grain of salt but there were a few comments on Reddit from a cop in the Durham area who said he was very familiar with this guy. His comment said: “For me it was mostly just petty stuff. Him walking around a residential area at times he shouldn't be like 2-3 am. We would be an ******* as much as he could without me arresting him.
In those areas it was mostly break'in's so I always got his info. Never had any peeping tom for stuff. I always figured he was trying to steal stuff not casing homes to break in and possibly rape someone. But he did always trip my creeper meter, just something off about him.”

I’m wondering if he was just skulking around Karena’s apartment at 4am, saw her leave and figured the apartment was empty so he tried to rob her and things got out of hand once he realized Faith was there. Would also explain why the murder weapon was a glass bottle from the kitchen as opposed to anything the killer brought with him.

Honestly, considering the latest developments I would agree. I also looked at google maps to see the location of the apartment and it’s the most isolated building out of the whole complex. You have to turn right on the main road to enter the complex, and most of the buildings are clustered around there. After a 100m or so stretch of road there’s a cul-de-sac where there’s one building on the left first, then a bit further down is the building where Faith was found. All the other buildings are fairly close together.

If I were the kind of person who would do something like this, that’s probably the kind of location I’d pick.
It appears that he doesn’t speak fluent English and I saw reports that he came to America in 2010?

The note is still very weird to me, I guess having a English as a second language could account for the odd order of words- but it’s still conjugated correctly?
Plus, the Karena pile-on has been going on for too long


The sad truth is, if he really was following the case online like police believed, people have done the legwork for his reasonable doubt defense.

“Yeah, Faith and I were secret lovers. She was already dating a couple guys so she didn’t want anyone to know. We had sex that afternoon, right on the counter. I moved a couple of things, seems like a takeout bag and some pens and paper. Then afterwards she asked me to pour her a shot of rum. She was all upset because she said Karena was mad at her. And then I didn’t come forward because I knew no one would believe any of that.”
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