GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #3

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Limerick man killed in domestic dispute in North Carolina
Mon, Aug 3, 2015, 23:17 Updated: Tue, Aug 4, 2015, 19:05
County Sheriff’s office received emergency call following alleged assault at house

Police in the US are continuing their investigation into the death of a Limerick man who was killed in a suspected domestic disturbance at his home in North Carolina.

Jason Corbett (39), who is originally from the Janesboro area of Limerick city, was found at Panther Creek Court in Wallburg with fatal head injuries early on Sunday morning. The father of two children, moved to America four years ago after his first wife Mags Corbett died following an asthma attack in 2006. Its understood Mr Corbett was living in North Carolina with his new partner who is American and who previously worked as a child minder.

Jason Corbett's father-in-law told 911: 'I struck him with a baseball bat'
August 18, 2015

Thomas Martens, a former FBI agent, told 911 he had been “in an argument” with his son-in-law and that he had “struck him with a baseball bat”, the Irish Daily Mail reports. According to an police incident report seen by the paper, the incident was recorded as “an assault” by 911.
His wife Molly was believed to have been the main suspect but police in the US have confirmed that her father Thomas Martens (65), a retired FBI agent, is also a person of interest.

911 call:


LEXINGTON, N.C. -- Attorneys for Thomas Martens and Molly Corbett, charged with murdering Molly's husband Jason Corbett in their Wallburg home in Aug. 2015, said they may request to move the case elsewhere for fear they won't get a fair trial in Davidson County.

Media links & Documents thread

thread #1
thread #2
His sister said it is difficult to read reports outlining how her brother died.

"I got the papers yesterday and when I saw them, I actually threw up. I was so upset," she said. "You cannot prepare yourself. You think that you can but it is impossible," she added.

"I was in shock with all of the news breaking, even though I already knew a lot of it. All of the publicity around it and going in to work (is difficult)."


Court documents in the US show that Mr Corbett's other sister Tracey Lynch was also concerned about Ms Martens's volatile temper and friends have said that Mr Corbett was also concerned about his wife's temper.


"Jason always took it to heart and it upset him. He left Molly there that night and went home on his own. He was mortified. She used to always call him 'fat *advertiser censored*' and he never liked it."

A sister of her slain husband Jason Corbett (39) has alleged Ms Martens (32) engaged in a series of incidents involving violence against her young stepson Jack. Tracey Lynch also claimed the murder accused confided to a family friend she "wanted to leave Jason because she did not love him any more and did not care what happened to him".
It was claimed Ms Martens said she had "reconnected with an old boyfriend on Facebook".


It is also claimed by Mrs Lynch in court papers that Ms Martens had a long history of lying, claiming she was an Olympic swimmer, a teacher, a foster parent to a six-year-old boy and a book editor.


One document said Ms Martens had told many of her friends in the US she had been penpals with Mr Corbett's first wife Mags, who died suddenly in 2006.
Mrs Lynch said she "became aware of this lie" when she attended her brother's wedding to Ms Martens, his family's former au pair, in 2011.

So far, more than 5,000 pages and 30 discs of evidence have been entered into discovery and shared with Holton and Freedman, Brown said. He noted that some evidence will be entered at the trial.

Holton made a motion to subpoena records from the Department of Social Services in Davidson County and Union County, which is south of Charlotte. It is unclear why the records were requested. Social Services assists families in establishing self-sufficiency as well as protecting children from neglect and abuse.

During an administrative hearing Wednesday at Davidson County Superior Court in Lexington, one of Molly Corbett’s lawyers, Walter Holton voiced concerns that his client Molly Corbett is getting threats via social media.

Molly Corbett and Martens were each released on $200,000 bond in January and were ordered to give up their passports and to not have any contact with Jason Corbett’s family including his two children, Jack and Sarah.

Attorneys for Martens and Corbett also told the judge Wednesday that when the sheriff's office obtained a search warrant for their clients' emails, they gained access to 14 threads of emails between the defendants and their attorneys, thereby violating attorney-client privilege. The District Attorney's office acknowledged the error and said that information would not be used as evidence in the case.


Corbett and Martens are due back in court as early as May 30.
Please continue here.

Be aware that at some point in the next week this thread will probably be moving to the Currently Awaiting Trial forum. I don't want anyone to get lost during the move so you will be told beforehand and given redirects.
Regarding the query on the other page, how do we know Jason was not the abuser.... I don't have personal experience with this thankfully, but I know from secondary experience that one of the challenges in helping domestic abuse victims is that they still love the abuser... It is a lot easier to think clearly and make a plan to walk away when the fear is not complicated by love. Molly's feelings were certainly not complicated by love for Jason, and whatever she says now, she could have found legal support to help her maintain contact with the children, even if she wasn't acknowledged as a legal guardian. So love for Jason and/ or the children were not factors holding her to a dangerous uncontrollable situation.
I'm bringing this forward for discussion. Abused women who are silenced by not openly ridicule their abuser in public. They know what's waiting for them if they do. MM has alluded in her FB posts that no one knows what goes on behind closed doors...""You would not know them...." As if she were this quiet little fearful and intimidated. But there will be witnesses to testify to her verbal abuse and cruelty.

And she maintained that she became ill when she read the court and autopsy reports outlining how her brother died.
Speaking publicly for the first time since Mr Corbett was killed in August, Marilyn Corbett said the family are struggling to come to terms with what happened to her brother.

Marilyn spoke out as sources close to the family claimed that Mr Corbett was being bullied by his wife in the weeks before his death. Friends of Mr Corbett said they felt he was going to leave his wife in the US and return home to Limerick to raise his children.
His sister said it is difficult to read reports outlining how her brother died.
"I got the papers yesterday and when I saw them, I actually threw up. I was so upset," she said. "You cannot prepare yourself. You think that you can but it is impossible," she added.
"I was in shock with all of the news breaking, even though I already knew a lot of it. All of the publicity around it and going in to work (is difficult)."
Ms Corbett said the actions of the Martens family have left her own family in Limerick devastated.
"It is hard to believe that these people are so cold. That makes it so much harder to comprehend," she said.
"In their eyes, we are nothing at all. They have destroyed our family's lives," she added.
Court documents in the US show that Mr Corbett's other sister Tracey Lynch was also concerned about Ms Martens's volatile temper and friends have said that Mr Corbett was also concerned about his wife's temper.
Two days before he was killed, Mr Corbett left a social function in the US early after he became upset and annoyed at his wife jeering him about his weight.
"They were out having dinner with some friends on the Friday before he died when Molly started fat-shaming him," said the family friend.
"Jason always took it to heart and it upset him. He left Molly there that night and went home on his own. He was mortified. She used to always call him 'fat *advertiser censored*' and he never liked it."
Mr Corbett was so conscious of his weight that he had lost nearly a stone in the month before he died.
Regarding the query on the other page, how do we know Jason was not the abuser.... I don't have personal experience with this thankfully, but I know from secondary experience that one of the challenges in helping domestic abuse victims is that they still love the abuser... It is a lot easier to think clearly and make a plan to walk away when the fear is not complicated by love. Molly's feelings were certainly not complicated by love for Jason, and whatever she says now, she could have found legal support to help her maintain contact with the children, even if she wasn't acknowledged as a legal guardian. So love for Jason and/ or the children were not factors holding her to a dangerous uncontrollable situation.

It's difficult for us to say whether he was an abuser or not. We were not privy to their day to day interactions or what type of relationship they had. It has been put out there by MM that he was but nothing has been offered as to what kind of abuse it was. People automatically assume physical violence which she is alleging occurred on the night he died but that doesn't mean there was constant physical abuse, there might never have been before but I suspect it's more the emotional abuse card she intends to play. Has she witnesses to support this? we don't know yet. Obviously they had people they wished the police to speak too but they have been critical of how the police have dealt with them. If there wasn't any prior physical abuse, she may not have been in fear of him. They may have had a fiery relationship, each well able for the other in making cutting remarks but without any physical consequences. Words can be just as hurtful. Jasons family and friends have refuted all allegations with regard to abuse but IMO we won't get any more information on this until the trial.
Emotional abuse is a very subjective area. To a narcissist, being denied ones own way can be perceived as abusive.

I think emotional or verbal abuse is most likely. Unfortunately for MM and TM, deadly force is not a justifiable legal response to either.
I've been disturbed by statements by MM and TM's various attorneys and by posts in MM's FB page that seem to cast aspersions on the Corbett family. But the community that knows them best did indeed come out in an amazing show of support. Here in the US, I fear we are only hearing MM's characterization. Our media has done little reporting about the Corbett family..but they certainly keep quoting Uncle Mike on what an upstanding family the Martens are. My feeling is that the Corbett family must be held in very high regard to generate the fantastic support they have received.
The Corbetts are very highly regarded in their home town and are very involved in voluntary programmes. They run a suicide prevention patrol that monitors the river on the weekends and are available on call always . Tracey is also CEO of a local enterprise programme that is helping to rejuvenate Limerick subarbs. They help people get back to work by providing courses and child care and help the develop of startup businesses. This is why they have a lot of support . They are genuine good people contrary to what Molly and co have attempted to make people believe. This post by Moll that was referred to earlier a fine example of the type of people Molly wants people to believe they are but this is simply not the truth . She left out the part of the police being in the house looking of sd cards and photographs . Hatred is evident in this one and she left up some rather nasty comments from her "friends" I'm very surprised she has been allowed to leave it up by her lawyers . Certainly doesn't portray her in the light they want her to be seen.
Thank you. That's gives an insight into this family that we Americans did not know. Here are people who, long before this tragedy, long before anyone was "looking", were involved with all their heart , time and resources in their community...helping those who have the least and often suffer the most.

That tells us a lot about them...and indirectly, about Jason. I have not seen this in one US report...but it should be.

Thank you.
Yes agreed but I suppose they don't feel the the need . Also I apologise for the extremely bad spelling and wording in my post above its too late to edit it .
Yes agreed but I suppose they don't feel the the need .... Also I apologise for the extremely bad spelling and wording in my post above its too late to edit it .
Mind boggling the hurt & indecent behavior exhibited by the Marten's towards Jason 's family.Hopefully a trial date will be forthcoming soon. Reading about this case has been eye opening to people who stop @ nothing to have the end justify the means. Thankfully Jason's children were placed with people who he designated as their guardians-his sister & brother-in-law.
I've been disturbed by statements by MM and TM's various attorneys and by posts in MM's FB page that seem to cast aspersions on the Corbett family. But the community that knows them best did indeed come out in an amazing show of support. Here in the US, I fear we are only hearing MM's characterization. Our media has done little reporting about the Corbett family..but they certainly keep quoting Uncle Mike on what an upstanding family the Martens are. My feeling is that the Corbett family must be held in very high regard to generate the fantastic support they have received.

I think I see something happening in the media coverage here...almost every weekend there are news magazines that tell a story of law and order...a crime, a trial, a prosecution...a take on justice...lately I've been wondering why when I see these stories most of the time I haven't heard or read anything about them before... the main three are Dateline, 48 hours, and 20/20 but there are a lot of cable channels that tell these stories as docu-dramas wherein actors recreate some dramatic action, and all of them feature interviews with real-life victims, detectives, reporters...survivors...they would most surely want to interview the Corbetts ... the big networks might even be willing to help them with expenses like travel and lodging for the trial... It amazes me sometimes how quickly the stories are aired after a trial when really they have been in preparation for a while... for those of you in Limerick, maybe you should look around and see if you can spot any of them....
"Apparently, when your guardians broke into my house the week previously, they couldn't find any of these items. Maybe because they were looking for your things in my jewelry box, my nightstand, my closet, my underwear drawer, or my bathroom...
They did manage to remove all the photographs of you I have taken over the years of our lives and had framed on our walls, (Of course, not the ones with me.). I have lost you, my children, and now I have lost photographs I took of you as toddlers. Gone are your school pictures and baseball pictures and swim team pictures and cheerleading pictures and basketball pictures... I would have been more than happy to have anything copied, and for them to take either a copy or leave me with the copies... I hope so sincerely they haven't been thrown away like your birthday presents and your favorite books and things that were handed over in August but I have no way of knowing. "

This is from MM's Facebook page linked above. The "break-in" coincides with the search warrant and search done on her house. When police enter a home with a search warrant, they are required to leave the warrant in a conspicuous place where the subject of the warrant can see it.

Yet, it appears Moly wants people to believe the Corbetts broke into her home and searched ...even in her underwear drawer.
Maybe they didn't have enough room in their suitcases last week to bring home more of your belongings. Probably not. The bailiff at the courthouse told us your guardians loved America because they "could get so many cigarettes for so much less money." Perhaps they decided cigarettes were more important than your teddy bears or sweatshirts or dolls or games...
'Maybe they didn't have enough room in their suitcases last week to bring home more of your belongings. Probably not. The bailiff at the courthouse told us your guardians loved America because they "could get so many cigarettes for so much less money." Perhaps they decided cigarettes were more important than your teddy bears or sweatshirts or dolls or games...'

Well, Winston-Salem is right there in the heart of tobacco country...when I went to school there they were 25 cents a pack...
"Apparently, when your guardians broke into my house the week previously, they couldn't find any of these items. Maybe because they were looking for your things in my jewelry box, my nightstand, my closet, my underwear drawer, or my bathroom...
They did manage to remove all the photographs of you I have taken over the years of our lives and had framed on our walls, (Of course, not the ones with me.). I have lost you, my children, and now I have lost photographs I took of you as toddlers. Gone are your school pictures and baseball pictures and swim team pictures and cheerleading pictures and basketball pictures... I would have been more than happy to have anything copied, and for them to take either a copy or leave me with the copies... I hope so sincerely they haven't been thrown away like your birthday presents and your favorite books and things that were handed over in August but I have no way of knowing. "

This is from MM's Facebook page linked above. The "break-in" coincides with the search warrant and search done on her house. When police enter a home with a search warrant, they are required to leave the warrant in a conspicuous place where the subject of the warrant can see it.

Yet, it appears Moly wants people to believe the Corbetts broke into her home and searched ...even in her underwear drawer.
Maybe they didn't have enough room in their suitcases last week to bring home more of your belongings. Probably not. The bailiff at the courthouse told us your guardians loved America because they "could get so many cigarettes for so much less money." Perhaps they decided cigarettes were more important than your teddy bears or sweatshirts or dolls or games...

And don't forget her comment about the "Guardians" looking for a golf club. She specifically mentions a golf club but is quite clever in the way she puts it. It suggests that they were looking for a golf club in the house however I suspect that this is her way of covering for the fact that a search was also carried out at the Golf Club House. Am guessing that said search was not done when the Club House was empty so I would suspect that many people saw or got wind of a search being carried out & would have spread round the neighbourhood like wildfire. So is she accusing the "Guardians" also of doing this or saying that the police were doing it on behalf of the Guardians looking for a golf club. The responses to her posts, which she chose to leave up on the page are dreadful. One thing for sure is, she definitely convinced those who are supporting her that the family of JC broke into her house.

Link to Search Warrants from index thread....
Search warrant index:
Page numbers used are from the shortened, edited pdf.

Pages 1-9 Facebook, Inc Issued 9/03/2015 - FB accounts of jason.corbett.359, molly.martens.37, sharon.martens.16
Pages 10-16 Bank of America Issued 9/16/2015 - Accounts of JPC, JC, MMC, MPC, MC, MPM, MM
Pages 17-26 Dell Latitude E5440 Issued 9/03/2015 - (Seized 8/2?) Electric info transferred to Toshiba 2.0 TB storage device.
Pages 27-34 PNC Bank Issued 9/16/2015 - Accounts of JPC, JC, MMC, MPC, MC, MPM, MM
Pages 35-43 Google, Inc Issued 9/3/2015 - jasoncorbett6 @ gmail, mollymartens @ gmail
Pages 44-50 160 Panther Creek Ct Issued 12/4/2015 - (black sports equipment bag containing baseball bat, baseball equipment) only digital photos, photos seized.
Pages 51-60 AT&T Issued 8/18/2015 - 336-225-8600 JPC
Pages 61-70 AT&T Issued 8/18/2015 - 865-566-8083 MMC
Pages 71-80 Verizon Wireless Issued 8/18/2015 - 865-414-4824 SEM
Pages 81-90 Verizon Wireless Issued 8/18/2015 - 865-740-3445 TMM
Pages 91-98 Meadowlands Golf LLC Issued 8/18/2015 - Locker #17, men's locker room - no items seized.
MM's Facebook account seems to me to have a calculated aspect to it. Every thing prior to the murder is deleted. Now why? If MM is telling the truth, why can't we follow her life with Jason as she wrote it?

Many of her posts contain pictures with the children from the past? Why can't we know what she actually said as those pictures were first posted? There is not a single positive reference to Jason. Not one. Did he take ANY of these pictures...or did she have paparazzi following the family everywhere she went?

She appears to be quite the sermonizer, telling the children to remember the lessons she taught them...and, yes, to be KIND.

What lesson did she convey in that autopsy report about how to deal with family problems? I could write a book on the hypocrisy on that FB as it currently exists...and I hope as we approach trial that the public takes a very close look.

My opinion only.
MM's Facebook account seems to me to have a calculated aspect to it. Every thing prior to the murder is deleted. Now why? If MM is telling the truth, why can't we follow her life with Jason as she wrote it?

Many of her posts contain pictures with the children from the past? Why can't we know what she actually said as those pictures were first posted? There is not a single positive reference to Jason. Not one. Did he take ANY of these pictures...or did she have paparazzi following the family everywhere she went?

She appears to be quite the sermonizer, telling the children to remember the lessons she taught them...and, yes, to be KIND.

What lesson did she convey in that autopsy report about how to deal with family problems? I could write a book on the hypocrisy on that FB as it currently exists...and I hope as we approach trial that the public takes a very close look.

My opinion only.

you know what it's looking like to me?...that Molly set up this whole damsel in distress scenario in which she provoked Jason into choking her with her father nearby so he would save her...calculating indeed...IMO...
you know what it's looking like to me?...that Molly set up this whole damsel in distress scenario in which she provoked Jason into choking her with her father nearby so he would save her...calculating indeed...IMO...
Its possible, but it does not explain how she could scream while being choked or how father made it out of basement, with time to collect weapons and get to bedroom.. it would have made more sense to disengage his hands from her throat prior to whacking him on the head.. I dont believe he was choking her at all. But you are right when you say she was capable of inciting him, baiting him, provoking him.. again it all depends upon how diminished he was as an individual following years of her unreasonable neurotic violent behaviour.. as the years go on, the victim becomes more disempowered and weaker. But i think she did try to provoke violence so she would have evidence for a custody case..There is no evidence at all he was choking her and the attack he experienced was more like a rage killing than a self defense by any stretch of the imagination?
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